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Text Chapter 575: Are you pretending to be cool and still want to leave?

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    (Thank you for your support from Zuixiaodao, shuiyin, Mo Ertuodou, kissmedio, Mouse Loves MM, and the cat walking on the wind! Thank you!) At the end of December of the first year of Kaiyuan, Li Jing returned to the court in triumph and held a grand prisoner presentation ceremony in Luoyang.  The prisoner presentation ceremony was held at the main south gate of Ziwei Palace in Luoyang. The main south gate was originally called Zetian Gate. After the capital was officially moved to Luoyang, the emperor designated it as the Zhonghua Gate and became an important place for the imperial court to hold major state celebrations and diplomatic activities.  This magnificent Chinese Gate is a huge gate-shaped building complex that integrates a gate tower, stacked towers, east and west towers, and the outlines between them.  There are two views on the Chinese Gate, with purple microscopic written on it. The left and right gates are connected by corridors, like a castle in the air. The city gate is 66 feet wide from east to west, which is larger than the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City in Beijing in later generations. It is nearly three meters deep of Tiananmen Gate.  times.  Among them, the tower is 120 feet high. This magnificent tower is almost equivalent to a dozen-story high-rise building in later generations, and is taller than Tiananmen Square in Beijing.  There are three gates on one side of the Zhonghua Gate and six gates on both sides. There are two gates on the tower. This is the highest etiquette system for the main entrance of the ancient capital. The two gates and the three gates for the emperor are all the highest etiquette for the emperor.  .  In front of the Zhonghua Gate, Li Jing personally escorted Datou Khan and more than a hundred Turkic noble leaders and generals, including Datou Khan, who knelt in the prison car and was pushed in front of the emperor.  Yi Feng looked at Datou, "We finally met. I had heard about Datou Khan's name for a long time, but we had never had a chance to meet each other. Unexpectedly, we met on such an occasion." Datou sighed deeply, "Yes.  Ah, I have imagined for many times that one day I would be able to enter the Central Plains and see the prosperity of the Sui Dynasty with my own eyes, but unexpectedly, I would appear as a successful king and a defeated bandit. " "There are many successful people.  There is little help for those who are unjust. Your failure today is not because your troops are weak and your horses are not strong. It is because you relied on the tribe your father left you. You ignored integrity and only acted bravely. You invaded everywhere and tried to invade the Central Plains.  The Turks were once a powerful tribe, but they had already surrendered to the Sui Dynasty and had made an oath to each other. When you were fighting for Mohe Khan, you also personally submitted a letter to ask for help, but you forgot all about it as soon as you turned around.  ?¡± Da lowered his head and couldn¡¯t hear anything anymore.  "Your Majesty, I am willing to repent and be loyal to the Sui Dynasty forever." Yi Feng looked at Datou, and there was no trace of regret in his eyes, "Do you want to return to the grassland?" "Yes, Your Majesty." Datou  The head turned back and said, "I know that your Majesty has now enfeoffed the leaders of various tribes as princes. I know that I am guilty and do not dare to ask for the leadership of the grassland again. I only ask that your Majesty will allow me to return to the Western Regions and continue my family's territory. I swear to your Majesty that I will go back.  I will definitely change my past mistakes and protect the Western Frontier for Your Majesty." Yifeng sneered.  "You don't really think I will believe what you say, do you?" He shook his head, "Besides, even if you really want to repent, I have already divided up the east and west grasslands. There is no extra land to divide.  You. But you are also an important member of the Anashi family. Now that you have come to the Central Plains, don¡¯t think about going back. Stay in the Central Plains and enjoy the colorful world and beautiful scenery of the Central Plains. This is my special gift.  I will make you a disobedient prince and give you a mansion in Luoyang. From now on, I will hunt and drink with you when I have time. Wouldn¡¯t it be fun? Hahaha!¡± Datou¡¯s face is extremely ugly and gloomy.  To drip water, he did not expect that the young emperor was not moved by his words at all, completely unlike Yang Jian in the past.  When Abo was captured alive by Mo He and presented to Chang'an, Yang Jian did not execute Abo, nor did he imprison him in the Central Plains. Instead, he allowed him to return to the Western Regions and gave him the title of Khan.  After being captured, he thought that his situation would be similar to that of Apo. After being reprimanded by the Emperor of the Central Plains, he would eventually be released to the grassland. Maybe he wouldn't be able to become a great khan, but he should be given the title of Duke.  