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Text Chapter 512 Jingmen

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    Lightning flashed across the dark sky, and dazzling electric light flashed. After a few breaths, dull thunder came from the distant sky, like drums on the battlefield.  The guards escorted Yang Qing across a wooden bridge suspended by iron cables, and passed under an iron gate with copper nails and mud coating. Behind him was a wide moat filled with turbid muddy water.  Under the suspension bridge, the dim yellow torrent surged, stirring up a lot of water splashes and rushing past.  After passing the city gate, there is a space that is not too big or even a little narrow. It is surrounded by high walls. Directly in front of the gate is a tall brick-clad city wall.  This is an urn city. Entering inside, Yang Qing suddenly felt a sense of depression.  He clearly understood that the gates of large cities usually have urn walls. Outside the city gates, another ring of walls is built to protect the gates. The city gates and urn city gates are not in direct alignment, but are psychologically intertwined.  .  The enemy troops who have broken through the Wengcheng in this way will face the four high walls of the Wengcheng and the iron wall on the opposite side after entering the Wengcheng.  To attack the city, they had to walk hundreds of steps around the narrow urn city and under the tall city wall before they could attack the real city gate.  And these hundreds of steps are often the real death zone, which is more dangerous than the outside.  The Wengcheng was small, and it was destined that not many people could rush in at the same time. However, the Wengcheng was surrounded by walls on all sides. The defenders stood on top of it and shot from all directions, giving them a great advantage.  Therefore, for the defenders, breaking through the Wengcheng gate sometimes does not mean victory. On the contrary, it is most likely a trap for the defenders, deliberately letting them in, and then condescendingly closing the door and beating the dogs.  Yang Qing¡¯s wrists were tied, and he stumbled on the muddy ground of Wengcheng. The mud on the ground showed a special dark red color, and it looked like it was dyed with blood.  Combine that muddy ground.  There was also mud on the city gate, etc. Yang Qing judged that there had just been a war here not long ago.  The cold rain had already drenched him, and even though it was summer, he felt trembling all over.  The cavalry dismounted and escorted him into the tall and solid gate of Jingmen City.  This is the real gate of Jingmen City.  The city gate is much larger than the urn city. There is a tall arrow tower with arrow holes layer by layer, making it intimidating.  All the way into a large house in the city, the cavalry scout who captured him untied his cloak and hung it on the porch outside the door to prevent the rain from getting the floor of the room wet.  Yang Qing cooperated and obeyed without saying a word.  Even though he was already a prisoner, he still tried his best to behave like a noble.  In the hall, several people were sitting in the dim hall, enjoying wine, barbecue and steaming fish soup.  Several pairs of tall butter candles were lit under the walls around the hall.  The thick tallow candle gave off a dim and flickering light.  Yang Qing listened to the sound of raindrops hitting the roof tiles outside, together with the sound of cups and plates clattering, and the sound of several people talking quietly.  "General," the guard reported loudly, "this man was discovered by our ranger scouts outside the city. He was wearing armor and riding a horse and running away. He was carrying a large bank deposit slip and this thing."  While talking.  The guard presented the thing and sent it to several people's tables.  A gold seal with a turtle button.  The seal is engraved with four seal characters "Seal of the King of Hejian".  Turtle button gold seal, this is a high-end seal. The emperor of a generation used jade to call his seal, and the prince used gold to call his seal.  There are usually buttons on the seals, so that holes can be perforated on the buttons to tie the ribbon to the belt.  It is a way of wearing a seal.  Since the Han Dynasty, emperors and officials have been distinguished by turtles, camels, horses, and snakes.  Senior officials generally use turtles and camels.  And when given to Tibetan tribes, snake buttons are used.  The turtle button gold seal in front of you is undoubtedly like this.  What's more, the words "Hejian King's Seal" are clearly engraved on it. This is the golden seal of Hejian King.  At this time, Yang Qing stood there waiting like a drowned dog. His wrist was tightly tightened by the beef tendon rope. When the beef tendon rope got wet, it could loosen and swell, and the pain became more and more severe.  The skin on my wrists has been worn out.  He had already seen clearly that those sitting in the hall eating were the three commanders-in-chief of the Yangzhou Army, marching marshal Guo Yan, deputy commander Duan Da, and marching eldest brother Zhang Heng.  Although he recognized them, he did not go up to meet them.  He still can't forget the chaos in Jiangling City that night. The Imperial Guards guarding the palace suddenly launched an attack. They set fire everywhere in the city, snatched the city gates, besieged Prince Jing's Mansion, and killed Jingzhou troops on sight.  