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Volume 2 Lieutenant Level Chapter 222 Finale Part 1

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    The 4th Cavalry Brigade was completely wiped out, and Jinzhou Airport and Suizhong Airport were completely destroyed. The generals of the Kwantung Army, led by Nobuyoshi Muto, finally went berserk and quickly assembled all the troops that could be assembled in the Puppet Manchukuo and North Korea areas, and fought with  At the same time, it also requested an additional 50,000 troops from Japan.  A week later, a division and three mixed brigades that had been assembled in advance participated in the battle. At the same time, the Ministry of Navy was requested to cooperate. Three aircraft carriers were permanently stationed at the Suizhong Naval Port and nine aviation marines were dispatched to participate in the battle. The army, sea and air force responded with overwhelming force.  advantage, heading towards Rehe across the board.  Although the national government also quickly issued a mobilization order, especially the entire Northeast Army sequence continued to gather towards the Rehe battlefield, the civil war contained the main force of Chiang Kai-shek's Central Army, causing the Rehe battlefield to quickly erode, even though Marshal Zhang led the Northeast Army  He struggled to hold on, but he still blocked the little devil's arrogance.  In late March 1933, with the fall of Chifeng and Chengde, the Jehol Defense War, which lasted for nearly a month, finally failed (it only lasted eighteen days in history). The Northeast Army fully retreated to the southern line of the Great Wall.  The position of the Great Wall was defended in danger. From then on, all the areas east of the Great Wall were occupied by the Japs. From then on, the Jehol Defense War turned into the vigorous Great Wall War of Resistance.  During the Battle of Rehe, Wang Yue returned to Daheishan after destroying Suizhong and Jinzhou Airports, and encountered a crazy attack by the Bantian United Army. The battle still failed to determine the winner for three days and three nights.  Without the assistance of aircraft and artillery, there would naturally be heavy losses, with battle losses reaching more than 70%. However, Wang Yue's side was not in trouble either. Of the more than 2,000 original puppet troops who had not yet been reorganized, there were only less than 1,000 left after three days.  Although after this battle, Wang Yue was successfully promoted to major, thus increasing the number of places on the military merit system command and reconnaissance system list to one thousand, but for Wang Yue who was fighting hard at this moment.  It didn't work at all. Seeing the reinforcements from the Ban Alliance arriving, I had no choice but to do so.  Wang Yue had no choice but to temporarily abandon the Daheishan cave and lead his troops into the depths of the Daheishan.  We temporarily launched a guerrilla war with the Japs.  Regarding the failure of the Battle of Rehe, Wang Yue was powerless. No matter how powerful he was, he was only one person. It was impossible to turn things around with his own strength. After all, Wang Yue was just a person, not a god.     certainly.  Although Rehe was lost, the advance army still stood firm in Luhuer Mountain, and the third base area continued to grow under Wang Yue's personal leadership. When the battle to defend Rehe failed, Wang Yue not only recaptured Daheishan  They also expanded the number of soldiers in the advance army to more than 3,000, making the 301st Regiment basically full, and also captured the Xiaoqingshan and Pingdingshan bases.  In mid-April of 1933, the Anti-Japanese War at the Great Wall began.  Although the Chinese authorities do not want to continue the fighting, they strongly advocate peace talks.  They even did not hesitate to recognize the puppet Manchukuo government, but the little devils were unforgiving and did not give face to the League of Nations at all.  Not to mention Chiang Kai-shek's face, so the Great Wall War of Resistance started vigorously.  The start of the Great Wall War of Resistance finally brought all strata of China to the danger of national subjugation, because once the Japanese army crossed the line of the Great Wall, the Japanese would see the vast North China Plain in front of them, and they could march straight into it, so even Chiang Kai-shek had to give up the Fourth  This "encirclement and suppression" campaign called on the people of the country to resolutely resist Japan, saying that the country had reached a moment of life and death.  We must fight the Japanese to the end.  The anti-Japanese atmosphere across the country is growing day by day, so Wang Yue and the advance army naturally cannot fall behind.     