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Volume 1 Chapter 313 ATV Cyclone

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    Mobile Reading After "A Bite of China" was broadcast on CCTV, it did not cause a huge sensation like later generations, but this is because the Internet is not as developed as it was in 2012, with various communication tools such as Weibo and so on.  It can be used, but with the broadcast of this film, it still triggered a wave of movie watching.  ) Everyone exchanges their feelings about this documentary through tools such as QQ, forums, and websites.  At the same time, the media has also paid great attention to this film. This is basically a political mission. When China is preparing to host the Olympic Games, promoting the country's image has become an important content, because the West has long demonized China. If  Promoting our country to people in the West is a very difficult problem.  The propaganda department of our country blindly sticks to the superiority. The less others like something, the more they insist on doing it this way. There is almost no progress in innovation.  And this time, "A Bite of China" can be regarded as the best way to expand our thinking. No matter whether the food appearing in this documentary is high-end or low-end, expensive or cheap, famous or unknown, this kind of food  The documentary "Lidaolai" tells the story of the daily life of the Chinese people while describing the process of making food, bypassing ideology and directly hitting the unified interest of people around the world - eating.  Because of this documentary, the Chinese people were ignited with some kind of nostalgia, memories, interest in comparison and examination of their own experiences. Foreign friends were attracted by the novel food and became interested in understanding out of curiosity.  Therefore, this documentary, which CCTV claimed to be co-produced with ATV, not only opened up the situation in China, but also had some influence around the world.  Not only was it broadcast in various foreign languages ??by international channels, but it was also broadcast by ATV and Japan's NHK, making this documentary quickly become a hot spot in Asia.  Let¡¯s not discuss how Japanese and Korean netizens started a war of words on the Internet. Let¡¯s just talk about a few specific real-life impacts - that is, the Japanese NHK TV station announced that it will produce the documentary "A Bite of Japan".  Striving to be released in 2007, South Korea also expressed that they would also shoot the documentary "A Bite of Korea" and said that because of South Korea's long historical tradition, they would tell the historical recipes of South Korea in the "film".  Netizens from China and Japan collectively complained that they were going to use the TV footage of "Dae Jang Geum" to make up for it.  Not only that.  This documentary also attracted attention in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and other places. Taiwan immediately announced that it would film a Taiwanese food promotion program and would not lose to the mainland.  There are also voices of praise from Hong Kong, but more often than not, many people claim that the entire film was shot entirely by ATV, and CCTV had no credit at all. In the end, they just rushed to sign the name of the film's producer Fang Yunyun, and.  This is not an ordinary statement from a single media, but a large number of media gathering together to question.  In turn, some newspaper reporters came to ATV to interview them about their views on this statement. Several ATV leaders were so angry that they fainted, but if they kept silent, the newspapers took the opportunity to say that they were fully aware of the situation and just didn't dare.  He said that he believed that what he reported was correct.  In the end, ATV had to issue a statement, claiming that "A Bite of China" was the brainchild of Mr. Shen Zhenghui, chairman of the board of directors of ATV. Mr. Shen hoped to shoot a documentary that reflected the food from all over China and also recorded the culture from all over the country.  This documentary was hosted by Deputy Director Guo (resume attached) who previously served as a senior figure at CCTV. At the same time, during the filming process in mainland China, CCTV did receive assistance and help. CCTV did have a team to join ATV's filming group.  , the two parties did complete the filming of the documentary in the form of cooperation, and so on, and the slanderous remarks made by major newspapers.  ATV reserves the right to pursue further proceedings.  But whether this level of declaration can achieve results is not something ATV can consider.  At this time, the pig teammate CCTV took the initiative to announce that they would start filming the second season of "A Bite of China". Of course, they implicitly stated that they would choose special delicacies for filming in Hong Kong.  Will consider cooperating with ATV.  This is simply a slap in the face, and ATV doesn¡¯t know what to say about this kind of thing.  Deputy Director Guo was so angry that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage and felt that all his old face had been lost.  Shen Zhenghui had no choice but to call him to comfort him and persuade him to film other documentaries or focus on other aspects besides food documentaries. After all, ATV would be around for a long time in the future.  They are all under pressure from work, and there are not many people at all.  Regarding CCTV's behavior, for the sake of the leadership, don't stand up to them. Filming documentaries is expensive and time-consuming anyway.  Of course, the person in charge of CCTV also called Deputy Director Guo and Director Wang in private to explain their difficulties.  First, in terms of awareness of publicity, they are one step behind and have been criticized. They must find ways to regain face as soon as possible. If they continue to cooperate with ATV, they are suspected of not prioritizing. CCTV must show its self.?? also has the ability to fight; secondly, he complained to these two former colleagues that ATV was too disrespectful and the films were too expensive - according to him, your filming expenses definitely did not cost that much. Basically, we  He paid for you, but you still managed to get away with it; thirdly, he even wanted to recruit Deputy Director Guo back because he was facing a huge political task.  