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Text Chapter 511 Yang Guang passes away

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    The eight missions, led by Luan Yiwei and escorted by the Jinwu Guard knights, slowly passed through the long street. After showing their faces in front of the people of Luoyang, the subordinates of the eight missions were placed in the military camp outside the city.  , and the envoys of the mission were introduced to Luoyang Palace.  ¦çÀÖ¦çÎĦçС¦ç˵| Outside the solemn Zihui Hall of Luoyang Palace, guards of the Yulin Army on the left and right guarded the palace gate and both sides of the main hall. The long passage was covered with a scarlet Persian carpet.  In the palace, Yi Feng wears a crown and a python dragon robe, sitting majestically on the throne, supervising and regenting the country on behalf of the emperor.  Under the Danqi, there are civil and military heroes, princes and ministers, and the hall is full of purple.  Yi Feng glanced at the ministers in the palace, coughed lightly, and said with a slight smile, "All the ministers are important ministers of the country, and the court should treat them with great courtesy. Well, they will be given cushions for the ministers. From now on, everyone will sit down and discuss affairs in court. Isn't that right?"  Better." Since the Han and Wei dynasties, everyone has been sitting on their knees when discussing matters. I don¡¯t know who took the lead. However, since Yifeng became the regent, everyone started to stand. Although this way, it does seem like the only one sitting down.  The wind is more majestic.  However, Yi Feng did not need this method to demonstrate his authority, nor did he want to set a precedent for ministers to go to court.  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The Crown Prince's court meeting does not stipulate the time and number of matters to be discussed. Sometimes when important matters are encountered, it is common for the court meeting to last for two or three hours. It is indeed hard to stand all the time.  "In addition to the Feng family from Lingnan, there are also delegations from seven countries coming this time. Do you all understand their purpose?" "Tuli came here to use the power of the imperial court to compete for the position of grassland khan, and Tiele,  It's nothing more than wanting to make distant and close attacks to deal with the Turks. As for the other five countries, it's not clear yet.  "I can tell you this. The three countries of Silla, Baekje, and Japan sent envoys here, but they all came here for one thing only. That is Imna on the Three Korean Peninsula. The three families have been fighting for Imna for nearly a hundred years.  Imna was one of many small kingdoms in the Gaya region in the southern part of the Samhan Peninsula. It was later annexed by Silla and Baekje fought with it. Later, Baekje united with Japan to send troops to occupy seven of the ten Gaya kingdoms and established the Imna Japanese Prefecture.  However, it was eventually recaptured by Silla, so it can be said that the three families fighting around Ren Na are inseparable. Now Japan and Baekje are in an alliance to fight against Silla. Baekje and Japan sent envoys to get my Central Plains court.  Support. The Japanese king of Japan had been canonized by the Southern Dynasty and recognized the Japanese occupation of the Rena area. Now, they want to take advantage of our situation. Silla is in the same situation, but they still have it.  Another purpose is to use our power to fight against Goguryeo. "Yi Feng has never ignored these small and remote countries.  In particular, Goguryeo was still a potential enemy of the imperial court. In this case, the enemy of the enemy was a friend.  Deputy Privy Councilor Han Sengshou suddenly understood and said: "It's just a group of barbarian dogs biting dogs." "Don't ignore the dogs lightly. If you can raise a few obedient dogs, they will still be very useful." Yi Feng said to his ministers.  Very casual too.  Historically, Goguryeo was conquered several times during the Sui and Tang Dynasties.  It was a bloody battle in front of those dangerous mountain cities. The dangerous mountain cities, coupled with the long distance, bad weather and other conditions, made the Eastern Expedition quite difficult, just like the Crusades in the Middle Ages.  Same.  I tried one step at a time, but just couldn't get it right.  Finally, they united with Silla.  First, Baekje was destroyed, and then a stable base was established on the Korean Peninsula.  