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Volume 1 Chapter 314 The first part is released

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    "So this shutdown was actually promoted by Sony and Columbia?" Shen Zhenghui asked.  "Of course," Mitsumi Fukuda spread her hands, "If it weren't for the fact that this was in China, they might have asked the actors to take more drastic measures. Of course, they don't want to offend you too much. After all, the filming of the movie is under your control.  It's so smooth, but it would be bad if you change people," Mitsumi Fukuda explained, "Your progress is too amazing, so Sony and Columbia hope that you can stop and wait for them, they haven't decided yet.  If you continue to join, you will have finished filming the third film, which is simply putting them on the fire," she said. "Neither Sony nor Columbia want you to tell them that you have finished filming."  "Anyway, it's your job to deal with them." "I also need your cooperation," Mitsumi Fukuda said gently. "Your style caught both Sony and Columbia off guard, and our contract did not specify such details.  Regulations, of course, I also hope you will consider that those actors originally thought they could hang out in this crew for ten years, but now it only took you more than a year to let them see the sign that the end is not far away,  They themselves are starting to wonder if their contract was too stupid. "I thought Sony and Columbia would be happy about it." "No, of course not, it's just a small amount of money."  , "Look at these actors, which one of them has a contract of more than 10 million? Not one of them! The protagonists are all newcomers. Colombia also doesn't mind giving actors a salary increase, as long as they can make money back in the film market. Now,  You have expanded Kasuga's share. But they are a little dissatisfied." "Then your opinion is" "We also need Sony's global distribution network," Fukuda Mitsumi replied, "You should also consider the actors.  "Why did they come to China to live in a boarded house with you?" Shen Zhenghui relaxed a little, "I thought giving them a holiday during the Chinese New Year would make them feel more relaxed." "But they feel more relaxed.  "Yes." Mitsumi Fukuda replied.  "So, Mario's problem in this incident" "I think this is completely accidental. This child was instigated by someone with intentional intentions. This is not his own problem. You should be more tolerant to him." Mitsumi Fukuda replied.  "Especially when he is still our contracted actor." "Okay," Shen Zhenghui spread his hands, "Just give them a long vacation and let them cooperate with Sony to promote the movie." Shen Zhenghui raised his eyebrows.  "In fact, the construction of Montita also takes time. If they are familiar with the progress of the crew, they know that there is no need to worry at all." "I think they know that, but they are really frightened by the Chinese people's work enthusiasm and work ability.  "Yes." Mitsumi Fukuda replied, "Many people have reported to me that the cast and crew are shocked and frightened that China has stores open for work on weekends and there are 24-hour supermarkets at night." Mitsumi Fukuda said.  Telling a joke, "They say this is the reason why China's economy is developing so fast." "I remember Japan is the same." Shen Zhenghui asked rhetorically.  "So Japan is second." Mitsumi Fukuda spread his hands. "Our American colleagues have lamented more than once that the United States will not be able to catch up with China and Japan." "This is because they have not grasped the essence of the problem." "Me too.  I think so." Mitsumi Fukuda responded.  The two people chatting about each other fell into an awkward silence for a while.  Mitsumi Fukuda asked, "Should you announce it or should I?" "You go ahead," Shen Zhenghui replied.  "I always feel that if I announce this news that makes me regress, it will hurt me. If you go, at least there will be room for maneuver." "It's just a superficial regress," Mitsumi Fukuda replied,  "Actually, you have already prepared to give them a holiday. It's just that this happened before it was announced." "I can't admit this at this time." Shen Zhenghui replied.  "Okay." Fukuda Mitsumi stood up, and Shen Zhenghui followed her with a straight face.  "Be open-minded. Even Cameron sometimes compromises with actors and investors." "Yes, but he immediately started to lose his temper after the movie was finished. I'm not such a person." Shen Zhenghui shrugged.  , "I just wonder why they can seize the opportunity so well." Outside the office, Thomas, Gordon and the actors' representatives were sitting in the conference room waiting. The actors' expressions were particularly nervous. In comparison,  , Thomas and Gordon both need to stay calm.Some.  Of course, in such an environment, it is really inconvenient to communicate each other's little thoughts, so when Thomas and Gordon faced the actors' slightly anxious inquiries about Director Shen's final reaction, both of them  Try to comfort the actor as much as possible.  Anyway, this matter cannot be handled by the actor in the end, if he doesn't want the movie to have major changes.  At this moment, Mitsumi Fukuda walked in with Shen Zhenghui, and everyone stood up.  "Let me make an announcement first," Mitsumi Fukuda raised her hand, "From now on, the crew will take a holiday." She paused and scanned everyone's expressions. The expressions of the actors were very complicated. In comparison,  For their part, Thomas and Gordon were more relaxed and even smiled. "Because the first part is about to be released and promoted, the vacation will last until we give another notice to start filming," Mitsumi Fukuda looked at Ge.  Den, "Mr. Gordon, is this enough for Sony?" "Of course, that's exactly what I suggest." He responded gracefully.  "So how will the actors cooperate with the publicity during this period? I hope you can come up with a specific plan." Mitsumi Fukuda pursed her lips. "Director Shen also needs to rest. Of course, he will also cooperate with the publicity work in accordance with the contract." Shen Zhenghui said.  The frown on his face seemed to show that he was not in a good mood.  "Yes. Shen does need a vacation," Thomas said, "He is too busy at work." "So. New contract" One of the representatives of the actors came from CAA's agent, but in fact he represented  Most of the actors are not on the set.  Mitsumi Fukuda looked at Thomas, "What's Columbia's opinion?" Thomas looked at Gordon hesitantly, as if he wanted to get courage from him, but Gordon was expressionless, so Thomas said hesitantly, "I think  It seems like a good time to discuss it once the box office of the first one comes out,¡± he said.  "Colombia also needs to re-communicate with Kasuga on cooperation methods." "I thought we had signed a contract long ago." Mitsumi Fukuda squinted her eyes.  "Things are always changing." Thomas glanced at Shen Zhenghui. It was obvious that Thomas did not want to offend Haruhi and Shen Zhenghui himself. "The results of the first part will affect our subsequent investments." "The actors are also tired." caa  said Mr.  "They have been in China for a year, which is a long time in a foreign country." "Your customers have gone home to rest long ago." Shen Zhenghui couldn't help but say.  The other party smiled sweetly and said, "We are also concerned about the situation of other actors." However, he seemed to be worried. The expression on this guy's face when he said this seemed to mean that he had no malice.  "Then we have no objection." Mitsumi Fukuda spread his hands, "Let's wait until it is released." So after the crew successfully completed the filming of the island, they announced a shutdown and a vacation.  Chinese media picked up the ostensible news and enthusiastically reported on the crew's next filming location, on the vast savannah.  A city soaring into the sky is rising from the ground. The Chinese media cannot help but care about whether this construction complies with the concept of environmental protection. At the same time, some reporters go to visit the official.  Ask whether this complex has received approval from the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.  The answer is yes, but the reporter was determined to ask director Shen Zhenghui about this issue, and compared this matter to the destruction of the Tianchi environment by the crew of "The Promise". However, "The Promise" has already been finished, and "The Magic Apprentice"  ¡·has not been released yet.  Shen Zhenghui is hiding far away in Japan at Sony's request.  It is necessary to attend the publicity work in the United States and Japan. The release time in China is later than that in the United States and Japan.  He will also attend the premiere in China.  Seemingly to make up for the rift caused by the actor's work stoppage, Sony has arranged its publicity work particularly thoughtfully.  Promotions in the United States are mainly focused on Hollywood stars, but Mario also participated in the premiere event wearing his own Magic Apprentice robe. I have to say that dressing up as the stars in the movie looked surprisingly attractive.  , no worse than their sexy outfits with heavy makeup.  Audiences hoping to enjoy an epic blockbuster like "The Lord of the Rings" have already eagerly packed into the midnight screening.  Mitsumi Fukuda accompanied Shen Zhenghui to the premiere, but on such an occasion, the director seemed not bright enough.  Shen Zhenghui even hopes that he only needs to know the box office.  Under Sony's strong arrangements, "The Magic Apprentice" was screened on 3,000 big screens at midnight. Audiences who had been attracted by the publicity or had read the original novel in advance had already booked their tickets in advance, but outside the cinema  , there is also a group of persistent people holding banners demanding a boycott of "The Magic Apprentice", a third-rate feature film produced by the evil Chinese. Although these people are also mixed with some white people??, black race, but looking at their main staff wearing masks, they all seem to be yellow race.  With the intervention of Sony and Columbia, a large number of police were deployed at the scene, and therefore, this group of protesters appeared to be very peaceful.  "I didn't know that I would receive such treatment one day." Shen Zhenghui glanced sideways at the scene, "This seems to be the kind of reception only a national leader can receive." "You are about the same level." Mitsumi Fukuda  responded.  "It's still far behind." He responded, "But the fact that most of them are yellow people really makes me feel a little ridiculous." Mitsumi Fukuda covered her mouth and laughed twice, "You are only seeing the superficial phenomenon.  "," she said, "Actually, there are a lot of people in Hollywood who are dissatisfied with you, but these people are not stupid enough to jump out on their own." She glanced at the suspected yellow guy holding a banner not far away,  He continued, "So these people have become the best things to put on the table. They are cheap and they will not be associated with Hollywood. This is China's internal affairs, isn't it?" "If the Americans admit that it is  As for internal affairs, that's really a joke." Shen Zhenghui curled his lips, "But it's okay. Raising so many things here can be regarded as a negative example." "You are always so optimistic," Fukuda Mitsumi shook his head.  Aren't you worried about the box office tonight? " "If I were worried, I wouldn't come back to attend the premiere," Shen Zhenghui replied, "We have already seen the level of the movie. If I were worried about the box office, I should stay uneasy.  Inside the room, wait for the statistics. " "Maybe you will do something to forget the passage of time. Then wait for the moment when the statistics arrive quickly, so we should rest normally.  