first.  Hu Le's ** regiment followed Fu Yisheng's 35th Army into the battlefield, starting from Hohtehao.  Passing Ulanqab, they entered the Zhangjiakou area to set up defenses. On the first day they entered the battlefield, they encountered an infantry regiment of the Kumamoto Division, and the battle began.  Secondly, after the third base area of ??Luhu'er Mountain was comprehensively reorganized, it started a guerrilla strategy in the enemy's rear area. Of course, all this had little to do with Wang Yue, because Wang Yue left Luhu'er Mountain and returned to Yili.  Returned to the Xing'an Mountains and the Yalu Mountain base.  Once again, the Daqingshan Second Base Area also launched operations. Of course, Wang Yue did not let them enter the front line of the Great Wall to fight, but asked them to start heading towards Chahar Province.  Because the Mongolian princes and tribes headed by King De and King Yun began to move towards the hostile side of China with the instigation and support of the Japanese while the Chinese army was fully coping with the Great Wall War of Resistance, preparing for the so-called autonomy, but in fact it was  Intended to seek **.  The 201st Regiment in the Daqingshan Base Area has fully controlled Daqingshan, and its number of soldiers has grown to more than 10,000. It has excellent weapons and equipment, strong soldiers, and strict discipline. How could the third-rate troops of the Mongolian princes be able to resist? If not for something  Without any scruples, Wang Qi could completely lead the army all the way north, showing a crushing force.  Finally, and the biggest feat, the base area of ??the Xing'an Mountains, the home base of the advance army, began to comprehensively advance the Xing'an Mountains plan. Taking advantage of the emptiness behind the little devils, the advance army had nearly 20,000 soldiers and only used it for half a month.Within a short period of time, the Xing'an Mountains had been completely controlled. Since then, covering an area of ??more than three million hectares, bordering four cities and nine counties, and radiating a population of over one million, the Xing'an Mountains have truly become the back garden of the advance army.  The vigorous anti-traitor operation almost completely wiped out the puppet soldiers and traitors in seven or eight counties and dozens of towns around the Xing'an Mountains. Of course, most of them escaped on their own, but many were killed. According to subsequent statistics,  , during the half-month-long anti-traitor operation, the advance army assassinated more than a thousand traitors, big and small, and the number of puppet troops, including those who were captured and those who surrendered, was as many as more than 6,000.  Of course, most of these are not on the table and are all done in secret. What really comes to the table is that at the end of May, as the advance army basically digested the entire Xing'an Mountains and took complete control, it was also the beginning of the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War.  At the most difficult and intense moment of the war, Wang Yue finally issued an order to attack four counties at the same time.  The four counties are Yinjia County, Tonghe County, Beiying and Qing'an County, which are just distributed in the four directions of the Xing'an Mountains, southeast and northwest. Following Wang Yue's order, under the condition of cooperation inside and outside, they were all taken overnight.  , and all sent clear telegrams in the name of the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army to support the Great Wall War of Resistance.  Wang Yue's move greatly inspired the momentum of the Chinese military and civilians, and also greatly affected the hearts of Muto Xinyi and other senior officials of the Kwantung Army, forcing Muto Xinyi to focus part of his attention on the magical mountain range of the Xing'an Mountains.  The instability of the rear was a taboo for military strategists, so Muto Nobuyoshi had to organize heavy troops to encircle and suppress the enemy.  And this is exactly Wang Yue's purpose.  ¡°Since there are only four county towns, thousands of ¡®bandit armies¡¯ are causing chaos.  Muto Nobuyoshi first dispatched an infantry regiment in Heijiang Province to suppress bandits. The commander of the infantry regiment actually divided the unit into four and went to four counties to suppress bandits. In less than a week, this unit was completely wiped out.  Of course, the one week period was an illusion deliberately created by Wang Yue for the little devil.  A regiment was destroyed, and Muto Nobuyoshi and other senior officials of the Kwantung Army were destroyed.  