After evading Goguryeo's powerful mountain city defense system on the Liaodong Peninsula, he finally exploded from behind Goguryeo and destroyed him.  In this war, although Silla was useless in fighting, they were still very good in providing logistical support and supplying food and grass.  Goguryeo now wants to take advantage of the situation and send troops to western Liaoning. Although Li Jing is guarding Shanhaiguan, and Yi Feng has already ordered him to stick to the pass and stop the Goguryeo troops from outside the pass.  It's not too late to fight Goguryeo now. It won't be too late to deal with them after the Central Plains are pacified.  However, preventing Li Jing from leaving seclusion does not mean that Goguryeo will remain so arrogant.  The arrival of Baekje, Silla, and Japan gave Yi Feng a plan to clean up Goguryeo.  Smart people are good at taking advantage of situations and strengths.  Emperor Gao Zuwen Yang Jian was one of the best, and his skills were extremely slippery.  As the saying goes, using troops is only a last resort. Powerful people will try to avoid using troops and use various means to solve the problem, especially taking advantage of the situation is the best way to solve the problem.  Jingzhou, Jiangling.  There is a depressing atmosphere everywhere in the city, and various rumors are spreading everywhere.  There were rumors that the emperor had died suddenly, but the Jiangling court did not announce the funeral secretly. Nowadays, all major affairs in the court are handled by Empress Xiao behind the curtain, and the heroine is responsible for the country.  There are also rumors that the emperor and queen have actually been imprisoned, and the person who holds the military and political power in the court is actually Jing Wang Yang Hong.  There are even rumors that the Emperor of Guanzhong has bribed many generals in the Jiangling Dynasty, and these people have taken the Emperor and Queen of Jiangling hostage and are preparing to surrender to Guanzhong.  Some people also say that they are actually planning to surrender to Luoyang. In short, there are various rumors, which makes people panic.??Uneasy.  When the ten states in Huainan were lost and the states in Jiangnan surrendered to Luoyang, and the news that Mrs. Xian of Lingnan sent her grandson Feng An to Luoyang to meet Yang Lin spread to Jingzhou one after another, the atmosphere in Jiangling City became even more depressing.  No one now believes that the world-famous virtuous king Yang Guang can win the throne.  Many people secretly regretted that they did not expect that the silver-like wax spear head of King Jin was just like a sheep dung egg with a shiny surface.  In a large house in Jiangling City, a banquet was being held.  In the grand banquet hall, people were drinking and drinking, and after a song and dance, there was a burst of cheers.  A group of noble officials from the Jiangling court gathered here to numb themselves with singing, dancing, drinking and sex, so that they could temporarily forget the terrible situation.  When the wine was half drunk, Huya Lang held up Zhao Xingshu's wine glass and couldn't help but said: "Damn it, I can't survive this day. If you ask me, let's just lead our troops back to Guanzhong. Our family, old and young, are all in Guanzhong. Now we can go back to Guanzhong.  Maybe he can still keep his wealth and his family alive." Faced with Zhao Xingshu openly speaking such rebellious words, no one in the hall was used to it, and no one thought there was anything wrong.  In fact, the Jiangling court is completely out of control now. Guo Yan, Duan Da and others led 100,000 Yangzhou troops to encircle and suppress Liang Gang. So far, they have only won a few small battles, but they have not been able to encircle Liang Gang at all. They are still upstream.  Wander around.  And in Jiangling City.  The emperor has not shown up for a long time, and various rumors have spread. Now that Huainan and Jiangnan have been lost, and Lingnan has surrendered to Luoyang, it can be said that the Jiangling court is at the end of its rope.  There are all kinds of rumors and opinions in Jiangling City.  Many generals are discussing defection almost openly, and they are not shy about it.  There were loyal people who reported this information to Empress Xiao, but Empress Xiao had no choice at all.  At this time, Jiangling City was completely controlled by King Jing Yang Hong, but King Jing had no good solution in the face of these terrible trends.  The so-called law does not blame everyone.  If people are arrested because of some rumors, the Jiangling court may lose control.  