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Text Chapter 474 The confident Su Zhi

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    Shan Xiongxin of the Tiger Wing Cavalry sent his subordinate Wang Junkuo out for reconnaissance and brought back news that the army had left the Shahai Sea from Qikou.  "Based on their tents, there should be 20,000 riders." He said, "Black flag with white wolf on it." "Turks?" Shan Xiongxin asked.  "It is more likely that they are from Mobei Tiele." Gao Jia, the leader of the Huaihuang Infantry Army, said, "No matter who is coming, we will know it soon." He glanced at the Usha Fort he was guarding.  Group, three forts guarding Wusha City in the middle, including 20,000 infantry troops of Huaihuang Army and 15,000 cavalry troops of Tiger Wing Cavalry, plus 3,000 garrison troops of Wusha Castle, and the young and strong reserves in the city.  That adds up to more than 40,000 people.  Yi Shuai trusted them so much that he handed such a heavy Huaihuang army into their hands and asked them to guard the northwest gate of Huaihuang. No matter who came, he could not let them break through the city.  "We just let Nili's tens of thousands of horses pass by, we can't let these Mobei wolf cubs pass by again this time." Shan Xiongxin said.  Liu Ying clenched his fists and knocked on the battlements, "Why is this Tuli so fierce? Didn't he say that he had a hundred thousand troops and ordered Mobei? Why did he say that he was beaten by thousands of Turkic soldiers and ran around with his head in his arms? And he  The Tiele people under him are chasing him, what a fool. " "There can't be only 20,000 Tiele people going south." Shan Xiongxin was a little worried. Tiele's forwards had nearly 10,000 before, so it was impossible to follow up.  Twenty thousand.  "They may have divided their forces and went south, maybe a large force went south from the east, or maybe the 20,000 people are just the vanguard. Mobei Tiele, but there are many tribes and they are extremely strong, and all the people are soldiers. If they really want to go south, I'm afraid  It's not a problem to get two hundred thousand cavalry." "No matter how much you come, you won't be able to break through Usha Castle." Gao Yi pressed his hand on the long sword at his waist.  "We let tens of thousands of people pass by with mud. Huaihuang can still handle it, but if we let more people pass, Huaihuang will definitely not be able to withstand it." Huaihuang City has six field armies with four steps and two cavalry.  Wushabao has one step and one ride.  In addition, there is another cavalry unit stationed in Yehu City in the south, and an infantry unit is stationed in the northeast.  There is only one infantry garrison in Huaihuang City. Although there are five garrison troops, these garrison troops are not strong enough and they only help defend the forts.  The generals of Wushabao had previously put down mud to advance eastward.  I also thought that I could shut them up and beat the dogs, but I didn't expect that another Tiele people would go south.  Northeast of Huaihuang, Xijing Songshan City.  This place where Yifeng formed an alliance with Sanbo last year is now once again home to many soldiers and horses from Sanbo, as well as a large population.  Tiele committed another crime.  Moreover, there were more soldiers and horses, and the overwhelming number of soldiers and horses came towards the east. After being shocked by the news, the Xi tribe quickly measured the strength of the two sides, and then immediately retreated south with their families.  Last year, only tens of thousands of people defeated them, but now that an army of nearly 100,000 Tieles was approaching with great momentum, how could they dare to fight against it.  The Lin tribe went south and entered the territory of Khitan.  When the Khitan heard the news, they did not dare to stay any longer and summoned the tribes.  With the population, they retreated southward with the Xi people, and finally withdrew to the Xi realm.  After Sanbo formed an alliance with Yi Feng last year, although the Huaihuang Army sent officers to train officers for them and sold them weapons, Sanbo still did not have the slightest confidence to fight Tiele's army.  They went all the way south and arrived behind Songshan Mountain.  Then he reluctantly stopped.  Here is the tall city built by the Huaihuang Gang Xi people, after the alliance.  The relationship between Huaihuang and the Xi people on the border is closer, and Huaihuang is in the Xi realm.  Especially in the western part of the Xi people bordering Huaihuang, they built roads, reclaimed river valleys, built inns and shops, and even built many cities.  Songshan City is the city of the Ahui clan, the largest part of the Xi tribe. Su Zhi, the leader of the Ahui clan, has lived in this city with his family since the city was built, and lived in the luxurious mansion built for him by Yifeng.  Songshan City has a circumference of ten miles. Compared with the cities in the Central Plains, Songshan City can only be considered average in size. It is slightly larger than the county seat and comparable to the state city. However, in Xijing, this is the strongest and tallest city.  There are residential areas, commercial areas, warehouse areas, etc. in the city. There are a large number of shops and special markets. Huaihuang merchants set up shops and markets here to purchase various livestock, fur, herbs, minerals, etc. from the Xi people and sell them to them.  The ones that sell are all kinds of goods from Huaihuang, and the business is very good.  As the city lord, Su Zhi has the right to collect taxes from the ground, and he earns a lot of gold every day. This feeling of being able to collect taxes by opening the door is really not a good feeling.  