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Text Chapter 473 Dilemma

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    If Yang Lin refuses to agree, then the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands will be a big problem.  Those are not the soldiers and horses of the imperial court at all, they are completely the army that Yi Feng spent his own money to build and support. A private army of more than 100,000 people, a barbarian army that has repeatedly defeated the prairie hussars. Imagine what Yi Feng will do in this battle.  In his performance, he was attacked by 150,000 Turks from multiple directions, but he remained unchanged and responded to the changes. In the end, there was not even a tragic battle, and he easily defeated two of them.  The 150,000 Turkic troops, converted into Sui Dynasty soldiers, must be at least 200,000.  Yang Jian felt a headache.  Yang Lin was so unexpected. He now regretted why he didn't check this grandson carefully. He was indeed a person who had been living among the people for more than ten years and had become the leader among horse thieves.  Although he had a headache, he was a little surprised. This grandson was indeed very powerful, so powerful that he was surprised.  The prince was mediocre, and Jin Wang Yang Guang had long wanted to seize the clan. Of course Yang Jian knew it, and he even condoned the Jin Wang's ambition in his heart, because he was becoming more and more disappointed with Yang Yong from the bottom of his heart. As he got older, he also began to  Thinking about the successor of the dynasty.  It is difficult for people like Yang Yong to take over the future of the dynasty.  Yang Guang's performance satisfied him very much. He was excellent in everything, not to mention writing poetry, calligraphy, etc. He was taught by Confucian masters since he was a child, and his talent was outstanding.  However, as a king, you don't need to be outstanding in these aspects. What he values ????more is Yang Guang's ability to govern the local area. After pacifying Nanchen, Yang Guang took charge of Yangzhou and stayed there for eight years, performing extremely well.  Just after Chen Pingnan Chen, a major rebellion broke out in Jiangnan, but after Yang Guang took charge, there were no more problems in Jiangnan.  The food, cloth, silk, and tea from the south of the Yangtze River made great contributions to the prosperity of the Sui Dynasty.  Based on this alone, Yang Guang was qualified to inherit the throne and take over the Sui Dynasty.  But Yang Guang is not without his shortcomings. Yang Jian has always felt that this son may have stayed in Jiangnan for a long time.  He married a wife from the south of the Yangtze River, and most of the people around him were literati from the south of the Yangtze River. He even had a taste of Wu Nong's soft words, which gave his son a smell that he couldn't describe, a smell that he didn't like.  What he prefers is the kind of heir who is full of northern character and has cultural talents.  But it doesn¡¯t need to be great.  He also had military talent, which was very needed in the Sui Dynasty, which had just unified the world, especially when there was such a powerful Turk in the north, and there was Goguryeo in the east, which was always eyeing him.  The world is not peaceful.  The Sui Dynasty needed a monarch who could fight.  More importantly, the Sui Dynasty also needed a monarch with a long-term vision and an overall view.  It turns out that he always thought that Yang Guang was such a candidate, but now, his grandson Yang Lin seems to be better than Yang Guang.  Yang Lin also has a literary name. He has read many poems submitted by Yang Lin below and they are very good.  It is not like the obscene and flashy style since the Southern and Northern Dynasties, but it is very Wei Wu style and grand.  Very high style.  And if compared with martial arts, he is definitely better than Yang Guang. Although Yang Guang once led his army to defeat Chen and also led his troops to fight against the Turks, it was all in the nature of taking command.  But Yang Lin actually led the troops to fight, and even rushed to the front.  Let¡¯s talk about this battle.  Although he is no longer in front of the battle, his ability to coordinate the overall situation is already quite impressive.  But Yang Guang and Yang Lin have one thing in common.  He could tell that both of them were very good at pretending.  How should he choose?  Choose Yang Guang.  Yang Lin would be a big trouble. Not only would Yang Yong have to be deposed, but Yang Lin would also have to be deposed. He would also have to be sealed off to the distant southern border. Otherwise, there would be endless troubles.  