In particular, Yang Hong did not want to use the army to arrest people. This would give bad ideas to the outside world. Maybe Empress Xiao would be suspicious of him and want to eliminate his dissidents.  Besides, it's not just one or two people who are having this kind of discussion now.  It is impossible to arrest them at all, and many of them are officials and generals of the DPRK and China.  Yuwen Zhiji shook his head and sighed: "Although the emperor has not shown up for a long time and no one knows what is going on in the palace now, King Jing has always been loyal to the emperor. He holds tens of thousands of Jingzhou soldiers and horses and controls Jiangling. If we escape without permission,  , I'm afraid that King Jing will definitely kill him." Now everyone is just talking, King Jing is still a little worried about everyone's identity.  There was no direct use of troops.  But if everyone really wants to leave, it will be completely different then. What will King Jing do then?  No one can guess.  "Then what should we do?" Zhao Xingshu asked, "We can't just sit here and wait for death, right?" Yuwen Zhiji smiled slightly, "Now the world is divided into three parts, and the three emperors are in power, but we all know that the most powerful one is the prince.  There are many people in Jiangling who want to leave. If we can work together to take over Jiangling, we can save our wealth and wealth." Zhao Xingshu stayed for a long time.  Cai Dao said, "But the troops and horses of Jingzhou are all in the hands of Yang Hong. How can we accomplish anything?" Yu Wenzhi said: "If you want to start something, you must first recommend a general. We are so humble that it is difficult for us to take up this task. In my opinion, General Sima is good enough for this."  "Sima Dekan, who has been drinking with a sullen expression, is now serving as General Hu Ben and has a close relationship with Yu Wenshu's son, the young eunuch Yu Wenzhiji. Sima Dekan now controls the imperial guards guarding the Jiangling Palace, and is regarded as the most important person in Jiangling City.  A few soldiers and horses outside the command of King Jing.  "General Yu Wenhua and General Yang Wei also each have an elite army in their hands. Although the number is not large, they are all elite. If they can be united, the chance of rebellion will be greatly increased." Zhao Xingshu suggested, "Also, it is said that  General Yu Wenhua and General Yang Wei were old friends with the Prince of Luoyang and were sworn brothers. If they are with us, the uprising will be more secure." The next day, a new rumor began to spread in Jiangling City.  It was said that the emperor had been killed by Yang Hong. Yang Hong killed the emperor and put the queen under house arrest, plotting to usurp the throne and establish himself.  He was preparing to poison all the non-Jingzhou Yangzhou soldiers in Jiangling City. He said that Yang Hong had prepared a lot of poisonous wine and wanted to take advantage of the reward to poison them all, leaving only the Jingzhou soldiers.  Hearing this news, the already tense atmosphere in Jiangling became even more tense. Jianghuai soldiers and Jingzhou soldiers even became hostile to each other, and there were many incidents of group fights between the two armies.  That night, Yu Wenhuaji, Sima Dekan and Yang Wei, the three generals who commanded the palace guards, summoned their generals.  "Kill the regicide Yang Hong and save Empress Xiao!" General Yu Wenhuaji of Zuotun Guard, holding a sword in hand, stood in front of a group of officers and shouted.  ¡°Kill the traitor and rescue the queen!¡± Sima Dekan followed and shouted.  After the third watch, Sima Dekan, Yang Wei, Yu Wenhua and the three generals each gathered their own 3,000 imperial guards, and first sent people to place them everywhere in Jiangling City.Fire came, and then directly surrounded and stormed Prince Jing's Mansion.  Fires were everywhere in the city, and Liu Ying stood on the temple tower in the east city and looked up.  "Commander, Sima Dekan, Yu Wenhua and they have finally launched their attack." Another person behind Liu Ying said, "On Yang Qing and Yuan Min, all the efforts have been in vain." "If there is no light in the east and light in the west, bet on both sides.  , No matter which side wins, we are the winners. I can only say that Sima Dekan, Yu Wenhua and others acted faster. " "Our Secret Service Department has made a great contribution this time. The commander can defeat a hundred thousand soldiers.  "Ah." "That's all under His Highness's command. We are just His Highness's swords, cutting wherever you point." Liu Ying said with a smile.  