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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Interstellar online shopping era

Text Chapter 116 The group is destroyed

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    "Hey? I'm hungry! Zhu Runfa, have you really evolved?" the customer service girl was surprised and happy.  "Hungry! I'm hungry! I'm so thirsty!" Zhu Runfa yelled crazily. At this time, his mind was completely occupied by the unprecedented feeling of hunger and thirst, and there was no other thought at all.  This feeling of extreme hunger did not come from his stomach, but was a reaction from his entire body. Every cell in his body was sending out hunger signals.  "No problem! I'm just hungry!" the customer service girl said with a smile, "Don't worry! We have plenty of high-energy nutrient solution. By the way, which flavor do you want to eat? Hey? It's better to know if there is beef flavor in the universe?" "Ho  ! Food! "Zhu Runfa didn't answer her words, but looked up to the sky and let out a beast-like roar.  He kicked off the ground with his legs, jumped directly to a seriously injured dog, then lowered his head and moved towards the dog's wound.  "Damn! You can't really be so hungry!" The customer service girl was startled and shouted quickly: "Stop! Zhu Runfa, this is a dog, not food!" Fortunately, Zhu Runfa didn't really bite.  He just sniffed the dog with his nose, and then immediately roared in disappointment: "Food not! Roar! Hungry!" "Phew! I was scared to death!" The customer service girl breathed a sigh of relief, "  I thought you really wanted to eat this dog? Okay, I'll give you nutrition and an auxiliary chip right away! Open the medical interface and inject him with high-energy nutrient solution directly. "Well, besides eating the high-energy nutrient solution directly,  It can also be used by injection.  However, because injection requires the use of equipment, it is used as battlefield supplies for emergency use.  Usually taken directly orally.  "Bit! The medical interface has been turned on," the auxiliary chip said.  "Prepare to receive new units Reception completed, ready for injection" A high-energy nutrient solution was directly transmitted from the interstellar client, and then accurately incorporated into the medical module of the protective suit.  "Hungry! Vomit" Zhu Runfa took a sip of sour water and shouted, "I'm starving to death!" "Auxiliary chip! Start the injection immediately," the customer service girl said hurriedly, "Pay attention! Don't overdose and become a big problem.  It¡¯s not good for fat people.¡± ¡°Yes! Start calculating the user¡¯s body usage¡± the auxiliary chip said.  "Complete calculation! Injection startsdrop! Injection completed." "Hey? What's going on?" The customer service girl was surprised, "Not even a tenth of a second before and after, how could it be so fast?" "I'm hungry!  "As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Zhu Runfa roar again.  "Still hungry!" The customer service girl looked at him, then frowned, "Assistant chip, what level of evolution has his body reached now? How much high-energy nutrient solution did you just inject into him?" "The user's body has not  Any evolution occurred." The auxiliary chip replied, "His body nutrition level is normal, and there is no problem with his body, so the auxiliary chip just gave him a little high-energy nutrient solution as backup energy." "How is this possible?  "The customer service girl was surprised, "Then how could he be so hungry, and if he didn't evolve? How did he punch that level 10 space beast away? Did you just get damaged?  Too powerful? Inject him with high-energy nutrients immediately. " "Beep! Warning! The user's body is no different than before!" The auxiliary chip said, "Because the user's physical fitness is too low, excessive injection of high-energy substances will cause the user to lose weight.  If an unforeseen danger occurs, the auxiliary chip does not recommend continuing to inject high-energy substances. "Is that so?" The customer service girl looked at Zhu Runfa who was jumping with hunger and shook her head.  "You must be too damaged! Forget it! The protective suit is forcibly taken over and high-energy nutrient solution is started to be injected." "Beep! Warning, the protective suit is forcibly taken over." The alarm of the auxiliary chip rang, "The user's body  Injected with high-energy substances Warning! The user is over-nourished, and the protection system automatically activates." The customer service girl was shocked and immediately gave up the authority of the protective clothing.  Then withdrew.  I saw that Zhu Runfa's whole body expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a second, he turned into a big fat man weighing more than 800 kilograms. There were layers of fat on his body, and even the eyes could not see it.  .  "Hungry! Thirsty!" Zhu Runfa, who had turned into a big fat man, roared again. So many high-energy substances did not make him feel any less hungry and thirsty.  Cold sweat broke out on the customer service girl's head, and she said in a panic: "What, what's going on? Why is there no record of this situation in my database?" "Beep! Warning!" The voice of the auxiliary chip rang.  He said, "The user's physical fitness is too poor, he is already overweight, and he is now trying to lose weight."?The auxiliary chip takes over the central nervous system, blocks pain, and the forced weight loss begins" "Wow!  "There was a soft sound, and all the fat on Zhu Runfa's body began to shake, and then countless sweat splashed out. Under the action of the auxiliary chip, the fat shrank quickly, and then turned into pieces like rocks.  Muscles. ¡°Haha!  Fortunately, this guy doesn't know anything now," the customer service girl broke into a cold sweat and laughed dryly, "If she knew what I had done, she would probably give me away directly Hahaha!  " "Thud tu tu tu!  "At this time, the machine guns of the American army rang again. It turned out that these guys reacted again after experiencing the initial panic. "Whoosh!  Phew!  "Hoo ho!"  Whoops!  "More than 200 rifle grenades and fifty rockets were launched at almost the same time. "Damn!  Come again!  "The customer service girl frowned, and nine robots immediately surrounded Zhu Runfa and protected him. "Rockets, grenades, machine guns, and sniper rifles, all give me maximum firepower output," Lieutenant Colonel Taylor shouted in the headset  He said, "Don't stop, blast that place to pieces.  Call the Air Force!  Call the Air Force!  Where is your support?  I need support!  " "This is Falcon 2!  "A voice replied in the earphone, "Air force support is coming.  "Well. Falcon 1 has been shot down. As soon as he finished speaking, an F22 suddenly roared past from a distance. Then it dropped a heavy aerial bomb. "Swish, swish!  "The nine robots moved at the same time. After a dazzling movement of the criss-crossed weapons on their bodies, countless energy rays of different lengths and powers were launched. "Boom, boom, boom!  "Almost instantly, these rays hit all the explosives fired at high speed, and then there was an earth-shattering explosion. Think about it, two hundred grenades and fifty rockets plus a heavy aerial bomb at the same time  Explosion, what a spectacular sight it was? It wasn¡¯t that one plus one equals two. It was a massive explosion, and the area of ??50 meters was completely enveloped in fire. The shrapnel hit the surrounding buildings like a heavy rain.  Sparks flew everywhere and there were craters everywhere. The steel body of a heavy-duty truck parked on the roadside turned into a sieve almost instantly. The huge sound caused by the explosion shook the buildings two blocks away.  The glass was cracked. Even the soldiers of the special forces who caused this scene were caught off guard by the explosion. They instinctively stopped shooting, covered their ears, opened their mouths and hid in a hiding place.  .    "good!  Well done!  Lieutenant Colonel Taylor stood up unsteadily, pointed at the smoke-filled scene and shouted, "Continue, boys, don't stop!"  Blow it up completely.  " "Whoosh!  Phew!  "Fifty rockets were shot out again. Then there was another violent explosion. "Assaulter!  Assaulter!  Lieutenant Colonel Taylor yelled, "Where are your grenades?"  I want to see your grenades!  Blow that place up!  Damn it!  Shoot quickly!  " " Lieutenant Colonel!  Lieutenant Colonel!  "At this time, someone suddenly shouted in the earphones, "I can't hear, my ears are deafened. Please let someone take over my command temporarily.  " "Are your ears deafened?  Damn it!  "Taylor understood instantly. The assaulters were too close, so the big explosion directly deafened these guys. Even the commanders of the assaults were deafened. You can imagine what happened to the others.  And Cicada: ¡°Falcon 2!  Falcon 2!  "The lieutenant colonel pressed the pager, "Please answer if you hear me!  " "This is Falcon 2!  "Throw another bomb there," Lieutenant Colonel Taylor shouted, "I need to make sure all these creatures are destroyed."  " "Falcon Two understands!  "The F22 pilot replied, then made a big circle in the air again, then roared over and threw a heavy aerial bomb towards the ground again. "No!  Damn it!  "Tyler's face suddenly changed and he shouted, "Commando!  Retreat quickly!  quick!  " But it was too late. In the horrified eyes of all the American troops, the aerial bomb accurately hit the commando's hiding place, and then there was an earth-shattering explosion. Countless disabled arms and tattered human bodies flew away in the light of the fire.  Get up. It's also unlucky for these American troops. It turns out that this F22 has turned off the guidance system and temporarily used the laser-guided aerial bomb as an ordinary aerial bomb. The problem is that the F22 is not the one from World War II.  If you want the F22 to accurately hit the target with an aerial bomb while flying at high speed, it is simply a piece of shit luck. In fact, the pilot did not hit the target with the first aerial bomb.  The robot would have exploded in mid-air, otherwise it would have been really difficult.When that aerial bomb fell, God knows where it would land. It might have hit the US army itself long ago.  The reason why these American troops did not discover this problem was because the explosion that occurred at the scene at the same time covered this up, making everyone think that the target was hit.  However, I don¡¯t know if the explosion of the aerial bomb made the pilot feel good about himself, so he dropped the second aerial bomb without hesitation.  The result was tragic.  "Falcon 2! What are you doing?" Lieutenant Colonel Taylor jumped angrily, "You blew up one of our own, damn it! I'm going to take you to a military court." "Sorry! Sir!" Falcon 2 also knew it.  He got into trouble, and quickly defended, "But I don't think it's my responsibility. The main reason is that the coordinates you gave are wrong." Well, since the US military fought in Iraq during World War II, various accidental bombings have never stopped, so  Air Force guys have no problem talking nonsense.  It is common for the ground forces and the air force to argue over accidental bombings, and this is not the case anyway.  "Nonsense!!" Lieutenant Colonel Taylor was furious, "You good bitch\son of a bastard, just wait for me, I want" But the pilot was destined not to wait for his revenge, so he  Before he could finish his words, a ray shot out from the smoke and accurately blew up the F22 in the air.  "Good job! That's it," Lieutenant Colonel Taylor felt greatly relieved and let out a breath of bad breath. But he immediately came to his senses and looked at the cloud of smoke with a horrified look on his face, shouting out loud:  "They're not dead yet?" Then, before he could react, countless rays shot out of the smoke again.  "Zhi!" There was a soft sound, and Lieutenant Colonel Taylor felt a tightness in his chest. Then his shocked expression froze on his face, his eyes gradually lost their luster, and then he fell down without saying a word.  On his chest, there was a blackened penetrating wound, which was emitting green smoke and giving off the smell of barbecue.  "Zi!" "Zi!" The sound of "Zi!" sounded almost at the same time. All the special forces soldiers fell to the ground, and no one survived.  They hurriedly let out a scream without even screaming.
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