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Text Chapter 553: The God of War

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    Li Jing repeated his old trick and successfully opened the south gate of the new city.  The Goguryeo people opened the door, bowed down to the thieves, and lured the wolves into the house. They had no idea that the people entering the city were not the Goguryeo friendly troops mobilized from the central part of the country to rush to Liaoxi to reinforce the emperor, but the Han Sui army galloping from Liaodong City on Qingqi.  Everything was like a repeat of Liaodong City. After the Sui army's forwards entered the city, they quickly captured the new city and captured the surrounding cities with the same means.  After dawn, Li Jing rode into the new city in high spirits.  Since he left Yuguan, he first laid out a series of plans in White Wolf City, annihilating tens of thousands of Goguryeo troops and capturing White Wolf City. Then he boldly marched eastward, crossed the Liao River, and captured the important town of Liaodong City without any bloodshed, capturing eight thousand Goguryeo soldiers and counting.  Thousands of Goguryeo people seized more than 500,000 shi of grain and many equipment.  Then, now, he has captured Jiancheng Xincheng, another important town in the middle of the Liao River. He still captured this fortress on the north bank of the Xiao Liao River without losing a single soldier.  More than 5,000 defenders and more than 40,000 civilians were captured.  "Reporting to the commander-in-chief, all seven castles in the new city have been controlled, and none of the five thousand defenders have been captured." "Well done!" Li Jing laughed in appreciation.  Then he asked a few more key questions, "Where is the granary? Someone has been sent to control and protect it as soon as possible. How much grain is there?"  In addition, there are many grain merchants' granaries in the city, with a total of no less than 200,000 shi of grain. The people's homes are estimated to have no less than tens of thousands of shi of grain. In addition, there are many cattle, sheep, and horses.  Camels and other livestock." The chief secretary excitedly reported to Li Jing with his little notebook.  "Control all the grain immediately, including the merchants' granaries. In addition, the grain in the hands of the people in the city," Li Jing thought for a while, and finally said, "collect their grain as well, disperse the prisoners and imprison them until  In the prison camp, all the people were moved to Nanwei City, and they were grouped into groups of ten households, and we then told them to ration food to each group of ten households.  If a family dares to escape or cause chaos, they will be punished together. If the whistleblower has merit, he will be rewarded with money. "The chief secretary was a little surprised and asked, "It is necessary to imprison the defender in Nanwei City.  Is it really necessary for those people to move to Xicheng? " "Of course it is necessary." Li Jing did not feel that he was doing unnecessary work. "These people are not from our same clan, even if some of them are from Goguryeo.  They are Han people, but they have been Han people in Goguryeo for a long time. We can't trust them too much. The purpose of placing the prisoners and the people separately in the other two cities is for the stability of the new city. We moved all the food to the new city.  Stable. As for rationing food to the prisoners and the people, this is also to prevent them from causing rebellion. If we control their food, we will control their lifeblood.  Period, so we have to use some extraordinary measures. Another point is that we have to inform the soldiers that we have to take away all their food, but they have to register it and compensate them for their private property after the war.  Property must not be robbed. Women must not be raped. If anyone dares to openly violate military orders, don't blame me for being ruthless. " "It's better to be too strict. You must give the soldiers some reward." "I will keep their achievements true.  Record it. Report it to the imperial court and Your Majesty. In addition, I will also use part of the government property captured in the new city to reward the soldiers, but all rewards will be temporarily recorded in the military account and will not be paid directly.  We must continue to distribute them uniformly after the war. What I need is the discipline of the soldiers. Once the discipline is out of control now, the morale of the army will be difficult to maintain, and everyone will only remember money.  War? Explain this clearly to the soldiers. Remember, it is not the time to finally succeed. We have stolen two cities from the Goguryeo people again and again. Next, the Goguryeo people in Liaodong.  Everyone will know that we are coming, and we may even have to face a counterattack by the Goguryeo people. " "We are not going to continue the attack?" "No, taking Xincheng and Liaodong City is enough.  . What we have to do now is to guard these two cities, as well as the millions of stones and grain in these two cities, and wait for the arrival of His Majesty¡¯s army. With these two cities and these grains, we have laid the foundation for victory in capturing Liaodong City.  The basics." Li Jing said with a smile. Although he likes to take risks when fighting, he also knows when to attack and when to stop. Now it's time to stop when the situation is good.  