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Volume 1 Chapter 237 People in the Play

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    Not all Hollywood scripts are high-quality. In Columbia's script library, Shen Zhenghui also saw many imaginative scripts.  [It can be seen that good scripts are also selected from a mountain of scripts.  However, Columbia also has a high-quality script library, which contains scripts that have been evaluated or will be very successful at the box office, or will win awards. Emmerich's previous scripts fell into this category. Columbia is not ready to start filming yet, but it is very important to start filming.  If you are interested, it will take time and money.  I immersed myself in the script library for a day and felt dizzy when I came out. When the quantity reaches a certain level, how to deal with large quantities of things has to rely on some kind of programming, so of course there is a layer of dependence.  There are excellent products that have been screened out layer by layer, and there are also unlucky ones who are never appreciated and are thrown into the corner. But for Shen Zhenghui, no matter how confident he is in his own vision, when he really sees such a huge number of scripts, Shen Zhenghui  There is still a sense of hope and excitement.  So while eating, he asked Thomas, "How do you screen and process such a huge script library?" Columbia itself does not have the ability to handle such a huge script library, which has to mention Hollywood producers.  The system is in place, and the one who can make the decision is the producer, so it is the producer who needs to be persuaded by creativity. Therefore, famous directors basically serve as producers at the same time. Every pearl needs a producer to select.  ¡°After talking for a long time, Shen Zhenghui still didn¡¯t think there was anything advanced about Hollywood¡¯s system. Chinese investors basically only contributed money.  Because many of them know nothing about making movies, the director has the final say.  In Hollywood, it is absolutely impossible for producers to know nothing about the filmmaking process. In many cases, they play the role of spurring the director.  However, for many directors who are also producers, they are able to implement their own will.  Of course, it¡¯s impossible to say how different film shooting in China is from that in the West.  Maybe it¡¯s more about film review.  Thomas didn't expect Shen Zhenghui to be able to immediately choose the movie he wanted to shoot from the script library, but he couldn't help but mention it to Shen Zhenghui. North American audiences' desire for kung fu movies began with Zhou Xingxing's "The Green Hornet"  You can tell by the big sales, and Colombia means the same.  I hope that Shen Zhenghui can make a high-level American Kung Fu-themed movie.  Hollywood's attempts at this have had mixed successes.  The Wachowski brothers were successful, and other directors' films were some good and some flops.  The Chinese kung fu superstars who entered Hollywood lost some of their original characteristics under the hands of foreign directors.  For example, Jack Cheng.  Although it did well at the box office.  But it seems the road in Hollywood is getting narrower and narrower.  Coupled with their increasing age, both he and Jet Li pragmatically returned the focus of their future work to China, including Fa Ge and so on.  In this situation.  Both Columbia and Thomas hope to use Shen Zhenghui to set a new benchmark in kung fu movies and create a replicable model in Hollywood. In this regard, they are really coveting the "Black Fist" series.  Shen Zhenghui didn't think so much about it. His main purpose of coming to the United States was not to make movies at the beginning. Now, if he puts aside the matter with Mr. Anderson, movies have become a good way to relax. Shen Zhenghui also began to consider,  If you want to make a career in Hollywood, what should you choose?  Obviously this is not a question that can be decided in a short period of time. Shen Zhenghui spent a whole day in Colombia and learned about his popularity.  Several of the Columbia staff members had actually seen his films, and when they saw him they were so excited that they came up to him and asked for his autograph.  What made Shen Zhenghui happy was what they said.  "Mr. Shen, I was really disappointed that I didn't see you in "Black Fist 2". I originally thought you were the boss behind the scenes in "Black Fist 2"!" Someone also asked "Mr. Shen, "Mr.  Why wasn't "Black Fist 2" directed by you? Will you direct "Black Fist 3"? " It seems that the "Black Fist" series has a strong vitality in the United States!  Shen Zhenghui touched his chin.  Thomas said next to him, "You can also consider using "Black Boxer 3" as a stepping stone to enter Hollywood. That Thai guy is really good." He said, "I heard that CAA is ready to sign him. You can try it again in Hollywood."  Cooperate with him." Shen Zhenghui smiled and said that he would consider this suggestion.  Thomas said he had made arrangements to attend a Tom Cruise party in the evening.  "Who?" Shen Zhenghui felt very funny, "We just attended his ex-wife's party yesterday, are we going to attend his party today?" "What's so strange about this?" Thomas didn't understand what the point of the joke was, "This is  A relatively high-end gathering place"," he said, "all the participants were big directors and first-line stars. Tom had just returned from New Zealand, where he shot a movie related to Japanese themes.  " ""The Last Samurai"?  " "Oh, have you seen the news reports too?  Thomas said with some indescribable sourness, "Warner Bros. advertised that they invested 140 million, and the salary for Tom Cruise alone reached 25 million U.S. dollars, as well as a share of the box office.  " "I think the price is quite reasonable," Shen Zhenghui shrugged, "If it weren't for Tom Cruise, they would definitely lose money on this movie!  " "Do you think so too?  Thomas asked. "Of course, isn't this your Hollywood star system?"  Sometimes stars are the guarantee of box office, no matter how bad the movie is.  But going to New Zealand to shoot a Japanese-themed movie" Shen Zhenghui curled his lips. "Because it's cheap and there are preferential policies!  Thomas replied matter-of-factly, "It is much cheaper to build a Japanese town in New Zealand, which is vast and sparsely populated, than to use Japanese antique buildings."  He shrugged, "Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand."  " When Shen Zhenghui talks about "The Lord of the Rings", he thinks of his own "The Magic Apprentice". This long story, which is still being serialized, was bought out by him and handed over to Liu Xin to make an animated film. I don't know if it will be broadcast in Japan yet.  If so, what are the ratings? You can call and ask. "Mr. Shen?"  Thomas woke up Shen Zhenghui, who was deep in thought, "How about you communicate more with Tom Cruise tonight? We can consider cooperating with him for our new film."  " New movie? I don't know what the new movie is yet! Shen Zhenghui responded with a smile. "Tom Cruise's mansion is like a castle. When Shen Zhenghui, Fujido Xiangcheng, and Thomas arrived at the door of the mansion in a car, the electronic door opened automatically.  Although this was not a Beverly Hills mansion worth US$35 million in the future, when the car stopped at the door, Todo Xiangcheng got out of the car and was still a little dizzy, "Thisis this Tom Cruise's home?"  Her voice was trembling a little, "I just went to Nicole Kidman's house yesterday."  Today we¡¯re at Tom Cruise¡¯s house again.  I'm so lucky.  " Shen Zhenghui glanced at her, girl, please don't mention Nicole Kidman in front of Tom Cruise, but luckily your Japanese pronunciation is hard to understand. Tom Cruise stood at the door wearing a casual suit.  Welcoming the guests. It seemed like this was a more private party, which was different from the low-level party at Nicole Kidman's house yesterday. The two people standing not far behind Tom Cruise, Shen Zhenghui, looked familiar.  Xiangcheng couldn't help shouting, "Tom Cruise."  Ah, and Lucas and Spielberg!  "Thanks to Todo Tangcheng, Shen Zhenghui immediately accepted the comments from these top directors and actors. With Todu Tangcheng's slightly rude scream, two faces that were obviously oriental also appeared near the door.  Uncle Zhang Luexian, whom Shen Zhenghui knew, was Ken Watanabe who would also appear in "Inception" in the future. The other face was a bit too young. He looked less than twenty years old, and there were  A few pimples. These two people were obviously Japanese. After hearing Todo Xiangcheng's voice, they showed doubts and surprises. Under the leadership of Thomas, Shen Zhenghui and Todo Xiangcheng had already stepped forward to talk to them.  