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Volume 2 Lieutenant Level Chapter 223 Finale Part 2

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    April of 1934.  This is a beautiful season when spring flowers bloom and everything revives, but the surrounding Xing'an Mountains in Heijiang Province are shrouded in dark clouds of war.  Four months have passed since the end of the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War and the signing of the "Tanggu Agreement" in December last year. The Kwantung Army's rest and reorganization has long ended. There are more than 70,000 soldiers in two Japanese divisions and two puppet divisions.  They have already set out for Heijiang Province and are located in Jiamusi City and Hegang City to the east of the Xingshan Mountains, as well as Yili City to the south and Hehei City to the northwest. They are preparing to advance from three sides of the Xing'an Mountains at the same time and push across the Xing'an Mountains.  A stubborn bandit.  Although the Japs are coming fiercely, Wang Yue and the advance army are not afraid!  After nearly two years of development and continuous baptism of fire, the advance army has completed its initial preparation. Leaving aside the size and equipment of the army, Wang Yue feels the greatest pride that the construction of the entire Xing'an Mountains base has been initially completed.  The Xing'an Mountains are about 500 kilometers long from east to west, and the widest part from north to south is more than 200 kilometers, covering a total area of ??more than 3 million hectares. Wang Yue has initially built a super-large war base. The mountains range from criss-crossing to  Although most of the mountain roads are not suitable for driving, there is no problem at all for galloping.  More than a dozen large bases and hundreds of small and medium-sized strongholds are neatly and orderly distributed around the Xing'an Mountains. Various war fortresses and bunkers built according to the favorable terrain are scattered throughout the period. Various anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft machine guns,  Anti-aircraft guns almost covered the entire large base.  It can be said that the current Xing'an Mountains are like a super-large war fortress, a terrifying war machine that is about to reveal its ferocious face. Not to mention facing 70,000 little devils, even if it doubles the number, Wang Yue is not afraid.  This place is destined to be a meat grinder, a meat grinder for little devils, come as many as you want.  How much to suppress.  The advance army has no shortage of food.  Because Wang Yuezao has already reserved enough food for 100,000 troops and 300,000 soldiers and civilians to last for five years, the advance army does not lack equipment. Because the modern military industry system has been initially completed, the advance army also does not lack passages. Northeast of the Xing'an Mountains  It is Heijiang. Heijiang used to be the boundary of Soviet Russia.  If there is anything missing, Wang Yue can always replenish it.  The advance army also has no shortage of reserve forces. The 201st Division, the 201st Division, the 301st Division, and the seven or eight regiments wandering around various places, with a total strength of more than 40,000 people, can move from Suiyuan at any time, and use the secret passages of Soviet Russia to attack from Suiyuan.  Return from the northeast passage of Xing'an Mountains.  Although the advance army never officially showed up, it even sent coded telegrams occasionally.  They are all in the name of the mysterious Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, but even so, no matter they are Chinese now.  Even as a kid, everyone knows that there is a powerful Chinese army entrenched in the Xing'an Mountains.  In addition, the Kwantung Army was so solemn that it sent two divisions plus two puppet military divisions, a total of 70,000 people, to encircle and suppress, and the country was temporarily in a state of calm, so this battle was destined to attract many people at home and abroad.  eyeball.  Before the war even started, spies and reporters from various countries swarmed in.  Early May of 1934.  The day before the battle was about to take place, Wang Yue led the top brass of the expeditionary force.  The first press conference of the advance army was held in Yinjia County. The advance army officially entered the stage of China's anti-Japanese war as a regular military armed force.  In order to let the world know a little about the advance army, Wang Yue also specially arranged a small military parade. When groups of soldiers dressed in neat camouflage uniforms and carrying AK47 assault rifles on their shoulders passed by in high spirits and high spirits  When he took the podium, he immediately shocked everyone  One day later, the battle started in full force, and the war fortress of the Xing'an Mountains was fully activated.  The first wave of attacks was naturally an air strike. Hundreds of planes flew over the Xing'an Mountains from several secret airports in Heijiang Province and Jilin, preparing for indiscriminate bombing. Then, before these planes entered the skies over the Xing'an Mountains, they were overrun by  The radar was locked in advance, and anti-aircraft guns, rapid-fire guns, and anti-aircraft machine guns were quickly locked on it. Half of the hundreds of planes broke their wings and crashed, and half fled back to the secret base.  Wang Yue, on the other hand, transformed into a giant eagle soaring high in the sky, following these fighter planes, writing down the locations of several secret airports, and preparing to blow them all up in one fell swoop at night to completely determine the threat from the air. I'm kidding, I don't have a plane.  , cannot have air superiority, but although my airspace is not large, it is a no-fly zone.  