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Text Chapter 574 Sui Dynasty, Persia, Rome and the Western Regions

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    In November of the first year of Kaiyuan of the Sui Dynasty, the tribes of Mohe in Haidong became vassals to the Sui Dynasty and sent envoys to pay tribute.  In the same month, King Gao Jianwu of Goguryeo once again sent an envoy to Luoyang, delivering a handwritten letter of surrender and requesting a truce between the two countries.  He also paid a tribute of 1,000 kilograms of gold and returned 100,000 Han people within the territory to the Sui Dynasty.  "The Goguryeo people panicked." Yi Feng accepted Gao Jianwu's credentials, the thousand kilograms of gold, and the return of 100,000 Han people, but did not explicitly agree to Goguryeo's request.  Throwing aside Gao Jianwu's credentials signed by Jianwu, the minister of Liaodong dung, Yi Feng returned to the huge map in the palace and asked Wang Bao, the privy envoy, "Where is Li Jing?" In the Yanying Palace, the Government Hall and the Privy Council  The governors gathered together and knelt on both sides of the huge map.  The exchanges between the emperor and his ministers in the Yanying Hall were relatively relaxed. There were no ceremonial officers and others always paying attention to the actions and etiquette of the ministers. The emperor and his ministers talked with each other in a relaxed manner.  However, currently only the governors of the two palaces can enter the Yanying Palace to enjoy this treatment. Occasionally, relevant ministers in Beijing are summoned to attend.  Important meetings involving more than the governors will usually be held in the Daye Hall, and the memorials in the Daye Hall are not as important.  Yanying's memorial has now become an important meeting between the emperor and the governors, and they often discuss major military and political matters related to the empire.  "Intelligence shows that Datou is requesting reinforcements from Persia and Rome." Present at the meeting today were the three directors of the Supervisory Council. Pei Zeng, the director of the Military Intelligence Department, reported an important military situation.  "I don't think we need to worry about this aspect. When Datou's father was in charge of the western Turks, he teamed up with Persia to destroy Yanda, a powerful country in the western region. Originally, the two parties agreed in advance that each would take half of the Yanda territory. But after the victory, the Western Turks  They immediately turned against each other, made excuses, and finally attacked Persia and captured the other half of Shanda. This later triggered a war between the Western Turks and Persia, which lasted for almost twenty years. The Western Turks fought against Persia.  , united with Fulin, that is, the Roman Empire attacked Persia, and the war between Persia and Rome continued for twenty years. Later, after the Western Turks stabilized the Shanda area, they went to war with Rome, taking advantage of the war between Persia and Rome.  Having captured many places in Rome, Rome and the Turks have since become enemies. And just last year, Datou took advantage of the years of war between Persia and Rome, coupled with the weakness caused by internal strife and rebellion, to send troops to defeat Persia.  He wanted to sue for peace. Now that he was weak, he wanted to ask for help from Persia and Rome. Both Persia and Rome had been tricked by the Turks and paid a heavy price. They were not stupid. How could they send troops to help him at this time?  "It would be better if we don't take the opportunity to send troops to seize the land that was previously robbed by the Turks," Gao Yi, the head of the Investigation Department, said with a sneer, although Persia and Rome are thousands of miles away in the west.  But the Investigation Department has already penetrated and deployed their spies into these areas.  For the Sui Dynasty, which has now become the center of the East, it will inevitably open its horizons to the far western region.  With Yifeng's advocacy, the officials, citizens and merchants of the Sui Dynasty were no longer limited to the east. They had also learned from many new geographical books and newspapers that although the Sui Dynasty was indeed the center of the world, it was the center of the center.  country, but around the Sui Dynasty there were those regions and ethnic groups that they had long been familiar with, and there were also many regions and countries that they had not known or were unclear about before.  For example, the countries in the Western Regions of the Han Dynasty are not really the far west.  This is only relatively speaking, the Western Region, west of Congling.  There are also wider areas, such as India, Persia, Rome, Egypt, Greece, etc. Even this is not the polar regions. There are countless countries and regions in the world that are still undiscovered and unexplored.  