With these taxes, he not only purchased a large amount of various Central Plains goods from Yifeng, but also purchased a large amount of ordnance from Huaihuang, recruited troops and horses, and strengthened the Xi army.  The five major tribes of the Xi tribe each have a battalion, forming the Xi army, with a total army of 15,000 troops.  Su Zhi's Ahui tribe has a battalion of three thousand horses, and he also has five hundred guards.  However, in the past six months, with the additional tax revenue, Su Zhi not only transformed his three thousand cavalry from herdsmen into a standing army, but also upgraded his bodyguards from five hundred to three thousand.  In addition, he recruited two more battalions of 6,000 troops in addition to the two battalions. They were provided with equipment and no food and salary. They were herdsmen in peacetime and could be immediately recruited as cavalry in wartime.  One person owns?The fourth battalion has 12,000 cavalry, and Su Zhi has been quite proud recently.  Seeing this, the other four major tribes of the Xi tribe were also very envious. They continued to negotiate with Huaihuang and signed many various agreements. Some of them cooperated with Huaihuang to build roads, cultivate fields, and build buildings within their own tribes.  Fortresses and garrisons, some recruit tribal herdsmen as Huaihuang soldiers, and some recruit tribal herdsmen to work in Huaihuang merchant workshops. There are also many trade agreements and various cooperation agreements, in exchange for Huaihuang's work in various places.  They built roads, built forts, built cities, and opened commercial markets within the tribes. As a result, those tribes got a lot of money. They had their own cities, and they could sit and collect money.  The leaders of the Xi people who suddenly received a large amount of money, like Su Zhi, simply bought all kinds of Han Chinese goods that were worthless, and then began to recruit troops and strengthen their troops.  Basically, all the ministries have expanded their own troops. Originally, each of the five major ministries had one battalion, but now the minimum number is at least three battalions.  The Xi clan's military strength has expanded in a short period of time, and now has a scale of 50,000 people in one hundred regiments.  After the Xi tribe and the Khitan retreated to Songshan, they were also shocked by the huge changes in the Xi tribe.  Although they had heard about it, they were never shocked by seeing it with their own eyes.  Last year, the Xi warriors, who were as poorly equipped as them, have changed drastically. Almost everyone wears armor, and their armor is uniform.  The format is the same, and the neatness alone can be intimidating.  Su Zhi proudly said to his in-laws, Da Hemo, the leader of the Hebian tribe of the Khitan tribe, "They are all unified weapons purchased from Huaihuang. They are neat and beautiful. They are specially made for us by the Huaihuang Military Workshop. Not only are the armors unified,  , and we also purchased standard cavalry swords, spears, and cavalry bows." Da Hemahui's eyes were full of envy, "Where did you get the money?" "Cooperate with Huaihuang, and we let Huaihuang build roads in our territory.  Build forts. They are allowed to farm and reclaim wasteland in the river valley. Whether they build forts, cities or farmlands, they have to pay a share of gold and silver to enclose a piece of land. In addition, after the roads are built and the cities are built, there will be some checkpoints along the way.  . The city gates also collect taxes, and the customs tax belongs to Huaihuang, and the city gate tax belongs to us. In addition, the market in each city also collects city taxes, which is not a small amount. In addition, we now cooperate closely with Huaihuang.  It is also very convenient. It used to be too far to go to Huaihuang to sell livestock or furs, but it is different now. The Huaihuang people have opened the market at their doorstep, and we can sell not only cattle and horses.  We can also sell sheep, wool, various herbs, etc. to Huaihuang merchants. Even originally, we had to slaughter a large number of male livestock and thin animals in winter. It was too wasteful. Now we can sell them all to Huaihuang people.  , whether it is sold in bulk or retail, in short, they want it, although the price is slightly lower than before. It is convenient. You can exchange money for all kinds of things. And you can buy all kinds of ironware, porcelain, etc. from Huaihuang merchants.  Cloth and satin are also very convenient and cheap. Everyone has money. We also levy some taxes on our tribes like the Han people, and everyone pays them happily. "Mohui didn't expect that the Xi people had already followed.  The Han people in Huaihuang are so well integrated. Han people can be seen everywhere, and Han market shops can be seen everywhere. All kinds of goods are sold here, and all kinds of Xi nationality items are purchased here.  As Su Zhi said, Xi people can easily and conveniently sell their livestock here. Even if it is a sheep or a ball of wool, they can get cash from Huaihuang merchants, or directly trade it for the equivalent price they want.  commodity.  Moreover, he actually heard something even more surprising from Su Zhi's words.  "The Huaihuang Han people also have banks in various cities and forts. You don't know about the banks. They can issue loans." Su Zhi smiled, "Look at the five major tribes of our Xi tribe. Last year, we only had five battalions. This year, we have  There are a hundred regiments of 50,000 cavalry. Not only have the number tripled, but the equipment has also been updated. The men and horses are strong. I have four battalions in the Huihui Department, and the equipment is all purchased from Huaihuang.  