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Text Chapter 117: Eaten the customer service girl?

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    The smoke and dust gradually dispersed, and the scene inside was gradually revealed.  I saw nine robots forming a circle. In the circle was Zhu Runfa, who was drooling and shouting that he was hungry. The seriously injured dogs were all gone. They must have been taken in by the customer service girl.  But the strange thing is that there is choking smoke and dust everywhere outside the circle, but the air inside the circle is as clean as the suburbs in the morning, and Zhu Runfa in the middle has not even lost a hair.  "Phew! Fortunately!" the customer service girl breathed a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, the seller of these robots was a bit cheating, but the robots he sold were not that cheating. At least they were equipped with a minimum defensive force field."  Then she glanced at Zhu Runfa worriedly and said: "Auxiliary chip, what are the results of your re-examination on him? What happened to him? Why is this happening?" "Dip! The auxiliary chip has re-examined the user's body.  "The auxiliary chip replied, "No problem has been found, the user is normal." "You sister! You are a broken chip," the customer service girl rolled her eyes, "How can you find someone who is abnormal?  Let¡¯s take a look!¡± Indeed, Zhu Runfa was extremely abnormal at this time. His eyes were glowing green and he kept shouting that he was hungry.  What's even more terrifying is that at this time, all the cells in Zhu Runfa's body seemed to have their own consciousness. All the skin and flesh on the surface of his body were surging on their own, sinking pits into his body, as if there were pits inside his body.  Countless straws are trying their best to feed "yunxi" inside.  ¡°Forget it!¡± The customer service girl took one look at the messy environment and said.  "It seems that now we have to go back first, and then find a quiet place. Then we will check him with professional instruments. The auxiliary chip will take over his central nervous system immediately. Don't let him run around. Let's go back.  " "Oops! The auxiliary chip takes over the nervous system" the auxiliary chip said, "The user's consciousness is confused, and the protective clothing temporarily takes over the user's mobility. " "Oh! Zhu Runfa, who was crying about hunger, suddenly stood up straight, and then looked like a man.  He stood there like a robot. ¡°Okay!  We are going back now.  "The customer service girl nodded, and then prepared to open the interstellar store and take out the vehicle. But at this moment, a faint dog barking suddenly came from the distance. The barking sound came very quickly from far to near.  , almost instantly it became clearly audible. ¡°Huh?  Could it be that my dogs are back?  "The customer service girl was surprised and happy after hearing the barking, "Haha!  As expected of the dog that I personally transformed, Her Majesty the Queen!  As expected, loyal!  Your Majesty, my character is really nothing to say, haha!  Well, I decided.  As long as you come back, I will not let Zhu Runfa sell you Damn it!  How could it be this stupid dog?  "The customer service girl's face turned dark immediately. "There was indeed a dog running at the speed of sound in the distance, but it wasn't any of the dogs that escaped. I saw that this dog looked very good.  Petite and cute, with a body size of only a palm, he looks like a cartoon puppet. It is the culprit who turned Zhu Runfa into this kind of teacup dog. ¡°Damn!  Where did you come from again?  "The customer service girl was shocked. "Robot prepare!  "This teacup dog has immediately returned to its original shape since it killed the group of men in black. The customer service girl did not relax her vigilance against it at first. After all, this guy is a level 10 modified beast. No matter how cute he looks,  But the threat was too great. But when the American special forces started to attack, the customer service girl breathed a sigh of relief, because the teacup dog was probably frightened by the huge sound and light effect, and she kept her tail between her legs without saying a word.  It ran away. Later, it never appeared again, and the customer service girl didn¡¯t take it to heart. Unexpectedly, it suddenly appeared again at this time.  "The nine robots immediately changed their direction, and the nine level 10 weapons immediately began to charge, and then began to lock on the teacup dog. "Stinky dog!  You go away right now," the customer service girl yelled, "or I'm going to attack!  " "Woof woof!  "The teacup dog barked, and then moved faster. "Shua!  "Nine level 10 weapons fired almost simultaneously, and nine energy beams hit the teacup dog almost instantly. "Hi!  "There was a soft sound. Centered on that point, everything within a few hundred meters, including buildings, cars, corpses and even the soil on the ground, were all silently vaporized by the ultra-high temperature. Immediately, there was a deep layer on the ground.  A large pit of tens of meters. Then these vaporized materials condensed in the air again, turning into something similar to volcanic ash. Almost instantly, a thick layer appeared in the sky.  Dark clouds. ¡°Crash!  "These dark clouds rubbed against each other, and a bolt of lightning struck down immediately.   However, the customer service girl did not have any joy on her face at this time, but instead showed a look of shock.  