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Volume 1 Chapter 373 I have the artifact in my hand, and I have it in the world

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    The Politburo held a lengthy meeting on whether to allow Pandora helmets into China.  At the meeting, experts from both sides put forward their opinions. In fact, their opinions had been compiled into written materials and distributed to the participating Politburo members in advance. Therefore, this meeting was more like a discussion meeting than a discussion meeting.  The rest of the decision-making meeting is a decision-making meeting after fully listening to opinions. It is better to say that it is a decision-making meeting based on the balance of power.  Because the production line construction plan that Pandora Company entrusted to Kasuga was also sent to everyone.  They had a preliminary site selection and submitted it to the Chinese government for reference. At the same time, the sales data collected by the central government itself also tested the hearts of the Politburo members.  The above data clearly shows that in nearly a month, Pandora¡¯s global sales of helmets have reached a huge figure of 10 million. This is the result of Pandora restricting purchases because production capacity cannot keep up.  According to the most conservative estimates, the global market still has a capacity of at least 200 million. According to Pandora's current production capacity, it will take them at least ten years to satisfy this market. This is simply impossible. Everyone knows that electronic product updates  The speed of replacement is so fast that expansion of production capacity is inevitable.  At the same time, Pandora helmets that have been purchased and smuggled into the mainland from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and other places have been sold at a high price of more than 50,000 yuan, ten to eight times the original selling price, and there is still no market for the price.  The members of the Politburo present have experienced the samples sent by Kasuga, and they can only be amazed at the technology. Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering explained the technology of Pandora helmets on the spot. The private goods included are nothing more than practical implementation in the laboratory.  It's possible, but the realization of functions is one aspect, and the related supporting facilities are another aspect.  ?According to logic.  China should not close this kind of equipment, but political considerations are such a standard. When politics is the highest standard, there are always some political voices: For example, this kind of helmet will cause adverse effects on teenagers because it is too real.  Influence, especially after the announcement of the production of Pandora-style cavalry and infantry films by Space Infantry Pictures Production Company.  Even more so.  You know, ordinary movies are exciting enough. If it is a small movie in the Pandora format, it seems to be more exciting than watching the battle live.  Besides, it¡¯s not like no one can see that the future development direction of this technology is the interface of online games, although we don¡¯t know when mature products will appear.  But it is obvious that this kind of realistic visual effects is enough to instantly kill all other online games running on computers. This is not only a heavy blow to the gaming industry, but also to the hardware (computer) production industry.  Since you can perform void operations through eyes and virtual buttons in the Pandora helmet.  Who would touch a mouse and a real keyboard anyway?  You must know that virtual button projection can be directly projected onto the table or into the void, which eliminates the need for peripheral equipment.  The only thing stopping the Pandora helmet now is probably the battery life. If the helmet is not plugged into the charging board, it basically lasts for less than an hour when the effect is fully turned on. This also limits those who wear the helmet while walking on the street.  There are people who hit telephone poles.  Pushing the helmet's built-in goggle display to the top of the helmet, this is a completely cool helmet, so for a while, you can see people wearing helmets while walking in compliance with traffic rules on the street.  The reason why this meeting was held was largely due to the inertia of the bureaucracy.  Game consoles, games, etc. all need approval from domestic departments, so when these things started to be launched abroad, the approval was not over yet.  Only after the worldwide turmoil started did the bureaucrats realize the seriousness of the problem, and the mainland became a high point of profit because it failed to pass the approval.  Equipment sold in Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and other places enters mainland China through various channels, earning profits ten to eight times more.  So Zhengfang¡¯s point of view is: it would be better to open it up early and sell freely. It would be better if Pandora took the initiative to build a factory in China.  This is also a new pillar of GDP growth.  After opening up, the market can be exchanged for technology.  Following the footsteps of others behind closed doors will be slow. Who knows what step they can take in their next upgrade?  And after coming in.  What is sold can be controlled through review and supervision.  The voices of the opposing side are somewhat weakened. The coming and going is nothing more than a bad impact on spiritual civilization, a bad impact on children, difficulty in supervision, and difficulty in controlling subsequent development, etc.  But these reasons are not worth the market capacity of 200 million in the future. The sales of hardware are close to 200 billion US dollars, driving the surrounding GDP of more than 2 trillion, and all of them are US dollars.  Even if China only has one production line, one-third is an irresistible figure. You must know that the rescue funds after the financial crisis did not add up to 1 trillion US dollars.  Of course, the opposing views also have some reference value. However, the Party Central Committee attaches great importance to the issue of Pandora helmets. It cannot only hand over the approval authority to the Printing Office or the Ministry of Culture. Instead, it has set up a coordination body to coordinate the issue.  Department, consisting of the southwest regionThe deputy prime minister of the ??Government Front took the lead, because Pandora's production line was placed there.  It is said that after deciding to open up to Pandora, Pandora's production line became popular.  However, in the previous plan, Pandora had already stated the reason for choosing the southwest. That place has already established a supporting production chain for computer hardware, which provides great convenience for the assembly of Pandora equipment and is rich in labor resources.  Both the southeast and central regions are facing the problem of labor being too expensive or labor shortage.  Naturally, the central government also considered that after the secretary was shuanggui, in order to stabilize the local situation, it was necessary to enhance the local economic strength, especially since the deputy prime minister was in charge of the place at this time and had a very high level.  It was very convenient to arrange everything, so they complied with Pandora's request and quickly approved the factory construction agreement.  Then the mayor of the city in the southwest region took the initiative to contact Kasuga and Pandora's people to discuss the specific plan to build the factory.  