In comparison, it is better to continue to maintain the current situation. Yang Yong is the prince and Yang Lin is the emperor's grandson. Even if Yang Lin has a heavy army, the world will belong to him sooner or later, so there is no need to worry too much.  But there is also a problem. Although he made Yang Lin the grandson of the emperor, what if Yang Yong becomes the emperor in the future and Yang Yong becomes the prince?  Is there going to be a scandal where the prince rebels and the emperor's father is ousted?  Yang Lin, Yang Lin, you really surprised me.  If he had known that he would not have so casually appointed Yang Lin as the grandson of the emperor, it would be better now.  Yang Lin is the emperor's grandson, so he is even more reluctant to choose his successor.  "Perhaps we can consider bringing Yang Lin's army back to the imperial court and fortifying it elsewhere." Yang Jian thought. When he thought that the emperor's grandson Yang Lin had no less than 200,000 troops, he felt like a light on his back.  Before Yang Guang showed signs of being too strong, he immediately used the assassination case to take away Yang Guang's command and even put him under house arrest for a while.  Now that Yang Lin has such a powerful private army, how can he feel at ease.  With Yang Lin having such a large army, it can be said that he would not be able to take any action regarding the exchange of reserves, otherwise he would most likely face a rebellion.  After saying that, he even had to worry about it, what if Yang Lin couldn't wait, what if he wanted to take my place?  Yang Lin had to think like this. The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became.  He took out another memorial from Yuan's corner. This was actually some records of discussions he had with Taisun when he was in Beijing and when he entered the palace. They were all top secret words, and those words had never been published.He didn't even tell the queen about this palace.  Yang Jian later recalled and recorded those words himself, and read them often.  They are all suggestions for reforming the imperial system, such as the reform of the official system, and even reforms of the tax system, military services, etc.  Some have already begun to be implemented, such as the reform of rank and honorary officials, and the feudal princes in southern Xinjiang, etc. Of course, most of them are still on the paper of this book.  Yang Jian looked through it and found one of them.  That was a suggestion about abolishing the General Administration Office at all levels. In the suggestion, Yang Lin believed that the General Administration Office was suitable at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but now that the country has been unified, this system is no longer suitable.  In particular, the system in which the prince serves as the general manager is increasingly unsuitable.  For the long-term stability of the empire, Yi Feng proposed that the feudal princes should be feudalized, and the feudal princes should not be moved to the southern border like the feudalism during the Han and Jin Dynasties. This would not only shield the vassal court, but also prevent the princes from causing rebellion in the future and threatening the court.  After the abolition of the Grand Governor's Office, the simple two-level division of prefectures and counties will also make it difficult for the central government to govern. One level should be added above the prefectures and counties. Roads, roads, or provinces can be established above the prefectures.  In the past, there were three levels of administration, prefectures, counties, and counties, and there were also four levels of administration, Xingtai, prefectures, counties, and counties. However, neither the third level nor the fourth level are suitable for the current situation.  There are three levels of prefectures, counties and counties. There are disadvantages of too small counties and too many prefectures.  However, the Xingtai system was extremely unfavorable to the centralization of power because the powers and responsibilities of the Xingtai Shangshu Ling were too great.  Therefore, the ideal state should be to cancel the county level and add the Xingtai level, but it cannot be the original Xingtai setting.  Although the imperial court should set up an institution at the level of Xingtai, it must prevent Xingtai from having too much power. Therefore, the best way is to set up Xingtai, but it cannot set up officials with full authority to rule by dividing powers.  The name of Xingtai Shangshu Province can be used, or it can be directly changed to Daohelu. At this level, there is no chief like the governor, but three divisions.  The emperor's grandson proposed to directly establish three departments: the Department of Announcement of Political Envoys, the Department of Punishment and Prosecution of Envoys, and the Department of Capital Command and Envoys.  