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Volume 1 Chapter 238 Hollywood Circle

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    In fact, it is not that the Japanese actress cannot meet the requirements for playing this role. Spielberg does not want this film to be made with a purely Japanese flavor. What he wants to shoot is a Hollywood-style national drama, so aesthetics and everything must be  Like Americans, if a Japanese-style drama is made entirely with Japanese actors, what's the point?  Do you still want the North American box office?  Therefore, despite being criticized for using Chinese women who are not Japanese women to play the three heroines, to a certain extent, Spielberg¡¯s consideration was correct. Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi and Yang Ziqiong were all women with world-renowned reputation at the time.  Actors, if we get some Japanese female stars that American audiences don't know at all, how many people can watch this movie?  How many Americans can tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese?  But at the moment, Spielberg doesn't seem to be thinking about Japaneseization so thoroughly. He is still considering leaving one of the three heroines for a Japanese actress. According to the producer's way of thinking, it is best for this Japanese actress to have world reputation.  In comparison, Tomoaki Aonuma is barely qualified.  Spielberg directly proposed the candidate Tomoaki Aonuma to Shen Zhenghui, which shows that he has an understanding of the relationship between Tomoaki Aonuma and Shen Zhenghui.  This is of course not to say that Director Spielberg is familiar with entertainment gossip in the Japanese film and television industry, but because Tomoaki Aonuma's agency is Queens, which is almost a subsidiary of Kasuga. Similarly, Zhou Xingxing's "Green Hornet" is invested by Kasuga  Filmed, and Shen Zhenghui is the shareholder and director of Kasuga. It is obvious that after knowing these things, he directly asked Shen Zhenghui such questions. Spielberg knows how to deal with people.  What's more important is that he asked it in this way of questioning, as if he had no idea about the relationship between Shen Zhenghui and Aonuma Tomoaki.  "I have worked with her, but that was a long time ago." Shen Zhenghui shrugged, "I think she is a good actor and diligent enough, but you still have to see whether she meets your requirements.  Then you can decide for yourself.¡± After hearing what Shen Zhenghui said, Todo Kasumi could not help but pinch Shen Zhenghui¡¯s arm. According to her opinion, Shen Zhenghui should take the initiative to recommend Aonuma Tomoaki to Spielberg at this time, instead of saying it in such an understatement.  Such simple words, although they sound like they are saying good things about Aonuma Tomoaki.  But in this case, the intensity is simply not enough!  Spielberg¡¯s eyes glanced at Kasumi Todo who was standing aside.  It was confirmed from the excitement and excitement on this lady¡¯s face that she understood English, and she seemed to be a Japanese woman, so Director Spielberg tentatively asked, ¡°Is this lady also an actress?¡± ¡°Oh.  ." Shen Zhenghui tilted his head.  "She is an action star. Kung Fu." Shen Zhenghui emphasized and made a fist gesture.  Shen Zhenghui did not explain more, but Spielberg already understood what he meant.  Female kung fu stars generally have a very narrow acting career. If they want to play the female geisha they want, they will definitely not be up to standard.  However, Lucas next to him was very interested, "Kung Fu?" He looked at Kasumi Todo carefully and couldn't believe that such a gentle, cute and weak girl could be a female Kung Fu star.  So he asked with an obviously mocking expression, "Really?" This kind of mockery was successfully passed to Toudo Kasumi, and Shen Zhenghui deliberately gave her a similarly mocking expression. This young man who regarded himself as a martial artist  The girl was looked down upon by the big shot for a moment, which suddenly aroused her competitive spirit.  She took two steps back, exerted force on her feet, stood on the spot and leaned forward. She suddenly somersaulted to Shen Zhenghui's side. She stood firmly and didn't care that she was wearing high heels.  Her move naturally made a huge noise, and the people around who had been paying attention to the conversation between two top directors and a new director from a distance also saw this incredible scene, and many people exclaimed.  Come.  The difficult movements that Todo Kasumi completed so easily made Spielberg and Lucas open their mouths. You know, it is not difficult at all to do a forward roll and stand firm if you support the ground with your hands. You are stronger and have a better sense of balance.  Ordinary people can also do it, but this kind of front flip that relies solely on the strength of the waist and abdomen can be completed so smoothly, and she is wearing high heels, which surprised many people.  At least Watanabe Ken and Koyamada Makoto saw this scene and came over in surprise.  Other guests also came over, and began to watch Toudo Kasumi up close with surprise and admiration. Watanabe Ken and Oyamada Makoto took advantage of themselves being compatriots of Toudo Kasumi and talked to her a few more words.  Todo Kasumi, who was surrounded by praises, felt a little embarrassed at this time.  "Wow, you are great!" said a middle-aged lady with extraordinary temperament. "Steven," she asked Spielberg next to her, "are you going to let her play a role in your new film?"   "Madam, can I ask you to be my fitness instructor? Just let me do the movements you just did." "" For a moment, Todo Kasumi was overwhelmed by the onlookers, Spielberg  Ge even applauded, and he looked at Shen Zhenghui, "Are you planning to shoot such an action movie in Hollywood?" Shen Zhenghui shrugged, "I haven't thought about it yet." "I think you should try it, I like you very much.  Those action movies." He also shook his fist.  