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Volume 2 Pastoral Yizhou Chapter 414 The situation has changed!

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    After a few busy days, Li Min basically determined the whereabouts of these princes. In the morning, Li Min asked the eunuchs to read the imperial edict. Li Ke was dispatched to Shanghai, Li Zhi was dispatched to Dengzhou, Li Zhen was dispatched to Guangzhou, and  Li Yun was dispatched to Hangzhou.  "I accept the decree and thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Ke led the princes to bow and salute, while Li Zhi and the other three all had excitement on their faces. They had long been looking forward to being appointed as officials. Staying here in Chang'an, they have learned nothing.  There is room for display.  Li Min's eyes swept over them and said: "After taking office, you must work hard and think for the Tang Dynasty and the people. You must not bend the law for personal gain or slacken in government affairs." "Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone answered.  Li Min nodded and gave Rongda a look. Then Rongda handed out the new maps of the Tang Dynasty. Li Min said: "These are the new administrative divisions and detailed introductions of the Tang Dynasty. Take them back and read them carefully."  Think about it, since Datang implemented a new administrative system, you should convey this information to the people below as soon as possible. " Changsun Wuji took a look at the drawings and saw that the changes on it added a lot of geographical location, which was better than the previous one.  The map must be clear and clear, and you can¡¯t help but nod when you hold it in your hand. Due to the refinement of administration, the previous administrative areas are indeed not suitable for the present.  After the new map was distributed, Li Min sat upright and suddenly said: "There is one more important thing. From today on, there is no need to go to court every morning. All ministers can work in their own offices with peace of mind on weekdays. Is there anything I can't do?  Decision-making issues can be directly handed over to the cabinet. If the cabinet cannot make a decision, it can be reported directly to me. Now that Datang¡¯s communication is so convenient, there is no need to follow the previous system. "After the big change, Li Min made the chief officials of the three provinces and six ministries.  A cabinet was formed, with a total of nine people. Each of these nine people performed their own duties and were responsible for all government affairs of the Tang Dynasty.  Li Min only needs to listen to the reports of these nine people. There is no need for a large number of ministers to come here every day for morning court.  Since the cabinet was formed, these ministers have understood that Li Min has played new tricks again. It seems to be true now, but they also understand that times are changing. In the past, it took more than ten days to rush to deliver information from the border.  And now?  A single phone call from a landline will tell you everything. The speed of information transmission is unparalleled. With such fast information transmission, it would be a bit ridiculous to go to the office every morning. It is a complete waste of time.  "Yes. Your Majesty." All the ministers bowed and responded.  Nodding with satisfaction, Li Min thought that he could finally get out of the sea of ??suffering. He didn't have to go to court early every Wednesday and four days. Moreover, these nine chief officials were all smart people. They would never be selfish. With their calculation speed, no matter how much government affairs they had to deal with,  It's not difficult for them.  "There is also the policy of encouraging childbearing. Although the population of the Tang Dynasty has been increasing in the past ten years, it is still too slow. Now I am issuing an edict to the world that all families who have more than two children can obtain the imperial favor.  Subsidy. If they can't afford to raise children, the court can raise them for them and let them have more children. And you, each of you has three wives and four concubines, and you should have more children. Let's see how I punish him if he has fewer children."  He said loudly.  "Hahaha" Li Min's words made these ministers laugh.  They gave birth to children, and paid for their food and offerings to the court.  This is definitely a great thing.  Nowadays, the Tang Dynasty is developing rapidly, but a problem has suddenly been exposed. The population of the Tang Dynasty is too small and the land area is too large, so both construction and foreign expeditions have encountered bottlenecks. These officials have also seen it, and now Li  Xin was anxious to introduce this policy, because more than half of the population of 20 to 30 million people is divided into just a few large cities, while other places are basically deserted.  In today's court meeting, Li Min solved three issues and announced the birth of a new political system. The most important thing is that he finally no longer has to be entangled in secular affairs, so that he can focus on external affairs.  