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Chapter 23 sparta

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    Sacrifice in this world does not have the concept of offering incense and offerings, but there are always different paths leading to the same destination.  .Updated fastest. Everyone who comes to offer sacrifices will hold a small handful of hay in their hands and put it into a charcoal fire square tripod. Then there will be curls of smoke rising, carrying a faint fragrance.  What is being worshiped is not a statue or immortal, but an ancestral monument engraved with many names. According to the woodcutter, the names on it are all ancestors and heroes who have made significant contributions to the human race.  The ancestral temple that Jing Tian wanted to go to was located behind the memorial hall. Under the guidance of the woodcutter, the two of them bypassed the memorial hall and walked dozens of meters before arriving at a row of five mud bungalows.  Looking at the five very simple bungalows in front of him, Jing Tian once again felt the impression of unity and equality in his heart.  The doors and windows of the five houses were all open. Looking inside, I saw three to four people in each house, reading bamboos at their desks.  There is an old man in each house, and the others are young people. It is like a classroom, with an atmosphere of 'teacher and teacher learning'.  Without waiting for Jing Tian to observe more, a young man happened to come out of the door. He was slightly stunned when he saw Jing Tian and the two of them. He looked thoughtful for a moment, and then suddenly called to the woodcutter: "Gai Mu." "Club disciple.  "The woodcutter bowed slightly with respect.  "This clansman" The young man looked at Jing Tian again, looking like he was trying to remember. After a while, he slapped his forehead guiltily and said, "I am ashamed of what I have learned, but I can't remember the name of my clansman!"  "Don't disturb me." The woodcutter immediately explained, "This Jing Tian is a visitor from outside."  As soon as the woodcutter finished speaking, the sound of seats moving was heard in the five rooms at the same time. Everyone stood up almost at the same time, walked out of the door quickly, and looked at Jing Tian.  "A visitor from outside?" an old man with a silver beard reaching to his chest said, looking Jing Tian up and down, and then looked at the woodcutter.  "Old Zhuo, I met this young man outside the city." The woodcutter immediately explained briefly.  "Great luck." The clan elder sighed: "The great luck of the descendants is also great luck for our human race." "Good." The other four elders nodded in agreement at the same time.  "It's better to talk inside the house first." An old man with mixed black and white hair suggested.  "Yes, yes, come into my room." The clan elder known as 'Zhuo' called out, waved to Jing Tian, ??turned around and led the way into the house.  Jing Tian followed the trend and followed the five clan elders into the house under the curious gazes of more than a dozen apprentices.  The furnishings in the house are simple. There are a large number of bone fragments and bamboo slips piled on the wooden shelves against the wall, as well as animal skin scrolls of different sizes. The rest of the furnishings include only a table and a few wooden chairs.  "Young people, come and sit down." The elder of the Zhuo clan called Jingtian again and motioned for Jingtian to sit down on a wooden chair.  Jing Tian took his eyes away from the various 'books' and moved to sit down. Facing the five clan elders, he felt as if he was entering an interview.  "You will hear this later." The Zhuo clan elder put on a friendly smile and got straight to the point: "This place is Qiming, one of the twelve cities of our human race. The five of us have the responsibility to pass on the inheritance and also have the responsibility to explore the plan for people's livelihood. I am Ran Ran  "Zhuo, I am responsible for proselytizing, recording history, and recording things."  ¡°I am Yu Jiang, in charge of iron and wood utensils and bladed weapons.¡± The old man, who is still strong, added the introduction.  "I am Bai Chang, and I am responsible for keeping records and building buildings." said the only old man with his hair in a bun.  "I am Yinghuang, and I am responsible for teaching martial arts." The old man with the strongest energy and blood in his body said in a loud voice.  Jing Tian held up his hands, bowed slightly and said, "Jing Tian, ??the younger generation, has met all the clan elders." "The younger generation has no chance." The elder of the Ranzhuo clan who is responsible for the inheritance of writing said with some expectation: "Can the younger generation have knowledge to teach me?" "  "Zhuo, you are too hasty." The elder of the Bai Chang clan who is in charge of household registration and construction reminded: "You are new to the world, and you don't know the details of my clan. How do you know where to teach?" "It's my fault."  Lao Xian smiled and changed his words: "In this case, if you are confused, please ask, first understand more about the situation of our human race." The human race in this world knows that they don't like to beat around the bush, and there is no hypocrisy or ambiguity, so Jing Tian asked directly: "I don't know, senior Tianwai  "What is left in Judu?" "The history of Tianwai is strange," the Ranzhuo clan elder replied, and he sighed: "The history of the clan is extremely absurd."  