Of course, Deputy Director Guo will not be able to hold real power when he returns and can only act as an advisor.  Deputy Director Guo immediately rejected this.  Another point that CCTV did not explain is that "A Bite of China 1" is the copyright of ATV. CCTV does not have overseas distribution rights. The good results achieved by this film overseas belong to ATV. They are not only worried about the cost of buying the film,  I was also jealous of the overseas income, so after weighing it up, I finally made my own decision.  Shen Zhenghui generously expressed his gratitude to the leader who called and said that he could authorize the name "A Bite of China" to CCTV for use.  No matter what, ATV has earned enough attention.  Their main focus is still on profitable projects, and they have to both compete and cooperate with CCTV.  ATV has enjoyed enough benefits from variety shows and time-travel TV series adapted from online novels that it has begun to spend more and more energy in this area. In addition to continuing to work on the project "The Voice of Asia", it has also developed many  variety shows, actively learn from South Korea and Japan, and vigorously introduce Japanese and Korean TV series in TV series, and at the same time develop a new type of Hong Kong drama, this new type.  It is obviously an adaptation of an online novel.  The Miss Asia beauty pageant has been full of controversy from beginning to end, especially the fact that as the female host, Lin Zhiling's appearance and figure are better than most of the contestants, it has caused countless people to complain. However, the more controversial it is, the more attractive it is.  attracted attention and increased ratings.  The actor Tsang and Lin Chi-ling are tall and short, fat and thin, and their hoarse voices and baby-like voices match each other.  The audience couldn't stop watching the beauties who came from mainland China, Japan, and South Korea to participate in the beauty pageant.  It really attracts the curious eyes of men.  In the end, all the top three beauty pageants were signed by ATV, which announced that it would soon launch a TV series starring Asian ladies.  This TV series is surprisingly another time-travel drama. It is the female-oriented online novel "Bu Bu Jing Xin" published in 2005.  Shen Zhenghui helped his company put out another advertisement. These beauties could be used as vases or appear in their true colors in TV dramas while the Qing palace dramas were still popular.  In addition, the production of another Internet celebrity, "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" has also been put on ATV's production schedule, after the establishment of the TV station.  Shen Zhenghui has made great achievements in promoting the company to become an upstream enterprise in the entertainment industry.  I also pay more and more attention to the content of my works and actively cooperate with ATV in this regard.  But in the market, ATV is indeed still too small. Shen Zhenghui is seeking to obtain nationwide broadcast rights like Phoenix TV, but at present, it seems that it is not that difficult.  On the other hand, ATV¡¯s ¡°The Voice of Asia¡± is unprecedentedly popular.  Thirty-six students were selected by four instructors. After many rounds of competition, a ranking order was finally arrived at that seemed acceptable to everyone.  Singer Kuroki Reiko from Japan came in third place. As a contestant who speaks only Mandarin and Cantonese and mainly sings Japanese songs, it was not easy to achieve this result.  But she is always the most popular throughout the show.  Countless boys and girls¡ªmainly boys¡ªare her staunch supporters.  She has a pleasant appearance, her singing skills are not bad, and her dance moves are very good.  Under the leadership of Aunt Miyuki Nakajima, most of the songs selected are Chinese covers and Japanese original songs.  There are even feelings.  The first and second place winners are both men, both from mainland China, and both have very distinctive voices. The second place person¡¯s voice is deep and magnetic, and his singing bass is deep and deep, making people feel like they are drunk; the first place place  His voice is high and loud, and he can sing at very high scales. After his interpretation of many ordinary songs, they suddenly have a different kind of charm. These two are widely loved by female audiences, and they have also conquered some men with their strength.  audience.  After winning first and second place, they also entered the music scene by virtue of their reputation from participating in the program, and began to make a name for themselves in various variety shows on ATV.  The "Voice of Asia" program was very successful, but some Hong Kong media still had to be bitter, saying that the instructors and singers from mainland China and Japan had stolen all the limelight, and the level of contestants from Hong Kong and Taiwan was much lower than others.  , In addition, even the level of the instructor is much lower than others.  Liu Tianwang has no characteristics, and the students he teaches have no characteristics other than being good at singing.  After all, King Zhou Xiaotian is too young. His singing is at a popular level, and being a teacher is also at a popular level. His students are basically replicas of the imitation show. They look like other famous singers and not like themselves.    Apart from the sarcasm, this report makes quite a bit of sense.  Although Taiwan and Hong Kong have been greatly belittled, what they said is basically on point.  However, such reports also aroused the anger of some bystanders. Many people called or wrote to ATV, asking to change the instructor and replace them with qualified Taiwanese music producers or Hong Kong music producers to participate in "The Voice of Asia"  , just when ATV responded that it was still considering new mentor candidates, Liu Tianwang could not bear the pressure and announced that he would not participate in the production of the third season of "The Voice of Asia".  Immediately afterwards, Zhou Tianwang announced that in the future, his energy will be mainly focused on film shooting, and he will not participate in the production of the third season of "The Voice of Asia".  In an instant, two more mentor positions became available, and anyone who had any hope of feeling worthy of this position began to make a move.  