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Text Chapter 180 What kind of nation is suitable to become a cosmic race (this chapter is purely theoretical, don¡¯t enter if you don¡¯t like it)

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    Not taking the Japanese people to play was actually not Mr. Zhu Da¡¯s impulsiveness, but the result of his careful consideration.  .  .  For a long time, Mr. Zhu Da has actually been considering a question: What kind of people or what kind of nation are suitable to follow Zhu Runfa on his journey to the universe.  Theoretically, all humans on Earth, regardless of whether they are yellow, white or black, are actually remnants of the Middle-earth Empire after its collapse. They are all descended from the scientists who degenerated into orangutans. Almost all of them are  Everyone on earth has the same ancestors.  Therefore, from the perspective of reviving the Chinese nation, Mr. Zhu Da should put himself in a national position beyond himself, treat all nations equally, and then lead all mankind out of the earth together.  But the problem is that after Mr. Zhu Da carefully compared the development history of cosmic civilization and earth civilization, he found that doing so is actually unrealistic.  The reason is that the earth's civilization has developed too rapidly, to the point where it has become completely unbalanced.  Although the current earth civilization has reached the peak of level 0 civilization, the imbalance in the development speed of earth civilization has caused earth civilization to lack the biggest prerequisite for advancing to level 1 civilization.  What is the premise of this?  It's very simple, just three words: great unity.  Great unification, these three words are easy to understand, which is to unify all civilizations on this earth.  But it is difficult for many people to understand it when it is related to civilization promotion. This can be explained in detail.  For most civilizations in the universe, their birth and development process are extremely slow, from the initial possession of wisdom to the peak of zero-level civilization.  It will take at least hundreds of millions of years.  A civilization that can complete its transformation within 100 million years.  It can be said to be rare.  Those who can complete this process within 50 million years can be called God's favorite.  In this slow development process, civilized individuals have grown from few to many, from small tribes to countries.  From small divided countries, to large countries, and then from large countries to finally become a completely unified country.  Within 50 or 100 million years, this civilization had enough time to carefully mix various national cultures and make it a unified cultural whole.  And when they complete their true unification.  The explosion of civilization is coming, allowing them to successfully enter level 1 civilization.  But the development of earth civilization is completely different.  Back then, the Middle-earth clan, in order to continue their bloodline, used a genetic virus with extremely side effects on themselves.  While this virus saved their lives, it also degenerated the Middle-earth clan, which once stood at the pinnacle of the universe, into unintelligent beasts.  From this perspective, the current civilization on earth has completely evolved from beasts, and is essentially no different from the evolutionary starting point of other civilizations.  But the problem is that the redeveloped earth civilization has developed too rapidly. After mankind emerged from the period of ignorance, it only took a few thousand years to complete a development process that took other civilizations hundreds of millions of years to complete.  The development of civilization is a very complex process.  It is definitely not a pure technical development issue, but a combination of all issues.  The development of earth civilization.  Although it is so fast that most cosmic civilizations will despair when they know about it, the same speed of development also brings serious disadvantages to earth civilization.  In fact, if an alien were to visit the earth now, in his eyes, the earth's civilization would definitely not be an independent civilization, and it would most likely be misunderstood as a condominium colony of multiple alien races.  Although this is somewhat surprising, it can indeed be supported by analysis from several aspects.  First of all, from the perspective of technological development, the most technologically developed countries in the world have already been able to carry people into the universe, which is an unmitigated symbol of the pinnacle of level 0 civilization. However, in the grasslands of Africa and some backward areas,  , some tribes still live a primitive life of fishing and hunting.  This kind of extreme imbalance is not uncommon in the universe, but most of them occur in low-level civilization colonies newly conquered by high-level civilizations, and it is almost impossible to happen in autonomously developed civilizations.  Secondly, from the perspective of civilization development, if it is a normal level 0 peak civilization, then there should be no racial distinction within them.  All the people on earth should have only one understanding of themselves, that is, they are human beings on earth, and they should not be divided into yellow people, white people, black people, etc., but they should be divided into Chinese, American, and Oriental people.  It shouldn¡¯t be.  But the problem now is that on this small planet, although there are only 7 billion humans in total, they are 100% a minority race in the universe.  But even with a mere seven billion people, there are more than 2,000 ethnic groups, 5,651 known languages, 4,200 recognized independent languages, and even more bizarre cultural customs  And this is a common phenomenon after some low-level civilizations encounter colonization by multiple high-level civilizations.     All right!  In any case, it is actually a skill for the great people on earth to make the local civilization they developed on their own look like the condominium colonial civilization of various advanced civilizations.  