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Text Chapter 203 Confrontation

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    "Powell, why did you have time to come here?" On the 17th floor of No. 3 Park Avenue Building in New York City, Metcalf, who was waiting for work time to arrive, saw Powell walking towards him not far away.  asked somewhat unexpectedly.  If there is anyone who can make him feel a little threatened in the Internet field now, it is definitely not his old club, nor the behemoth Intel, but the Powell in front of him who he did not pay attention to before.  "Metcalf, you can come to Mr. Gate's office, why can't I come? This is not your home!" Facing the aggressive Metcalf, Powell did not show weakness. This man had suppressed him countless times.  The classmate on the other side didn't believe that the other party could make him disgraced again this time.  "Aren't you just here for your so-called private network model? As far as I know, you have been in contact with Mr. Gate half a month ago and want to hand over your model to ieee for free.  But you were rejected. I think that instead of having time to pester Mr. Gate here, you might as well go back to your laboratory to continue research and improvement. It won't be too late to come up with the technology when it matures.  But I thought that your stuff would have been eliminated by that time, haha! "Metcalf is completely confident, not to mention that what the other party proposed is just a reference model, with only some rough technical parameters, even if it has all the details.  He is not afraid of the parameters, because he knows that when it comes to applied products, practicality is king.  Their detailed technical model.  Even if it is announced, other manufacturers will not follow it because the model itself is too detailed. With the current technical level, even if it is developed, it will only be of no use.  goods, and the price must be quite expensive, there will be no market at all.  "I admit that the "Internet White Paper" that you jointly published with Dec, Intel and Xerox is very good, and you have already applied it in some actual projects, but this does not mean that your technical level is already ahead of ours.  "I believe Mr. Gate is wise. He will make the right choice!" Powell has full confidence in their private Internet reference model, and he also believes that the IEEE is only for the promotion of mankind.  International organizations with better technology development will ultimately make the wisest choice, because as long as their network model is adopted and promoted.  Then the current chaotic situation in which Internet companies around the world are fighting independently and forming alliances to fight with each other will be put to an end.  From now on, we are on the fast track to development.  "Of course Mr. Getter is wise. I also believe that he will make the most correct choice, so let's wait and see together!" At this time, Metcalfe sneered in his heart, that guy Powell is really too naive.  What he represents is the entire Dix Group. They want technology, money, and connections. What can a small Noller company do with them?  So what if Feiyue Technology, an upstart in the technology industry, has help from someone else? This company is only slightly better at computer operating systems, but in other aspects of competition, no matter what they do,  Dec, Intel, Xerox, any of them have absolutely no chance of winning.  "Mr. Metcalf, Mr. Powell, is there anything I can do for you?" Gate was very punctual. When the second hand turned halfway to work time, he arrived at his office with crisp footsteps.  In front of the door, Metcalfe and Powell, who were sitting aside to rest and argue, naturally did not ignore his sight.  Although the two of them had reservations, there was still half an hour between them. But he didn't expect Powell to arrive half an hour early. Since the two had the same purpose, he planned to receive them together. Anyway, the result was already  Destined.  "Mr. Gate, I believe that Mr. Powell and I are here for the same purpose, both for the adoption of standards by the IEEE Internet" As early as the last Internet conference held by DIX, the "Revised Edition of the Ethernet Protocol" was released.  When Te was invited to participate as the president of the IEEE, he had already made it clear that the IEEE would adopt an Internet networking technology as a new technical standard in December.  "Yes, our company is very concerned about which Internet technology your IEEE will adopt as a new technology standard next year. If possible, I hope to get the answer from Mr. Gate." As long as the other party adopts the proposal proposed by their company  o Private Internet Reference Model as next year¡¯s technical standard, then Powell can be sure that in the next three to five years, they will not be able to compete with the likes of Intel and XeroxIt's a huge monster, but it shouldn't be a problem if it overpowers the powerful dec.  "No problem, we have reached a clear conclusion regarding the discussion on this issue. I will have someone send the report to my office soon!" Glancing at Powell, Gate said in a warm tone.  "Thank you, Mr. Gate!" Powell also noticed the look Mr. Gate directed at him, thinking that the other party was congratulating him in advance, and he expressed his gratitude to Gate excitedly.  Seeing the expression on Powell's face, Gate knew that Powell would be wrong about what he meant, but the outcome of the matter would be revealed soon, and he had no intention of explaining immediately.  When Metcalfe saw this situation, his face suddenly became a little more nervous. Although they were very skilled and had done a lot of preparation work beforehand, the final result had not come out yet, even if they were 99% sure.  , it cannot be said to be a guaranteed win.  "Mr. Gate, this is the document you want" Not long after Gate made the call, a young and capable staff member walked into Gate's office with a document bag and handed it to him.  Got him.  "Cyril, thank you for your help!" Taking the document bag, Gate thanked him, and then after watching the other party leave, he slowly opened the document bag and took out the thick document that was about nearly  Half a hundred pages of documentation.  "Two gentlemen, after discussion and research by our ieee802 working group, your two technical models are compared with Data General Company's mca, Network Systems Company's HyperChannel, Datapoint Company's Arc, Corvus Company's Omni, IBM's SNA and Dec  Internet technology models such as DNA have very obvious advantages. We all know that although the above Internet models have made their contribution to the development of the Internet, it is obvious that with the continuous development of the times, due to the continuous development of these networks.  The mutual incompatibility between them makes the network system that should be a whole become fragmented, thus causing a lot of waste of Internet resources. This is the starting point for our ieee802 working group to prepare to adopt new technical standards.  It is to overcome the difficulty and inefficiency of interconnection caused by many existing Internet technology models. In this regard, after our discussion, whether it was the private Internet reference model proposed by Feiyue Technology Company represented by Mr. Powell, or the private Internet reference model.  The Ethernet protocols proposed by the Dix Group represented by Kraft can very well solve the above-mentioned problems before us, and each of your two technical models has its own advantages, so I want to represent not only our ieee here.  , and also on behalf of myself, I would like to make a proposal to you two. I hope that Feiyue Technology Company and Dix Group can cooperate extensively with each other in this regard and work together to promote the progress of Internet technology. I wonder if you can consider my proposal.  Consider it? "Although after discussion, members of the 802 working group believed that Feiyue Technology's private Internet reference model had more development prospects, but with the promotion of him and some leaders, they finally reversed the situation by presenting a large number of practical cases.  This result.  But as the chairman of the IEEE, he was still reluctant to release the information in his hand, because the information itself violated the fairness of their IEEE organization, although this was a choice he had to make.  , but if this relatively unfair result can be avoided, the companies and groups represented by these two people can unite, whether it is for their ieee, or for the development of Internet technology in the entire world, they are still behind them  It is a win-win result for all the interest groups represented.  "This is impossible, Mr. Gate. We fully believe in the technical strength of our company, and we are fully capable of completing this complex work alone!" Before Metcalfe could leave, Powell took the lead in rejecting Gate's proposal.  It¡¯s a joke, they are doing this work, but their new boss has given them endless instructions to talk about anything except cooperation with others. Yao Fei¡¯s attitude towards technical standards is very clear, and they  The boss also said that if you encounter any problems, just come to him. No matter what aspect it is, especially technical ones, he will provide full support unconditionally.  Originally, this Internet technology model was created by Yao Fei. They just did detailed work. Now that the boss has asked for it, of course he has resolutely implemented it.  "Mr. Gate, our opinion at Dix Group is the same. We are also confident in the strength of our group. We can independently promote the development of Internet technology without cooperating with anyone else or any company" (To be continued  . )
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