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Spaceship Ruins Chapter 313 Earth OnLine (8)

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    "Memory analysis please wait." The scenes in the mind of criminal A were projected one by one in front of the interrogator. From the attack on the policeman to the robbery of ammunition, a series of scenes appeared.  A group of police officers are watching this series of scenes nervously. They actually use instruments to analyze the suspect's confession. The polygraph is an example. However, it cannot be used as legal evidence. It is useless if the prisoner does not speak.  "Found it, at xxx place," a police officer shouted happily. It's not surprising that he was so rude. This experiment proved that it will become much easier to solve crimes in the future. As long as all the suspects can be found, they can be easily removed from them.  In memory, finding out who is committing the crime and who is innocent can also greatly save time in handling cases. The proportion of unjust cases can theoretically be reduced to close to zero as long as someone does not deliberately create it.  "It's amazing. Once the country masters this technology, it will be of great use in the future." Some people also think of dealing with overseas spies. In this case, national security will have a new guarantee.  City of Dawn can perform memory analysis on the souls of ordinary people. Ling Chen used this ability to create a reincarnation channel before, but if this person's soul is infected by the Lord of Desire Realm, it cannot be analyzed, but of course these people don't know  This.  City of Dawn's response to the government - the place where power feeds back is not just here. Military training, technical deduction, especially in many scientific research projects, what a precious opportunity it is to have a virtual evolution environment, and in medical treatment, it is possible to do  Simulated surgery can also greatly improve the quality of surgery.  Lingchen wants to use the City of Dawn as the core hub to connect the people of the entire country together so that they can survive in the material world during the day.  At night, you have to survive in the City of Dawn.  More than a billion people.  Take turns to enter and provide him with enough mental strength.  National informatization is the first step. In fact, informatization construction has been ongoing, and the mobile Internet is in full swing. In the new era, every county and city in the country, even in remote areas, can browse information online. However, government orders are still communicated through paper.  communicate.  Efficiency is still very low.  The next step is to further improve efficiency and reduce consumption in all aspects, especially the well-known bureaucracy. Only by using technical means can it be truly alleviated. All government decree information is partly disclosed through online channels, but it is still not as good as in the virtual world.  Make it more transparent.  The public security and administrative agencies established in the virtual world are only in the midst of experiments, but their efficiency is obviously a hundred times higher than in reality, if nothing else.  You don¡¯t need to spend any effort walking there, it¡¯s just a huge traversal.  Register in China.  Applying for various documents, going back and forth, and spending most of the time on the road.  In the virtual world, all these offices can be teleported. However, government orders cannot be based solely on the virtual world. After all, how to map them to reality requires a network.  This is a necessary step for Lingchen to implement national informatization. As long as online office work becomes the norm, as the legal authority of electronic signatures and electronic seals gradually takes root in people's hearts, paper documents and files will gradually be replaced by data information. The next step is  Directly open the gateway between the virtual world and the information network, and directly realize virtual government affairs.  Immediately afterwards, the National Congress was held under Ling Chen¡¯s behind-the-scenes control, and soon passed a series of laws and regulations related to e-government, paving the way for him to adopt this policy.  And because it is legal and reasonable, normal people know the benefits of this regulation. Therefore, except for some people who question whether it will be implemented too quickly and will cause problems, no one really opposes it.  The next step is to train those civil servants to adapt to the office environment and office hours in the virtual world. In this way, the efficiency will be greatly improved, but the manpower required will be reduced by more than 70%. However, because each person per month  You can only enter the virtual world three times. Therefore, if you want to ensure that there are people on duty five days a week, ten people must complete each position. In fact, there is no reduction in the number of people compared with the original, but the working hours are greatly extended. Many things can be done in the virtual scene.  Work on it over many days, with no real-world time constraints.  This process has not received any opposition. After all, most civil servants are young people in their thirties. They accept this thing quickly and are familiar with the Internet. E-government actually improves efficiency and reduces their workload. Of course,  It also makes it impossible for many false accounts to reappear, and some of the usual loopholes no longer exist. After all, traces are difficult to eliminate, and few are experts. It is much more difficult to modify data than to make false accounts.  As a side effect, the government has become much clearer. However, people's greed is naturally endless, and there are inevitably people who deliberately create obstacles and hinder operations. However, these people are really like a mantis. In the virtual world that radiates across the country, these people  People have no ability to hide at all. They were caught out directly. They are not even qualified to become Ling Chen's opponents. Ordinary people have no ability to hide.Administrative measures were used to get rid of them.  In fact, from a theoretical point of view, socialism is indeed a system that is in line with the ultimate development of mankind. The market is only a late-developing adjustment mechanism because technology cannot perfectly coordinate the relationship between human production and demand.  , the plan is adjusted in advance, but the prediction must be accurate in advance. However, the limitations of the technology and information era make it impossible for the plan to be accurate. Only partial plans can be made, and most of them rely on post-adjustment.  Time flies by again. Lingchen¡¯s national informatization strategy took five years to be initially completed, allowing government offices to be conducted in a virtual scene. Luxurious office buildings in various places were auctioned one by one.  Only a few rooms and warehouses are left to store necessary documents and historical archives. The rest, whether it is personnel reporting or normal work, is conducted in a virtual scene.  Nowadays, it is much more convenient for ordinary people to go to the government agencies to do business. They only need to choose a time, log in to the network, and enter the corresponding virtual scene without leaving the place. Moreover, since it is very convenient to file complaints, it has formed a huge restriction.  In the past, the reporting box of the agency was prone to rats, but now electronic evaluation is easy and simple. The service level of each public servant can be directly evaluated instantly, and those who fail to meet the monthly statistics will be dismissed directly. There is no such thing as an iron rice bowl.  Just like ordinary company employees, after all, to put it bluntly, most agency workers are not irreplaceable, but this was stipulated in regulations before relying on the power of resource allocation.  Now that Ling Chen has taken control of the political power, what he hates most is the waste of efficiency. So much precious manpower should not be used in institutions with no technical content. The exam does not require a high IQ, which reduces the corresponding treatment.  This will reduce the number of people with high IQs to invest. In fact, people with high IQs should not be insignificant government officials. There are only a very small number of bureaucratic positions that require talents with relevant professional backgrounds.  Ling Chen controls the army and the legal system, and there is no political force that can stop his reforms. Those who oppose and have dissent are repeatedly suppressed, or use the reporting system to find their loopholes, and are directly put to death.  (To be continued)
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