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Text Chapter 165 Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Army

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    Emperor Judai's head was enlarged, but fortunately, it only made his head enlarged for three seconds, because at the fourth second, the great Emperor Judai heard the barking of Bagan people's dogs.  This dog barking was a wake-up call for Emperor Zhu Dai, allowing him to instantly understand himself, understand the past and the future, and know where he should go.  So the next moment, he took Eiichiro Suzuki into the Interstellar Store without saying a word, and then turned around and ran away with a decisive look on his face.  Originally!  Emperor Zhu Dai spent so much effort just to let these guys live in front of others, and then get them out of the trouble of accidentally killing Eiichiro Suzuki.  As for the restthese alien parasitic lifeforms are just tools he bought to deal with the problem. It's hard to believe that he really wants to be the Bird Feather Emperor of these thirty or so guys!  ¡°Besides, these guys have lost their ability to reproduce and cannot have any impact on the earth¡¯s environment, so Emperor Zhu Dai didn¡¯t have any burden in his heart and ran away decisively.  As for how these "Easterners" reacted after he ran away, or how the Bagan soldiers who came over treated them, that was none of his business.  Anyway, even if it is really a big problem, it is the government of Toyo and Bagan. It is not Emperor Zhudai¡¯s turn to worry about it. After all, these aliens wearing human skin are former members of the Self-Defense Forces of Toyo.  "Shua!" After a soft sound, Emperor Zhu Da disappeared without a trace under the eyes of this group of fanatical "imperial troops".  "This, this" an "Eastern man" shouted in shock, "Where has His Majesty the Emperor gone?" "Onboard!" Upon seeing this, an "Eastern man" shouted enthusiastically, "He is indeed a living god.  "The greatest emperor in the world must have gone to heaven." "Of course!" another "Oriental" shouted.  "His Majesty the Emperor is a descendant of the eternal lineage, Amaterasu. He is naturally extremely majestic and has boundless power. His Majesty the Emperor, on board! On board! On board!" "Yoshi! Sodesnai!" All "Oriental people"  Hearing this, he suddenly realized, and then shouted enthusiastically, "His Majesty is onboard! Onboard!" Uh!  I have to say that parasitic civilizations like Yaguang Civilization.  The most fucked up part is this. Although they claim to be highly intelligent, in fact their own civilization does not exist at all.  For ordinary intelligent creatures, as long as their wisdom becomes higher and higher, they will always create and develop, and finally develop their own civilization.  But this situation does not exist for parasitic civilizations. All their wisdom is used to think about how to solve the parasitic problem. Scientific inventions and other things are simply impossible for them, so they are completely  Treat the parasitized civilization as its own civilization.  And it is precisely because their civilization was created by others and they have no civilizational characteristics of their own at all.  That's why they are called parasitic civilizations.  Like aliens, they simply parasitize other species and do not absorb other people's civilization at all.  At best, we can only call them parasitic organisms, but not a parasitic civilization.  To expand further, if any kind of parasitic life develops its own civilization after parasitizing other species, then it will no longer be regarded as a parasitic civilization, but an emerging special civilization.  Therefore, although the behavior of this group of aliens seems incomprehensible, it is completely normal for them, because they do regard themselves as real "Orientals".  And just as they were shouting feverishly, almost a squad of Bagan search teams came to the vicinity of the valley with military dogs.  After hearing their shouts, the group of military police officers immediately stopped cautiously, and then sent out soldiers to investigate them.  After all, Bagan has never been peaceful since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Although the Bagan soldiers are not very effective in combat, they do not lack the necessary caution.  Well, it can be said that the only thing that is not lacking is caution. After all, it is unfair to lose your life for a salary of less than 100 RMB a month!  Well, besides, if you really lose your life, can you still happily extort money and oppress the people?  I'm afraid my family will become ordinary people and be bullied, right?  After a while, the investigating soldiers ran back.  "Report sir!" the soldier reported in a low voice, "Thirty-two young men were found in the front. They had no weapons in their hands, but there were a lot of blood stains on their bodies. Judging from the reaction of our military dogs, they should be the ones in the warehouse.  "A group of people." "Oh! Really?"  They did not have any firearms, but they did have some sticks and branches.?Sticks and branches?  "The squad leader curled his lips contemptuously, "What kind of weapon is that? As long as we have guns in our hands, why are we afraid of their branches and sticks?  " "Sir!  "The soldier suggested, "Now that we have found them, should we report to the company commander and ask them to come for reinforcements" "Pop!  "Before he finished speaking, he was slapped on the face by the monitor. "Idiot!  "The squad leader reprimanded, "There are more than thirty people, and there are no weapons in their hands. That's the credit that came to us. If we catch them, we will definitely be promoted and make a fortune. Do you want to give the credit to others?  " "But sir!  "The soldier said aggrievedly, "If we don't tell the company commander about this, he will kill us.  " "Stupid!" The squad leader sneered when he heard this, "With this merit, I can be promoted to company commander or even battalion commander. Then it won't be him who tortures me to death, but I who will torture him to death."  "    "hehe!  That too!  "The soldier also laughed when he heard this, "Then, sir, don't forget us brothers!  " "Don't worry!  "The squad leader laughed reservedly, and then made a natural gesture of counting money, "As long as you I will recommend you to be the squad leader when the time comes.  "    "Well!  "The soldier immediately forced himself to smile, then nodded and said repeatedly: "Understood!  clear!  "Hmph! The squad leader gave him a disdainful look. When he entered the military camp, he used all his family's property to bribe the recruiting leaders to become a soldier. He paid an unknown amount for the position of squad leader. Do you want to say a few words?  It¡¯s a pretty good idea to be able to be the monitor if you say nice things. ¡°Okay!  "The squad leader gave the soldier a push, then raised his head and said to everyone, "Everyone, please surround me. Don't let anyone get away."  As per the old rules, no one is allowed to steal the spoils of war. I will distribute them uniformly after the war. Otherwise, don¡¯t blame me for being rude.  Do you understand?  "    "yes!  Got it!  "A few Bagan soldiers replied feebly. Then they looked at each other strangely, with tacit smiles on their faces. Don't you hide the loot? Haha! "Okay!  Surround them quietly!  "When the squad leader saw their smiles, he pretended not to see them. Anyway, everyone came here like this. As long as they didn't hide too much, he just turned a blind eye. Are you a soldier in Bagan? There is no extra.  How can I live on with my income! It's normal to go out on the street to grab something, let alone hiding some loot. Even a few years ago, there were soldiers who went to China to look for food, but they were discovered.  But I don¡¯t know if this group of Bagan soldiers were too scumbag or if the aliens wearing Japanese skins were too alert. Anyway, they were discovered as soon as they got close.  !  Who!  "A Japanese suddenly pointed at the place where a soldier was hiding and shouted. "Nani!  "The other Japanese people screamed. The military qualities inherited from the original owner of the body allowed them to react quickly. Then before the Bagan people could react, they made a tactical move and rolled to the hiding spot. Damn it! They were discovered.  Yeah! The squad leader cursed secretly, then stood up and waved to his soldiers, "Get them all!"  Don't even shoot, capture them alive.  "    "yes!  "A few soldiers agreed, and then rushed forward happily. "It's just a few dozen unarmed people. They have seen many of these people in Bagan, and they are no more honest than sheep under the gun. That's it.  As the squad leader said, if these people are really related to the shooting in the warehouse, then they are the trophies given to them. Several Bagan soldiers ran to the place where the "Oriental people" were standing, and immediately aimed their aks at them.  From where they were hiding, they shouted loudly: ¡°Come out all of them!  Otherwise we will shoot!  " "Baga Yalu!  "An "Eastern man" hid behind the stone and shouted in Bagan, "Who are you?  " "We are the Bagan government troops!  "The squad leader shouted sternly, "Now we suspect that you are related to a previous shooting case. Anyone who knows the situation should come out quickly, otherwise we will shoot.  " "Baga!  Damn Bagan monkeys.  "The "Oriental man" cursed in a low voice in Oriental dialect. "Koizumi-kun!  What's going on?  " Several Japanese people asked one after another. Well, because most of these people did not understand Bagan before being parasitized, they still need translation after being parasitized. " Koizumi said: "He said he doubted us and the people in the previous warehouse  The shooting is related and we need to surrender!  "Bagaya Road!" an "Eastern man" shouted angrily, "You actually want the warriors of the empire to surrender. These humble Bagan monkeys of Bagan are crazy. Do they think they are ghosts from the United States?"  "Ugh! These aliens have completely entered their roles and have become more normal now.The Oriental people who played cards have returned to the Oriental people.  "Hurry up and surrender!" The squad leader shouted, "I'll count to three. If you don't come out and surrender, I will kill you all. Now start counting. One!" "Baga!" All "Oriental people"  "Muttered a curse.  "Two!" "Koizumi-kun! What should we do now?" an "oriental man" asked hurriedly.  "Go out first! Then look for opportunities" Koizumi whispered, then made a gesture on his neck with his hand, and said with a ferocious smile; "Yours! Do you understand?" "Hai!" All the "Oriental people" agreed,  Then they all let out a hideous laugh.  "Three" "Hai! Hai! Please don't shoot!" Koizumi nodded and walked out from behind the stone with his hands raised. He nodded and bowed and said, "We will come out right away." "Stop talking nonsense!" The squad leader pointed his gun at the gun.  Pointing at him, he said, "Hurry up and let all of you come out." "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Koizumi waved his hands and said, "I will let them come out right away. Please don't shoot. We are Japanese people.  "We have money, and as long as you don't hurt us, we are willing to give you all the money. Look at my hand, this is my money, and I am willing to give it to you." He shook his head.  Something on hand. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? When all the Bagan soldiers heard this, their eyes lit up.  When they looked carefully at Koizumi's hand, they all swallowed a mouthful of saliva. They saw that Koizumi's hand was holding a handful of banknotes, all of which were hundred-yuan rice dollar bills, more than twenty in total.  "How much money do you have?" The squad leader also swallowed, then cautiously stepped forward, snatched the banknotes from his hand, and then quickly stepped back.  "Back off! Back off!" the squad leader said, holding the money in one hand and pointing a gun at him.  "Hai!" Xiaoquan quickly took a few steps back and said with a smile, "It's a small joke, please accept it, sir!" "Yes!" The squad leader nodded with satisfaction, then lowered his head and counted carefully, almost drooling.  I saw more than 20 pieces of money, all of which were rice dollars in denominations of 100 yuan, which was equivalent to several years of his salary.  He looked up at everyone and then stuffed it into his pocket without hesitation.  When all the Bagan soldiers saw it, their eyes were filled with jealousy. They wanted to grab the squad leader and grab the money into their own hands.  The squad leader naturally saw the looks in these soldiers' eyes, but he didn't care. The method of crushing people to death at the official level is common everywhere, as long as he gives these soldiers some benefits later.  He licked his lips and said to Koizumi: "You! Let everyone come out and hold the money in your hands. I guarantee your safety." "Hai! Hai!" Koizumi nodded and agreed quickly, and then waved behind him.  Waved and shouted in Japanese dialect, "Everyone, come out! This officer guarantees our safety." "Hai!" More than thirty "Japanese people" agreed, then waved banknotes and walked away from the hiding place with nods and bows.  Come out with a fawning smile on your face.  "Gudong!" All the Bagan soldiers swallowed their saliva and stared straight.  "Sir!" Xiaoquan stepped forward and said with a smile, "They are all out, please keep your promise and ensure our safety." "No problem! Absolutely no problem!" The squad leader nodded mechanically, and then subconsciously walked towards and waved  holding banknotes.  At this time, he was completely attracted by the banknotes in the hands of these Japanese people. He did not notice that Koizumi had approached behind him with a sinister smile on his face, and the soldiers under him were also dazzled by the banknotes  ¡­ An hour later, a temporary notification from the Bagan government completely detonated the nerves of all countries in Asia: an organization claiming to be the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Army" attacked and killed a class of Bagan soldiers, and then the Bagan government troops  During the encirclement and suppression of a regiment, a "board charge" was launched, which defeated the regiment head-on and broke out after seizing a large number of weapons.  This organization composed entirely of Japanese people claims that they want to build a new imperial paradise for His Majesty the Emperor and establish a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.  At this point, the Japanese communist forces, which had disappeared for more than seventy years, finally reappeared in the eyes of the world.     Well!  Maybeprobably!  (To be continued)
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