Thirty thousand light cavalry are now guarding two heavy cities 300 miles north and south, eight hundred miles away from Yuguan. The troops and horses are already a bit weak. If they attack the city again, not to mention that the enemy will definitely know their whereabouts, and  Even after it is captured, it will be difficult to defend.  nowWhat they were worried about was no longer how to capture more cities, but how to hold on to the results they had already captured.  Li Jing now only hopes that the Songshan Camp can quickly send troops to Liaodong City, and then Liaodong City will send some troops over. Of course, it would be better if the imperial reinforcements can arrive quickly.  With the war reaching this point, Li Jing was finally satisfied.  Pulling out two important Liaodong towns in Goguryeo was equivalent to pulling out two front teeth of Goguryeo in the west.  After the imperial court captured Liaodong City and Xincheng, it could be said that it could easily capture the Liaohe Plain, and no one could stop the imperial court's victory.  Especially the more than one million stones of grain, it would take a lot of effort to transport it from the Central Plains. But now, the granary is full of grain, and the court can travel to Liaodong lightly without worrying about the transportation.  It was only at this time that Li Jing began to calm down and think about his situation.  Continuously disobeying the court's orders has violated the taboo of officials.  He knew very well that there was nothing wrong with the emperor's plan and deployment. It was a prudent strategy. Before winning, make sure you don't lose.  But when he was on the front line and found that fighter opportunities were rare, he could not help but want to attack. Even if he knew that if he won the battle, he might be hated by the emperor in the end.  Can't live.  "After this battle, how will the emperor deal with me?"  Dismissal or removal from office?  Li Jing also already knew that the emperor had awarded him the hereditary title of Marquis of Wuwei County. This title was already quite valuable after the emperor reset the title.  However, Li Jing felt that the emperor would definitely punish him in the end, but it might not be too severe. After all, the battle was fought so beautifully and he had made a lot of contributions, so he would definitely be able to keep his title.  Maybe I can get promoted to a higher level. If I don't get the job of deputy privy envoy, I might not be able to do it. Maybe I will become the minister of the Ministry of War?  Li Jing shook his head and smiled slightly.  So what?  Do you care about this? ?????????? To say that you don¡¯t care at all is to deceive yourself, but if you give yourself another chance to choose, you will definitely choose this step. Even now, you have never regretted it.  A military commander.  If we could achieve such military exploits in the battle to regain Liaodong and be recorded in history, there would be nothing to regret.  "Are there any pigeons left?" "How many are there? Do you want to send a pigeon message?" "Well, immediately send two pigeons back to Yuguan to send back the news that we have captured the new city, so that the imperial court can send troops and horses to hurry up immediately.  Stabilize the second city. In addition, send fast horses back to Liaodong City and tell them that we have captured the new city. Let Li Jing and Luo Yi strengthen the defense of Liaodong City. I predict that the Goguryeo people who have recovered will definitely launch a counterattack. Also,  If reinforcements from Songshan arrive, send some reinforcements to Xincheng. We only have 10,000 people at the moment, so it will be difficult to defend Xincheng," Li Jing explained.  "Yes." The chief clerk responded one by one and turned to write a letter.  In Xijing, Yi Feng is considering candidates to stay in Xijing. The imperial court wants to move the capital to Luoyang, but Xijing is one of the five capitals.  Its position is still very important, and a capable person must be sent to Guanzhong.  However, this candidate is not easy to choose. The five capitals are independent of the twenty-four provinces and have the same level as the provinces.  The five capitals are called the government, and there is no chief envoy but a governor, divided into left and right.  After thinking for a long time, Yi Feng finally decided that two important ministers, Su Xiaoci and Liu Xingben, would serve as the left and right governors of Daxing Mansion in Guanzhong. They would stay in Xijing, and finally selected a few direct generals.  He served as the guard of five important pass cities: Tongguan, Wuguan, Sanguan, Xiaoguan and Pujinguan.  The Guanzhong standard is no longer suitable for the current situation. If the Sui Dynasty wants to rule the world, it is natural that it should make the Central Plains its capital. Only in this way can the situation of confrontation between the north and the south and hostility between the east and the west be reversed.  To eliminate this kind of internal contradiction, we have to turn the world's attention to the outside. The Sui Dynasty wanted to expand its territory and sell its goods to the world.  The war in Liaodong also affects Yi Feng's mind. Autumn has entered, and western Liaoning must be recovered as soon as possible before Liaodong enters the cold winter. Push the front to the Liaohe River, so that Li Jing has captured Liaodong City and is no longer under siege by the enemy.  