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Volume 1 Chapter 436 Method of Death

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    It took thousands of years for the novel to transform from a scholar's pastime to a formal art in China, and ultimately reach the pinnacle of classical fiction during the Ming and Qing dynasties.  Then, as Eastern and Western cultures collided, Chinese classical novels learned and absorbed nutrients from Western novels and became modern novels. They underwent a major transformation and continued to develop after being laid by the masters of vernacular literature. When the Internet began to develop generally  After the rise, this basically means that the novel will never return to its previous lofty status and begins to become a kind of entertainment.  The reason for this is that there are too many people who are literate. Not only that, the popularization of knowledge and culture, and the collision of multiculturalism make it harder for things to reach new heights as they become more popular.  Of course, this is not so much that the old height has been reduced, but that the new foundation is too broad and not enough to form a single solitary peak.  This is especially true for online novels, the renewal of online novels.  Whether it is subject matter, content, plot, rhythm, etc., the update speed is almost faster than the development of movies, and its own writing principles and norms are formed at a faster speed.  Whenever a new thing is born with the purpose of entertainment at the beginning, it will inevitably be looked down upon by other arts, and tradition has its own unique reserve.  As shown in online novels, it is natural that physical authors look down on online writers, authors within the system look down on authors outside the system, professional authors look down on amateur writers, etc., in order to enhance the status of online writers and promote online writers in the real world  With the improvement of its status, a certain website specially organized an event to allow real-world writers to criticize the works of Internet writers. They also specially selected very representative Internet writers in various aspects, men and women, covering various subjects.  Writers including literary youth and business writers came to criticize the leaders of the Writers Association.  There are dedicated writers who give equality to the Internet, at least not with a discriminatory view. They feel that this is a great expansion of the right and is not mutually exclusive with the real thing, but should be a complement to the real thing.  But some are angry.  I protested angrily, feeling that the novel I was assigned to criticize was completely scum and not worth a cent, and that the author and the author should be directly humanely destroyed.  This event is off to a good start.  Then it ended halfway and gained most of the embarrassment.  The author of the entity continues to maintain his arrogant reserve.  However, the hot Internet gradually led by Shen Zhenghui began to make them restless. At first, Lan Jing could be regarded as a special case, but as ATV TV series gradually became popular, female Internet writers began to make them jealous.  at last.  Lan Jing's novel was made into twelve movies, becoming the highest-grossing film series in history, but it stopped them in their tracks.  But the female writers who are popularized by ATV are within reach.  Immediately afterwards, Shen Zhenghui personally took action, and three TV series became popular one after another, and three Internet writers became famous. Even though these three Internet writers were inconspicuous characters on the Internet at the beginning, they suddenly became famous.  With the help of this trend, they suddenly completed a leap in life, and it was a two-step leap. They not only became well-known screenwriters in China, but also directly became world-renowned screenwriters.  The most enviable thing is that they directly earn royalties that they might not otherwise earn in their lifetime. In addition, their works are also distributed all over the world, and royalties continue to flow.  ¡°That¡¯s all, it just proves Shen Zhenghui¡¯s influence.  But the play-within-a-play written by Mii Yika, who wrote "Hollywood Dominance", was picked up by Shen Zhenghui and made into a Hollywood movie. Then it became popular all over the world, which made many people have to think painfully. Has the world really changed?  Could it be that pure (entity) has failed to keep up with the times?  Could it be that the metabolism of the new city in the world is so terrible? It used to be the world dominated by people like Wang Shuo.  Why did the world fall into the hands of young people in the blink of an eye?  Moreover, what Shen Zhenghui did caused a series of chain reactions. A group of cultural companies plunged into the vast sea of ????the Internet, hoping to find a good script like Shen Zhenghui.  Instantly red.  There are even some Hollywood companies hoping to find a good script in China.  In their eyes, the Internet seems to have proven its reliability.  Then a series of online dramas continued to appear. Even if they were not as popular as the dramas directed by Shen Zhenghui and became a national topic, there were still some that attracted attention and gained enough gossip.  BAT even went into battle personally and invested countless amounts of money.  As a result of the boom in China's entertainment industry, even Koreans and Japanese couldn't help but come across the ocean to hunt for gold.  