Books, newspapers, and magazines continued to promote these new geographies.  Encourage the merchants of the Sui Dynasty to go to those unknown places and bring the culture and commodities of the Sui Dynasty to those places.  And among those merchants, monks, Taoists and others who went abroad to more distant countries, many were spies arranged by the Third Department of the Overwatch Council.  "Things are not absolute. If Persia or Rome have ambitions in the Western Regions. They take this opportunity to intervene in the Western Regions, whether they send troops to help Datou or accept Datou to retreat to their territory, it will not be a problem for us.  Good thing. Persia and Rome are two major powers in the West. If these two empires want to take the opportunity to intervene in the Western Region, it will be a problem for the court. In the past, the Western Turks controlled the Western Region. Between Persia and Rome.  He played both sides, and even provoked left and right, which kept Rome and Persia at war. He took the opportunity to reap the benefits and stabilized the Western Region, while also isolating the Central Plains from Persia and Rome. But now the situation has reached its peak.  If there is a new situation in the Western Region, none of us can guarantee that the two countries will not take the opportunity to move eastward." Yi Feng nodded. Although Liu Wenjing was not the leader, he still had a very accurate grasp of the situation.  This is the case between countries. There is no friendship at all, only interests.  Persia and the Turks could join forces to destroy the powerful country in the Western Regions. Even the Khan of the Western Turks married his daughter to the Persian emperor.They worked closely together to destroy and then divide up a powerful kingdom that occupied Afghanistan at the time.  But in the blink of an eye, in order to monopolize the land of Yanda, the Turks immediately betrayed Persia, sent troops to fight against the other half of Yanda, and even joined forces with Rome to attack Persia.  This is not just the Turks who are cunning and untrustworthy, but all countries are like this. Due to interests, trustworthiness is nothing but a joke.  The Western Regions are a piece of fat, not to mention that the Western Turks control not just the area east of Congling. Their power has long reached further west. The Western Turks have long bordered the two Western empires of Persia and Rome, especially the Turks.  He controls the Western Regions and the Silk Road. This golden route for trade between the East and the West is in his hands. He has earned so much wealth that Persia and Rome have long been envious of him.  Now if there is a chance, who wouldn't be tempted?  Once the two countries move eastward and want to seize the Western Regions controlled by Datou, the Sui Dynasty will be in trouble. Not only may they lose control of the Western Regions, but the Silk Road will also be controlled by others, especially since the Western Regions have always been the west of the Central Plains.  The barrier is a solid barrier that prevents Western forces from invading the Central Plains.  At this stage, it is basically impossible for the imperial court to go to war with them in the Western Regions, it is too far away.  "I hope Li Jing can make a quick decision, win Datou as soon as possible, and control the Western Region before Persia and Rome can take action. When the princes divided by the imperial court each control their own fiefdoms, then if the two countries want to reach out, they will  It's much more difficult. " "What if Persia and Rome really send troops?" Su Wei asked a question in everyone's mind.  "Then find a way to solve it. If both countries really send troops, then we will provoke them to fight, and then wait until they are both injured before taking action. If only one country sends troops, then we can also provoke the other country. Or join forces  The other country destroyed that country. In short, the Western Turks were able to play with Persia and Rome in the palm of their hands. They played around and fought against each other for twenty years, making it impossible for the Western Turks to reap the benefits.  Now, as the Central Kingdom and the leader of the Eastern Alliance, we, the Sui Dynasty, are not as good as the small Western Turks." Yi Feng said.  Western Region, Sanmi Mountain, Dadou Khan Court.  Datou asked in panic, "How many people did Li Jing come?" The attendant replied, "An army of three hundred thousand!" Datou asked in surprise, "How can there be so many people?" "Li Jing was unstoppable along the way, and all the tribes surrendered one after another.  Although Dulan led his troops to resist, he was defeated in a battle and was defeated. All his troops surrendered to the Sui army. Moreover, the rebel Tiele tribes in Mobei had already led their troops to fight with the Sui army.  , all surrendered. Now the Tiele tribes in the Western Regions, as well as Gaochang and other countries, have all taken the initiative to join the Sui army, and all forces have gathered together. Li Jing's army has reached 300,000 people and is about to attack here.  The envoy to Persia has not replied yet. The Persian emperor is willing to send troops to rescue us. Has the envoy to Rome received any reply? " "No news at all?" "No.  Is God going to kill me?" Da looked up to the sky and sighed, his heart almost collapsed.  "What should we do now?" the guard asked.  "Run." Datou looked up to the sky and sighed. More than a year ago, he defeated the Persian army, then marched eastward, and defeated Dulan's army.  How majestic and proud he was at that time. After Dulan surrendered, the first order he gave was to prepare to attack the Sui Dynasty.  Many Turkic Khans had never conquered the Central Plains. He wanted to become the first Turkic Khan to conquer the Central Plains.  At that time, he never thought that he would be defeated so miserably. In a short period of time, he was already at the end of his rope.  Gritting his teeth, Datou waved, "Withdraw to the west. The green mountains left behind are still there. Don't worry about running out of firewood. I will come back sooner or later." Datou evacuated from the Khan Court. Three days later, Li Jing personally led ten thousand Qingqi to pursue him.  Come up.  In the middle of the night, Li Jing led his light cavalry into the camp where Datou was retreating to the west. There were shouts of killing from all sides, and the Turkic camp was in chaos. Looking at the flag of the Sui Dynasty, many Turkic herdsmen who had been awakened from their dreams were terrified, thinking that the Sui Dynasty was  The army had already arrived and they were all running away. Seeing this, Datou had no choice but to flee westward surrounded by a few personal guards.  There was chaos overnight. Li Jing, with only 10,000 forward light cavalry, overran the camp of more than 100,000 people in a surprise attack.  After daybreak, the Sui army's follow-up troops arrived and continued their pursuit westward.  Seven days later, outside Suiye City in Suiye River, Datou and his party arrived extremely exhausted. Datou looked at Suiye City and felt relieved. After escaping in embarrassment for so many days, he could finally enter the city to rest and recharge.  .  Running closer and closer to the city, the city gate slowly opened, and Datou's expression suddenly changed.  I saw the city gate opened, and a group of fine cavalry rushed out and came at a high speed. In front of this team was a flaming red flag with the word Sui. Behind the flag with the word Sui, was an embroidered flag.The handsome flag with the character "Dou Da Li".  Li Jing had already taken a shortcut and had been waiting here for half a day.  In a battle without any suspense, Datou, who abandoned his tribe and fled, was finally captured alive by Li Jing under Suiye City.  Subsequently, Li Jing dispatched troops and horses, divided into multiple groups, to quickly sweep away the remaining forces in Datou, eliminate the Turkic recalcitrant elements, and then presided over the division of fiefdoms among the princes on behalf of the emperor.  When the first snow fell in the Western Regions, Li Jing received urgent news that both the Persian and Roman emperors had sent troops to march eastward. However, halfway through, he heard that Datou had been defeated and captured, and that the Sui army had taken control of the Western Regions.  , and after enfeoffment, withdrew again.  After hearing the news, Li Jing sighed, "Finally, we have waited for this good news. The Western Region can finally be stable, and there will be no trouble for the time being. We can also return to the court with peace of mind. Ban Shi, pass the order, Ban Shi, the princes of the prairie."  He and each vassal state withdrew their troops and returned to their own vassal states and fiefdoms, and led the leaders of the grassland resistance tribes to the capital to offer prisoners. "Although it is winter in Luoyang, the weather is sunny and warm. In the pigeon station in Luoyang, a pigeon stands.  When the white carrier pigeon flew down, the pigeon department personnel rushed forward, picked up the pigeon, carefully recorded the information on the pigeon's foot ring, and then took off the mailbox from the pigeon's foot.  The letter was quickly delivered to Keshi Li. He only took one glance and knew that it was an urgent flying letter of 100,000 yuan sent back from Guanzhong. He immediately put the letter in his hand, jumped on his horse and galloped towards Luoyang Palace.  (To be continued.) [The author reminds you!  , there are faster and clearer novel chapters, URL]
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