The empire on which the sun never sets has not been realized yet?  On weekdays, if you have any ideas, you just need to hold a meeting.  After the court meeting, Li Min returned to his bedroom. In the afternoon, he took a plane to the Australian base. A series of reforms in the Tang Dynasty came to an end. He only needed to follow the steps step by step. The focus of his emperor was  Focus on foreign affairs and national strategy, which includes Datang¡¯s external colonial strategy, and also includes Somalia¡¯s strategy, because after the trade was opened, the trade volume between Datang and modern times increased several times, and the food sold by Datang to Somalia  , textiles, and daily necessities brought huge profits to Datang merchants, and Datang's tax department was reluctant to collect taxes.  Therefore, for Li Min, Somalia's status is becoming increasingly important. Datang's business is too easily saturated due to population restrictions. The lack of other sales for goods means economic collapse and recession. This is intolerable to Li Min, and he promotes  every?Policies require a large amount of financial support. If business collapses, there will be no need to talk about a high-welfare society, and the evil beast of private capital will come back to bite us.  From Chang'an to Australia, Li Min arrived in more than 40 minutes. As the plane was hovering in the sky, several fighter jets passed by. From the window of the plane, Li Min saw a new model built on the east side of the Australian base.  At the military base, various military equipment are arrayed in the military base. At the same time, there are many black soldiers going out for training.  "Your Highness!" Li Min got off the plane, and Li Ran was waiting at the airport immediately.  "Is that the clone army in the east?" Li Min asked Li Ran while getting on a helicopter.  "Yes, they are clones. Their genes are taken from Somalis. Relatively speaking, the cost of making them is much lower than making Terminators. And although their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Terminators, they have been receiving combat training since they left the culture tank. Absolutely  They are the most elite soldiers," Li Ran said.  The helicopter started and headed towards the military base in the east. Li Min admired the scenery of the Australian base along the way. Although the Somali indigenous soldiers had good combat effectiveness, they were too few in number and could only serve as an army, and they were not able to adapt to high-tech weapons.  The number of terminals is even more limited. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the Somali army, Li Ran and Li Min launched the clone soldier program five years ago after discussion. These soldiers began to receive special combat training after being cloned.  , this training method surprised Li Min, and the false memories of clones were also transmitted in this way.  Li Min and Li Ran arrived at the military base in twenty minutes. When they saw Li Min, the black soldiers immediately saluted Li Min. Li Min was also very curious about how these clones knew him.  While following Li Ran to the training base, Li Min observed everything in the military base. These black soldiers were all wearing professional individual equipment. Their level of luxury was not that of soldiers from country M. The military weapons parked in the base  It is also marked as being made in Somalia. Whether it is a ferocious armed helicopter or a variety of heavy armored vehicles, Li Min can feel the power of these weapons just by looking at their appearance.  "What level of military equipment does Somalia have now?" Li Min asked Li Ran.  "Basically, there is no difference between the equipment of the people of Country M, and it is slightly more advanced. Speaking of this, I would like to remind His Highness that the people of Country M have made many breakthroughs in key weapons by using the military technology provided by that space. You  All the information given to country Z has lost its advantage. Now the people of country m are becoming more and more arrogant. This is why I asked the emperor to come here. It is really time for you to make a decision on some things." Li Ran said calmly.  said.  Li Min's face darkened. He had forgotten that the people of the M country were receiving advanced military technology. He said, "Have you made any breakthroughs in equipment?" As he spoke, Li Min and Li Ran entered a white square building.  Then Li Ran pushed open a glass door and said, "I'll show it to His Highness right now. Also, this is our training room." "What!" Li Ran looked at the white space, which was decorated somewhat like an Internet cafe.  Similarly, at this time, there was a black soldier sitting on each seat. Their eyes were closed and their ears were covered with a device like headphones. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like they were listening to music.  (To be continued)
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