In the blink of an eye, online scripts have replaced anti-Japanese dramas and become a new hot spot.  Of course, here, Shen Zhenghui is always the director and producer who stands on the commanding heights.  But because they stand too high, many people cannot hope to have the fate of being favored by him. However, under him, various producers, directors, and screenwriters, large and small, spare no effort to dig through the Internet to find the most suitable  Adapted from a very popular work.  Of course, among them, romance novels written by female writers areWhether it is modern or classical, time-travel or imaginary, it is the most popular.  After all, ATV and domestic TV stations have confirmed that Mary Sue's thunder drama, even with thunder rolling from the sky, is enough to attract attention. As long as a little more thought is put into the production, especially in details such as character modeling and background, and at the same time, less use of  If there are some special effects worth 50 cents, the ratings won't be too bad.  Investors followed the path with the least risk and carefully avoided Shen Zhenghui¡¯s minefield. After all, they were not Shen Zhenghui and dared to venture into dangerous minefields such as sensitive topics.  Not to mention that the Broadcasting and Television Department was so angry with Shen Zhenghui that it didn't dare to take action against the international director. Didn't it dare to embarrass Xiao Xiami?  As a result, domestic themes unexpectedly gave up on time travel, choosing to stay aloof, giving up military and politics, choosing ethics and the harem, giving up internationalization, choosing localization, giving up big production, and choosing low cost.  Even the most ambitious ones are just spending more money on beautiful men and costumes in stories like "Nirvana in Fire".  "Why is the Shengxiao silent" and "Flower Thousand Bones" and others are simply using their faces to defraud money.  Fortunately, although the audience is satisfied with the big production and big themes, they are also satisfied with this kind of appetizer.  Generally speaking, the Chinese film and television industry is still in a positive cycle.  But this time, Shen Zhenghui filmed "Codename Shooter" in Hollywood. He also used a Chinese script and European and American faces, and it grossed a billion dollars in the international box office. This kind of behavior has made some people more and more angry.  People feel dissatisfied.  Therefore, even though Shen Zhenghui was promoted in media reports as a famous director overseas, an undercurrent began to flow on the Internet.  "Shen Zhenghui doesn't use Chinese people when making movies. He fundamentally looks down on the Chinese people. He is completely a banana man with yellow skin and a white heart." "Who said that Chinese people are not used? Didn't they use them in "War in 1938"? Or women.  Where's the protagonist? " "Does that count? Who doesn't know that the woman was his? How many Chinese actors did he use in "Assembly"?  Zhang Guorong in "Yakushiji Ryoko's Strange Incidents" "End this post upstairs!" The poster continues to be lazy. Anyway, the TV series and movies shot by Shen Zhenghui either use foreigners or deliberately smear China.  This is especially true for Mary Sue TV series like "From 1938".  It is a vicious insult to Chinese women that is sent thousands of miles away. "Red Dawn" is basically a TV series that reverses the verdict. Of course, in the next post, it is regarded as a TV series that flatters the authorities.  The poster tightly focused on Shen Zhenghui's overseas relationships, and kept arguing that Shen Zhenghui was not a "real" Chinese. He either flattered foreigners or the TG authorities. He has not made any truly valuable and high-level movies.  It has never been photographed.  Of course, this is not the case for all those who are hacking on the Internet.  What's more, it's the side of Shen Zhenghui that the people like to see and hear in the name of gossip.  So Shen Zhenghui was shot again. This time he not only harmed the Japanese entertainment industry, but also advanced to Hollywood and tarnished the goddess Hao Min!  When the news came, the general public were indignant and rushed to tell each other. The last resort was to ask someone who cannot be named to wish Director Shen longevity and good health on the Internet.  Since most of the domestic actresses have nothing to do with him, the few who did, such as Gong Li and Chen Wei, fell into disrepute.  This incidentally ignited the blood feud between Shen Zhenghui and Director Zhang.  They all had the same experience. The difference was that Shen Zhenghui's troubles were smoothed out by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, while Director Zhang had to pay a fine to the Family Planning Commission.  Messages on the Internet are spreading more and more widely, even if many things are fake at a glance.  However, the vast majority of people who obtain information online do not have an identification system.  Coupled with the deliberate promotion, photos of Shen Zhenghui hugging several girls began to circulate on the Internet, and a large number of stories that Shen Zhenghui and I had to tell began to circulate.  Those who are trying to discredit him are also well versed in the best tactics black people use online.  Official media continue to make positive statements, claiming that Director Shen Zhenghui is the pride of the Chinese people and an artist with both virtue and skill.  ??????Except for artists without borders like Teacher Cang, the names of both virtues and arts are well known.  