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Spaceship Ruins Chapter 312 Earth OnLine (7)

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    After Ling Chen took control of his country, the first thing he did was to promote national informatization construction and connect every village and town to the Internet, which also laid the foundation for the expansion of his City of Dawn.  This is a huge project, but now Ling Chen has a lot of patience. With the spiritual power provided by the City of Dawn, he no longer needs to use brain-changing technology with a lot of flaws to extend his life, and can directly transform his own genetic system.  , extending the lifespan of cells. Although they cannot be repaired indefinitely, their lifespan can be greatly increased to more than a thousand years.  Using spiritual power to interfere with the material world is a power given by the Ark of Civilization. Now, after more than ten years of accumulation in the original world, he has the ability to exert it alone and no longer relies on the Ark of Civilization.  City of Dawn, millions of clones, and spiritual power. The combination of these three has great power.  During these times, he did not notice any major movements from the Lord of Desire World. Ever since he discovered an abnormality in a person in the City of Dawn more than ten years ago, he ordered Mu Xin to pay attention to this matter. After all, the other person was the fabricator of his world.  , but according to Mu Xin, the Lord of Desire Realm is not within the scope of his fabrication, and even to some extent, he is also influenced by the other party.  The Lord of Desire Realm controls all desires of living beings - desire, ease, laziness, lust - desire, greed, fame, glory, etc. No one can avoid it, and its true power has no limit, but in the original world,  He cannot manifest it and can only manipulate it in people's minds.  These are things that Mu Xin knows. After Ling Chen learned about it, he also understood that it was normal to lose to the opponent. The strength gap between the two sides was too big.  Fortunately, this original world has limitations.  The other party can no longer be the same as before.  Can have direct material impact.  However, Ling Chen was also wary. The other party would probably control the puppets, slowly lay out the plan, and do it in an unknown place, and then destroy him.  Therefore, while maintaining his control of political power behind the scenes, he also expanded his own strength.  There has been no movement from the other party in the past ten years. It is likely that they are also accumulating strength, but with Ling Chen¡¯s intelligence network.  This is not his world. The earth is so big, and it is difficult to detect any mysteries somewhere. Although the media is very developed, many secrets are still unknown.  But Ling Chen also understood from the information provided by Mu Xin that now the Lord of Desire Realm wants to deal with him, one from the City of Dawn, which is the world of spiritual consciousness.  The other one is the duel of force in the material world.  The former is his home court, so he doesn¡¯t need to worry too much.  He cannot give up because of this worry. The latter requires him to manage his own country well to deal with the world's crises.  Now that he has mastered the upper-level structure of his country, he relies on special power, which is not under the conventional technology tree of this world. Although the country looks the same as the previous political system from the outside, he is actually a one-man dictatorship, but his opinions are borrowed from the representatives.  Just say it out of your mouth.   The number of people accommodated in the City of Dawn, after more than ten years of hard work accumulated by Ling Chen, has long exceeded the upper limit of one million. Now the number of consciousnesses it can accommodate exceeds ten million, and it can be further expanded. As long as Ling Chen  Just pay attention to the positive growth trend in the accumulation of mental strength.  "The Taixu Illusion Realm is also attracting countless new generations. About this mysterious virtual game, there has been a lot of rumors in the world. After all, there are too many people and it is impossible to keep it completely confidential.  But no one knows where this technology comes from. It can only be said to be the biggest mystery of the new century. It is bigger than the origin of the universe and human consciousness. Of course, the latter two may occupy a more important position in science.  But it has little impact on ordinary people.  It was originally limited to Shanghai, but now it has expanded to the entire Asian region. The selection of personnel is still based on those online games on the market. Over the years, many governments have regarded the research on this virtual game as a  It is a major issue. After all, this sudden phenomenon really exists. No matter how absurd or unbelievable it is, just like many phenomena in nature that cannot be explained by science, we must admit it and study and utilize it.  After all, its benefits are clear. Nowadays, the consumption power of TV and movies has been greatly weakened. Many TV series and movie workers are changing careers. The new generation of young people are basically addicted to this too unreal world. No one will give up on it.  , only due to time constraints, you can only enter once every ten days, so there are not a large number of addicted people. When computer game consoles appeared, there were not too many people addicted to them.  It can be said that whichever country cracks the source and working principle of this virtual game will be able to master the entertainment industry in the new era. You must know that this thing basically takes up most of people¡¯s time. Although money may not be as big as the investment in clothes and cars, time is  Consumption is large, everyone surfs the Internet, TV series, movies, when adults?In distribution, most ordinary people are allocated a lot of entertainment on it.  This is also a key location for advertising, and many advertisers have also gone deep into it. In such a place, those players who have done well have been endorsed by large and small advertisements. After all, it is a real experience, and the effect is better than that of TV spots.  Even better.  The built-in advertisements in ordinary online games are ineffective because players concentrate on playing and no one pays attention to the advertisements. Unlike TV, TV and movies have the ability to force you to watch advertisements. Online games are too poor in this regard.  But even so, online advertising is still a booming industry.  Of course Ling Chen will not expose himself, but now that the country's upper echelons are under his control, he can naturally pretend that there has been some progress in the country's research department, and can make further use of it to speed up his micro-control and management of the entire country.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ ¡°In this illusory world, the Heaven Gate actually appeared. What kind of rhythm is this?¡± One day, players who came to the neutral scene in the wild of the City of Dawn actually saw the famous buildings of their country.  Standing here, he was suddenly shocked.  At the same time, the country¡¯s major TV stations and major online media are also broadcasting news.  "With the cracking of domestic scientists, the virtual world phenomenon known as Taixu Illusion has been partially cracked by Chinese scientists. Their underlying operating principles have been mastered. In order to better serve the people - the people - this unknown phenomenon  . Our country has established corresponding offices in these scenarios and has begun to tentatively provide some consultation, reporting and other government affairs. We welcome the public to have positive experiences and make valuable suggestions for further improvement."  Wrong, it was followed by a bunch of Chinese and foreign comments, because it is too illusory at the moment.  It is only limited to Asia. Traveling to Asia and even immigrants have greatly increased. Don¡¯t underestimate the appeal of games to Westerners. Many large-scale games were first developed by Westerners. They are also working hard to tackle this virtual online game.  and put into military use.  Flight simulators, and even Delta-trained soldiers, are the epitome of that.  So whether it¡¯s for information.  Or purely for the sake of gameplay, for more than ten years.  The number of visitors, tourists, and even settlers in China is increasing exponentially every year. However, long-term work in China is a problem for foreigners. Except for those technical personnel, it is not easy for ordinary foreigners to work and settle in China. Therefore, tourism is still a temporary phenomenon.  Mainly residence.  Many foreign scientists have put forward a popular conjecture, believing that there is a server base at an unknown location in China, which can connect people's consciousness or brain waves to provide large-scale game scenes.  As for whether it is a black technology developed by China itself, no one doubts it. After all, there are too many spies inside and outside the country. It is impossible to keep such important secrets strictly. Moreover, they can see from the performance of their own government that they have no idea about this.  I don¡¯t know, especially in terms of utilization. If it is developed in the country, it will definitely be used in the military, rather than creating some game scenes for players to entertain, and the government has no way to collect taxes.  Speaking of taxes, some players have also thought about this issue. Now that the country¡¯s government has partially cracked the principle, will this large-scale virtual online game that has been played for free for more than ten years start to operate for a fee?  It¡¯s no wonder that everyone thinks this way. Such shoddy and shabby online games are advertised as free and sold for more than the fee. They can play the journey of heart torture and the journey of the younger brother without spending any money. Players rarely get to play in a so-called free game.  You can dominate without spending money, but the game operation is scumbag.  Such a virtual online game charges hundreds of dollars per month and many people will play it. Although it can be connected up to three times a month, the time spent each time is not three days, but depends on the time flow rate in the corresponding world.  .  Most people enter once and play until death in a scene before exiting. You can also exit early, but almost no one does that.  No one knows how many ways there are to die, but there are all kinds.  Lingchen combines the City of Dawn with the real political power he controls. Establishing formal offices in the virtual scene is only the first step. People here can work for a long time, and the time ratio is also adjusted. Different offices have different requirements.  Working time ratio.  This is actually a big plug-in, but many things cannot be completed in these virtual offices because they involve material operations.  But simple tasks such as inquiries and consultations can be completed here.  As for educational work, it is limited to adults. After all, the brains of minors are not fully developed and there will be great hidden dangers in the supply of mental strength. It is likely that they will not be able to fully recover after rest and develop organic diseases.  Adult education institutions are also being established one by one, and various training courses have taken a fancy to the business opportunities. In fact, there are many training companies that have entered many scenes. In these scenesEducational work is carried out in the city, but because it often does not match the background of the scene, it is quickly cleared by NPCs. Only in some science fiction and urban scenes can those training institutions exist in large numbers.  Now that they have the support of the government, they will of course seek formal registration. Among other things, it is a great convenience to be able to use this place for one day for a lifetime. However, these people also have experience and find that what they have experienced in it has been forgotten.  The rate is too high. Basically only the most important things can be remembered. For example, if you train a person in a foreign language, after he comes out, he will be as if he learned it decades ago. He will forget a lot of vocabulary, but at least he can remember it.  The overall impression is that most people don¡¯t speak English and don¡¯t need it after learning it. After decades, at least they still understand how to learn it.  In short, it has great limitations, but there are also many benefits, and it is free.  However, Ling Chen is not running a charity. These people's training is training. Once the time is exceeded, there will be various unexpected times that will destroy their training classroom. Because it takes too long, the spiritual power they can provide will decrease sharply until  The degree of loss.  Everything is going on step by step. Except for the initial strangeness, these ordinary players have gradually adapted to it.  It didn¡¯t take long for someone to discover the benefits of being in these virtual offices.  XX Gong -An -Branch Office Office.  A tentative experiment is underway here.  a is an extremely heinous criminal. He once attacked the police, seized several guns and bullets, and then used these tools to kill many innocent people and carried out robberies.  Behavior.  After being arrested, he knew that he would not be able to escape the death penalty, so he never cooperated in giving confessions. In addition, because the legal system has become more complete in the past ten years, torture is a relatively taboo topic, and those methods that make it difficult to see the flaws are not suitable for this.  Gangsters are not easy to work with. Only when you work in a job do you know the difficulties of a job. Without the prisoner's confession, many simple things will become complicated and the time required will be greatly increased.  For example, the gun that A snatched - he still has one gun and a certain amount of ammunition, but he doesn't know where he keeps it. This is a huge hidden danger. If he is not allowed to explain it, who will find it there and want to pass it?  Analyzing and finding the evidence is as difficult as going to heaven.  This man also knew that if he said this, it would be absolutely impossible to reduce the punishment. He just used this to make things difficult for the police and delay the interrogation. He used many methods, including being put in a special cell. This man was not afraid, anyway.  The guy who is about to die is different from the other death row inmates. Others want to live a better life before death, which is considered cooperative. He does the opposite. The more trouble he can cause for the police, the more he will.  It's motivation.  ¡° Seeing that the time for court judgment is getting closer and closer, if we keep entangled with this matter, it will undoubtedly make the criminal live a lot longer, and it will not be conducive to the release of the public¡¯s emotions. There are more and more voices outside calling for him to be shot.  In fact, this is a very common situation, including drug dealers. They know that they will be executed, so they will not cooperate. They have to use some special means. It is a headache when they encounter those who refuse to eat.  And because the suspect didn't say anything, a large number of unsolved serious cases were left hanging.  (To be continued)
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