Although the air raid was frustrated, the Japs did not lose confidence. They divided their troops into three groups and began to attack the Xing'an Mountains in an all-out manner. However, the ideals were full, and the reality was cruel. Not only did the imagined destruction and overthrow never occur, even a single  They didn't even attack the mountain pass, and thousands of men and horses were lost on the first day.  ¡­ As the war deepened, even Muto Nobuyoshi and Okamura Neiji came to Ice City in person to take overall command, but they still could not open up the situation. Most of the Japanese and puppet troops,If it can penetrate at most ten kilometers into the Xing'an Mountains, it will be completely annihilated and no one will be spared.  After the battle lasted for half a month, five of the two divisions of the Little Japanese Army were annihilated by the formal formation, with a loss of nearly 8,000 people. Half of the division was lost, and the two puppet divisions were directly captured.  More than 3,000 people were killed, and the battle losses reached half.  After the battle lasted for a month, the Japs suffered more than 18,000 casualties, nearly losing one division, and two puppet divisions were basically crippled. One regiment was even captured directly.  Then he turned around and became a member of the advance army. As the battle progressed, the advance army not only did not see combat reductions, but also continued to increase in number.  Faced with such a dismal record, Muto Nobuyoshi's commander was directly taken down. General Nanjiro came directly from the headquarters to the Kwantung Army and became the new commander of the Kwantung Army. Along with Nanjiro, there were two local commanders.  Standing division.  In order to demonstrate the power of the imperial army and to deal with the puppet bandits in the Xing'an Mountains as soon as possible, Nanjiro went north in person, took these two standing divisions with him, and assembled four puppet military divisions, and went directly to the Xing'an Mountains. Counting the previous  The remaining Japanese divisions, the total strength of the Japanese alone is nearly 100,000, and the puppet army is 60,000. This is a more powerful force than the original Great Wall War, and their target is only the Xing'an Mountains.  Faced with such a large army of little Japanese, Wang Yue also felt a bit of heavy pressure. After all, the total strength of the Xing'an Mountains is only 50,000 to 60,000.  Wang Yue knew that the most difficult stage for the advance army had come. As long as they could resist the attack of the Japs, a period of peaceful development would follow.  In order to ensure nothing went wrong, Wang Yue had to secretly recruit the 201st Division.  The 202nd Division, the 301st Division, and seven or eight regiments scattered outside were secretly recalled, resulting in an unprecedented increase in the strength of the advance army, with a total number of more than 100,000.  One hundred thousand troops were distributed on the east, west, and south sides of the Xing'an Mountains. Based on solid war fortresses and superior terrain, they fought against the Japanese army of one hundred and sixty thousand.  Not only did Wang Yue have the confidence to hold on, but Wang Yue also had the confidence to wait until the war dragged on, to go out and attack head-on, annihilate the main force of the Japanese army, and realize the true sense of reviving the four cities and nine counties around the Anshan Mountains.  In July 1934, the scorching sun was in the sky, and the clouds of war once again shrouded the Xing'an Mountains.  Nanjiro came to command in person. The 160,000 troops were divided into 16 routes and launched a truly comprehensive mountain attack operation from the east, west and south of the Xing'an Mountains.  The war restarts again, the meat grinder reappears As the war progresses.  Wang Yue's military rank has finally successfully entered the general and major general ranks. There will be 10,000 places on the command and reconnaissance system list. Wang Yue is earning points faster and faster, and the battles he commands the advance army are getting faster and faster.  Handy.  In August 1934, after Nanjiro's all-out attack lasted for a month, he had to stop the attack. Even some of the troops that had penetrated slightly deeper into the Xing'an Mountains began to slowly withdraw.  Why withdraw?  Because we had to withdraw, it only took a month.  The Japanese army of 100,000 people has lost more than half, and the 60,000 puppet army has been almost completely destroyed.  Of course, most of them became prisoners, a small half became new members of the advance army, and a small half became free labor.  After realizing that the Xing'an Mountains were a meat grinder, Nanjiro had to adjust his strategy and change his offensive to defensive, preparing to completely blockade the east, west, and south sides so that the advance army could not get supplies. At the same time, he sent envoys out to Russia, hoping that the Soviet Union  Russia is not allowed to assist this force. If possible, please help blockade Heijiang.  Faced with Nanjiro's blockade, Wang Yue directly sneered, but this was good. The battle had been going on for so long, and it was good to let the soldiers take a break. The damaged battle fortresses everywhere also needed to be repaired, especially the number of prisoners.  The puppet army also needed to be reorganized. In this way, this eye-catching battle temporarily calmed down strangely.  However, peace is always temporary. Although there is no shortage of anything in the Xing'an Mountains, it is not a problem to be surrounded by people all the time. So less than a month later, the advance army was almost rested and started a new journey.  A round of military operations.  Of course, Wang Yue would not rashly attack a city heavily guarded by the Japanese. However, some small Japanese strongholds or small towns with few garrisoned troops were targeted by the advance army, and tens of thousands of puppet troops were defeated and organized.  