Any young Chinese artist who wears one looks like he is wearing a hat of the Imperial Army.  In the end, even the Internet literary world began to betray Shen Zhenghui. Suddenly, there were many entertainment or modern novels with Shen Zhenghui as his boss. Of course, there were also cases where Shen Zhenghui was hired as a younger brother and devoted himself to making movies for his elder brother.  Because Shen Zhenghui was financially exploited, Shen Zhenghui's assets were thoroughly investigated after Ahri went public.  The materials disclosed by major listed companies were comprehensively collected, and his undisclosed assets were also exposed one by one.  The assets owned by Shen Zhenghui and his step-by-step business experience have also been completely revealed. Anyone who reads this investigative article can¡¯t help but sigh. No wonder Shen Zhenghui likes to shoot time-travel genres.TV series, because he looks like a time traveler himself.  Every step he takes seems to be aware of the general trend of history, especially the story of his original purchase of Penguin's shares and his investment in Ahri, which were disclosed in detail. Even though he now has almost no shares in these two companies,  The investigation report was written vaguely, as if he had cashed out when the stock price was at its highest.  On the rich list, Shen Zhenghui closely follows Nick Anderson, and even ranks with Bill Gates and Buffett. In Asia, he surpassed Li Jiacheng and Wang Dalian, Ali's Mr. Ma, and Penguin's Mr. Ma, and unexpectedly won the title of the richest Chinese.  status.  In Asia, he is invincible. The only person who threatens him is Fukuda Mitsumi. The assets controlled by Fukuda Mitsumi are not directly registered in her name, which makes Shen Zhenghui more and more conspicuous.  After the forces behind the scenes used such multiple attacks.  Shen Zhenghui finally attracted the most hatred with his gorgeous asset ranking.  Immediately afterwards, the official icing on the cake added a new blow. Without Shen Zhenghui's consent, a low-level propaganda agency (not an administrative unit in the strict sense) announced that it would invest in the filming of a heroic party history TV series.  , announced a trite plot synopsis, and then announced that the TV series would be directed by director Shen Zhenghui, and announced in advance how much salary he planned to pay Shen Zhenghui.  At this moment, Shen Zhenghui finally felt the strong malice the world had given him.  "So," he asked Fukuda Mitsumi, "this is the test you arranged for me?" "No, this is the test you arranged for yourself," Fukuda Mitsumi said seriously, "It's like I have told you  Likewise, when facing the unknown world in the future, you can't help but have random thoughts. "My own?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  Fukuda Mitsumi nodded silently, "Maybe you should think carefully about how to face this situation," she sighed, "I hate this kind of thing the most. You are not smart enough, and you are not stupid enough. You are hanging on  "It's the most uncomfortable in the air." "Can you explain?" "If you are smart enough, you can prevent it from happening; if you are stupid enough, under the halo of the protagonist, this kind of thing will never happen." She spread out.  He said, "You have enough common sense, but sometimes you are limited by self-righteous common sense. Can't you think about the situation when you are invincible in the film industry and everyone respects you as a master?" "According to my common sense  , it shouldn't be possible if I'm still alive." Shen Zhenghui crossed his arms, "Besides, I'm not the Duke of Zhou. Even if I am the Duke of Zhou, I will be scolded and insulted by others. This is determined by my status and cannot be changed." Shen Zhenghui pressed hard.  Pressing his Qingming point, he asked with some uncertainty, "If I don't handle it properly, will the world be destroyed?" "I don't know how the world will be destroyed, but I know you might die." Mitsumi Fukuda replied angrily.  "Am I going to die in Qincheng?" "It's a nice thought. It's better to die from a fan shooting or splashing ink." "The latter method of death is really new." "Being hacked to death, if you can't bear the mental pressure"  "No, I'm not that fragile." "Really? So who cries when they read posts that criticize themselves online?" "My tears were tears of realization," Shen Zhenghui defended, "I felt like I was standing with many people at that moment.  "Together." "For example?" "Taizu and the chief designer." "You really dare to think about it!" "Yes," Shen Zhenghui sighed, "I told myself it was a lie."  He frowned, "But the reality of this personal experience really doesn't allow me to treat myself as a bystander." "Then what are you going to do?" Mitsumi Fukuda raised his eyebrows.  Shen Zhenghui seemed a little hesitant, but then he clenched his fists, "I won't just wait to die like this!" he said seriously.  "I really don't like this way of death. Compared with alien invasion and nuclear bombs destroying the world, it seems too much." "Your heart is full of self-doubt." Mitsumi Fukuda stared at him and said, "Specially  After I told you that this world is fake" "Isn't this normal?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "But actually before that, the seeds of doubt had already begun to grow." Mitsumi Fukuda said meaningfully.  (To be continued.) PS: I finally lost hope of perfect attendance, hahaha I can stop updating at any time this month!  ¡°Just kidding, the end is the serious thing.
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