He managed to escape, but was captured on the way.  He still doesn't know exactly what happened that day. Was it the emperor who suddenly attacked the father and his son, or was it just a rebellion by the Yangzhou army? What relationship did the three important ministers and generals in front of him play in it?  He didn't know anything. He regretted it all the way. If he had known earlier, he should have listened to Yuan Min and took advantage of the absence of the Jianghuai soldiers to start an uprising and control Jiangling. In this way, he could return to Luoyang without losing wealth. He would never be like a lost dog like now.  Reservoir Dogs.  ¡°Perhaps they will have their men push them out and kill them next moment, but at least they don¡¯t have to run away anymore, and they don¡¯t have to get wet in the rain anymore.  He had already been soaked in the rain. After running all day and night in the rain, his muscles ached early and he was haggard.?Hungry and tired, nearly numb from the huge blows, and fed up with this damn summer rainstorm.  Zhang Heng wiped his mouth, then reached out to grab the golden seal and took a closer look. At this time, another lightning flashed outside, and the blazing white light instantly illuminated the hall as bright as day.  Yang Qing stood at the door and counted silently, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. This time the thunder came much later than the lightning. After counting seven times, there was a deafening thunderclap.  It just came from the horizon.  The thunder passed away in an instant, and the dim light of candlelight returned to the hall.  Zhang Heng had already moved his eyes away from the golden button, and took advantage of the lightning flash just now to take a look at the embarrassed Yang Qing.  "Untie him." Zhang Heng turned to the guard and said, "Bring me some clean clothes. This is His Highness the King of Hejian." The guard looked back at the embarrassed guy in surprise. He couldn't believe that this was really happening.  It is between King Jing and His Highness the King of Hejian.  The guard went to prepare clothes as ordered. Zhang Heng stood up and walked over and said to Zhang Heng: "What happened? The king appears here like this?" "I am no longer a king, general." Yang Qing and Zhang Heng are  They were familiar with each other, and even in Jiangling's court, Yang Qing and Zhang Heng were both one of the six nobles in Jiangling.  After the prince's death, Zhang Heng even proposed that the emperor accept Yang Qing as his stepson.  To calm people's hearts.  "There is no longer a King of the River." "What happened?" Yang Qing was a little angry, "You still have to ask me what happened? Your Excellencies and subordinates, shouldn't you know what happened better than me?  "Your Majesty, please speak more clearly." Duan Da looked at him with a stern look, "You should be escorting me in Jiangling City at this time. This is the main road to Chang'an and Luoyang.  The king appears here alone, carrying a gold seal and a lot of silver notes, but he does not come to Jingmen to see us, but wants to sneak through here. Are you going to Luoyang or Chang'an, Your Highness?  "I didn't know you were in Jingmen." "Oh, that means the king is not here to see us at all. Are you going to Chang'an or Luoyang?" "There is no mission from the emperor, no decree?"  ." Yang Qing shouted.  Increasingly impatient.  "Then why are you here? Could it be that the King of Hejian is going to surrender to the enemy and rebel?" Yang Qing didn't expect these people to shout for the traitor, "I'm not the one who rebelled. Don't shout for the traitor. My father is loyal to His Majesty.  We will treat you well. When you arrive in Jingzhou, we will prepare barracks, arrange housing, and arrange food and fodder for you. But how do you repay this loyalty? You killed my father, and now you still pretend to be a traitor.  I don¡¯t know what to do, is it fun to play with me? If you want to kill me or cut me into pieces, just go ahead and do it. If I frown, it¡¯s my fault.¡± If it wasn¡¯t for this storm, if it wasn¡¯t for the emergency.  To escape from Jingzhou.  He wouldn't run into the Jianghuai soldiers' camp.  But things were also very strange. Duan Da and others went to encircle and suppress Liang Gang.  It shouldn't be in the Xiazhou area, but why is it at the northwest end of Jingzhou?  Zhang Heng was shocked by Yang Qing's words. He frowned and looked at Yang Qing carefully. Yang Qing suddenly appeared in Jingmen, and he looked so embarrassed that he didn't even bring a guard. It was so abnormal.  And what he said about the rebellion of the Jianghuai Army and the killing of King Jing, etc., although it was not very clear, made him vaguely feel that something big had happened in Jiangling City.  After leaving Jiangling that day, one hundred thousand Huainan troops divided into four groups and fought in the Xia, Gui, Shi, and Fang prefectures west of Jingzhou, trying to surround Liang Gang's Yizhou army and annihilate them in one fell swoop.  But this Liang Gang was extremely cunning. He led them around in circles and attacked prefectures, counties and towns from time to time, feeding off war with war. He seemed to be getting braver with each war.  In the end, the Jianghuai Army worked in vain. After struggling for a long time, they fell apart due to fatigue, but they just kept being led by the nose.  