Connect Liaodong City with the Sui army in western Liaoning, so as to ensure that the Goguryeo people will not take the opportunity to take it back in winter.  After winter, tens of thousands of troops can be left in Liaodong to garrison Liaodong City and Yingzhou, and the rest of the troops must be transferred back to Yuguan. Otherwise, logistics supply will still be a huge trouble.  Also, since the weather is getting cold, winter clothes must be prepared and sent to the Liao army.  By next autumn, the imperial court will be almost fully prepared to invade the Liao Dynasty and attack Goguryeo. At least with the Liaodong City, the Liaodong Peninsula can be captured.  Then, it was only a matter of time before Goguryeo was destroyed.  There is also a problem with Li Jing. He has made such great contributions this time and deserves a heavy reward. However, this guy has repeatedly ignored imperial edicts and military orders and set a bad precedent. If he does not deal with it because of his merits, then  In the future, wouldn't it be necessary for the generals in charge of the army to all imitate the generals and armies without being controlled by the emperor and the court? This would be an extremely dangerous thing.  Li ?Ah Li Jing, what should I do with you?  When he was in a dilemma, suddenly there was a burst of rapid footsteps, and Wang Hai's familiar duck voice was already screaming.  "Your Majesty, great victory, Your Majesty, great victory in Liaodong." "What great victory in Liaodong?" Yi Feng asked, Han Sengshou had just arrived at Yuguan, and his army of 100,000 had not even been fully assembled. Where could the great victory in Liaodong come from at this time?  Even the Tibetan troops from the Xi tribe and the Khitan have not yet reached the designated position to intercept Gao Yuan.  "It's Li Jing. General Li Jing has made new achievements. On the second day after he captured Liaodong City, he left two generals, Luo Yi and Li Jing, to guard Liaodong City with 20,000 soldiers and horses. Then he personally led 10,000 light cavalry to the north for a long-distance attack.  Three hundred miles away, when the defenders of Xincheng, an important town on the western border of Goguryeo, did not know that Liaodong City had been lost, they took advantage of their unpreparedness and successfully captured Xincheng." Wang Hai beamed, holding up the newly delivered flying pigeon to convey the message.  , his face was all red with excitement.  "Once again, General Li Jing was a genius. He fought so beautifully. Without a fight, a total of seven castles in Xincheng and its surroundings were captured, and nearly 700,000 shi of food were captured. This was better than in Liaodong City.  They also gained more. In addition, they captured 10,000 horses, 5,000 captured soldiers, and more than 40,000 civilians. " Yi Feng was also surprised when he heard Wang Hai's excited report.  He knew where the new city was without looking at a map, and of course he also knew its importance.  It can be said that Xincheng and Liaodong City are the two front teeth of Goguryeo in the western border, while Buyeo City and Anshi City are the two fangs at the north and south ends of the western border. These four cities are the core of the Liaohe defense line in the western border, plus large and small  More than 200 mountain fortresses together formed a solid defense line along the Liaohe River.  If we really want to attack Liaodong normally, we will have to fight a battle just to cross the Liao River. Needless to say, after crossing the river, we have to face a defense line composed of more than 200 castles, large and small.  But now, Li Jing has actually knocked out the enemy's two front teeth. What a surprise.  Liaodong City seized 500,000 shi of grain, and Xincheng seized more than 700,000 shi. This adds up to more than 1.2 million shi.  Based on the calculation that a young and strong man consumes seven dan of food per year at this time, an army of 100,000 consumes only 700,000 dan of food per year, which is more than 1.2 million. If you save a little, you can even supply it for two years.  The most important thing is that these grains are on the east bank of the Liao River, not in the granaries of the Central Plains. There is no need to transfer them at all, and they will not be wasted on the road.  This amount of food can almost support the consumption of 200,000 Liao troops in Liaodong for a year.  With this food, Liaodong City and Xincheng can be protected. With food and cities, the Sui army can easily break the Goguryeo people's Liaohe River defense line. The Liaohe Plain has basically fallen into the hands of the Sui army.  Got it in hand.  The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. This Li Jing is such a fucking dick. His dick is so explosive.  Thinking about it, I had just issued an order for Li Jing to stay in Liaodong City and not move. As a result, the order had just been sent out, and Li Jing had captured the new city again.  "Li Jing is really the God of War!" Yi Feng couldn't help but admire.  As a result, this sentence went viral. Everyone knew that the emperor appointed Li Jing as the God of War. From then on, Li Jing got the title of God of War and became the idol in the hearts of millions of soldiers in the Sui Dynasty. He was extremely famous for a while, but it made people know that  The evening breeze in this situation was somewhat unexpected.  (To be continued.)
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