Thinking that it was the responsibility of the commander of the regiment, he actually didn't know how to concentrate his superior forces and crush them one by one, so he once again deployed a regiment in Heijiang Province to "suppress bandits". Faced with the surge of a fully formed regiment, Wang  In order not to expose his strength too much, Yue asked the troops stationed in the county to gradually resist, retreat into the Xing'an Mountains one by one, and then take advantage of the terrain of the Xing'an Mountains.  Divide and encircle, concentrate superior forces, half a month later.  The infantry regiment disappeared into the Xing'an Mountains again.  The losses of two consecutive regiments made the Kwantung Army finally realize the seriousness of the problem. Moreover, since both regiments were drawn from the border garrison of Heijiang Province, the garrison in Heijiang Province was seriously weakened.  Anti-Japanese volunteer armies from various places (mostly branches of the advance army) rose up one after another and attacked various towns, making the Japanese rule in the entire Heijiang Province somewhat shaken.  Taking advantage of the temporary emptiness of the Japanese army, the advance army once again reorganized and upgraded its troops, and after continuous battles, they supported wars.  Not only did the advance army's combat power increase, but there were also more soldiers.  In the early days of the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War, there were only six regiments with about 20,000 troops in the Xing'an Mountains base area.  After several months of fighting, not only thousands of puppet prisoners were captured, but also several recruit bases trained more than 10,000 recruits, bringing the total strength of the advance army to nearly 40,000.  Therefore, Wang Yue took the opportunity to directly upgrade the four field regiments to divisions, and the security regiment and artillery regiment to brigades. Since then, the Xingshan Mountain Base has administered four divisions and two brigades. In addition, due to the Russian tank operators and artillery provided by Monroe,  The addition of pilots and related experts gave the advance army another tank mechanized regiment and a flying brigade that had not yet taken off.  At the same time, the Daqingshan base area was also upgraded. After more than two months of development, the 201st Regiment had nearly 20,000 soldiers, so Wang Yue directly gave them the establishment of two divisions, namely the 201st Division and the 202nd Division.  The third base area of ????Luhuer Mountain has also been successfully upgraded. Although there are only more than 5,000 soldiers, Wang Yue still gave it a division, numbered 301 Division.  In addition, there are five or six newly built small base areas in Mohe, Mudanjiang, Horqin Prairie, etc., which have also been upgraded one after another. Of course, they are all regiment-level base areas.  Since then, the total strength of the advance army has reached nearly 80,000, of which about 50,000 have gathered in Heijiang Province.  And Wang Yue earned a lot of points in these successive activities and battles. He has been promoted to senior colonel, just one step away from the major general. At the same time, he has redeemed more than 20 various types of production lines, of course mainly modern production lines of military industry.  , among which the ammunition production line is a large-scale production line with a monthly output of tens of millions of rounds. There are also penicillin and other drug production lines, steel production lines, etc.  ??Among them, the AK47 assault rifle, mg42 light machine gun, M2 heavy machine gun, rocket launcher, light and medium mortars, anti-aircraft machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, etc. have been fully put into production. Each force has begun to fully refit, and a well-equipped modern force will soon be available.  Just when the advance army was reorganized and upgradedAt the same time, after discussion, the Kwantung Army Headquarters decided to suspend the offensive in Rehe and mobilized a full mixed brigade from the frontline reserve forces, nearly 8,000 Japanese soldiers, plus a puppet military division from Zhang Haipeng's department, a total of  A joint force of nearly 20,000 people marched into Black General with great force, approaching the Xing'an Mountains, intending to completely eliminate the banditry in the Xing'an Mountains with a crushing force.  Half a month later, the reorganization of Wang Yue's headquarters was completed. The 101st and 102nd Divisions, as the vanguard troops fighting against the Japs, were also redressed. As a result, a battle involving nearly 40,000 people took place again in Yili City and Xing'an.  The mountains restart.  