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Text Chapter 179 I am not a nationalist

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    "Hahaha! Zhu Runfa, the Sa family has tolerated you for a long time," Brother Batian laughed arrogantly as the muzzle of the gun in the dark hole was pressed against Zhu Runfa's head, "Everything here is mine, mine! Hahaha! All the gold is  It's mine, hahaha! This article was originally published by." Hearing this, Zhu Runfa rolled his eyes and slapped his bald head, "Stop playing! Let's count how many things there are."  We have to go to the next coordinate." "Oh!" Ba Tian stuck out his tongue when he heard this, threw the Sanba Gai aside, and then screamed: "Lovely Miss Jinzi, the Sa family is here, the Sa family is here.  I need you to warm the bed!" This guy yelled and used an iron bar to pry open a box of gold, then grabbed the gold bars and threw them all over the sky.  Zhu Runfa ignored him and observed the environment where the treasure was located.  This place is not like the treasures described in the novel, which are full of traps. There are no crossbows, flaps, poisonous insects, zombies and other messy things. In fact, the original function of this treasure place was an underground arms of the Japanese Army.  Library.  Of course, this does not mean that this place is completely safe. In fact, there are still many traps. If you dig according to conventional methods without detailed underground building maps, the most likely possibility is to dig out a bunch of mustard gas bombs, and then  They were blown to the ground by the severely corroded missile bodies.  However, under the scanning of the dowser, these suspicious objects with special shapes were completely invisible, and they were all clearly displayed on the dowser's display.  In this case, Zhu Runfa easily bypassed these gas bombs, and then used the mining attachment attached to the prospector to excavate the entire arsenal.  A rock and iron gate used to seal the final entrance to the treasure.  It was as vulnerable as tofu in front of the prospector's bucket.  This underground arsenal may have been a coal mine at first.  Because traces of coal mining still remain in its depths.  At that time, the Japanese only renovated part of it with cement and then used it as an arsenal.  However, compared to the simplicity of the arsenal itself, the Japanese army had very strict management of the arsenal. Apart from being covered with dust due to the passage of time, the scene did not feel messy at all.  It is not easy for the Japanese team in the doomsday atmosphere.  Zhu Runfa picked up the 38 cap that Brother Batian had just thrown on the ground, pulled the bolt with his hand, and found that the entire bolt was rusted.  In the rainy and humid environment of Southeast Asia.  The arsenal, which should have been kept dry, has been soaked by rain after years of baptism.  Most of the guns and ammunition here have been severely corroded and can no longer be used. Some rifles and even the stocks are completely rotten.  Similarly, the cannons that were supposed to look majestic were already covered in a layer of red and black rust, and the few trucks were in a state of decay, becoming a paradise for rats.  .  The location near the door of the arsenal is much messier, except for the can shells everywhere.  There are also a lot of bones.  It can be seen that quite a few of the corpses here are not Japanese soldiers.  They were laborers kidnapped by Japanese soldiers, because they were obviously killed from behind by others.  This can be inferred from the location of the trauma on their bones. The Japanese soldiers who committed suicide either committed seppuku or shot themselves to death from the side with a gun, but those workers were indeed shot in the back of the head, and their entire skulls were blown away.  .  Zhu Runfa glanced at the bones casually, shook his head, and then turned his head to the side indifferently.  To be honest, he has seen more dead people¡¯s bones in the past few days than he has seen living people in his life.  In his opinion, the workers in front of him were quite lucky, at least they died neatly.  In the largest treasure he found on the first night, at least 30,000 workers' bones were buried.  The scary thing is that when the underground fortification containing the treasure was sealed, all those workers should have been alive.  When Zhu Runfa opened the underground fortification, he almost peeed with fright. Only a few bones inside were intact. The remaining bones were covered with gnawing marks. The leftover bones were scattered everywhere, like thighs.  The bones were piled up into a mountain.  Just imagining it can make people feel a chill. After the underground fortifications were closed, what happened there was definitely a hell-like scene.  "Brother Fa!" Brother Batian shouted excitedly, "We have finished counting. There is a lot of gold here, about two hundred tons, as well as some silver coins and jewelry. I took a look, and they were all pearls and gems.  And so on, the largest number of silver coins from the Republic of China, as well as some Spanish and Dutch silver coins. Well, there are also a lot of Mexican Eagles. It is estimated that there are more than three million coins in total. If you throw all these silver coins into a coin collection,  The market was enough to cause an avalanche in currency prices during the Republic of China." "Mom.The little devil!  Hold!  " Zhu Runfa cursed fiercely when he heard this, then raised his foot and trampled the skull of a Japanese to pieces. "What's wrong!  Fa Ge!  "Brother Batian was playing with a few silver coins in his hand and said strangely, "Isn't it just that there is a little less gold?  Is it necessary to be so angry?  