The sturdy Yujiang clan elder answered, shaking his head and sighing: "The only ones available are tables and chairs. Other porcelain and pottery are fine, but making porcelain is cumbersome and labor-intensive; white salt is wasted, and it is not easy for our race to obtain salt;  How can we make wine if we cherish the grain?; For sweet sugar, congealed cane is enough.  " "I know the city wall.  "Other wooden buildings are fragile and useless," said the Bai Chang clan elder in charge of household registration and construction.  " "Weak in martial arts.  "The elder of the Yinghuang clan in charge of martial arts said. "With the vegetation, there is no gain.  "Jang Tao clan elder said finally. After Jing Tian listened, he had already made a general impression in his mind. After thinking for a while, he asked the Jang Tao clan elder who spoke last: "Salt needs to be obtained from a distance, and it is not easy to sow grain?  " "Of course.  The old man from the Tao tribe nodded and said, "One day's journey westward, there is a salt mine lake."  Farming is only done in the city. Outside, there are many wild beasts and little harvest.  " Jing Tian nodded slightly, and then said: "I need to know more, not only about my tribe, but also about other alien races and various alien beasts. Is that okay?  " "There is nothing you can't do.  "The elder of the Ran Zhuo clan agreed without any intention of hiding anything, and he was not in a hurry to let Jing Tian talk about the situation in the outer world first. He asked several apprentices who were listening to Hou Li to move a lot to the wooden frame next to the wall.  The animal skin scroll, then the Ranzhuo tribesman looked like he was tireless in teaching, unfolded an animal skin, pointed to the pictures of beasts on it, and began to explain to Jing Tian. There were three or four animals painted on each animal skin scroll.  The Ran Zhuo clan elders explained the habits of various monsters and strange beasts to Jing Tian in detail. The Ran Zhuo clan elders were very familiar with them, except for the four clan elders.  , all the apprentices looked attentive and listened carefully, reviewing old stories and learning new things. Only the woodcutter Gai Mu sometimes seemed absent-minded. When the elder of the Ranzhuo tribe started to tell, he would ask Jing Tian after every animal scroll.  Whether he was confused or not, Jing Tian only responded: Remember. After several inquiries, Ran Zhuo clan leader once suspected that Jing Tian was lying and asked about the beast he had talked about.  Tian immediately recited his story perfectly. Now, not only the Ran Zhuo clan elder, but also the other four clan elders and all the apprentices showed expressions of surprise almost at the same time. Even the woodcutter Gai Mu also had unexpected joy on his face.  Jing Tian was puzzled and asked frankly: "I wonder what's wrong with me?  " "Young people are smart and wise, and they are truly born to inherit the world!  "The Ranzhuo clan elder caressed his beard in admiration. "It's a pity" the Baichang clan elder who was responsible for household registration and construction said regretfully: "The people outside the world are weak and will not live long, otherwise they will be our city clan elders in the future.  " "Maybe not.  "The elder of the Yinghuang clan who is responsible for the inheritance of martial arts said: "Looking at the age of the younger generation, it is still too late, but if you train carefully, you can make progress.  "    "good!  "The man in charge of vegetation, the Tao clan elder, echoed: "There are also several hundred-year-old elixirs in the city, which can nourish the foundation for future generations.  " The elder of the Yu Jiang clan who was in charge of the forging was not to be outdone, and immediately answered: "I can also organize people to hunt exotic beasts for Jing Tian's descendants, collect blood essence, and make high-quality blood pills.  " Jing Tian was surprised when he heard this. He looked at the five clan elders who were very interested and said with a bit of laughter and laughter: "Well, this junior generation, what's the point of your hard work?  " "You are smart enough just because you are young.  "The elder of the Ran Zhuo clan immediately explained: "Our human clan has its own specialties. Those with talents refine their Qi, ordinary people accumulate blood, and those with wisdom and enlightenment inherit it. Only in this way can we ensure that our clan continues to exist in the world.  "    "good!  The old man from the Tao clan nodded and said in agreement: "You have an extraordinary memory in this life. It is a rare event in a thousand years. It is destiny that you have come to this life. It is really a blessing from God to our human race!"  " "This" Jing Tian was a little helpless, considering whether to confess everything now. "Don't worry too much.  "The elder of the Ranzhuo clan waved his hand, then pointed to a new animal skin scroll and said: "Come on, junior fellow student, continue to listen to my explanation, show your talent to me, and see how much you can remember today, junior fellow student.  " Jing Tian sighed secretly and nodded slowly in obedience. The old Ranzhuo man stroked his beard and smiled, then spoke, lighting a portrait of a strange beast and continued to explain to Jing Tian. Nearly three hours have passed since this lecture.  The Ran Zhuo clan elder said he was tired, so he stopped aside. An apprentice brought a water bottle and served the Ran Zhuo clan elder to soothe his voice. However, the explanation did not stop. The other four clan elders were also familiar with various races. One of them got tired of talking.  