At the fourth watch, the rebels including Sima Dekan and others had already entered Prince Jing's Mansion. Yang Hong was caught off guard and wanted to explain a few words to the invading rebels, but Sima Dekan had already rushed forward and stabbed him to death.  Yang Hong then chopped off his head.  At five o'clock in the morning, the sky was dim, and the entire Jiangling City fell into chaos.  The rebels suddenly launched an attack. Although Yang Hong commanded tens of thousands of Jingzhou troops, most of them were stationed outside the city.  Sima Dekan and others seized the city gate first and killed Yang Hong. The Jingzhou soldiers outside the city could not enter the city at all.  Carrying Yang Hong's head, Sima Dekan led his troops into the palace in Beicheng and went straight to the emperor's palace.  After entering the palace, Sima Dekan immediately winked at Zhao Xingshu.  Zhao Xingshu nodded and led a group of confidants to enter first.  "What happened?" Yang Guang was a little more awake today. After drinking ginseng soup, he could barely maintain his energy while listening to Empress Xiao's report on the recent affairs in China, when he suddenly heard bursts of noise outside.  Empress Xiao replied, "There was a noise outside earlier. I sent someone to ask General Sima. He replied that there was a fire in a private house in the city. King Jing had already sent people to put out the fire." "There was a fire in a private house? Why is it so big?"  "The voice was clearly coming from the palace." Although Yang Guang was ill, he was still very alert and immediately sensed that something was wrong.  Even if a fire breaks out, it cannot reach the palace. Something is wrong.  Just as he was talking, a group of palace people outside had already fled into the palace in panic.  "What's going on?" Yang Guang sat up in shock and asked.  The palace servant cried and replied, "Your Majesty, Madam, the rebels have entered the palace." "Rebels? Who?" "I heard that it was King Jing who caused the rebellion. He was sending troops to surround and kill the Huainan soldiers. They have already reached the palace.  I'm here, I heard that King Jing is going to kill the king and usurp the throne!" Yang Guang's face was extremely pale, his lips were trembling, and his heart began to ache again.  "King Jing is making trouble?" At this time, Zhao Xingshu had already led a group of men and horses into the palace with swords. When Xiao saw it, he quickly shouted: "General Zhao, King Jing is making trouble, come and protect him." Zhao Xingshu stepped forward with his sword, "  Please forgive me for the late arrival of my escort." Yang Guang stared at Zhao Xingshu and suddenly said: "I have never betrayed you, why did you betray me?" Empress Xiao was shocked and confused.  Zhao Xingshu burst out laughing wildly, "You have dared to call yourself me when you have overstepped your authority and proclaimed yourself emperor? They are just traitors and traitors. Today I am here to challenge the rebels and kill the traitors." Yang Guang gritted his teeth and glared, "Why didn't you mention this place when you followed me? Now I see you.  Who is the leader of what happened today? "Haha, we wanted to take the leader, but he was too loyal."  Now, let me lend you my head." Yang Guang was furious when he heard this and trembled all over.  "Who do you want to surrender to?" "Of course it is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who is the regent of Luoyang, the capital of the East!" Empress Xiao was so frightened that she knelt beside Yang Guang and cried.  Yang Guang held Empress Xiao's hand, knowing that he would not be able to escape death today, so he had to worry, "The emperor has his own way of death. You can't use a sharp edge. Let's get some poisonous wine." "Where can I find poison at this time?  Wine, it¡¯s too much trouble.¡± Yang Guang had to take off his belt and hand it to Zhao Xingshu, ¡°Take this, and take my head. Before I die, I have only one last wish: to protect the queen from any abuse.¡± Zhao Xingshu took it.  A white ribbon was handed to his men. The two rebels stepped forward, wrapped the silk scarf around Yang Guang's neck, and then twisted it hard.  Yang Guang¡¯s eyes rolled up, and he made meaningless sounds in his throat. His complexion turned from white to green, and then more and more purple. Finally, his tongue was pulled out of his mouth. His hands were flailing and his legs were kicking.  A strong stench spread, and Yang Guangda became incontinent.  Zhao Xingshu knew that the emperor had passed away in the presence of a distinguished guest.  (To be continued)
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