Besides, 200 tons of gold is not worth mentioning compared to the harvest in the past few days, but to the outside world, it is simply an astronomical figure.  " "I am not because of this!  "Zhu Runfa said in a deep voice, "Brother Batian, think about it, Southeast Asia is rich in gold, so the gold here may be plundered from temples, or it may be plundered from wealthy Chinese businessmen, or it may be plundered from European colonists.  But these silver coins Look at these silver coins. The Republic of China replaced the silver dollar with legal tender in 1935. However, the paper currency that was widely adopted in the West at that time only issued a small amount of silver coins as auxiliary coins. So where did these silver coins come from?  " "You mean" Brother Batian's expression changed, he looked at the silver coins in his hand carefully, and shouted, "This is the Mexican lace Eagle Ocean.  Hold!  These damn brats.  " "That's right!  Zhu Runfa nodded with a serious expression, then took the silver coin from his hand and said, "Mexico's lace eagles stopped minting before 1897, and all subsequent ones were straight-edged eagles!"  From 1987 to 1945, it lasted at least fifty years.  I really can't imagine being in Southeast Asia.  Except for us Chinese.  Who else has a large store of silver coins?  " Batian was silent when he heard this. There is no doubt that the richest people in the world are definitely not Chinese, but the people who are the best at saving money are definitely Chinese. At that time, most countries in the world had already issued large-scale  Paper money, and for the colonists' banks, using paper money to plunder precious metals in the colonies was a profitable business. After all the precious metal currencies entered the colonists' banks, they no longer had to think about coming out. They had long been recycled and re-cast as currency.  In this case, only the Chinese who believe in real gold and silver would hide so many ancient silver coins in their homes and let the European colonists or local natives use them frugally.  It would be a big joke to accumulate silver coins. This is why Zhu Runfa and Brother Ba Tian couldn't help but curse. There is no doubt that all these silver coins should have been snatched from the hands of the Chinese at that time, and they were definitely.  That kind of plundering that involves confiscating families and exterminating families. Otherwise, if the Chinese are smart, even if the robbers come to the door, they will hide part of the wealth well. But now, even the silver coins that have been hidden for more than fifty years have been uncovered, so what happened at that time?  Needless to say, what happened to the Chinese? ¡°More than three million silver coins!  "Zhu Runfa was silent for a long time, and then sighed. "Even if 300 pieces were plundered from each household at that time, at least 10,000 Chinese households would have been killed.  And behind the 10,000 households there may be more than 100,000 Chinese.  But the problem is that although the Chinese in Southeast Asia are wealthy, how many of them could really afford three hundred silver coins at that time?  How many people died in the end?  It can be said that the gold plundered by the Japanese is not necessarily stained with Chinese blood, but behind each piece of silver coins plundered by the Japanese there is definitely a Chinese ghost.  " "Maybe not so many people died!  "Brother Batian said with an ugly face, "Maybe the little devil just happened to rob a big family at that time, and these silver coins were robbed from that big family.  " "Then this was also stolen from a wealthy family?  Zhu Runfa casually picked up a silver lock weighing less than one or two weights from the pile of jewelry and threw it to Brother Ba Tian. This kind of silver lock is a traditional Chinese longevity lock, usually worn by children. The silver lock in front of him  The workmanship is rough and the texture is even more impure. The original words "Long Life" are almost completely rusted and can only be seen clearly. It is obvious that such a silver lock cannot be worn by a wealthy family for their children.  Brother Batian looked at the silver lock, and then at the piles of gold. Suddenly he threw the silver coins in his hand into the box without interest, shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "I don't know why, seeing so many  Gold, I suddenly couldn't be happier.  The day before yesterday when I saw so many corpses for the first time, although I thought the little devil was disgusting, I was more excited about the gold I was about to get.  But now facing these gold, as well as these jewelry and silver coins, I don¡¯t know why I suddenly feel no excitement at all, but instead feel an indescribable anger!  Brother Fa, do you think I am too hypocritical? When faced with the corpses of so many indigenous people in Southeast Asia, the first thing I thought of was gold.  But now I only saw these silver coins, not even a Chinese corpse, but suddenly I became angry for those Chinese who died.  Or is Sajia essentially a nationalist?  Just because the people who suffered are Chinese people, do they look at it differently?  But my mother is an Eros aunt, and my mother is also a hybrid of Chinese and Eros. My eyes are still blue. There is even a name in the Sa family?Vanovich.  By the way, to the Sa family, what is the difference between the Chinese in Southeast Asia and the indigenous people? Why are the Sa family angry?  " "What do you say!  Zhu Runfa rolled her eyes at him angrily, "Why has your name been Peng Pai since you were a child?"  Why do you just call me Ivanovich, and why do you enter Han as the nationality?  Have you ever seen a Han Chinese with blue eyes?  If you change your ethnic group, you can get extra points in the college entrance examination!  " " Damn it!  "Brother Ba Tian also rolled his eyes, "Even my Eros mother doesn't understand the Eros language spoken by the Sa family. Besides, the name written in the household registration book when I was born was called Peng Pai, and I was called Ivano.  Vicky is not used to it!  As for changing my clan I just want to change it, but my dad must agree to it!  If he finds out, he won't beat me to death!  Zhu Runfa heard this and said with a smile: "You are such a big guy, has your father ever been able to beat you?"  " "Nonsense!  "Brother Batian said angrily, "That's my dad.  He wants to hit me.  If I fight back, am I still a human being?  When a father beats his son, the big stick will make him go away, and the small stick will make him suffer.  We Chinese people have been this way since ancient times, how can we fight back!  " "Look!  Zhu Runfa shrugged, "You said 'we are from China', so are you still wondering why you are angry?"  "    "Well!  That seems right." Brother Batian scratched his head after hearing this, and then said with some distress, "So the Sa family is actually a hidden nationalist?  Damn it, Saji is still a nationalist.  It's really strange.  By the way, I, a legendary Ermaozi, is actually a Chinese nationalist. This there always seems to be something wrong!  " "You are originally a Chinese, what's wrong with you!  Zhu Runfa put his arm around his shoulders and said, "However, it is true that you are Chinese, but that is not necessarily true of being a nationalist. You are just a pseudo-nationalist at best."  "    "Well!  I'm not the one anymore," Brother Batian rolled his eyes upon hearing this, "The Sa family just realized their political leanings.  Why did you deny it again?  " "How could a nationalist emerge so easily in China in the peaceful era?  "Zhu Runfa sighed and said, "Only when you suffer unfair oppression.  Nationalism can only really rise in China when there is a serious threat from the outside world. Most of the time, people are just living their own small lives.  "The reason why you and I are angry is nothing more than hurting others. You and I are Chinese, and those who died are also Chinese, so it is normal to be angry, and it is strange not to be angry.  Relatives and hatred are the same in ancient and modern times. For you and me, Chinese people are naturally close to each other because we are also Chinese.  As for the indigenous people of Southeast Asia, they are far away from us, so we have no feeling about their life and death.  As for the Japanese" "Is it hatred?  "Brother Batian said, "Kids and enemies, since Chinese people can be close to each other, then the Japanese people naturally need to hate each other?  " "Hate!  "Zhu Runfa was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head, "All the hatred happened more than seventy years ago.  Most of the people who experienced that year, whether they were victims or perpetrators, have passed away, and there is little real meaning in persisting in hatred.  As long as I don't take them to play in the future, I will take revenge for everything.  " "Don't take them to play?  What to play?  Brother Batian was filled with doubts, "Brother Fa!"  Why are you so clueless?  I don't read much, could you please make it clear?  " "Your sister!  Do you read little?  How about I graduate from the same school as you?  Zhu Runfa rolled his eyes at him angrily, then sighed and said, "What I mean is that I will soon show off my talents. I originally planned to bring people from all over the world to play with me."  But after what happened in the past few days, after careful consideration, I decided to take only some people to play, and the Japanese people definitely have no time to play. Do you understand?  "    "Well!  I seem to understand a little bit!  "Brother Batian nodded, then shook his head, "But I still don't quite understand, because I don't know how you want to show off your skills, and why don't you play with them?  " "This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly for a while," Zhu Runfa smiled, "Anyway, you just need to know a little bit.  In the future, those who follow me will be as noble as gods, while those who do not follow me will be as humble as ants!  "    "Well!  As cheap as an ant?  "Brother Batian heard this and a drop of cold sweat dropped on his head, "Brother Fa, although I don't know if you are talking big words, but you are as humble as an ant or something Are you sure you are not a nationalist?  " "Of course not!  "Zhu Runfa laughed and said, "If I were a nationalist, then I would definitely yell and kill them all. Unfortunately, I am a pseudo-nationalist at best, so I would just not play with them at most.  " "Then you might as well kill them all!  "Brother Batian rolled his eyes and said, "As cheap as an ant, you can even be a slave."?What a strong ant!  At least slaves are still the property of their masters. Ants are nothing, they can be trampled to death without anyone caring.  " "Slave!  Zhu Runfa smiled faintly, "The Japanese are also people from the earth, and they are separated from China. How can I let them be slaves?"  And did you know that in this cruel universe, even slaves have to be qualified?  Many civilizations are slaves to their masters, but they are masters to other civilizations.  What's more, there have been many examples of slave rebellions from ancient times to the present. If the rebellion is successful, slaves can also become masters!  "    "I see!  Brother Batian sighed, "You are not even qualified to make them slaves!"  " "That's right!  Zhu Runfa nodded lightly, then looked at the silver lock and sighed, "Although I am not a nationalist, there are some things that should not be forgotten!"  Let's go!  Let's go to the next coordinate!  " Brother Batian is silent. ""(To be continued)
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