Quietly waiting for the sun to rise." Shen Zhenghui shrugged his shoulders.  Lindsay Lohan, as a rising Hollywood star that has attracted much attention for a long time, naturally stirred up the publicity together with Anne Hathaway.  Amanda, Jessica and Mila also attended the premiere, and there was a feeling of confusion for a while.  As the only male character, Mario stood out among the group of girls. Photographers did not hesitate to snap pictures of this outstanding male protagonist. Not to mention that he was wearing a magic robe. Those girls who saw the starring role  Fans couldn't help but start exclaiming how handsome he is!  But their impression of the protagonist was suddenly overturned in the movie.  The first part is like a slowly opening curtain, slowly revealing a unique world in front of everyone, even those who have not read the original novel.  I can easily follow the rhythm of the story and know what kind of story it is telling.  The background of the story is not beyond the comprehension of European and American audiences. The fictional world and era make it easier for them to understand - this is a world where magic exists.  Those die-hard "Lord of the Rings" fans may be dissatisfied with "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"'s imitation of the Lord of the Rings.  But it is still very easy for audiences who have been baptized by "The Lord of the Rings" to understand the whole story.  As for modern audiences, their understanding of forbidden magic can probably be directly applied to the atomic bomb.  The appearance of the four-person group is accompanied by a funny scene. The adventure in the magic forest allows everyone to see the level of magic in this world, and the appearance of Her Royal Highness Princess Chrissy and the magical old wolf.  Hinting at the huge historical background of the entire story, the appearance of Her Royal Highness Princess Frannie.  It foretells that the kingdom is facing crisis and danger, the ambitious monarch of the neighboring country and the existence of the great mage who relies on it - the Forbidden Magician.  The four-person group suddenly shouldered the important responsibilities of the country, and the storyline was told smoothly without making people feel like a running account.  As for the picture and picture quality, it can be said to be perfect, but the non-professional audience who saw it for the first time could hardly realize this. They were already attracted by the plot and were captured by the somewhat weak Enleko, one after another.  The appearance of powerful characters makes them constantly have some kind of empathic concern for the protagonist. The plot set by Lan Jing tightly grasps the hearts of the audience.  Those professional film critics who were not invited to see the test set were looking at the film with critical eyes, but they soon had to admit that at least in terms of shooting and expression techniques, Shen Zhenghui acted quite sophisticated and did not look like a movie.  A young director who is only thirty years old.  And these pictures are really beyond their imagination. They were really shot in China. Those pictures and scenes that are familiar to Westerners, the cultural atmosphere that suits Westerners, even the magical settings and gorgeous scenes, but these are not what they think.  I have already lamented it once when I saw the original work. The last time it was about the text, this time it is about the pictures.  Filmmaker Thomson thought this way: The special effects are very good. I heard they were made in Japan, and the Japanese seem to have good standards in this regard.  Compared with the original work, these scenes look likeIt is almost the most imaginable picture formed by those words. Should we praise the director's control ability, or should we laugh at his adaption ability?  But just from the story point of view, it seems that the correct way to shoot one link after another is the correct way to shoot. It¡¯s just that in 2 and a half hours, at which point the storyline ends will set the tone for the entire series of films.  This is particularly important. Will Sony and Columbia continue to cooperate with Kasuga and allow the Chinese director to continue filming subsequent episodes?  I heard that his shooting progress was very fast, which even aroused the resentment of the actors. I originally thought that his shooting speed affected the quality of the movie, but now it seems that this is not the case.  Film critics are always distracted by enjoying a movie, while they are distracted by picking out what they think is bad about the film.  In comparison, ordinary viewers are not so distracted. The tense storyline and endless new characters and relationships present the whole world to the audience, and they absorb it obediently from the movie.  Information, admiring the costumes of the men and women inside, and being frightened by the special effects of the movie.  In particular, "Doomsday Catastrophe" shows the element of fire falling from the sky, just like a volcanic eruption being lifted into the air and pouring out magma. The entire magic from the early preparation to the total explosion after being destroyed is like a gorgeous and shocking disaster.  Just like the painting, it makes people take a breath of cold air.  Seeing this picture, Fukuda Mitsumi couldn't help but said, "It would be nice if it was 3D and inmax." "We can have a 3D version." Shen Zhenghui replied absently, "But the technology is not mature yet.  The 3D version can be digitally restored and re-released on the tenth anniversary. "I really think it is good to postpone the filming now," Fukuda Mitsumi said, "I am really looking forward to the 3D version." Shen Zhenghui sipped.  He pursed his lips and said, "There's no time." He didn't say much about what was going on.  There were bursts of exclamations in the cinema.  (To be continued)
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