Maybe, the reason why the earth has been peaceful and peaceful these years is because it is regarded as a condominium colony of certain civilizations, so some aliens who know the earth's civilization dare not attack the earth.  However, the real problem is whether it is a real colony or a fake colony.  When a quasi-cosmic civilization that was still in its infancy split into so many races and nations, it became a pile of loose sand.  No matter how advanced your technology is, when you enter the universe as a level 1 civilization, you are most likely to end up in rapid destruction.  ??Just imagine, suppose that the technology of the United States on the earth suddenly advances by leaps and bounds, jumping from level 0 civilization to level 1, owning Mars as a colonial star, and becoming the well-deserved overlord of the earth.  Under normal circumstances, based on the human nature of the people on earth, it is definitely impossible for Americans to share this colonial star with others.  However, considering that the development of colonial stars requires a large number of manpower, no matter whether to use force to conquer the world, or to establish a global country headed by the United States through negotiation.  Letting most people in this country become cannon fodder for colonial development is the best option.  In this case.  There is no doubt that Earth's civilization has properly become a level 1 civilization.  But the question is what happens next?  This civilization is barely held together.  Can it really continue to develop smoothly like this?  Whether it is established through force or negotiation, after the lack of time, can this global country really unite and love each other, become like a family, and then climb to the top together happily?  ??Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan, the private sector and the US government, white supremacists and people of color.  With the Green religion and the Cross religion plus Judaism, can everyone really become good friends who love each other from now on?  Nonsense!  The most likely possibility is that after the colony is successfully developed, a great war will break out for all mankind one day due to long-term accumulated conflicts.  This will not be a fight between separate Earths and colonies, but a fight between various peoples and cultures.  The result of the fighting will not be as simple as splitting into the earth government and the colonial government, but will split into countless countries on the earth and colonies at the same time.  By then, after a civil war, everyone can basically go to sleep. The development of human offensive weapons will always exceed the development speed of defensive weapons.  When the time comes, offensive weapons whose performance has been enhanced countless times will definitely send this newly promoted Level 1 civilization back to Level 0 civilization, and it may even be completely destroyed.  So, for a race that wants to step into the universe.  Grand unification is the biggest prerequisite.  If this premise is not met, then even if it is possible to set foot in the universe in the future.  One day it will collapse due to internal conflicts.  Judging from the current situation of the earth, it is absolutely impossible to unify mankind in a short time, and it is unrealistic for Zhu Runfa to lead all mankind into the universe.  Unless he is determined to unify the world, and then wait for thousands of years to integrate the entire earth civilization into one, then they can go to the universe together.  But for such a long time, even if Mr. Zhu Da is willing to wait, other people on earth will definitely not be willing to wait.  The current technology of the people on earth has developed to the peak of level 0 civilization. If it takes another thousand years, how far will it develop?  Nowadays, several big aerospace countries can almost do it alone. Why do they have to let Mr. Zhu Da take the lead and wait for thousands of years?  Isn't that a disease?  Under this circumstance, it is indeed something that needs to be seriously considered by Zhu Runfa as to what kind of nation he supports in the universe, and it is also an urgent matter.  Because the promotion of a level 0 civilization to a level 1 civilization is equivalent to the foundation for the future development of the entire civilization. Once there is a problem with the foundation, future development will be even more difficult.  Take the example just now, even if mankind survives the great chaos of all mankind, once the seeds of division and hatred take root in everyone's hearts, how far can this civilization go?  Once a nation that is accustomed to unity is divided, everyone will not unconsciously look forward to the day of early reunification, while a nation that is accustomed to division will always be divided.  In the jungle of the universe, where the jungle is dominated by the weak and the strong, if a cosmic race is accustomed to division, then the future of this race can be imagined.  So among so many ethnic groups on earth, which ethnic group is suitable for entering the universe?  First of all, as a young man who grew up under the red flag, there is no doubt that Zhu Runfa¡¯s first priority must be Huaxia.  But for the sake of fairness, Zhu Runfa put China aside first, and then began to select one by one from all over the world.  butAfter choosing and choosing, Zhu Runfa found that the one he finally chose was Huaxia.  As for other countries and nationalities, Zhu Runfa had not considered them, but in the end he ruled them out one by one.  India has a large population and a long history, and is also one of the four ancient civilizations.  It is a pity that the history of this country has been a history of colonization from thousands of years ago. India's so-called main ethnic group 'Hindustani' has been established for less than a hundred years. It is still unknown how many Indian people recognize this statement.  .  Moreover, the divisions between various castes are even more serious. The lower castes have been accustomed to an almost slave-like life for thousands of years.  Why would such a nation be put in the universe?  Are you waiting for aliens to colonize?  