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Text Chapter 439 Kidnapped

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    In the early morning, the bells rang in the city of Arutei.  This city is small in area, only about 9 square kilometers, but it is home to nearly 100,000 people. Therefore, the houses are very crowded. The widest street is only 3 meters, and the narrowest one can only be passed sideways.  When you come to this small town, you will find that it is no different from the slums in some countries. The Martians here absorb the earth's culture and technology very quickly.  When you get up in the morning, you can use a fake toothbrush, a timer similar to a clock, porcelain with special rock powder and burned paper, spar electric lamps, etc Except for the lack of sky, this place seems to be a modern town in the dark.  And the locals also have their own unique culture and technology. They already know how to extract oxygen from water and minerals, make gas, use underground water and geothermal power to generate electricity, use special elements to make batteries, mine mineral resources, and smelt and make metal utensils.  They made a spider-like four-legged transportation tool that can travel at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour in steep underground areas.  They can communicate remotely through the 'key', just like a mobile phone on Earth.  ¡°You only need to build a few ¡®crystal signal towers¡¯ to lay out an underground communication network.  The magnetic field emitted by these crystals will also interfere with the earth's electronic signals.  In terms of diet, like people on Earth, they also live on carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.  Eating meat here is a luxury.  This means you need to take risks to hunt those mutated creatures.  You may encounter various dangers on the way magma and landslides may cause life-threatening dangers.  Fortunately, there is a plant underground that can produce starch, which is their staple food.  People will cut the roots of plants into pieces.  Steamed and then dried to make dry food, which tastes a bit like dehydrated apples.  There are many cultural features of the town, which are different from those of the earth. At present, it does not pose a threat to the earth. It is difficult to say in the future.  The local ¡®mayor¡¯ told Yang Ye that an aircraft had been produced in their capital.  ¡­¡­ ¡°Hello.¡± Just as Yang Ye was looking out the window and thinking.  A little girl on the street spotted him and greeted Yang Ye in English.  "Hello." Yang Ye waved with a smile.  At this time the girl's mother nodded to Yang Ye and took the girl home.  "Ye, it seems you are in a good mood." Jane put on a loose traditional dress and walked in, subconsciously looking at Sambo sitting cross-legged on the ground.  Since I started following Yang Ye.  Sanbao rarely speaks and only sees with his eyes.  "You look good." Yang Ye smiled and said, "Can we set off now?" Jane nodded and said, "You can do it at any time. The mayor has lent us three cars and will send people to escort us. In addition, we have contacted  After passing Karu, the seven elders have learned that they must deliver you safely. " "Thank you, I am looking forward to the trip to Karu City. " Karu City is located in the center of the Martian underground city network.  In the underground plain.  Covering an area of ??75 square kilometers, the entire space looks like a stomach bag. On the morning of the 15th, Yang Ye finally arrived here after climbing more than 1,000 kilometers on a four-legged bicycle.  The city entrance.  Colorful flags were hung high, and a welcome banner written in Chinese made him laugh a little: "Warmly welcome Mr. Yang Ye, Ambassador of the Earth, to visit Karoo."  ¡¯ This welcoming slogan with a strong Chinese flavor was written by the Great Elder specifically for Mr. Cassie, a scholar of Chinese culture in his country.  The Chinese letter on the last virus letter sent to Yang Ye was also written by him, and Yang Ye recognized the other party's handwriting at a glance.  "Jane, you really understand Chinese culture." Yang Ye looked forward and smiled.  Jane felt quite proud after hearing this.  With a few words of humility, he invited him to go to the great elder and others.  I saw that these people were all wearing the same style of traditional clothing, similar to the priestly robes of Portata.  From this we can see that there are cultural similarities between the two civilizations.  What is even more surprising is that these elders are all women, and each of them has strong spiritual power.  Seeing this, Yang Ye¡¯s smile instantly stopped.  "Hello distinguished guest, Tasso welcomes you." "Hello distinguished guest, Aoguli welcomes you." "Hello" Yang Ye responded to the greetings of the elders one by one.  Great Elder Tasso smiled and said: "We were invited to negotiate before, and we are very willing, but we have a rule here that womenYou can't put your body in danger, you can't show your face, so we can't go up and talk to you.  " "That's it.  It seems we did have some misunderstanding.  " While talking, Yang Ye stepped on the aircraft following everyone's invitation. "The aircraft is designed to look like a soap box. It uses magnetic levitation. The internal structure is very spacious, and the operating platform and monitor cannot be seen. "You can feel a slight movement when starting up.  The sense of weightlessness. ¡­ ¡°Mr. Yang, am I correct to call you this?  " "Very correct," Yang Ye put away his gaze and looked at the great elder. "Very good.  " The great elder ordered all the waiters on the side to step back and said to Yang Ye: "Sir, it is really our honor to come. Last time, they showed me the video of Mr. going to Mars and Potata. I never thought that there is still life on Mars after so many years.  Purely, we are so lucky.  " "Sir, you live on the ground. You should know that a group of humans have invaded our territory rudely and taken great action against our people. What do you think, sir?  Yang Ye smiled slightly: "Did you invite me here to talk about territory?"  According to the laws of the earth, territory includes a country's land, rivers, lakes, inland seas, and territorial waters Before you, the New Zealand government has sworn that this land is theirs, including the place where you live now, which is also their territory.  " "It shouldn't be illegal for their citizens to operate on their own land, right?  " "Nonsense!  Our ancestors were the first to come here!  "The second elder retorted. Yang Ye nodded and said, "Well, the entire continent was yours at that time, but you didn't protect your land properly. Besides, your real hometown should be Kasar on Mars, right?  " "How do you know?  "The second elder looked surprised. Yang Ye said with a smile: "This is not difficult to guess. You all have similar skin color and bones to Potata. I also talked with King Cassar for a long time on Mars" "How is the kingdom now?  "The great elder said curiously. "We have encountered several catastrophes in the development of civilization, but now we are not as good as you.  " With that said, Yang Ye told them about what he had seen on Mars. The six elders were less repulsive and hostile to Yang Ye. Half an hour later, the aircraft arrived at the central square of the city, and the seventh elder Kaiqiu led a group of priest-like people.  The maids lined up in two lines to welcome it, and city residents gathered around to watch the excitement. The square covered an area of ??more than 3,000 square meters, like an unfolded fan. The architectural style was almost the same as that of the Casar Palace, but it lacked the grandeur of the Casar Palace.  There is a bit more of a sense of technology. There is a lighthouse in the middle of the square, connected to the dome above, like a sky pillar After a brief welcome ceremony, everyone entered the main hall of the palace The whole process felt like Yang Ye.  After arriving in a strange country, he was warmly entertained by the locals, but they forgot to talk to the guests, as if they were just a formality. After the meal, Yang Ye was arranged to a separate suite, and the elders formally invited Yang Ye the next day.  Conversation. After Yang Ye took his seat in the main hall, the elder said: "You didn't neglect your distinguished guest yesterday, did you?  "    "No.  But to be honest, I still like this kind of direct communication.  "Yang Ye smiled. All the elders were slightly embarrassed after hearing this. The second elder nodded and said: "In that case, let's talk.  Since you have sent our people back, we will also send your people back.  " "You asked De to tell us last time that you could help us return to Mars. Is it true?  "    "Yes.  " Yang Ye looked at her and the elders around him and said, "My company is pioneering the aerospace field. In less than 10 years, we should be able to establish a route between Mars and the Earth. By then, your return to Mars will be as convenient as taking a plane.  " "It's a great project.  " The third elder praised, and then said proudly: "But we can still do this ten years later.  " "Now you also know our identity, and we also know your plan to transform Mars. What we mean is: If you don't return to Mars for the time being, you will give me a piece of land, and we will go back after Mars is transformed.  " "In addition, please help us make arrangements. We hope to communicate with the High Priest of Potata.  " "As a reward, we allow you to use part of the land on Mars in the future.  "Haha" Hearing this, Yang Ye chuckled and said: "Your Excellency, regarding the Mars transformation plan and future land distribution, we have already discussed with the MarsThe Chinese government has negotiated well.  It seems I don¡¯t need your permission, right?  " "About your preparations to rent land.  " Hearing Yang Ye's words, the Seventh Elder sneered: "I have long heard that you Earthlings are very cunning, and it is true!  When did we say we wanted to rent your land!  " "Don't think we can't see the purpose of you Earthlings helping to transform Mars.  In fact, they just want to occupy our planet and then wipe us out bit by bit!  " "To tell you the truth, we invited you here just to ask you, the ambassador, to stay here.  Do you think we are really interested in your Earth?  " "You want to keep me as a hostage?  "Yang Ye frowned. As he spoke, he felt that his body was as heavy as a mountain, and he quickly hinted to the sedan to tell him not to be impulsive. "You can say that.  " The great elder smiled and said: "Our arrest of those explorers is just a cover, and those strange beasts are also driven by us The whole purpose is to lure you down.  " "Don't worry, we will not harm you, nor will we actively harm humans.  It is a good thing that you are terraforming Mars, but I cannot watch you earthlings deceive us into being our fellow Martians.  ¡±?¡­(To be continued)
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