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Volume 2 Pastoral Yizhou Chapter 415 Training Mode

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    Li Min's first reaction was what kind of training room was this? Was it for playing games?  Then an idea appeared in Li Min's mind. The technology mastered by Li Ran can easily erase human memories, so there must be advanced scientific and technological achievements in the human brain. Otherwise, such a sophisticated part of the brain would actually  It was so easily broken.  After wandering around in this white space for a while, Li Min became more and more sure of his thoughts, because he saw an ongoing war on a screen, and one of the clones actually looked like a clone he just passed by.  Exactly the same.  "Your Highness, this is the information we have." As Li Min continued to look at the training room, Li Ran came over with something similar to a tablet.  Li Min came back to his senses and put aside the matters in the training room for the time being. He found the tablet computer, which listed a lot of military weapons, including aircraft and land warfare equipment. "Is this the newly developed equipment by the people of country M?" "  Yes, because His Highness leaked military technology to Country Z, this made the people of Country M more vigilant. Military technology has been set up in a separate system for storage. We cannot break through it through the Internet. These military technologies are only collected to the best of our ability.  "It's coming." Li Ran pointed to a stealth fighter on the first page and said, "According to our analysis, this fighter has reached the standard of Country M's sixth-generation stealth fighter. Once this fighter is equipped with Country M's Air Force, it will  Completely breaking the current international military balance. "Li Min looked at the picture of this sixth-generation fighter carefully. Compared with the F22 fighter, the design of this fighter was more in line with the stealth principle, and he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.  Said: "For the ring on my hand, the people in that dimension are really willing to spend a lot of money. In this case, we don't have to keep it." "Indeed, the military balance of modern Earth is further destroyed. This will cause  Serious consequences, this fighter jet is equipped with directed energy laser weapons that can destroy incoming missiles, and it also has ultra-long-range strike capabilities, high-speed cruise capabilities, and stealth capabilities that make it impossible for radars from other countries to detect it," Li Ran said slowly.  .  Li Min frowned, "How many such fighters are equipped by the M country now?" "Maybe because they directly obtained mature military technology. The M country did not test it for a long time, but directly produced it. So far, thirty  Sixth-generation fighters named Falcon have been deployed around the world, including twelve in Asia and six more deployed to military bases in the Middle East. This fighter has a maximum speed of Mach 5 and a combat radius of 2,400 kilometers.  "It can be said that one Falcon can defeat five Raptors, and twelve Falcons are definitely a fatal threat to the Air Force of Country Z," Li Ran analyzed.  The Falcon fighter's data is more than twice that of the fifth-generation fighter, and its comprehensive performance can definitely reach five times. Such a Falcon fighter is absolutely an overwhelming advantage for countries whose fighter aircraft are basically in the fourth generation.  No wonder Li Ran said that people in country M are becoming more and more domineering and like to point fingers at every country in the world, as if I am the boss.  In silence, Li Min turned over the fighter plane and looked at other newly launched military equipment under Li Ran's introduction. He counted the number of these weapons and aircraft.  Missiles, tanks.  Even down to night vision goggles, so to speak.  The military strength of country M has shown a spurt of development in just five or six years.  Returning the tablet to Li Ran, Li Min found a seat and sat down. Now the world is facing a problem, that is, the dominance of the people of country M has been further consolidated due to advanced weapons, and this is detrimental to the development of the world. This  Just like Li Min began to colonize the world and plunder all strategic resources after gaining absolute military superiority in the Tang Dynasty, Country M's absolute weapons superiority will also allow them to embark on this path. In fact, the people of Country M in these years  They have never stopped, but now they are even more powerful.  Seeing Li Min's silence, Li Ran added: "Moreover, there are rumors that the people of country M have received military assistance from aliens. A scientist working at a secret military base broke the news in the media, but he knew  Not much. It just said that people from country M were cooperating with aliens, but His Highness was not involved. However, this news still attracted the attention of other countries. Although people from country M refuted the rumor, it was just a rumor. " "How can I say that this matter is also because of me.  The problem must be solved by us. We need the world to maintain a peaceful state. Since the m country has broken the military balance, we must re-maintain the balance. We must update all Somali military weapons to the sixth generation standard and the m country people.  It¡¯s a fight internationally, what do you think?¡± Li Min asked Li Ran.  Li Ran didn't answer when he heard this, and then he was suddenly startled and said to Li Min: "I'm afraid we have to expose part of our strength. I just received information from the Cyber ??Force. M has formulated a plan for the Middle East and is preparing to control the world's oil trade, Iran, Syria, and Somalia.  