If a weird alien with more than a dozen arms comes, wouldn't these guys think that Shiva is alive and then surrender without firing a shot?  Zhu Runfa also gave great consideration to the Oriental Kingdom, but apart from Zhu Runfa¡¯s own emotional factors.  He also looked down upon Japan.  The history of the Oriental Kingdom is also one of long division.  For Japan.  There was no unification at all before modern times. Under the feudal system they implemented, the big names and small names in various places were completely independent kingdoms.  Only in modern times did the emperor unite people's hearts and become a truly unified country, but unfortunately their divisions are also deep-rooted.  This can be seen from the voltage used in Kansai and Kanto. Have you ever seen that the voltage used in two regions in the same country is different?  Can you imagine what a strange sight it is when Yanjing uses 110v voltage and Shanghai uses 220v voltage?  But Kansai and Kanto in the East have become a reality because of the conflicts between the two regions that have continued from the Warring States Period.  From the beginning to the present, the voltages in the two places have never been thought of being unified for more than a hundred years As for Europe, these good friends who love and kill each other basically do nothing but stick together during robberies.  They never stopped talking to each other.  And even after the robbery was over, in order to divide the spoils unevenly, they still ended up killing each other.  Aren't they the ones who turned people's brains into dog brains during World War I and World War II?  Even if an alliance is formed in front of them later, when things really come to a head, their respective calculations will be very precise.  We really have to count on them to go to the universe, and then they will occupy the territory and divide the spoils unevenly in the future.  That¡¯s it! The United States is the most powerful country in the world.  It is a pity that a powerful country is a powerful country, but it has not experienced a real historical test.  The reason why it became the world's most powerful country was based on World War I and World War II. Its superior geographical location allowed it to make a lot of money and accumulate the capital to become a powerful country.  In fact, even though he seems to be very strong now, if he had such a good friend as a neighbor in Japan back then, it is hard to say whether this country still exists now?  Whether a cosmic nation can survive in the universe does not depend on how many battles it has won, but on whether it can still unite people's hearts after defeating it.  If you attack Vietnam, the anti-war forces in the country will surge, but you are still ravaging people across the Pacific Ocean. If someone knocks on your door one day Hahaha!  Never believe that American soldiers will be as brave as those shown in Hollywood blockbusters. As long as their lives are guaranteed, they will surrender properly.  As for Eros, the fighting nation, but let¡¯s wait until their population achieves positive growth!  Otherwise, even if they enter the universe, they will also end up extinct.  The Arabs, don¡¯t mention it!  Besides oil and what else?  Is there any serious industry?  "Uncle Heiit's better not to say anything, so as not to hurt people's self-esteem."  Finally, when it comes to China, China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world. It has a long history of inheritance and profound cultural heritage.  In the 2,200 years since the unification of Qin, China has been unified or basically unified for more than two-thirds of the time, and most of this time of division was caused by foreign invasions.  At other times, the idea of ??great unification can be said to be deeply rooted in the marrow of every Chinese person.  As far as the rulers of China are concerned, whether they are from a noble family or a beggar monk from a humble background, as long as they have the strength to conquer the world, they will never give up their efforts to unify China.  .  Even the emperors of the Song Dynasty, who were called weak in history, whether they were wise emperors or faint emperors, always had the desire to regain Yanyun Hunyiyu in their hearts. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? As far as the independent elements of the Yizhou Island are concerned, you should really give them a chance to travel to ancient times.  After they have gained a certain level of strength, 99% of them will probably first think about how to unify China in the future, rather than splitting their territory from China.  The butt determines the head. It¡¯s not that these people really don¡¯t want to unify, they are just thinking about things with their butts. Since they can¡¯t unify us and are reluctant to part with their own vested interests, they have no choice but to make trouble.  As for the remaining 1%, they can no longer be regarded as Chinese people at all. They just wear Chinese skin and have no similarities with Chinese people in essence.  (ps: When I heard about the gutter oil incident over there, my first reaction wasOf course: your sister!  As expected, they are all Chinese, even doing the same immoral things.  ) Under such a unified concept, even if some careerists appear after leaving the earth in the future, as long as this concept still exists in the hearts of the Chinese people, then there is no fear that the entire racial subject will be divided.  Whether he is an ambitious person or a compassionate saint, as the ruler of this cosmic country, he will definitely do everything possible to unify this nation-state.  This is enough. Zhu Runfa believes that as long as he sets foot in the universe, the cruel laws of the universe will teach Chinese people how to unite better.  Of course, this is just the general idea in Zhu Runfa's heart. What to do in the future depends on the specific situation.  How to deal with the Earthlings other than the Chinese cannot be explained clearly in one sentence. The only thing that is certain is that the Oriental people will definitely have nothing to play with.  (To be continued)
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