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Text Chapter 440 Kidnapped 2

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    Karoo City Dungeon.  The dungeon is located on a natural island on the north side of the city.  The reason why it is called an ¡®isolated island¡¯ is because there is a river of magma flowing around it, enveloping the dungeon in an arc.  This piece of magma originates from below the mantle and is more than 12 meters wide and 9 meters deep. Once it falls, it will be irreversible.  As soon as he approached the suspension bridge, Yang Ye felt waves of heat coming towards his face. The pungent smell of sulfur mixed with carbon dioxide made it difficult to breathe.  "It's so dangerous" Yang Ye looked at Chihe at his feet with his peripheral vision, looked around and thought to himself: "Now I am imprisoned by the seven of them with their mental power. It is probably impossible to escape, and the three treasures have also blocked the five senses.  , the only trump card is the sedan chair" "The five senses refer to the five senses of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body.  Yang Ye said that the Three Treasures' five senses are sealed, which does not mean that those Martian elders know any magic or celestial arts. All spiritual powers can only work within a certain range.  Energy is like a magnetic field. It cannot affect objects beyond its range.  However, people like Yang Ye, Potata, and Elder Mars can have a lifelong impact on a person through spiritual indoctrination.  For example, Yang Ye¡¯s ¡®thinking barrier¡¯.  In his heyday, Yang Ye could invade someone's brain through mental power and create an illusion in the other person's brain. This illusion would combine with his brain nerves and jointly deceive his senses.  If Yang Ye tells a person through the mental barrier: You can¡¯t see.  Then his visual system will temporarily shrink, and he will truly be unable to see, and his brain will think that his eyes are broken.  Refuse to accept the visual image being conveyed to you.  People often say: you are blind with your eyes open, that¡¯s what it means.  The Seventh Elder of Mars also used the same method to seal all the Three Treasures and Five Senses.  He can no longer sense any external information and can only move forward with the guidance of soldiers.  They treat the Three Treasures this way because they are also afraid of the power contained in the cells of the Three Treasures.  Just after the seventh elder used his spiritual power to suppress Yang Ye, the Three Treasures exploded instantly, but a whirlwind exploded in the hall between the ups and downs!  The speed is so fast and the power is terrifying, making people feel that he is not a human being at all, but a king of strange beasts in the underground world.  ¡­¡­ ¡°Ye. Your people are locked up inside.¡± Jian looked at Yang Ye with a complicated expression.  There was guilt in his eyes.  When he came, he thought that the Seven Elders would reach an agreement with Yang Ye, but he did not expect this result at all.  "Last time it was Paul, this time it's finally my turn." Yang Ye looked ahead and nodded slightly, following the soldiers in heavy armor in front of him onto the steel suspension bridge.  The chains on his hands and feet clattered as they moved.  Go into jail.  I saw that the entrance was closely guarded by soldiers.  There are also several mutated creatures the size of hippopotamuses.  They have crocodile-like flat mouths, teeth that grow inward like saws, and no eyes.  The ears, mainly based on a fan leaf-shaped sarcoma on the top of the head, are judged by thermal energy induction.  As long as it senses the opponent's movement, it can launch a swift attack. If it remains stationary, it will treat the opponent as a dead object.  This kind of creature was originally untameable, but later people discovered that the sarcoma could be covered with linen, so that they could not sense changes around them and were driven by people.  Usually after get off work, the soldiers will take off their hoods to guard them.  "There is an Asian!" "Who is he? It seems that he was also arrested." "It's Paul! It's Paul here! Mr. Paul, how come you were also arrested? Has the fight started already?"  "Oh my god, Mr. Paul has also been arrested, what will the world be like" "Sir, are you okay? How many of us have died?" Seeing Yang Ye and Sanbao walking into the prison, the New Zealanders who were imprisoned on both sides  The explorers asked questions.  "Don't worry, everyone, the war has not broken out." Yang Ye stopped, looked at the inmates on both sides and smiled: "I have already negotiated with the elders, they will let you go. After eating a rich meal,  They will send you away." "Mr. Paul, I'm so glad to see you." To the right of Yang Ye, a middle-aged white man with eyes held out his hand excitedly.  "Hello, Mr. Ben, nice to meet you. It would be better if you weren't here." Yang Ye shook his hand with a smile.  Ben asked with doubt: "Sir, how did you get caught? Can't you even jump out?".  Yang Ye¡¯s impression on the world is that he is powerful and wise, and almost everyone?Western admirers regard him as a real-world superhero.  "Originally, I wanted to negotiate terms with the Martian government" As he spoke, Yang Ye roughly told the whole story, and everyone around him was deeply moved.  When they came here, they were ready to sacrifice. However, they never thought that a big man like Yang Ye would risk his life to rescue them. At the same time, they were even more angry at the despicable behavior of the Martians.  "Oh my god, I feel like I'm an accomplice of those bastards now, they are so despicable!" "Paul, will they let you go?".  "Yes." In order not to bring psychological pressure to everyone, Yang Ye said deliberately: "For them, I am an important hostage After you return to the ground, I hope that everyone can peacefully convey my situation to other countries.  . Also please tell them not to risk the rescue, I don¡¯t want to see anyone injured or killed.¡± ¡°Oh God¡­¡± Hearing this, one of the women couldn¡¯t help but choked up, and everyone looked at Yang Ye with tears.  Although they all long for freedom, the current freedom is obtained at the cost of Yang Ye's loss of freedom, which is difficult for them to accept.  "Sir" Ben Button said with tears: "Compared with you, we are really not worth it. Martians, please tell your leader that we are willing to stay as hostages. Please let Mr. Yang Ye go." "Yes.  , we are willing to stay as hostages! Please let go, sir!¡± Everyone shouted.  Hearing this, Yang Ye was quite moved: "Everyone, Yang Ye understands the good intentions. Let me be arrogant. Their target is not you, but me. Only in this way can all countries on the earth be taboo." "However, in Yang Ye's opinion  , you are more important than me, it¡¯s a good deal to trade me for you.¡± ¡°In my opinion, the strength of an individual is far less powerful than that of a collective! You are the real warriors who dare to risk your lives to hunt down strange beasts.  , is a superhero, please pass on this courage to the next generation, no matter what hardships you encounter in the future, please remember 'I am a human being. '" "Yes sir!" One of the Maori soldiers wiped away his tears and shouted at the top of his voice.  : "I'm human!" Coax.  Magma surged in everyone's hearts, and they all shouted: "I am a human being!" The shouts were as graceful as an awakened dragon roaring towards the sky. The Martians around were shocked by this consciousness, and even the Three Treasures, whose five senses were sealed, felt a  A wave of willpower penetrated his brain.  "This" I saw Sanbao suddenly move his fingers.  Yang Ye's eyes lit up strangely.  This reminded him of Zhao Zhengfei.  Think of the saying in the Buddhist scriptures that "all five aggregates are empty". ?¡­ ?Karoo City Palace.  "Tasso. Don't you think it's strange? That Yang Ye is said to be the most powerful person on earth, possessing powerful spiritual power. He once drove an imperial beast away from Japan" "But we suppressed him easily  . He seems to have only a little strength?" Third Elder Xina asked doubtfully.  "Do you think he can hide it from the seven of us?" Grand Elder Tower asked: "This may be a method used by humans. They will exaggerate a thing and inflict fear on people. Don't forget that there are waves in that video.  "Tata High Priest, I think she drove away the imperial beast." "Yeah." The other elders nodded.  The seventh elder smiled and said: "I really look forward to meeting Potata. I believe she also wants to see us. Soon we will be able to realize the wishes of our ancestors." The elders nodded, and the sixth elder said: "In addition, we people should pay attention to the people on earth.  Action, prepare for war, what about the scientific research that Dr. Nick sent? Are those real?"  "It's true." Five Elders Hui reported: "The first robot is already operational. He is now participating in the repair work of the spacecraft. As long as you give me another half a year, my people will be able to create thousands of robots and robots."  Spaceship! " "The underground is our advantage. Our mineral resources are far richer than those on the earth" Everyone nodded, and the great elder thought: "That's true, but we can't take it lightly. We must let the people on earth take Bota as soon as possible.  Please come here and give Nick¡¯s technology to them.¡± ¡°In case humans break out in war with us in advance, we can at least contain the people on earth and create development opportunities for Potata and his hometown¡± ¡°In addition, Yang Ye.  He and his servants (Three Treasures) must be closely guarded. Once those Earthlings are released, they will be our only trump card now!¡±??Human discovery.  "Hmm" All the elders nodded. Funding the New Zealand Martians was one of Nick's plans. His original plan was to cause unrest in various countries. Then use the New Zealand Martians to kidnap Yang Ye and arouse mankind's hatred for them.  , the two parties went to war, and Yang Ye was the victim. Afterwards, humans and Mars war, and the mutants will become an important party. Nick will deal with the three parties and finally achieve the goal of ruling the earth. But he does not know that as long as Yang Ye.  As soon as he dies, 1900 will immediately implement the "extermination plan", and he will face the most ruthless enemy - 1900 October 21, Zhongnanhai, China "What?  Are you sure?  " "Okay, I will tell you right away. Before we make a decision, we should not spread the news or take any action when we go to your country.  Thanks.  " After saying that, Secretary-General Li Wanfeng felt that his brain was starting to feel dizzy, as if the news coming from New Zealand was like an April Fool's Day game. "Secretary, I have something to report to you.  " "What happened to you today?  "Halfway through, the general secretary's smile stopped and he said, "What happened to Xiaoye over there?  "    "Um.  " Li Wanfeng tried his best to say in a calm tone: "The President of New Zealand just called me personally. He told me that Yang Ye was forcibly detained by underground Martians and is now locked in a dungeon.  " "Asshole!  "The general secretary slapped it on the coffee table, and after two minutes of silence he said: "Get ready for the car, I want to go to Yanruju.  ¡± ¡­(To be continued¡­)
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