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    One leaf falls and the world knows autumn.  ??Yiwulu Mountain changes color overnight. When the first maple leaf turns red, within a few days the whole mountain is covered with five colors, red, yellow, blue and green, and you feel like you are in a fairyland.  Ohama will not be able to sigh at the magic and beauty of this nature. When the maple leaves all over the mountains are red, what kind of flaming world will it be?  Da Hemohui stood on a slope of Yiwulu Mountain, looking down at the lively and busy camp at the foot of the hillside. It had turned into a large and busy construction site. Looking at it, he couldn't help but have an anxious look on his face.  .  It is said that during the Shun Dynasty, the country was divided into twelve states, and each state sealed a mountain as the town of a state. Yiwulu Mountain was named the town mountain of Youzhou in the north. Later, in the Zhou Dynasty, Yiwulu Mountain was named one of the Five Mountains and Five Towns.  During the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Khitan surrendered to the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the northern area of ??Yiwulu Mountain belonged to the Khitan grazing land.  In the 14th year of Emperor Kaihuang¡¯s founding, Wendianjian of the Sui Dynasty issued an edict to build the Beizhen Temple of the Yiwulu Mountain Shrine. The five major towns in China are Yishan in the East Town, Wushan in the West Town, Huoshan in the Middle Town, Huiji Mountain in the South Town, and Yiwulu Mountain in the North Town.  This Yiwulu Mountain is not only the Beizhen Mountain in the Central Plains, but it is also extremely important in the hearts of the Khitan people and is regarded as a holy mountain.  Nowadays, Hemo Hui, the leader of the Hebian tribe, the largest tribe in the Khitan alliance, has gathered troops from their respective states together with the leaders of the ten Khitan tribes under the edict of the Emperor of the Central Plains, and gathered here to build a  Camp.  Here, the grassland is connected to the west and the Liaohe Plain to the east, and there is another Yiwulu Mountain crossing the southwest. ¡ÞChang¡Þwind¡Þliterature, ¡â¨Q¡ût makes this place a must-pass point for the north and south routes from Yingzhou in western Liaoning to the Liaohe Plain.  .  In that hilly land that is gradually turning yellow, more than 20,000 people are desperately trying to build a camp with axes, hammers, shovels and other tools.  The emperor's decree was urgent, and all ministries had no choice but to follow it as best they could.  Although not enough soldiers could be summoned at the moment, the nearby herdsmen had no choice but to call in to help.  Various shouts and chants accompanied by the sound of oil hammers came and went.  One after another, the newly cut wooden piles as thick as a bowl were smashed into the ground.  A barrier is forming.  Among the Khitan's city-building army, there was a group of people who came from Youzhou on horseback. These people had rich knowledge of city-building, but they were not craftsmen or officials. According to the introduction of the Sui army officer who escorted them, these people  The group of people were teachers and students majoring in civil engineering from the Department of Architecture at Youzhou Northern University. They came here to help them build the walled city at the emperor's request, and they also brought a large number of building tools.  According to the plans of these teachers and students.  They want to build a very complex city, specifically six combined cities, one large and five small, surrounding a main city with five small villages built around it. The large village has a circumference of 1,000 steps and the small village has a circumference of 300 steps.  .  Each village is one mile apart. For the walled city, a row of thick wooden stakes is first driven on the ground, and then another row of wooden stakes is driven three feet wide.  Then fill the middle of the two rows of wooden piles with soil, tamp it slightly, and insert a row of four-foot-high small wooden piles on top to form a female wall.  After being repaired in this way, the defensive performance of the wall will be higher and it can withstand impacts.  Moreover, the guarding soldiers can stand on the wall to guard, and the female wall can protect most of the body.  And an arrow tower was built every twenty steps on the wall.  The arrow tower is six feet high, allowing archers to shoot enemies better from a higher position.  Each small village has two doors.  It connects the small villages on both sides, while the large village has five gates connecting the five small villages.  According to the plan of these professional Han people, after the village wall was erected, a trench had to be dug along the wall.  In addition, in the open space outside the village wall, dense horse pits had to be dug, deer antlers were planted, horses were covered with cloth, and caltrops were sprinkled. In short, the spectators were astonished.  He also fought several battles with the Emperor of the Central Plains. He had seen the genius emperor quickly build an ice castle with water in the cold winter. He had also seen the Han people's mobile castle with car formations, but looking at these things now  I can't help but sigh that the Han gentlemen actually made an ambush so complicated.  Originally, when he received the emperor's order, he planned to directly lead ten Khitan soldiers and horses, and then ambush at the mountain pass. When the time came, he suddenly rushed out with light cavalry, used the cavalry to attack the enemy formation, and charged with the Goguryeo people.  But looking at it now, his plan was hardly a plan. Look at them, they actually wanted to build a city.  With such a large, five small and six fortresses, how could the Goguryeo people break through their own blockade?  But the construction of the walled city is a bit heavy. There are three hundred miles to reach Liucheng in Yingzhou. It seems far away, but for the Goguryeo army with many war horses, it is not a few days away.  He repeatedly raised this concern with the Han fortification experts, but they calmly told him that they had time and could complete it.  