I never expected that in the end, I would be granted the title of a marquis, a disobedient marquis who could only stay in the capital of the Central Plains.  I can never go back to the grassland.  "You disobeyed the order of Hou Ashina. You didn't kneel down to thank me and accept the order!" A tall Sui Dynasty official stood aside and shouted loudly.  Datou raised his head and looked at the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, then at the prison car fence between them, and finally knelt down helplessly to thank the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty.  "My dear, Ashina. I would like to thank His Majesty the Emperor for your kindness. Long live my emperor!" "Hahaha!" Seeing Datou kneel down, Yi Feng couldn't help but feel an unspeakable joy in his heart.  The last great Turkic Khan was captured alive and presented to the palace, and even knelt down before him. This was not only his own victory, but also the victory of the Sui Dynasty.  With the victory of the Second Northern Expedition in the first year of Kaiyuan, Dulan's army was defeated and killed, Datou was defeated and captured, and was sacrificed to the palace. The emperor's strategy of reordering the grassland was initially implemented.  On the New Year¡¯s Day of the first month of the second year of Kaiyuan, there were 243 feudal princes in the grassland and 16 feudal princes in the Western Regions.?, as well as Tiele, Dangxiang, Mohe, Shiwei, Silla, Baekje, Dongying, Linyi, Sunbo, Fuguo, Nuguo, Tubo, Shangxiong and other vassal states, they sent envoys and delegations to the DPRK.  He paid tribute, and other countries like Goguryeo, Persia, Rome, and India also sent envoys.  On the New Year's Day in the second year of Kaiyuan, people came from all directions and congratulated each other. The Sui Dynasty truly established a celestial dynasty system in the east with the Sui Dynasty as the Chinese side.  The Great Sui Dynasty became the leader of the entire eastern world, and all countries regarded the Great Sui Dynasty as the alliance leader and suzerainty. From then on, the Great Sui Dynasty made an agreement with other countries that all countries would make peace with each other and prohibit aggression. If there was any violation, the Great Sui Dynasty would have the responsibility and power to stop it.  , and reserves the right to summon all countries to send troops to attack.  As the leader of the alliance, the Sui Dynasty had the right to recruit armies from various countries to defend the territory of the Sui Dynasty and maintain peace in the east. At the same time, as the leader of the alliance, the Sui Dynasty also had the obligation to protect the vassal states from aggression by other countries.  This is a new order, a completely new order.  At this great court meeting, Yi Feng, on behalf of the Great Sui Dynasty, signed this alliance agreement with other countries.  At the same time, Goguryeo was faced with the shocking fact that the Turks were destroyed, and finally had to retreat again. Gao Jianwu sent his nephew Gao Baobao as the representative of the mission, and finally agreed to the Sui Dynasty's request. Goguryeo finally agreed to use the Yalu River as the gateway between the Sui Dynasty and Goguryeo.  The Sui Dynasty also agreed to Goguryeo's request to delimit the border and allowed the Goguryeo army and people in the four cities west of the Yalu River to withdraw to the east of the Yalu River.  At the same time, the Sui Dynasty also agreed to Goguryeo's request to demarcate the boundary between the Sui Dynasty and Goguryeo and sign a peace agreement.  Urge Silla, Baekje, and Japan to stop their request to attack Goguryeo.  Many generals in the Privy Council were a little surprised by the emperor's decision, but the ministers in the political hall were very satisfied with the result.  "The imperial court has destroyed the Turks. It has established a new order on the grassland and it is time to return to Liaodong. After destroying Goguryeo in one fell swoop, why did it agree to Goguryeo's request for peace?" Han Sengshou was the first to ask.  Li Gang was a person who firmly supported the emperor's decision. "The alliance agreement signed by His Majesty and the various countries this time is extremely important and has far-reaching significance. From then on, the status of the Sui Dynasty as the suzerain and ally of the surrounding countries was established.  They are all included in this alliance. Can't you see the significance and role of this? If we agree to Goguryeo's request at this time, we can successfully sign this alliance agreement.  As the leader of the suzerain alliance, he can legally and reasonably intervene in the affairs between countries in the entire East. He can use this advantage to solve some hidden dangers before they happen. "  It should be noted that the grassland was not pacified by our army, but by the tribal power of the grassland itself. The tribes of the grassland are now surrendered to the Sui Dynasty, but after all, they are only vassals that have surrendered and not directly subordinated to the imperial court.  