The Administrative Envoys' Department is responsible for the civil affairs and finance of a province, and the left and right administrative envoys are established; there is also the Provincial Envoys' Department, which is in charge of justice, and the left and right administrative envoys are established; the Capital Command and Envoys' Department, or Dusi, is in charge of local affairs.  In military affairs, there are commanders on the left and right.  The three are not subordinate to each other, but are under the jurisdiction of relevant central departments respectively. Each department has two chief officials, who can also supervise each other and avoid exclusive power.  Across the country, about fifteen to eighteen provinces, or roads or roads, can be established, and they will govern more than 300 states and more than 1,000 counties across the country to reduce the burden on the central government.  When Yifeng said these words to Yang Jian, he basically took out the settings from the Ming Dynasty.  Historically, there were supervisory prefectures in the Sui and Yangguang Dynasties, Dao in the Tang Dynasty, and roads in the Song Dynasty. However, the supervisory prefectures and Dao in the Sui and Tang Dynasties were supervisory in nature and were not administrative agencies.  In the Song Dynasty, we were gradually divided into four divisions: Shuai, Cao, Xian, and Cang. Shuai was the pacification envoy, in charge of military and civil affairs; Cao was the transportation envoy, in charge of finance and supervision;  The warehouse immediately lifts the Chang Ping envoy, and the righteous warehouse rescues Tie.  However, due to the over-centralization of power in the Song Dynasty, they were only regarded as temporary dispatches from central officials. They were local officials in a strict sense. However, they later acted independently, which was completely different from the supervisory states and roads in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It was the beginning of the later local administrative decentralization system.  Compared with the envoys of the Ming Dynasty, the Lu of the Song Dynasty still had some shortcomings. The pacification power of the Lu of the Song Dynasty was in charge of both military and civil affairs, and had great powers and responsibilities.  The chief envoys of the Ming Dynasty were only responsible for civil affairs. There is no doubt that the three envoys of the Ming Dynasty were more advanced in decentralizing power than the Song Dynasty.  Yang Jian set up the General Administration Office and put the princes in charge in order to prevent local governments from having too much power and competing with the central government.  Although the prince is more trustworthy than the foreign ministers, there will still be competition between the local government and the central government. It's just that today the chief stewards are all the emperor's children and grandchildren, but what if the emperor is the brother of the stewards in the future.  If Yang Guang becomes the emperor in the future, how can there be peace between Yang Lin, the general manager who has a large number of soldiers, and the emperor.  Yang Jian came up with this suggestion at this time, but he was actually already thinking about a solution.  ??Abolish the Great General Administration Office and instead establish roads or roads throughout the world. Abolish the small and medium-sized General Administration Offices. Instead, set up left and right commanding officers to command the army on the roads. Set up Duwei Dianbing in the state and county captains in the counties.  After thinking about it for a long time with the memorial, Yang Jian summoned Wang Hai.  "Pass on my decree, immediately summon King Shu Wang Yang Xiu, the general manager of Qinzhou, to the capital!" "I obey the decree!" Wang Hai retreated and went to Menxia Province to let them draft the decree, and then handed it over to the Ministry of Internal History, and asked the province to send the internal ministers to the province.  Shi Sheren went to Qinzhou to announce the decree.  Yang Jian was the only one left in the Ganlu Hall again. He stood up and walked to the huge map of the world hanging on the wall, and began to search in the southern Xinjiang, preparing to find a piece of land for the feudal vassal state of Shu King Yang Xiu.  Since the General Manager's Office is to be withdrawn, we must start now. First, we should feudal the king of Shu and establish the vassal state, and then take advantage of the situation to remove the General Manager's Office in Qinzhou. By the way, we can take back the military power of Longyou in Guanzhong.  Knowing that Yang Lin held more than 100,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, Yang Jian really couldn't sleep well because the tea was not fragrant.  (To be continued)
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