The Mohui didn't know where their confidence came from, but they still chose to believe it. At the same time, they kept sending people to urge the leaders of various tribes to summon people from their tribes, whether they were old people, children or women, as long as they could work.  Mo Hui has been following the emperor for a while, and he knows very well what kind of person he is. If he works with him, he will not be treated badly as long as he does well.  Khitan, Xi and Fei are all now subordinate to Saibei Province of the Sui Dynasty, and the Ahui tribe of the Xi tribeWith his daughter becoming the emperor's concubine, the Xi clan had a closer relationship with the Sui Dynasty, so he was able to become the left political envoy of Saibei Province, while he was only the right political envoy.  However, he heard those Han gentlemen talking about it. After the victory of the Eastern Expedition, at least Liaodong can be recovered. At that time, the imperial court will establish Liaodong Province to the east of Liaoxi Province and Liaobei Province to the north of Liaohe River.  This Liaobei Province also included a lot of Khitan territory, so the Mohui secretly planned to become the Left Chief Envoy of Liaobei Province after the Liaobei Province was established.  But the premise is that you can fight this battle well.  It is not easy to intercept 50,000 Goguryeo people, and the 50,000 troops are led by King Gowon himself.  Fortunately, they are not fighting alone. Su Zhi of the Xi tribe is leading troops from the southwest. They will chase Gao Yuan all the way here. When the two tribes attack, the Lin tribe should also gather troops and horses to the south in response to the imperial edict.  In addition, the emperor also assembled a new army and was rushing towards western Liaoning. In short, all he needed was to stop Gao Yuan and prevent him from passing through his defense line, and he was done.  What Mohui is most worried about right now is that Gao Yuan will appear here at any time, and his fortress is only about half completed. Although the progress is very fast, it is still not completed. If the Goguryeo people come, with this half completed  It was difficult for the camp to hold back 50,000 Goguryeo people.  A cloud of smoke rose in the distance, and more than a hundred Khitan cavalry galloped from the west. They were flying the flag of Pegasus. The guerrilla guards outside the camp just made a routine inspection and let them go.  The cavalry rushed straight up the hillside. Mo Hui recognized the leader from a distance and it was his son Du Luo. This boy used to have a good relationship with the current emperor who was wandering on the grassland. He once acted as the emperor's eldest brother and protected him.  He also fell in love with Chen Ting.  It was a pity that she liked Jin Shang. Later, he listened to her own persuasion and married Su Zhi's daughter Yilan, becoming a brother-in-law with Jin Shang.  Later, he joined the current bodyguards, and further studied in the martial arts hall. He also made several military exploits with the emperor, and was promoted to the fifth rank of General Mingwei. A few days ago, he came from Youzhou under the imperial edict.  Come here and serve as the emperor's liaison officer to help him intercept Gao Yuan.  It didn't take long, but Mohui felt that his son Duoluo had changed a lot. It turned out that his son was a warrior among the younger generation of Khitan, but now his son seemed to be more restrained. He lacked the sharpness that would show off his edge, but had a lot more.  Mo Hui is very pleased with this change. His son has matured and become a qualified leader.  "Father!" Du Luo jumped off his horse and strode up, bowing before meeting him.  ¡°After staying with the emperor for a while, I don¡¯t know if I have learned anything else, but I have learned this etiquette very well.¡± Mo Hui happily patted his son on the shoulder and smiled.  Du Luo's figure has become more and more tall and strong, with a square face and thick eyebrows and big eyes. Originally, he did not have a braided hair like the Khitan people, but a Chinese-style bun, but now he has long hair.  It was cut, but it was a short haircut, very fresh and clean.  He was a little uncomfortable with it at first, but his son said that in the emperor's army, the soldiers who were not Han Chinese had all kinds of hairstyles because of different customs among different ethnic groups. Later, they all had short haircuts.  The hair style not only appears to be unified, but also slightly different from that of the Han soldiers.  The son was holding a steel helmet in his hand, wearing a mirror armor on his chest and back, and a red war robe on the outside, and a long silk cloak on his shoulders. He knew that his son was actually wearing silk clothes under the armor.  .  And this is not the son's luxury, but the emperor's army, the soldiers are like this, silk clothes are the standard clothing material.  Silk has an excellent anti-arrow effect and can wrap arrowheads, greatly reducing the damage of bows and arrows.  This made Mohui sigh greatly. Silk from the Central Plains was extremely expensive on the grasslands. Only a few tribal leaders could afford to wear it. However, millions of soldiers from the Central Plains actually wore silk and boots. This is really  It makes people sigh.  What's more, the dazzling mirror armor on their bodies is even more enviable.  Although the soldiers under his command also received support from the imperial court, they had to be exchanged for supplies, and although the equipment they received was much better than before, it was always one or two inferior to the equipment currently in service of the Sui army.  Du Luo looked back at the construction site at the foot of the mountain and frowned slightly, "It seems that the camp will take some time to complete. Father, how long will it take to complete?" "The main wall of the main camp and the archery tower can be completed before dark.  These will have to be done tomorrow. The walls of the five small villages will probably not be ready until dark tomorrow. As for the trenches and horse pits, they may not be completed until the day after tomorrow. In addition, those gentlemen are still organizing the felling of trees and building construction.  Stone-pulling carts, wood-breaking equipment, etc." Mo Hui asked his son, "Is there any movement in the west? Have you found Gao Yuan?" (To be continued)
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