Fighting also requires recuperation. Moreover, the imperial court is currently focusing on developing Liaodong and Liaobei. Although only half of Goguryeo is left in the southeastern area of ????Lushui, your Majesty is still very powerful.  Isn't it better to just agree to Goguryeo's peace proposal and let Goguryeo retreat to the east of Yalu River without fighting, and easily regain the important cities such as Gugugu and Gugu on the west bank?  After getting the opportunity to recuperate, Goguryeo in Liaodong has lost its power. How can he fight against us in the future? It's not that he doesn't fight, but the time has not yet come. When the time comes, the court can destroy Goguryeo in one fell swoop.  Feng did indeed have this plan and was not in a hurry to fight Goguryeo. After losing Liaodong, Goguryeo could not compete with the Sui Dynasty.  The Sui Dynasty only needed to stabilize the newly captured Liaodong region and then strengthen some armaments for Silla, Baekje and other countries. Even if the Sui Dynasty signed a peace treaty with Goguryeo, could Goguryeo really sit still? They would definitely have to strengthen armaments, build cities and train troops.  Wait, these military and war preparations will greatly consume the country's strength. The Sui Dynasty only needs to maintain a certain amount of pressure, and does not even need to fight. In less than three to five years, major problems will arise within Goguryeo.  Everyone goes to serve as soldiers, build cities and make ordnance, but who will farm and who will produce?  In a few years, there will be no famine, and eventually the people will not be able to rebel?  By that time, the Sui Dynasty had rested and drawn its sword eastward. How could Goguryeo still fight?  This is the normal situation in a war between a big country and a small country. The suppression of this kind of strength alone is enough to determine the final outcome.  As for now that the agreement has been signed, wouldn¡¯t it be against the identity of the alliance leader to send troops in the future?  This is actually very simple, as long as a reasonable reason can be found for sending troops. As for the reason, it is not easy to find.  "The military serves politics, and military victory must be converted into political gains." Yi Feng looked at the governors and said slowly, "The situation around the Sui Dynasty is very good now. This is a rare and good opportunity. At the moment  It¡¯s time to temporarily recuperate the military and strengthen the construction of people¡¯s livelihood. If we have external strength, we must also have internal strength. To be strong military, we must have strong strength.Only with good civil affairs and a prosperous people can a country be truly strong.  After years of continuous fighting, it is also time for the soldiers to temporarily disarm and return home to enjoy the peaceful time they worked so hard to get back.  There is another important thing right now. The provincial examinations for each province were released last fall. More than 20 provinces across the country and five capital prefectures have admitted a total of 1,800 candidates. Now all candidates are gathered in the capital.  , prepare for the examination competition in early February. This is the first competition since the imperial examination reform. It is related to the country¡¯s selection of scholars and is extremely important. I ask the governors of the two governments to pay attention to it and ensure this no matter what.  The second major competition must be carried out smoothly, and it must be fair, open and just, and there must be no delay.  " "Draw up an edict and order the soldiers from all over the world to disarm and return to their fields!  ¡± The Sui Dynasty had 350,000 standing guards. Although maintaining such a standing army cost tens of millions of military expenses a year, it also allowed the court to disarm a larger number of soldiers when there was no war.  Returning to his hometown and returning to farming. Hanlin Chengzhi nodded and wrote the memorial. First, he handed it to Liu Wenjing, the imperial censor, and looked at it with a look on his face.  Not good. ¡°You should know these things, right?  "Yi Feng asked. Liu Wenjing nodded, "There were rumors about the censor and they were reported to me. However, because there was no definite evidence, I finally suppressed it and did not report it immediately. I was still collecting evidence.  " "Nonsense.  "Yi Feng said dissatisfied, "What are the responsibilities of Yushitai?  I and the imperial court have given you the right to hear and report events. You are the censor.  You are not officials of Dali Temple. What you want is an impeachment report, not a trial and conviction.  You need to understand your responsibilities. I know that you are deliberately defending because of the identity of the impeached person, but have you ever thought that your behavior is already suspected of dereliction of duty.  This is a serious dereliction of duty. I hope you will look back and reflect on it.  You are now punished with a one-year salary fine.  " "I know the crime.  "Liu Wenjing didn't expect the emperor to be so angry, and she was terrified. At this time, the memorial was passed to the other governors for circulation. Only after everyone read it did they understand why the emperor was angry. Dongjun Hou Zhai did many illegal things, accepting bribes, buying and selling  He even resold military supplies, hoarded goods, and even allowed his clan members to rob and engage in illegal business. The censor impeached Zhai Rang for 21 major crimes.  Seriously. As one of the first batch of old subordinates to support the emperor, and also a heterosexual brother who had sworn sworn sworn relationship with the emperor, this Shandong powerful man has always occupied a high position in the new dynasty, and was awarded the title of functional minister after the emperor ascended the throne.  Among them, Zhai Rang received the title of Marquis of Dongjun, which was a generous reward. However, even with such a generous reward, this local tycoon in Shandong and the small local magistrate were still  Not satisfied. Not only is he still engaged in illegal arms manufacturing and sales, hoarding food and grass, illegal border taxes, tax evasion, and even seizes land, accepts bribes, seeks office for others, and other illegal things, it is just because of his identity.  , although they have done these things, they have never been exposed. Occasionally, some upright censors have written memorials, but when it comes to Liu Wenjing, they are still suppressed. But the censor's suppression does not mean that they really can't do it.  Da Yutianting, the Secret Service has the duty of supervising hundreds of officials, and they belong directly to the emperor. Yi Feng sighed, "The Marquis of Dongjun once served the dragon, but I also gave him a generous reward, but the Marquis of Dongjun.  But he knew that he was breaking the law, his behavior was very bad and unscrupulous, and he had already caused anger and resentment, and many people were watching.  Although I miss my old friendship, I can't let a grain of mouse droppings ruin a pot of soup. This kind of black sheep must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise it will become a very bad example. In the future, what kind of national laws and regulations will be discussed?  The Yushitai, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Punishment will jointly investigate the case and strictly investigate the case. The case must be handled openly and fairly. Let the officials and people of the world know that under the laws of the country, no one can be special!  This case must be handled cleanly and beautifully, without any cover-up, and the punishment should be whatever it is!  ¡± Yi Feng knew very well that not all those who followed him were saints, they would also make mistakes. There were even some people who, just because they were heroes of the new dynasty or old members of the emperor, were lucky and committed many violations of laws and disciplines.  Zhai Rang is by no means the only one who has violated the law. He is just the one whose behavior is particularly bad and the circumstances are particularly serious. What Yi Feng has to do now is to use Zhai Rang to scare the monkeys, and to put an end to this unhealthy trend.  He can't just eradicate the Guanlong Group and immediately raise a new Shandong Group. "Your Majesty, Zhai Rang Biyi is a hero of Conglong, and he is also your Majesty's sworn brother. If he is dealt with publicly, will there be any bad effects?  .  Was this matter handled in a low-key manner?  "Yang Su asked. Yi Feng shook his head and said crookedly.?The slanted atmosphere is rising sharply. If we do not deal with it strictly at this time, or even cover it up, this will not only give the heroes a sense of connivance, but may even arouse the anger of other people such as the Guanlong Group. This is definitely not a good idea.  .  Although it would be unreasonable to give Zhai a lot of attention, how much personal feelings can the emperor talk about? As the saying goes, the Tian family is ruthless, and that's it.  Zhai Rang has endangered the rule of the imperial court and it is time to kill him.  "Only deal with Zhai Rang, and protect his family. Only the owed taxes and corruption gains will be recovered from the property, and the rest will be left to the Zhai family." This can be regarded as remembering Zhai Rang's past achievements, otherwise,  If it were an ordinary official, with Yi Feng's temperament, he would definitely have his house confiscated.  "I agree with your majesty's handling of the matter. Marquis Dongjun is your majesty's sworn brother and a meritorious official from Conglong. However, instead of cherishing his reputation and title, he committed such illegal and disciplinary actions. If you condone him, what will others think?  ? Being the Marquis of Dongjun will make everyone in the world understand that Your Majesty will never tolerate corruption and bend the law. Let the people in the world understand your Majesty's determination. Let those people know that as long as they are greedy and bend the law, even if they are Conglong meritorious officials.  He is the sworn brother of the emperor, even if he is a high-ranking hereditary prince, if he reaches out his hand, he will be caught and beheaded, which makes everyone wary and not dare to act recklessly." (To be continued  )
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