Among the troops who attacked these troops, they chose consistent methods, concentrated their superior forces, quickly annihilated them with thunderous force, and then quickly retreated into the Xing'an Mountains.  In this way, after a week, the advance army was dispatched dozens of times, tens of thousands of troops were dispatched, but the results were also quite brilliant. After totaling, it was found that nearly 10,000 Japs had been annihilated, which made the Japs who were already stretched thin  More difficult than ever.  Faced with such tactics by the advance army, Nanjiro finally admitted that he was wrong. The entire Xing'an Mountains stretched nearly a thousand kilometers from east to west and south to south.If we want to completely blockade the remaining forces of our own, we will definitely spread our forces too thin. In this way, we will naturally suffer a loss in the face of the opponent's attack.  Nanjiro had to shrink his troops and gathered the remaining tens of thousands of troops in several major cities, hoping to wait for the decision from the base camp.  However, how could Wang Yue allow Nanjiro to wait for reinforcements so comfortably? After some urgent discussions within the advance army, Wang Yue prepared to attack in an all-out manner. Even if Nanjiro could not annihilate the remaining 50,000 troops, they must be driven out.  The four cities and nine counties around the Xing'an Mountains were completely restored to Yili, Hegang, Jiamusi and parts of Hehei City.  As a result, the initiative in the war was instantly reversed. The advance army of more than 100,000 troops almost came out in full force and launched a fierce attack on the city where Nanjiro's remaining tens of thousands of troops were garrisoned. Facing the well-equipped advance army, Nanjiro's remaining troops  The remaining defeated soldiers below were unable to resist at all.  In less than half a month, they retreated to the Bingcheng and Suihua areas for defense. The advance army officially regained Yili and other four cities, covering an area of ??nearly one-third of Heijiang Province. When the news came out, China once again fell into celebration.  In the ocean, a powerful Patriotic Army quietly emerged among the white mountains and black waters.  In October 1934, Wang Yue held the second press conference of the advance army for the second time, spreading the name of the anti-Japanese advance army to the entire China and even the world.  Insightful people from all walks of life in China poured in from all over the country. The Chinese government envoys and the Chinese Communist Party envoys appeared one after another This time Wang Yue did not refuse to join the Chinese government envoys, but personally led the senior leaders of the expeditionary force.  Had a meeting with them. After all, Wang Yue wanted to fight the Japs here. If the government could make a little move, he would be able to bear less pressure. Wang Yue still understood this, so in the end,  Wang Yue was also happy to accept the appointment as commander of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Advance Army, with the military rank of general.  Of course, most of the interviews with the government were frivolous, but Wang Yue was much more serious in his meetings with the CCP, especially since the people who came this time were senior revolutionaries whom Wang Yue admired very much. Naturally, Wang Yue wanted to  He fully demonstrated his sincerity and also showed some of his political opinions and tendencies, which greatly pleased the senior revolutionary.  The rise of the advance army has been unstoppable. With a complete military industrial system, an industrialized system that has begun to take shape, and an army of 100,000 tigers, it already has the strength to compete head-on with the Kwantung Army. To be honest, in the current Manchuria and Mongolia, the Kwantung Army¡¯s  The force is no longer much stronger than the advance army.  Of course, Wang Yue would not be arrogant and think that he would challenge the Japs head-on now and brazenly say that he would drive the Japs out of China. After all, he had the support of Japan, and even now he has seventeen standing divisions, three of which are standing divisions.  With more than 100,000 troops, if a national war is really going to happen, the little devil can easily raise dozens or hundreds of divisions. At least Wang Yue doesn't have this ability yet.  Unlike Wang Yue who regained one-third of Heijiang's territory and made a high-profile appearance, the Japs kept an extremely low profile. In addition to arranging defenses along the four Yili cities, they didn't even fart. However, Nan  Jiro was directly recalled to his homeland in despair. All matters related to the Kwantung Army were temporarily under the full responsibility of Okamura Neji.  The Japanese suffered successive defeats and lost nearly 100,000 soldiers. It is impossible to say that the little devils are so dejected without mentioning it. However, Japan is facing serious problems internally and has not done a good job at all.  The preparations for a large-scale war happened to be about to start in winter, so we had no choice but to put it on hold for the time being and not start it.  In the blink of an eye, time has entered three to five years. In this year, Taizu finally officially took power. In this year, the Long March of the Red Army finally ended. The Workers' and Peasants' Red Army finally successfully met in Yan'an, northern Shaanxi, officially opening a new chapter in the cause of communism.  .  Three to five years is also the day when the advance army begins to show its prowess. A new chapter for China will also begin from this year (To be continued) ps: ps: Forget it, let¡¯s just write it here, the rest will be  It¡¯s a big scene, and some things are hard to write down. Let¡¯s make up for it on our own!  Guoguo is sorry!
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