It must be said that this pragmatic and direct attitude is in line with Nick Anderson's appetite, and the Chinese government's timely announcement that Pandora helmets can be marketed in the mainland after passing review and that Pandora will build a factory in China are also expected by Western countries.  , after all, it is impossible for the world today to ignore the Chinese market.  Of course, the US government is a little disappointed, but they also know that the conditions of the United States cannot be better than China's, not even in terms of taxes.  The scalper business has been severely hit as a result.  The price of mainland Pandora helmet has dropped to 30,000.  But soon there was news that the Pandora helmet had to pass the review of the Chinese government and many functions would be cut off, so the price went up again.  Pandora issued a statement saying: There is absolutely no such thing. Pandora will strictly abide by the laws and regulations of mainland China. The Chinese government only requires registration for Pandora's hardware functions.  No amendments were requested.  However, they also admitted that random software and movies sold in China must comply with mainland laws and regulations in terms of content. Therefore, movies that violate mainland laws and regulations cannot be sold in Pandora format.  This is basically the norm. Only Hong Kong and Taiwanese people proudly say that they can watch Pandora-style short films but the mainland cannot. This is the power of freedom and democracy.  In this light, liberal democracy seems a bit cheap.  at the same time.  The software integrated into the Pandora helmet system, Pandora, uses an adapted version of the linu system. Some special software such as k and r are also faced with the situation that they cannot be used in China.  However, Pandora helmets are specially customized for China-specific Renren and Sina Weibo. This is after collecting money from Renren and Sina Weibo. After all, according to the original idea, it is not pre-installed.  Even so, Renren and Sina Weibo are still a little dissatisfied, because the settings in the helmet system are that these two software can be deleted.  In a sense.  The Pandora helmet is a nightmare for all hardware and software manufacturers. This can be seen from the fact that it uses linu system architecture, although his customized linu system is completely closed to some extent.  In addition to the impact on computer hardware, Microsoft's system software has naturally begun to face this threat. Even mobile phone manufacturers feel that they are facing a huge threat.  You know, it is very easy to add a communication module to the helmet, and there is no inconvenience in making calls through the built-in headphones and microphone.  Before Pandora went on the market.  Everyone's vigilance was not yet so high, but when it was launched on the market, it ignited a booming sales market.  Suddenly, a sense of tension arose in all the industries that might be involved.  At this time, the move to build a production line in mainland China has put Pandora at the forefront.  But it¡¯s not just that. Pandora stores will soon open in several first-tier cities in mainland China. The first batch of 100,000 Pandora helmets will be priced at RMB 5,888 each, and the set (including the six-part "Magic Apprentice") will be priced at RMB 6,888.  The price is RMB.  This price is much higher than the price in Europe, America, Japan and other places, but compared with the price of other channels.  It can be said to be quite conscientious.  As expected, 100,000 helmets were sold out in just three days.  And the prepared Pandora format videos are also sold out.  What surprises mainland users is that they can even buy a large number of old movies in Pandora format, such as "Land Mine Warfare", "Tunnel Warfare", "South and North War" and other movies. The unexpected appearance of Pandora format has made  People were extremely surprised, and many elderly comrades also enjoyed it unexpectedly.  Of course, the origin of the matter is that Kasuga purchased the overseas copyrights of these movies from major domestic studios through China Film Company. Since the contract did not prohibit Kasuga from selling DVDs and related formats of the movies, after opening the mainland market, Kasuga directly  He used his own film rights to publish these films in Pandora format.  Because it is a remastered version, the Pandora format is even in color, which has triggered another wave of old movie craze in mainland China.  Suddenly not only young people but also old people are raving about Pandora Helmet movie viewing.  China Film Company andWhile domestic film companies are drooling and regretting, they are also coming up with new ideas.  Of course, not only mainland film companies, but also several major film companies in Hong Kong and even several major Hollywood film companies are coveting the sales of the so-called Pandora format.  In particular, the sales of old movies in China have greatly increased Hollywood and Hong Kong film companies' awareness of the value of their film libraries.  And Pandora and Kasuga's release of Pandora versions of old movies in China also satisfies the Chinese government.  You must know that most of these old movies are black and white. If they are not converted, just watching the ordinary version will definitely not have such a good effect.  This gave the Pandora helmet unexpected acceptance among the public.  Even people who have heard about the Pandora version of Japanese short movies have dialectically realized that the Pandora helmet is just a tool, just like a computer. It has regular uses and can also be used to play games and watch short movies. The role they play  Its function depends entirely on how the user uses it.  The production line in the southwest region has also announced that it has entered the construction stage and is expected to be ready for production in one year. By then, the production scale will be able to assemble 30 million units a year, which is equivalent to the production line in the United States after the expansion of production capacity. The media estimates that the U.S. production line  Before the expansion, the production capacity was only 10 million units per year, but compared to the cost, the production line in the United States is 30% higher, so this is why Nick Anderson is unwilling to put all production lines in the United States no matter how much the U.S. government appeals.  One of the reasons, but he reluctantly agreed to expand the production capacity of the American production line.  One production line is located in China, and the other production line has fallen into competition. Leaving aside the United States, other countries such as Japan, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom seem to have similar costs to the United States, and the preferential conditions are no matter what.  Unable to keep up with China, Pandora's expansion of production capacity has even encountered resistance because of many competitors.  After going around in a circle, the investigation found that the cost is very low in places such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, and Malaysia, but other conditions cannot keep up.  While feeling depressed, the deputy prime minister and secretary of the municipal party committee of Southwest China suggested: How about you open another production line in China?  I can also give you the same offer.  Due to political considerations, this cannot be agreed to at the moment, even if Nick Anderson is an American.  However, he is ready to expand production capacity of China's production lines.  While Nick Anderson was busy with his production line and Angela Mason and Mitsumi Fukuda were busy transcribing the film, the first part of the prequel to Shen Zhenghui's "The Magic Apprentice" has been completed quietly.  (To be continued)
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