Tom Cruise shook hands, and Thomas acted as the introducer, "This is a famous Asian director, Mr. Shen. The previously successful "Black Fist" is his work.  " Tom Cruise didn't know if he was pretending or if he really knew about this movie. He had a surprised expression on his face and said, "Welcome, Mr. Shen.  " "Just call me John.  Shen Zhenghui shook hands with the other party and said, "I am also very happy to be able to meet you in person."  " Shen Zhenghui's words were sincere, but he was not excited. On the contrary, Fujido Xiangcheng almost shed tears when shaking hands with Tom Cruise. "This Miss Fujido Xiangcheng is a Japanese actress, and she came here with ShenJohn.  " Thomas introduced, not mentioning the bodyguard thing. "Tom Cruise is already used to this kind of excitement from movie fans. He showed his signature charming smile, politely shook hands with Fujido Xiangcheng, and invited them into the house. " Thomas dragged behind.  A few words with Tommy Cruise, ¡°Are we the last guests?  "    "Yes.  " "That's really embarrassing.  " The living room is very large. The guests gathered together to chat in twos and threes. Tom Cruise apologized and walked away. Thomas, Shen Zhenghui and Todo Xiangcheng said, "Just take a stroll, the banquet will be held later.  will be officiallyFirst of all, do you want me to introduce you to someone?  "This means that I want to help him build relationships. Shen Zhenghui was not too impatient about this and refused with a smile. Thomas seemed to have his own matters. He nodded and walked towards a few guys in straight suits. Those people looked like  It doesn¡¯t look like a director, but like a film company¡¯s management. ¡°Hello, is this Director Sasaki?  "With a familiar tone, Ken Watanabe and his children came over, "I'm Ken Watanabe, it's a real honor to see you here.  "He stretched out his hand to shake Shen Zhenghui's hand, and then his eyes fell on Fujitang Xiangcheng's face, "Hello.  "He stretched out his hand again. "Did Mr. Watanabe just finish filming "The Last Samurai"?  "Shen Zhenghui asked. "Yes.  " Watanabe Ken shook hands with the slightly reserved Todo Kojo, and then turned to introduce the children around him, "This is Oyamada-kun. Oyamada-kun also starred in "The Last Samurai". He is an actor and martial artist.  .  "    "Hello.  My name is Makoto Oyamada.  "This Japanese-American who has just turned twenty is still a little shy. "Martial artist," Shen Zhenghui couldn't help but look at him twice when he heard the title, "Toudo Xiangcheng is also a martial artist.  "He introduced. "Ken Watanabe and Makoto Oyamada showed surprised expressions at the same time. "She has appeared in "Black Fist"," Shen Zhenghui said, making no secret of his interest in Oyamada, "Where is Oyamada-kun from?"  "Oyamada was a little worried for a while. "He now lives in Los Angeles.  "Watanabe Ken said for him. "How is Oyamada-kun's English?  "Shen Zhenghui asked again. "It's okay.  "Oyamada replied in English, with a much lighter accent than the average Japanese. "I am very interested in martial artist actors. Can Oyamada-kun give me your contact information?  "Shen Zhenghui asked. Although Shen Zhenghui is only an Asian director, Watanabe Ken does not really think that his influence is limited to Asia. When he saw him being brought in by Thomas, the vice president of Columbia, he knew that he must be in  Hollywood is showing off its talents. He brought Oyamada up to say hello. Unexpectedly, Oyamada was suddenly attracted by the other party. For a while, Watanabe Ken's mood was a little complicated. But Hollywood is not a fake for foreign actors.  The use of actors is obviously not as good as that of domestic actors. A large part of Watanabe Ken's career is still in his country. He naturally knows that Shen Zhenghui's status has just been created in Japan.  The director with the highest box office record for live-action movies. Although Oyamada didn¡¯t know this for a while, being spotted by a director was an excellent opportunity for the young Oyamada.  The business card was handed to Shen Zhenghui with some respect. Toudo Xiangcheng on the side stretched her neck, and Oyamada also gave her one. "I know Mr. Watanabe, so I won't ask you for a business card.  "Shen Zhenghui said. Watanabe Ken laughed. This guy's acting skills are good. The most important thing is that he has been recognized by Hollywood, so Hollywood will always think of him when it comes to topics related to Japan. A group of yellow people gathered together  It seemed a little too conspicuous. After chatting for a while, the two Japanese people left in a hurry. They still liked to try their best to blend in with the surrounding environment. Just after these two people left, Lucas and Spielberg left over there.  When they came over, these people seemed to be very careful not to get together casually. ¡°Hello, I heard that you are that great Asian director?  Spielberg's words sounded a little arrogant, but his expression didn't seem aggressive, "I'm Spielberg, and I've seen your movie."  This is Lucas.  " Lucas nodded. "Thank you, you can call me John.  Shen Zhenghui smiled and said, "I grew up watching your movies."  "This is a good joke. The two big guys were amused at once, "How old are you?  Thirty or forty?  I can't always correctly judge the age of Asians. You should be younger than Zhang Yimou, right?  " Shen Zhenghui was a little dumbfounded. At this time, Tengtang Xiangcheng stood quietly behind him, looking at these legendary characters with enjoyment. "I am twenty-eight years old this year.  ¡± ¡°God!  "Shocked expressions hung on the faces of the two people, "I heard that the director of "Black Fist" is very young, but I didn't expect him to be so young.  "Both of them were a little emotional. After a few pleasantries, Spielberg showed his knowledge of the Chinese and Japanese film circles, and then Lucas couldn't help but get straight to the point, "I've watched "Yakushiji Ryoko's Strange Story"  "Book of Events" and "Shanghai Fortress" two movies," he said., Shen Zhenghui, the English translator of "Yakushiji Ryoko's Book of Strange Incidents", reacted for a while, but "Shanghai Fortress" made him understand all of a sudden, and then he began to whisper in his heart: Where did you watch the movie?  "The special effects production of these two movies is very successful," Lucas first praised. "Can you tell me how you did it? Especially the air battle in the Shanghai Fortress. Did the Chinese Army really send out military planes?  "I helped you take the photo?" "It's a secret." Shen Zhenghui spread his hands and felt quite happy to see the changes in the expressions of the two people. He paused and said, "Actually, we used the model shooting method.  The effect is a combination of large-scale models and special effects shots. The special effects shots were made by a Hong Kong company. "Oh!" Lucas opened his mouth. "They didn't do a bad job" Isn't it good to burn money in extreme ways?  Sentao Digital has been practicing after being invested heavily by Fukuda Mitsumi and Wang Anping. Several Hong Kong and Japanese films in Kasuga are produced by them. Now Fukuda Mitsumi is planning to establish a company in Japan based on animation CG technology.  A special effects subsidiary.  Lucas doesn¡¯t say anything, but Shen Zhenghui also knows what he is thinking. Technical things are what the director likes to think about most. He and Cameron are typical technology geeks in Hollywood.  Spielberg seemed to be thinking about something else, "As a Chinese, it is very rare for you to develop in the Japanese film industry." Shen Zhenghui nodded, "It's a coincidence." He said, naturally he would not  To explain that I have a Japanese lover or something.  "Speaking of which, Colombia wants me to supervise a Japanese-themed movie. Are you interested?" Spielberg asked. "You should know Japan better. Do you know what their geishas are like?"  ""Memoirs of a Geisha" was indeed shot in Colombia and distributed by Sony, and the producer was indeed Spielberg. But you found a Malaysian and two Chinese to play the protagonist of a Japanese geisha. Don't you think it's inconsistent?  ?  Shen Zhenghui could only smile, "This artistic method is too classical," he shrugged, "I can't do anything about it." Spielberg touched his beard, "I also think that Japanese actresses can take on this role.  "There are very few." Then he changed the topic, "The Japanese actress who appeared in "The Green Hornet" seems to have a good appearance. Are you familiar with it?" Todo Kouchi's eyes widened and he almost shouted: "Tomoaki Aonuma"  It's what Director Shen's woman looks like.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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