Finally, Zhang Heng came up with an idea and deliberately dispatched a group of troops to transport grain and grass. He transported the grain and grass from Jingzhou to Jingmen City in the northwest of Jingzhou. Then several main troops pretended to search for the Yizhou Army and marched westward, away from Jingmen.  As a result, Liang Gang's troops were indeed fooled. After several tests, they discovered that the main force of the Jianghuai army was indeed far away in Xiazhou. They immediately rushed to Jingmen, preparing to eat this lone troop and seize and destroy the Jianghuai army.  Food and grass gathered in Jingmen.  It¡¯s just that Liang Gang finally miscalculated. Although the troops escorting the logistics in Jingmen were not many, they were the most elite division led by deputy commander Duan Da himself. The reason why Jingmen was chosen to lure the enemy was because Jingmen has always  It is the gate of Jingchu, which has always been a battleground for military strategists. Therefore, although Jingmen City is not big, it is extremely strong and can be held firmly to wait for reinforcements.  When Liang Feng arrived at Jingmen City and launched an attack, Duan Da deliberately concealed his strength at first, pretending that he couldn't hold on and was only one step away.It could be broken through, but it just held on to death. As a result, Liang Gang was not aware of it and besieged it for many days.  When Liang Gang finally felt that something was wrong, Guo Yan and Zhang Heng finally led an army to cover up from the south and moved quickly.  Liang Gang wanted to retreat. At this time, Shi Guangda led the cavalry who had been recuperating in the city. He suddenly rushed out of the city in the middle of the night and attacked Liang Gang's camp at night. Although the Yizhou Army did not suffer much damage, in the following days  , attacked several times in one day, they were so harassed that they could not retreat at full speed. After a few days of delay, Guo Yan and Zhang Heng arrived. A battle broke out between the two sides. The exhausted Yizhou Army was already exhausted, but now it was even more outnumbered and defeated.  Of the Jianghuai troops, only a few thousand of the final 50,000 troops retreated into the mountains and fled.  Guo Yan and others withdrew to Jingmen City for repairs. They originally planned to return to Jiangling after the heavy rain, but they did not expect that scouts captured Yang Qing nearby.  "Rebellion? You said there was a rebellion in Jiangling City?" Zhang Heng read this word, his face becoming more and more ugly.  "What exactly is going on? Please tell us, Your Highness, we don't know anything yet. We have been encircling and suppressing Liang Gang before. We have just won the victory in annihilating Liang Gang's Yizhou Army. We are preparing to return to Jiangling after the rain stops. There is nothing yet."  "I know." "The Jianghuai army suddenly launched an attack in the middle of the night. They seized the city gate and blocked the Jingzhou soldiers outside the city. Then Sima Dekan raided my Prince Jing's Mansion. They killed my father." "Did Sima Dekan lead the rebellion?  Oh my god, he is the emperor's imperial guard general, General Hu Benlang, who commands the most elite Xiaoguo Army around His Majesty. " "Not only Sima Dekan, but also Yang Xiong and Yu Wenhuaji, as well as Yuwen Zhiji, Zhao Xingshu and others.  They were all involved. I don¡¯t know who is the leader of these people, but almost all the Jianghuai soldiers in Jiangling City were involved.¡± Hearing the news, Zhang Heng, Duan Da, and Guo Yan couldn¡¯t help but feel their hearts sinking. The Jianghuai soldiers suddenly mutinied.  Kill King Jing.  The three of them almost immediately thought of one person, Yuwenshu who stayed behind. Among the important ministers who stayed behind, King Jing commanded the troops and Yuwenshu was in charge. These two people should have assisted each other, but now the Jingzhou army and the Huainan army are fighting each other.  When they got up, they immediately thought that Yu Wenshu might have led the mutiny, especially when they had just heard that among the rebel generals were brothers Yu Wenhuaji and Yu Wenzhiji.  But what they don't understand is why there is civil strife at this time. It is impossible to say that it is a struggle for power.  But with Yang Qing's current appearance, it was impossible for him to lie.  It is impossible for Yu Wenshu to conspire to rebel. He has no soldiers. Even if Yang Hong is killed, the Jianghuai army is still outside.  "Your Highness, please take a shower first and change into clean clothes. I will ask someone to arrange a room for you and prepare meals for you. Then you can sleep peacefully. Let's talk about it when you wake up."  There was too little information in it, and Zhang Heng was not going to listen to Yang Qing's words for everything, so he planned to wait before making any conclusions and try to figure out what happened in Jiangling City.  After seeing Yang Qing off, the three of them sat in silence in the hall, not knowing how to speak for a while.  After a long time, Duan Da broke the silence.  "If Yuwenshu rebels, what should we do, fight back?" There was another sound of footsteps outside the door, and the guards came to report.  "Generals, General Yu Wenhua and General Yu are here from Jiangling City. We have important news to report." Duan Da and the other three looked at each other, and Yu Wenhuaji is here. PS: Please vote!  (To be continued)
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