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Volume 1 Chapter 435 Spokesperson

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    "How did you see that?" Mitsumi Fukuda asked, and then she added, "Logically speaking," she said, "you probably don't remember that I put the helmet on you.¡î¡ú  ," "It's like what I said before," Shen Zhenghui replied, staring into Fukuda Mitsumi's eyes, "people's own knowledge and wisdom are like some kind of inner indicators. In other words, it is understandable, just like "The Robbers"  The top in "Dream Space". I don't need an external sign to tell me that this is not the real world. I only need to ask myself to know what environment I am in. " "Then, your own inner instructions.  What is the weapon?" Fukuda Mitsumi asked.  "Nick Anderson asked the same thing, but I didn't tell him." Shen Zhenghui shook his head, "Similarly, I can't tell you, but judging from what I have experienced, building a network like the one in "Thriller Paradise"  "The game doesn't seem to be difficult at all." "If you mean to accommodate tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of users," Mitsumi Fukuda replied, "that's really a problem, after all, optical computers and advanced information management technology.  They still exist in the laboratory. "I think we will be able to see them in reality in a few years." Shen Zhenghui looked into Fukuda Mitsumi's eyes, "Do you think so?" "I don't deny this.  ,¡± Mitsumi Fukuda raised her chin, ¡°So you¡¯ve had a pretty easy time during this period?¡± ¡°On the surface, but since I¡¯ve been in an environment where I can access files, I feel a lot of pressure in my heart.  It should be smaller. Naturally, there will be many ideas that may seem absurd in daily life and I want to put them into practice." Shen Zhenghui pursed his lips, "So, do you still feel satisfied with my performance?"  "To be honest, I'm not very satisfied." Fukuda Mitsumi tilted his head, "To be honest, we originally thought you had a bigger pursuit." "Isn't my current pursuit big enough?" Shen Zhenghui waved his hand, "I  The next step is to monopolize the spiritual life of the people. " "This is your wishful thinking," Fukuda Mitsumi said unceremoniously, "After all, there are no devils and angels in this world, and your future plans are in mainland China.  There is no possibility of it happening. " "Are you so sure?" " This is obvious." Fukuda Mitsumi curled his lips.  "When you invested in the Wang family, I thought you would do something good. Even when you hooked up with Wang Anping, I applauded you, but I didn't expect that your thoughts were not in this aspect at all." She sighed.  She said in a tone of voice, "I have to say that you still lack experience in this area. You know, Nick Anderson and I are in our respective countries. We are both like the boss behind the scenes." She stared at Shen Zhenghui thoughtfully.  He said calmly, "It's still that the situation in China is too complicated" "Maybe I have mysophobia" Shen Zhenghui responded, spreading his hands.  "So the fragility of your heart can be seen from the career you chose?" Fukuda Mitsumi sighed, "You are obviously very good at talking in school." "So you have wasted many years in vain.  Time is on me?" Shen Zhenghui raised his eyebrows.  "That's not true," Fukuda Mitsumi hid her face, "We have enough time and enough patience to start over from the beginning at any time." She took a deep breath, but her tone was definitely not like what she said  The content is so easy.  "Start over again?" Shen Zhenghui repeated the word.  "So you think this is just like playing a game, and you can load it and start over at any time?" He was slightly dazed.  "In this way, what I experienced before was indeed a bit like reading a file. It is quite interesting to understand life from this perspective." Then he raised his head and looked at Fukuda Mitsumi, whose face was not good, "You  Do you still want to continue talking to me in this fictional world? " "I don't think it matters," Fukuda Mitsumi sat down calmly.  "I also want to hear what you think about this." She raised her eyebrows, "Of course, it would be better if you could tell me what your inner observation method is." "I should have said it earlier.  "I just wanted to fool Nick Anderson." Mitsumi Fukuda tilted her head, "But I'm still a little surprised. You did something amazing last time."  , I think the time inside and outside was synchronized at that time." Shen Zhenghui pursed his lips, "I don't think so this time, because you can't let me sleep for several months, so you have to come in with me." "You guessed it.  ?¡± ¡°Of course when I see through this, the restriction of the entire system on my memory is lifted, and I naturally remember that you and I are the same.The final scene where he puts on his helmet.  Shen Zhenghui stretched out his hand and said, "Tell me, what do you want?"  " "What do I want?  "Fukuda Mitsumi asked back. "Do you want me to discover the inner methods of the virtual world?  " "If that method really exists," Mitsumi Fukuda said with a hint of acrimony, "I would like to ask you, have you ever discovered that you existed in the beginning, or do you think the world after you traveled is  Real or fake?  " Shen Zhenghui's eyes widened, "You mean" "Is the so-called real world you call real or fake?  Mitsumi Fukuda laughed, "There is no such thing as time travel, right?"  "She said, "When you woke up from the mental hospital, there was a slight hesitation that maybe that was the real situation, right?  " "If we continue this discussion, we will start from the premise of 'I think, therefore I am'.  Shen Zhenghui shook his head, "Why don't you tell me why you want me to enter this fictional world?"  " "There is no reason.  "Fukuda Mitsumi shook his head. "No reason?  Shen Zhenghui asked, grinning, "Then you let me enter this world just to test whether the movies and TV series I shot are popular?"  " "That's not entirely true," Mitsumi Fukuda said calmly, "I just want to test," she paused and said, "whether you still have the ability to continue to make the world go around.  " "Continue to make the world go round?  Please," Shen Zhenghui stood up and poured himself a glass of water. "Do you think I am Haruhi Suzumiya?  "Of course," Mitsumi Fukuda didn't show any surprise, "Let me ask, when did you die in your last life?"  " This question made Shen Zhenghui's hand that was raising the cup to his mouth stop in mid-air. He tilted his head and said in a slightly doubtful tone. "You mean" "This world will not exist.  Until the time of your death in your previous life.  "She said seriously. "So Sauron died like this?  "    "certainly.  " "But you, Nick Anderson and Angela Mason" "It's thanks to you," Mitsumi Fukuda said with a gesture, "Obviously, Sauron does not believe that the world will continue in your existence.  , so he died.  " "So I am really Haruhi Suzumiya?  Shen Zhenghui laughed and took a sip of water, "Isn't it possible that it's Ning Huan?"  Both you and Nick Anderson died before the current point in time?  " Mitsumi Fukuda nodded and said somewhat flatly, "This is probably why Nick Anderson is particularly concerned about a certain point in time.  " "He died in a gorgeous way like an alien invasion in his previous life?  " "This is the way of death that left the deepest impression on him.  "Mitsumi Fukuda looked at the ceiling, "When the time approached the point where he began to be unknown about the future world, the anxiety in his heart caused him to have delusions of destruction, and his delusions received a response from the world.  " Fukuda Mitsumi turned his attention to Shen Zhenghui again, "You have this kind of anxious restraint.  " "In this case, I think as long as we continue to introduce new people, the world will not collapse.  Shen Zhenghui turned his palms and said, "Perhaps characters like Ning Huan will continue to appear."  His rebirth should be later than mine.  " "You don't understand at all," Mitsumi Fukuda raised her voice. "This is a world dominated by you. If you panic at that point in time, no one knows how the world will be destroyed.  She lowered her voice, "Maybe it will be a nuclear war, maybe it will be an alien invasion, it's also possible."  Even after three wars, it¡¯s not certain that orangutans will take over the earth.  " "I don't think you should tell me this.  " "Because I have discovered bad signs.  Mitsumi Fukuda stared at Shen Zhenghui closely, "Tell yourself, what do you want to do in mainland China?"  " "I didn't do anything," Shen Zhenghui narrowed his eyes. "Isn't it completely normal to shoot some movies and TV series?  "He pretended to be relaxed and said, "Even if the theme and content are a bit on the sidelines, for people like me, isn't this normal?  "    "normal?  "Fukuda Mitsumi snorted, and she chuckled, with a meaningful smile, "I'm afraid you've done more than that, right?  " Shen Zhenghui's eyes rolled and widened, "Don't you know what I did?  " "I don't believe your theory about the upper reaches of the entertainment industry anyway," she curled her lips. "We have had little communication in the past few years. Why don't you take this opportunity to explain to me carefully how you filmed this series?  ???The intention behind the TV series!  " "There is no purpose!  Shen Zhenghui spread his hands and said, "The ones I choose are all top-notch online novels, and they have a certain natural topicality, which naturally creates an upsurge of discussion. This will attract more discussion and viewing ratings.  Even if you want to accuse me of promoting 'revolution'," he pointedly put the four fingers of both hands in a "quotation mark" gesture, "but in fact I did this purely for marketing purposes.  For those of you who act, you should know that in a moment of mental stress, even your stance can be sold for money.  " "I'm afraid this is not a virtual position used for marketing, but your true heart.  "Fukuda Mitsumi snorted. "Even if this is the case, so what?  Shen Zhenghui asked, "Can't the world tolerate a director who is patriotic and has national pride?"  " Mitsumi Fukuda swallowed hard. She licked her lips and said in a relaxed tone, "Recently," she said, "Through Mr. Nick Anderson, we have obtained a lot of intelligence inside American society.  " Shen Zhenghui showed an expression of listening carefully, "President Po Ya has a new idea?  Can he achieve it?  Or is it that the omnipotent Freemason has invented a new way to exterminate mankind?  " Mitsumi Fukuda glanced at him, ignored his interruption and continued, "A new idea began to circulate among their ruling class" "You mean among the big capitalists?  It is possible for Mr. Nick Anderson to get the news" "Yes, they are beginning to realize that instead of supporting people who want to be the leading party for them and thus stand under the banner of so-called liberal democracy and westernization and cause trouble for TG,  It is better to support their enemies, the fighters who stand on the extreme left and ultra-nationalist positions. After all, the current TG is the so-called last bunker of capitalism.  Another way of thinking might have a greater impact on the conservative government.  " "They are really discerning.  Shen Zhenghui licked his lips, "But I personally think there are only a few people who can accomplish this."  ¡± ¡°It is obvious that tg can survive until 2016.  Mitsumi Fukuda said naturally, "But can you live until 2016?"  " "If I don't doubt it, I think I can certainly survive until that time.  Shen Zhenghui replied seriously, "Can you tell me what the worst-case scenario is?"  " "Repeat, keep repeating.  "Mitsumi Fukuda said with some fatigue, "You repeat your life, and then it turns into sand in the same place, and then you keep hoping that external power can help you overcome this difficulty.  " "Is that my mission in this world?  "Shen Zhenghui showed a thoughtful expression. Fukuda Mitsumi bit her lip, "Many people can't bear this kind of blow, so they retain the deepest memories.  " "Many people?  " "Soren, Nick Anderson, me," Mitsumi Fukuda spread his hands and said, "Not everyone can regard this kind of thing as playing a game. Destruction is very painful.  So they can choose to forget how many times they experienced it.  " "Wow, but it does feel like playing a game.  " "Yes, but you are not sure that you will be in the next game.  " "Isn't it repeated again and again?  " "There are many guys who died in the middle of the game and may not be qualified to try again," Mitsumi Fukuda raised his eyebrows, "Just like this time, Sauron, we have lost an old friend.  " "It sounds like I'm a savior.  " "I think you do too.  Mitsumi Fukuda tilted her head and said, "I may find a new way from you, which is to be low-key enough and not get involved with fierce politics."  "She thought thoughtfully, "But when you start using movies and TV series as tools to promote your ideas, you also went astray.  " "Am I like the kind of person who promotes the themes of online novels?  "Shen Zhenghui said pretending to be helpless. Fukuda Mitsumi looked at him carefully and said, "It looks really similar.  She snorted, "I think you are basically the spokesperson of online novels and culture."  "(To be continued)
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