After a round of urgent consultations, ATV hastily announced that the mentors Miyuki Nakajima and Professor Liu in the third season of "The Voice of Asia" will continue to participate in the recording of the program. This can be regarded as stabilizing half of the people's hearts. If all the people are replaced,  The program has to start from scratch again, and it would be meaningless without accumulation.  ATV is keeping quiet before production begins on the third season.  Keeping silent about the choice of new mentor, this has actually aroused the interest of small newspapers. Every day newspapers and magazines are speculating on who will be the mentor for the next season, and listing well-known music producers one by one. Let¡¯s leave Hong Kong alone, Taiwan region  It seems that a certain music producer named Luo is the loudest voice.  Other music producers would be half as short standing in front of Miyuki Nakajima.  Because of the topicality of ATV.  Even the overall situation of ATV seems to be getting better, and a large number of young people who dream of becoming famous overnight rush to ATV.  At the same time, TVB, which is limited by the past system and old people, seems to be somewhat powerless in this round of competition.  Compared with ATV, which quickly becomes a hot topic in society every time it announces something and triggers everyone's discussion and attention, TVB's news, whether it is a new TV series or a new actor, cannot arouse everyone's interest.  Lin Chiling served as the host of ATV for a period of time, attracting countless men to lock in the program channel she hosted every day, but soon, she said goodbye to the Hong Kong audience in a certain episode of the program.  She is not going back to Taiwan, but going north to the mainland to play an important supporting role in Shen Zhenghui's "The Magic Apprentice" movie.  This has triggered a new round of attention. Everyone was surprised to find that the first part of "The Magic Apprentice", a new film by Asia's number one commercial director with an investment of 200 million, seems to have been released.  ??When Sony has not yet invested in publicity.  An inadvertent news leaked by ATV suddenly triggered a new focus, mainly among Hong Kong viewers: What role does Lin Chiling play?  How far has the filming of Shen Zhenghui's "The Magic Apprentice" reached?  To what extent does the first released film match the plot of the novel, and how far has it developed?  All of this spread rapidly throughout East Asia with the propaganda of Asia Television, and continued to spread to the world without stopping.  Many people are anxiously waiting for the market to test this hugely invested work. Not only ordinary audiences, but also people in the industry are paying close attention to it.  Jack Cheng¡¯s son works as a stage manager on the crew.  Most of the time, what he actually does is sit aside and watch other people perform, watch Shen Zhenghui filming, and then go up and run around dressed as a supporting actor when there are not enough supporting actors.  Because there are so few Caucasian faces in the West, many Caucasian crew members have had the experience of playing small roles in movies. Even those of yellow race sometimes have to dress up and hang out in front of the camera.  That kind of scene where thousands of troops are fighting.  Most of the time, they rely on Chinese extras. Of course, they have to put on makeup a lot of time.  During this period, as Mario became more and more familiar with the performances, he accumulated a lot of self-doubts. Many times, he couldn't judge whether his performance was good or not. He didn't even see his performance in the first film.  I didn¡¯t know what it was like in the movie, so I followed Shen Zhenghui¡¯s progress and filmed the fourth part in a daze.  The first brother, who had never appeared on a movie screen, felt that he was a little confused. Sometimes, even if the director said that he performed well, he was full of doubts about his performance.  This introverted child is different from his brother. Marco has a kind of heartless attitude. As long as he can appear in front of the camera, he is happy and has no intention to reflect on his performance from beginning to end.  .  Mario is a young man who is more artistic. Although he has always been recognized, he has not seen his own effects. Finally, after acting with a beautiful yellow model, his self-doubt reached the extreme.  He ran over and said to Shen Zhenghui, "Director, I am very confused. Although you said that I acted very well, I am not too sure about my performance." This is also the result of Shen Zhenghui shooting too fast.The filming was over before he could feel his character's emotions at a certain time.  At the same time, not only Mario, but other contracted actors also feel the same way.  They judged based on their own experience and thought that this series of movies would be filmed for ten or eight years like Harry Potter. But who would have thought that Shen Zhenghui didn't want his actors to grow up by then, so he seized the time and never let go.  He had in his mind what the movie would look like after it was formed, so he was not confused about the scene, nor did he try out various scene construction possibilities. He just followed the movie he had already made in his mind and copied it step by step.  Reappear in reality.  This has made those actors who signed contracts based on schedules rather than individual films complain. They themselves are also aware of the progress and have already made steady progress toward the halfway mark. At this rate, 2006 will be enough to "shoot" this series of movies.  The filming is completed, of course, as for post-production, that is another matter.  But the speed also made the actors somewhat doubtful of the film's quality.  This suspicion has exploded with the Mario incident. Rather than the actors caring about the quality of the movie, it is better to say that they are more concerned about their income.  Their contract was originally signed in a way that the film producer could directly renew the contract within a certain period of time. At the time, it was thought to be very stable, but now it seems to be a big mistake.  So everyone wanted to pause and take a look at the results of the first part.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)?¡­
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