Although the Japs have planes, the Xing'an Mountains are covered with radar warnings, anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft airports everywhere. As long as the Japs' planes enter the sky above the Xing'an Mountains, they basically never come back.  As for the mechanized tank troops, facing the lofty mountains of the Xing'an Mountains, they could only look at the mountains and sigh. On the contrary, Wang Yue's tank regiment often appeared and disappeared due to Wang Yue's empty transportation, inflicting heavy losses on the little Japanese.  Faced with the right time and place, the equipment is far superior to our own, and our own planes and tanks are unable to function, the mixed brigade and puppet military division that enters Yili and the Xing'an Mountains are doomed to fail.  If Wang Yue had not repeatedly asked the 101st Division and the 102nd Division not to expose their excessive strength, but to slowly consume and gradually annihilate the 20,000 enemies, of course the puppet military divisions would be best captured, firstly to replenish their own troops, and secondly,  The massive construction of the Xing'an Mountains is about to begin, so what about free labor?  In this way, Wang Yue closely followed the rhythm of the Rehe battlefield and was not in a hurry to defeat the Japanese army and puppet military division. Instead, he led these Japanese soldiers to wander around the Xing'an Mountains, fighting and stopping, and the battle dragged on.  It took nearly two months until the Japs wanted to evacuate, and Wang Yue made up his mind to annihilate them.  A full Japanese mixed brigade and a full staff of puppet military divisions were completely wiped out. Although the Japanese tried their best to conceal it, and Wang Yue did not want to make it public, they still could not hide it from the eyes and ears of China and Soviet Russia. After all,  The war was not small in scale and lasted long enough.  Therefore, less than a day after the war ended, the news was made public that an anti-Japanese volunteer army in the Xingshan Mountains had annihilated more than 20,000 Japanese and puppet troops. In an instant, the whole world was in an uproar and caused great shock.  Naturally, the enthusiasm on the Chinese side was high, and the whole people were excited. They took to the streets one after another, beating gongs and drums to celebrate the victory. High-level officials from the national government and the Northeast Army also sent special envoys to secretly go to Yili to meet with the master of this unit, but Wang Yue was not the only one.  Missing, of course, that's because they couldn't find the headquarters of the advance army.  At this time, it was already October 1933, and the Great Wall War of Resistance had been prepared for more than half a year. However, because of the "banditry" in Heijiang Province, part of the energy of the Kwantung Army was restrained, and coupled with the vigorous resistance of the Chinese army, although many of the Great Wall  The pass was already in danger. It might be possible to capture it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but we finally managed to hold on.  Compared with the excitement of the Chinese people, the Japanese army became silent, especially Muto Nobuyoshi who might face questions from the local base camp. In the base camp, disputes between the Japanese were already emerging, whether it was war or peace, because at this time Japan  In fact, the national strength is not strong. The war that has been supported for more than three months has brought the domestic economy to collapse. In addition, there are numerous bandits in Manchuria and Mongolia. Many Japanese senior officials believe that this is the time to accept peace negotiations, obtain war reparations, and digest the war dividends.  It's time.  In mid-December of 1933, although the "Tanggu Agreement" came more than half a year later than the original world, it was still signed, and the content was not much different from the original world's history. After all, the Chinese government was more  The Japanese were even more eager to end this battle.  Wang Yue had no choice but to do anything about this. Wang Yue knew that with the signing of this agreement, what the advance army had to face next was not a brigade, but the encirclement and suppression of the entire Kwantung Army. Of course, Wang Yue  The less afraid they are, because winter is coming soon, and the exhausted Kwantung Army also needs to rest.  (To be continued) ps: ps: Due to some reasons, this book can no longer be written normally. To be honest, I am unwilling to do so, but there is nothing I can do about it, so I can only tell the following main plot to  Everyone, I hope you can forgive me!  Guoguo sincerely apologizes!
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