Another person took over. Three hours later, the five clan elders had finished explaining all the beasts to Jing Tian. Then they all started to check what they had said and answered Jing Tian's questions.  There was no mistake. This performance made the five elders very excited, all the apprentices were shocked and admired, and the woodcutter Gai Mu was extremely honored. After all, he was the one who brought Jing Tian back. Now everyone kept asking questions for half an hour.  They no longer doubted Jing Tian¡¯s memory ability. Immediately, Elder Ran Zhuo took over as the lecturer again and began to teach.?Tian explains the knowledge of various alien races.  ¡°The Great Country, the Lilliput Country, as well as the Qigong Country, the Huren Country, the Armless Country, the Knot-Breasted Country, the Niaoyang Country¡­ the details or general outlines of various strange races were explained one by one by the elders of the Ranzhuo tribe.  Almost all of these strange races were ones that Jing Tian had read about in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.  However, the explanation given by the Ranzhuo clan elder is much more detailed than the brief description in the 'Book of Mountains and Seas'.  Of course, there are also races that Jing Tian has not seen in the "Book of Mountains and Seas", but has heard of, such as Atlantis, Maya, Gendaya When Jing Tian heard the names of these countries, he actually  Surprised.  He never thought that the race that had become a legend on earth would actually have a follow-up in this dimension.  In this way, the technological civilization he had previously explored was probably Atlantis and other civilizations "Is there anything puzzling about the descendants?" Jing Tian's fake account was naturally discovered, and the elder of the Yujiang tribe  He couldn't help but ask.  "Well" Jing Tian nodded slightly.  "Where are the doubts?" Ran Zhuo clan elder asked.  "It's about Atlantis." Jing Tian replied.  "Oh, no wonder you are confused." The Ranzhuo man nodded and stroked his beard, and asked with a smile: "Are you confused about the word 'technology' I mentioned?" Jing Tian nodded in time and said, "There is also  , why is this race so special and has a structure that is different from all other races? " "Atlantis" The Ranzhuo clan leader paused and then said, "That country is the same as Maya and Gendaya.  All races are actually aliens from ancient times." "Sure enough," Jing Tian thought to himself.  "Have they ever come into contact with my human race?" Jing Tian asked: "Have they ever communicated with other races about their so-called 'technology'?" "There is still something in the records." Elder Ran Zhuo recalled.  After a while, he stroked his beard and said, "Young people should not overestimate the so-called technology." "Why?" Jing Tian was curious, wondering what was the reason why the Ran Zhuo tribe said this with disdain.  You know, before he entered this dimension, he discovered that energy weapons were common in those technological countries.  "There is something in the record." The Ranzhuo clan elder actually showed a funny look, and then said: "The Atlantis clan has mastered technology that can make dead objects glow. It seems magical, but in fact it is just fake." Jing Tian was a little surprised.  Said: "Their energy weapon isn't the technology strong?" "The records say that technology is repelled by the world." The Ranzhuo clan elder said: "Their clan first came and disturbed the nearby fire dragons. The technology was unable to withstand it. The beams attacked closely but the fire dragons couldn't.  He was injured and his clan was almost destroyed. In the end, the flying car collided and the fire dragon retreated. "Is the fire dragon too powerful?" Jing Tian guessed.  "Not really." The Ranzhuo clan elder shook his head slightly and continued: "There are more records that any magical beast, even if the magical power is weak, can withstand the light beam without being hurt." Mystery, succumbing to a higher mystery At this moment, Jing  This sentence suddenly appeared in Tian's mind.  This explanation makes sense. The supernatural beasts mentioned by the Ranzhuo clan elders probably all have some strange abilities, that is, they are mysterious.  Although Atlantis has mature energy weapons, the energy attacks emitted by those weapons have no mystery at all. Therefore, the attacks of energy weapons have no effect on those supernatural beasts.  "In order to prevent the fire dragon from attacking, the entire Atlantis family migrated." The elder of the Ranzhuo clan continued to tell, causing Jing Tian to come back from his thoughts and only heard the other person say: "But the journey was embarrassing and even robbed by mandrills everywhere.  Since then, women have given birth to many black people. Finally, thanks to the rescue of the Gendaya tribe, the fear of annihilation has been eliminated" "Wait!" Jing Tian lost his composure, widened his eyes and said with a look of shock.  "Black people?" "Don't misunderstand." The Ran Zhuo clan elder smiled and said, "The black people are not the black people in this world. There are no more black people in this world. That chaotic race has long been thrown into the sky."  Where the earth sinks, I am exiled from the world. " "Thisissparta" At this moment, thousands of horses galloping in Jing Tian's heart (To be continued.)
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