They are all within the strike range. At the same time, country m will also speed up NATO¡¯sThe speed of expansion will further curb the living space of country E and increase the containment of country Z in East Asia. We don¡¯t have much time left.  " "This day will come sooner or later. Let the soldiers come and cover up the water and the earth."  "Li Min sighed, then he pointed at the black soldiers lying on the chairs and said, "What on earth is this?  " Li Ran smiled mysteriously: "This is one of the highest scientific and technological achievements of our time, the real dream technology. These clone soldiers are fighting on the virtual battlefield of the earth. It can be said that the war they experienced is basically the same as the real war.  There is no difference, the emperor wants to give it a try.  " Li Min's guess came true. Unexpectedly, this device was indeed an application of virtual technology. "Isn't there any danger?  "No, Your Majesty. In fact, the principle of this is the same as that of human dreams. It's just that this dream is created by us. It is different from messy dreams. In this dream, you can remember everything you have experienced and form an experience."  ¡± Li Min has always been very envious of this technology in science fiction movies. Life is like a dream, and dreams are like life. Some people pursue dreams all their lives, just because the dreams are too beautiful and real. The development of this technology to construct dreams will make people feel  To experience everything that is impossible to experience in reality. ¡°Then try it.  "Li Min was full of expectations. Li Ran pointed to a blank chair, asked Li Min to lie on the device, and then put the earphone-like thing on Li Min's head. Only then did Li Min know that the earphone-like thing was called  Neuron Connector. ¡°This is the scene and settings menu we currently have. Your Majesty can take a look.  "Li Ran handed a piece of information to Li Min, who had already prepared it. "This is still an option!  interesting.  "Li Min's interest is getting stronger and stronger. Maybe he can play virtual games when he is bored in the future, "Let's do this anti-terrorism mission in SH City.  " Hearing this, Li Ran took the menu and left. After a while, the machine sounded a prompt for Li Ran to prepare. Li Min lay down. When the countdown reached zero, Li Ran felt an electric current flowing through his scalp.  Then he fell asleep, and when he woke up, he suddenly found himself in a city he was very familiar with, a place he hadn't been back to for a long time. Before he could think about it, a series of mission prompts sounded, Li.  When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was actually wearing a special police uniform, with a black pistol hanging on the side of his thigh, three grenades with different functions hanging on the underside of the tactical vest, and an automatic gun in his hand.  Rifle, and there are four characters dressed like him beside him: "This is simply CS.  "Li Min complained, but he was really excited at this time, because the reality was exactly the same. Their mission at this time was to rescue four hostages from an office building. There were five robbers in the building. Li Min accidentally glanced at the difficulty  , found to be low-level, it seems that Li Ran still took care of him as a newcomer, but then Li Min finally understood that this artificial dream was really no joke. When he rushed into the building and was shot in the face by a bullet, he actually took it seriously.  Feeling the pain, Li Min almost went crazy after being shot five times in a row. In the sixth game, he won the battle because he was very familiar with the geographical situation. When he rescued the hostage, a beautiful hostage excitedly said.  Kissed him on the face, and the other four people showed human jealousy. Li Min thought that indeed the player had benefits, but the kiss was too real. In order to test the authenticity, Li Min kissed the beautiful woman and kissed her.  A handful was pinched on the buttocks. It was 100% soft and felt better than a real person. For a moment, Li Min felt that Li Ran was really evil. However, it seemed that it was because of the setting. The beauty who had her butt pinched turned over and gave it to him.  A slap in the face, burning pain. Fully understanding the technology of this real dream, Li Min chose to quit. As Li Ran said, after waking up, Li Min had a clear memory of what he had just experienced, as if he had experienced it himself.  ?  " Li Ran's voice came at this time. "Very good.  "Li Min praised without hesitation and said with a bad smile, "Develop a few games for me to play.  " "Of course there is no problem with this. Just tell me what the emperor wants, and I will have it developed.  Li Ran replied seriously, as if he had received a mission. After removing the equipment on his body, Li Min stood up. At this time, he suddenly felt sympathy for these soldiers who had to fight in real war scenes every day. However, this kind of real war training  In order to train truly qualified soldiers, the suffering they endured at this time can reduce casualties in future real wars. After experiencing advanced technology, Li Min gained confidence in the training of clones. In addition to this training mode.  , physical training is carried out normally, and the main training in the dream is combat awareness and cooperation. The two are talking and laughing about this virtual technology.At this moment, a black man in a suit suddenly walked in from outside.  (To be continued)
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