Armor. This is very expensive. To be honest, I can't afford so much money at the moment. But Huaihuang Bank is good. They directly loaned me one million yuan to pay for the ordnance order.  "Money." "His!" Mo Hui couldn't help but take a deep breath. One million dollars, this is a lot of money.  In the past, they sold horses to the Han people. Each horse only cost twenty-five pieces of silk, which worked out to about forty guan. Although I heard that these horses could be sold for more in the Central Plains, the profits belonged to the middlemen, not the middlemen.  It's none of their business.  One million dollars, that's the value of more than 20,000 horses.  Even for a large tribe like them, horses are very valuable.  Most herdsmen raise sheep and cattle, but rarely horses.  Because horses are difficult to raise, raising a horse can eat ten times as much as a sheep, and requires special care. For herdsmen who are not convenient for trading, raising sheep and cattle is actually more cost-effective.  A herdsman can live a good life raising two to three hundred sheep and twenty or thirty cows, but it is not necessarily possible to raise horses.  "One million dollars"??In fact, it's not much, we can afford it.  "Su Zhi said with a smile, borrowing more than 20,000 horses at a time is of course a big deal. When the Han people lent them money, he was hesitant to repay it, but the bank was very considerate of him. The bank lent them money  One million dollars, this money also has some restrictions, is used exclusively to pay for ordnance, and it is also very convenient for them to repay the loan. They use their cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock products to repay the loan. At the same time, before paying off the loan, the bank takes over their taxes.  , the bank directly sent people to collect taxes on their behalf until the loan was repaid. Su Zhi thought it was nothing about the priority acquisition of this livestock population and the tax collection rights. Compared with being able to get one million yuan in advance, let him buy it.  After receiving a large number of armors and weapons from Huaihuang and equipping his own four battalions of cavalry, Mo Hui had to sigh that the changes in the Xi clan were really great. ¡°Brother Mo Hui has arrived in Songshan.  Don¡¯t worry. Look at our Songshan City being so tall and strong. So what about the Tiele people?  Our Xi tribe now has fifty thousand well-equipped cavalry. In addition, not far to the west of Songshan is the Lianghe Town of Huaihuang. There are still three thousand Huaihuang soldiers there. Farther away, in our Xi territory, there are  There are more than a dozen Huaihuang military towns, hundreds of forts and many forts, and a total of more than 20,000 Han troops are behind us.  Now, the Lin tribe and the Khitan tribe are moving south, and your troops number more than 30,000. Our three tribes combined and the Han army in Xi territory already number one hundred thousand.  What's more, as long as we have the support of the Han army, we can summon tens of thousands of soldiers and horses at any time to fight Tiele, which is not a problem.  " Su Zhi's self-confidence has greatly increased now. He needs people and soldiers, and the Huaihuang Army is behind him. He is afraid of who will come. Tiele, even if 80,000 people come from the east, so what? There is a strong and huge  We rely on Songshan City and Lianghe Town behind us. The Su Zhi are not afraid of the Tiele Army at all. We are like the Han people now. We can fight based on the city and are not afraid of the fierce Tiele people. "I heard that the Turkic army is moving south.  Attack Yi Shuai's Huaihuang?  "Mohui asked. "Well, the Turks are playing a big game this time.  I'm afraid you don't know yet, but Dulan was defeated by Datou last year, and then he surrendered directly to Datou, giving up the position of Great Khan to Datou, and is now the Eastern Khan of the Turks.  Now Datou was at the height of his pride. He heard that he had defeated Persia, which had always been against him in the Western Regions. Now that he had come east, defeated Dulan, and obtained the position of Great Khan, he could no longer resist the urge to conquer the Sui Kingdom southward.  Datou summoned all the khans and marched south with an army of 400,000 horses.  He personally attacked the west side of the Sui Dynasty, while Dulan and Nili attacked Daibei Fortress.  But I'm not worried about Yi Shuai, he has hundreds of thousands of troops at his disposal, and I'm afraid you don't know that Yi Shuai is now the grandson of the emperor of Sui Dynasty, and he is also the general manager of Youzhou Mansion.  Du Yuan was originally a cowardly and useless person. Even though he commanded 200,000 troops, he was no match for Yi Shuai.  "Su Zhi's eldest daughter Man Yue is married to Yi Feng. As Yi Feng's father-in-law, he is very confident in his son-in-law. "Then let's fight Tiele's army here and not retreat to Huaihuang.  ?  "Mohui asked Su Zhi. "With the strong city of Songshan in hand, why should we retreat? If the soldiers come to block it, and when the water comes, the soil will cover it, why should we retreat? Let's fight them to the fullest!  Su Zhi said with great pride. At the end, he added to the Mohui, "Don't worry, Lianghe Town is behind us. More than 20,000 Huaihuang troops are behind us and can support us at any time."  "(To be continued) Provides full text online reading, faster update speed and better article quality. If you think the network is good, share this site more! Thank you readers for your support! The latest chapter of High-speed First Return to the Sui Dynasty, this chapter is  The address is: If you think this chapter is good, please don¡¯t forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ group and Weibo
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