There was another man next to him. Shen Zhenghui thought he seemed to be Will Smith or Denzel Washington. "Hey, buddy." He said, "Are you the Chinese director who is very good at action movies? Have you ever considered using me?  The protagonist? I like kung fu movies the most!¡± Well, this must be Will Smith.  Just in the midst of the hustle and bustle, Tom Cruise reappeared in front of everyone as the owner in formal clothes. This guy actually went in and changed his clothes.  "Hey, is there anything exciting happening?" "Hey, Tom, you should come out early so you can see a chick like this doing kung fu." Will Smith's expressions and movements were very exaggerated.  "This is Director Shen from China, you can call him John." Tom Cruise officially introduced Shen Zhenghui to everyone as the host, "He has made many kung fu movies, and now he will flex his muscles in Hollywood. Let us welcome him.  ¡± The guests were all invited to start applauding.  Shen Zhenghui bowed to express his gratitude, "Thank you, I am very grateful to Hollywood for being able to tolerate me." "The world can be tolerated here." Thomas said aside.  His conversation aroused a burst of admiration, and then Tom Cruise raised the glass in his hand and said, "I hope everyone has a good time tonight." The food, drinks, wine and other items in the buffet have been put away, and everyone resumes working in twos and threes.  They spread out and started looking for people they were interested in talking to.  Several people surrounded Shen Zhenghui.  One of them, a tall middle-aged man, took the initiative to come up.  "Mr. Shen," he said, "I'm Edward from Warner Bros., and we're very interested in your upcoming movie." That's still not a movie!  Shen Zhenghui said in his heart.  I have already received the business card handed over by the other party.  "Hey, Edward. You can't do this." Thomas came over, "Mr. Shen is our best partner in Colombia." "Hey, Thomas. The United States is a free and tolerant world, and I think sometimes filming movies is too low  Risk is a normal thing," he said, and then he continued to ask Shen Zhenghui, "Mr. Shen, what is the budget for your new film?" "Just call me John," Shen Zhenghui said, "Sorry, it's my new film.  Still under consideration. " "Thomas, we can consider co-publishing," Edward suggested to Thomas.  "Why don't we talk too?" A fat old man came out next to him. "Thomas," he said, "I have to say that you have a good eye for Oriental movies." Thomas was not impressed by this man's expression of admiration.  Relaxed, he looked wary, "Adam, do you want Universal to get involved?" Shen Zhenghui didn't want to be fought over by these producers. He apologized and walked away with Toudo Kasumi. At this time, there were several  The female star came up and handed her her business card, saying nothing more than if there is a suitable role, please consider me and who I am.  I don¡¯t know how they got in, but at least they behaved very reservedly.  "Are you interested in discussing the future direction of film development?" Spielberg and Lucas invited Shen Zhenghui.  "You can't ask for it." Shen Zhenghui replied.  There is nothing new for these two people to talk about. The only things they discuss are stories and stunts.  Lucas believes that special effects will become more and more important in the future direction of film development and will become the mainstream of commercial films.  Spielberg does not deny this, but he emphasizes that the story of the movie is still important.  In the end, Shen Zhenghui even felt that the two of them were just trying to satisfy his habit of debating, so he deliberately pulled him over.  "John, what do you think?" Lucas asked, "Your most successful movie, "Shanghai Fortress," just broke China's box office record, surpassing Cameron's in China, and it was all about the shocking war stunts.  "Before that, my story must satisfy the audience and not make them confused." "So you support me?" Spielberg said with a smile.  ¡°No matter how good I tell the story, if the camera fails to achieve stunning visual effects, it will only make the audience disappointed.¡±??I feel like I'm playing house.  After all, film is a visual art.  " "Are you compromising?  " "No, what I mean is that the visual effects are what compare with the same level of story, and the story is the one that compares with the same visual effects. This obviously cannot be ignored.  " "You still support me.  Spielberg asserted. Lucas was obviously unconvinced, "Can you give me an example?"  " "Titanic" and "Shanghai Fortress".  "Shen Zhenghui said simply. Spielberg laughed. Lucas also laughed, "You mean your story is better than Cameron's.  " "I think in China, yes.  " "A new topic has come up, culture.  " Spielberg said. "I don't think that's a problem," Lucas said. "Okay, you can't make Star Wars understandable to Africans.  " Spielberg said. "Obviously they can understand it, they just can't see it.  "Lucas said stubbornly. "I am quite looking forward to the results of "The Strange Case of Ryoko Yakushiji" in North America. You know, it has just set a box office record for Japanese live-action movies in Japan.  " "You are supporting me again!  "Spielberg laughed again. "That night, watching Shen Zhenghui and two top Hollywood directors chatting happily, many people's eyes were shining. Suddenly, Thomas faced more excuses and excuses.  Lobbying, many stars hope to win the favor of Mr. Thomas or Mr. Shen Zhenghui and join Mr. Shen Zhenghui's film crew. Considering that Mr. Shen Zhenghui has just arrived in Hollywood and is unfamiliar with everything, many casting tasks may be entrusted directly to Columbia.  For a while, Columbia faced a lot of pressure, including peers who also wanted to get involved in this yet-to-be-determined project. Amy Pascal made a special request to Thomas at a regular meeting-it must be done.  To implement the movie that Shen Zhenghui is going to shoot as soon as possible. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster updates!)
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