As mentioned earlier, the customer service girl lacked professional scanning equipment, so her scanning range was only a few hundred meters.  Beyond these few hundred meters, she could only scan through Earth's equipment, so her performance in this aspect had always been very poor.  However, within a few hundred meters, hers was still very powerful, so when the nine speeds of light hit the teacup dog, she discovered that at that moment, the teacup dog suddenly burst out at more than ten times the speed of sound.  , flashed past the nine beams of light as if teleporting, and then appeared in front of the nine robots.  "Whoa!" The response of the nine robots was not too slow. Under the control of the customer service girl, they almost exerted all their capabilities. They immediately turned their guns again, reaching at least six times the speed of sound.  But they were still slower than the teacup dog. Just as the robots turned their guns again, the teacup dog waved its paws and directly tore apart the defensive force field created by the nine robots.  This defensive force field, which could turn the big explosion just now into a drizzle, was almost like paper under the claws of this level 10 modified beast, and it walked in with almost no obstruction.  "Whoa!" The customer service girl suddenly appeared in the defense circle and stopped in front of Zhu Runfa.  She shouted in horror: "Stop, you stinky dog. Get out of here quickly, or I will shoot." "Woof!" The teacup dog barked at her, and then passed directly through the shadow of her body.  , paying no attention to her threats.  Well, actually don¡¯t worry about it. If the customer service girl really dares to shoot, I don¡¯t know if something will happen to the teacup dog, but Mr. Zhu Da will definitely not even have any scum left.  This is the most fearful thing about energy civilization and biochemically modified beasts.  When they break into the interior of the planet, they are almost invincible.  Because generally speaking, the more powerful the weapons of technological civilization, the larger their size. There is no problem at all in using these weapons to deal with them in the universe, but if they are used on the planet, it will be equivalent to destroying your own planet.  , so technological civilization is always very ineffective when it encounters the invasion of these enemies inside the planet.  And even if the civilization level increases.  Even if the weapon can be miniaturized, its effect is very limited, because when those guys break into the crowd, you can't kill all your own people, right?  Of course, technological civilization also has things like individual defensive armor to defend itself, but the problem is that the characteristic of technological civilization is that it has a large population but not many soldiers.  Who among those civilians would spend money to buy this?  Just like everyone in the United States can have a gun, but you don't see them all wearing body armor and taking to the streets at any time, right?  Energy civilization is different. If they want to advance to a level, more than half of the population must reach this level.  Therefore, they are almost all born warriors, and once they break into the technological civilization, they will become literary stars.  That's a huge disaster.  Not to mention the biochemically modified beasts, these guys above level ten were developed solely to deal with energy civilization and technological civilization.  This is the problem the customer service girl is encountering now.  Just outside the defensive circle, she could shoot immediately without hesitation. If the teacup beast had been hit at that time, it would have been killed immediately.  However, when this teacup beast broke into the defensive force field, she was a little confused. She couldn't kill Zhu Runfa too!  "Dog! What a good dog!" The customer service girl suddenly squatted down, and then said with a flattering smile, "My uncle dog, what are you going to do? You have something to say! Why don't you tell the matter, and everyone will be fine  Let¡¯s discuss it! Oh, yes, I have delicious high-energy nutrient solution from an alien planet. It tastes great! Well, I remembered, you might be an alien dog, why don¡¯t you try it all?  , maybe you can still find the flavor of your hometown?" "Crack!" With a sound, countless high-energy nutrient solutions appeared in front of the teacup dog. These nutrient solutions were just bought by her and were intended to be used to bribe the dog.  dog.  The teacup dog was startled by the sudden appearance of these things, and immediately took a few steps back warily.  After it found that there was no threat, it stepped forward and sniffed it curiously, then turned its head with disgust and shouted: "Woof!" "Hey! Don't you want to eat?" The customer service girl scratched it in distress.  He asked, "Also, what do you mean by that? I can't understand what the dog is saying!" Well, luckily Mr. Zhu Da only has hunger in his mind right now, otherwise he would have been furious after hearing this.  .  By the way, the customer service girl has always claimed that she can understand dogs talking, and then often translates for Wangcai "Ah! Yes!" The customer service girl suddenly beamed with joy, "Maslow, the earthly expert on earth, once said,  The most basic needs of people are appetite and that. Although you are a dog, the basic theory is the same, so since you don¡¯t want to eat, you must want that.???  Right?  " "Woof!  "The teacup dog waggled its tail and barked. "Whoa!  Indeed it is!  "The customer service girl clapped her hands and said with a smile, "That's what I said!  You are indeed a perverted dog!  Ah haha!  The Queen is indeed a genius in intelligent customer service!  You can even guess this.  good!  Don't worry!  Little dog, this matter is taken care of by me, the queen sister. I have plenty of beauties.  Why?  Which type do you want?  Plump type?  "Well, you can rise to this level pretty quickly. "Boom!  "A fat dog the size of an elephant appeared out of thin air. Its huge body stirred up dust all over the sky. It was one of the dogs that had just been injured. "Look at this dog!  The customer service girl said with a bright tongue, "She is fat and strong, her butt is big enough, and she is definitely fertile. She will be a big litter in her lifetime. The most important thing is that she is a sickly beauty. I really feel pity for her!"  How about it?  Be satisfied!  " "Woof!  "The teacup dog barked at her, and then without even looking at the big dog, he turned to look at Zhu Runfa. "Huh?  Not satisfied?  "The customer service girl touched her little head in confusion, and then suddenly realized, "I see, it turns out you like slim ones.  no problem!  Hey, everyone on earth likes to be slim. Sure enough, even dogs have the same taste!  " "Shua!  "The dog disappeared, and an unmodified greyhound was released. Well, this black slender-waisted hound seemed to have a bad temper. Of course, it might be that he was very dissatisfied with his current situation, so he  After releasing it, he immediately yelled at Zhu Runfa in front of him, "Look!  This one is slim enough!  "The customer service girl smiled at the teacup dog and said, "Look at this shiny and smooth fur, and look at this slim waist" "Ho!  "Before she finished speaking, the teacup dog, who was impatient with the greyhound, suddenly swelled to the height of a person, and then yelled at the dog. As a result, the dog was immediately yelled at.  He was so frightened that his heart stopped, and then he threw himself to the ground without saying a word, and then died. "" A drop of cold sweat dropped from the customer service girl's head, and she laughed dryly, "Haha!  Don't get excited!  Don't get excited!  Ha ha!  If you are not satisfied, you can change it again!  ¡­¡­ah!  I see!  Are you surprised that you like beautiful dogs?  But I likehiss!  You have such strong taste!  All right!  Fortunately, I still have a secret weapon, come out!  Prosperity!  " "Boom!  "Wangcai was let out. The big dog was originally sleeping. When he was let out, there was no reaction. He yawned with a sound of "Ah woo", then lay down on the ground again, and then continued to purr loudly.  Get up. "Hey!  Don¡¯t sleep on your wealth!  "The customer service girl shouted loudly, "I found a good friend for you, why don't you get up and say hello!  We will all be good friends from now on.  "Ah!" Wangcai's ears twitched, then he buried his head directly under his two paws, and continued to sleep.  "Damn! You're so disrespectful!" the customer service girl cursed, then turned to the teacup dog and said, "Well, don't mind, my family's wealth is a little shy" "Woof!" the teacup dog barked at her,  Suddenly he turned around and ran to Zhu Runfa's feet and raised his head to look at him. Then his little tail immediately started wagging happily, and he made a coquettish sound of "woo woo woo" in his mouth.  "Hey? Do you like Zhu Runfa?" The customer service girl looked embarrassed, a drop of cold sweat dripped down, and laughed dryly, "Although I don't know what true love is between living things, but the gap between you two is a bit big! Haha!  That think about it again! There will be no results for you! "Haha!" Zhu Runfa, who had been in a daze, suddenly lit up when he saw the teacup dog at his feet.  He said, "Food!" He roared, stretched out his big hand and grabbed the teacup dog.  "Treating level 10 modified beasts as food? Are you kidding me!" the customer service girl yelled in fright, "Stop! Zhu Runfa, it's dangerous!" "Food! Food!" Zhu Runfa's saliva was drooling, and his eyes were shining.  Looking at the teacup dog, "I want to eat it!" "Auxiliary chip! Stop him quickly!" The customer service girl was shocked.  "Beep! The user's consciousness is partially restored," the auxiliary chip replied. "The auxiliary chip has no right to prevent the user from eating!" "What? Damn it!" the customer service girl yelled, and then began to forcibly take over the authority of the protective clothing.  But it was too late, the teacup dog had been caught in Zhu Runfa's hand, and then sent to his mouth.  "Woof!" The teacup dog didn't seem to be afraid of what Zhu Runfa did. When he got close to his face, he even stretched out his pink tongue and licked him.  Seeing that the teacup dog was about to be delivered to Zhu Runfa¡¯s mouth, the customer service girl almost went crazy with fright. She knew that with Zhu Runfa¡¯s strength, she wanted toIt is impossible to get rid of a teacup dog, but it is very likely that the other party will end up using it as dog food.  "Stop! No!" The customer service girl subconsciously stretched out her hand to stop Zhu Runfa, and then "Click!" There was a soft sound, and the customer service girl's hand was bitten off.  "How is that possible? The customer service girl looked stunned, "This is my virtual body!  " "Click!  Click!  "The bitten hand was swallowed by Zhu Runfa in three mouthfuls.
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