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Text Chapter 437 October Storm

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    "The recovery of the yen after depreciation slowed down, and RMB holdings were increased" - China Finance.  "The RMB suddenly surged after devaluation, appreciating by 200 basis points" - Penguin Finance.  "Pete Bank provides a foreign exchange platform, and uncles and aunties are crazy about foreign exchange speculation" - Jiulang News.  "Whether Pitt Bank's foreign exchange platform is legal, reporters asked relevant departments" -  "The RMB has risen three times in a row, so traveling on National Day is not as good as speculating in foreign exchange!"  ¡·¡ª¡ªSoutu Financial Management.  "Behind the appreciation of the RMB, is a currency war starting?  ¡·¡ª¡ªHuang Yi Toutiao. ?¡­ ?October 2nd.  After the cool September, the temperature in China begins to heat up. Meteorologists analyze that it may be related to the changing magnetic field of the earth.  In Building 11 of Ping An Wanfu Community, a large group of neighbors gathered in the old Zhang family on the fifth floor. There were more than 20 people in total, old and young.  Since Lao Zhang started speculating in foreign exchange, his wife has never slept peacefully for a day. Lao Zhang yells and screams all day long, and sometimes he stays up in the middle of the night to call Lao Liu.  In this regard, his wife Ma Xiuwen has reached the point where she can¡¯t bear it!  But after learning the amount of money Lao Zhang earned from foreign exchange, Ma Xiuwen¡¯s complaints immediately turned into joy.  In just 3 days, Lao Zhang turned the original 100,000 RMB into 100,000 US dollars, which is more than 620,000 RMB!  After excluding the principal, it equals a net profit of more than 500,000!  Lao Zhang has been trading in the stock market for so many years, and the largest amount he has ever made was only more than 7,000 yuan, but now he has made more than 500,000!  This also made him cautious.  Many people advised Lao Zhang to let him withdraw the money first to avoid being trapped.  Lao Zhang thought about it and followed everyone¡¯s advice and took out 200,000.  I split the money equally with Lao Liu, and the remaining 300,000 yuan was regarded as a bet, regardless of winning or losing.  After learning that he made a lot of money from foreign exchange, many people in the unit community wanted to partner with him. ? But people become better with age.  Lao Zhang knows that this kind of thing is the most likely to cause trouble. Naturally, everyone will be happy if he makes money, but if he loses, it may cause lawsuits or even people's lives, so he has no objection to others playing with him.  But it is absolutely impossible to form a partnership again, and all consequences will be dealt with by oneself.  Those who come to him are also sensible people.  He readily agreed to this condition.  Early in the morning, those who opened the transfer of ownership crowded into Lao Zhang¡¯s house and had a lively discussion, some holding notebooks and some holding mobile phones.  "I'll go! It's 5 yuan and 9 yuan. It's dropped by 100 basis points! Should I change it to Grandpa Zhang?" resident Zhang Yan said.  , equivalent to 1 cent in the monetary unit.  From the 29th to now, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar has appreciated by more than 2,000 basis points and is still rising.  The rate of appreciation is almost equal to the sum of the past first half of the year.  "You are stupid, you are holding US dollars now, do you know that you have to wait for the base point of the RMB exchange rate to rise before you can make any profit?" Lao Zhang said unceremoniously.  "Hehe, I was so excited that I forgot about it for a moment." Zhang Yan rubbed his head and smiled.  Since he started speculating in foreign exchange with Lao Zhang yesterday, he has already transferred more than 20,000 yuan, and his principal has been recovered long ago.  "Lao Zhang. Do you think there are large investors who deliberately increase their holdings of RMB in large amounts? Why is there no movement from the country?" Lao Ma, the neighbor, asked.  "We don't have to worry about this. Judging from the news in the past few days, the country may have arranged this deliberately." After speaking, Lao Zhang added: "Now the RMB is appreciating. The stock market is also starting to warm up slightly. By the way, how is your stock?  "It's rising very quickly. I'm going to wait until I make a fortune in two days and then throw it away," Lao Ma said with a smile.  "I think it's better not to wait." Lao Zhang thought: "Now that the RMB has risen so fast, it may usher in a sharp drop. In the morning, Xinwen Broadcast said: Prices in the United States have risen in the past few days. Many Americans are buying like crazy.  Materials, I guess the Obama administration is about to take action!" "Then our opportunity to make money will come soon?" Zhang Yan said excitedly after hearing this: "The more RMB we earn, the better.  You are not stupid now." Lao Zhang looked at him and smiled, and laughter suddenly started in the living room.  Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Old man, you are still a good teacher. I think it won't be long before you will be the Buffett of our community. Thanks to you these past few days, I am treating you today. How about we go to Fulu Tower to have a meal together?"  "You have a filial piety!" "It's almost 11 o'clock now, let's go, guys?" "Let's go, let's take advantage of Xiao Zhang today."  Infinite Dreams.  While Lao Zhang and everyone were heading to the restaurant, Yang Ye and other senior executives also came out of the top-floor office.Let¡¯s have dinner in the lobby on the first floor.  Because it was the National Day holiday, the company did not have many employees, only some security guards and service personnel.  Since the 28th, Yang Ye and others have successively invested 7 billion US dollars, but the man behind the scenes Yang Ye said has not yet appeared.  This made people in the five major business alliances somewhat doubtful of Yang Ye's judgment.  But it¡¯s true that you can make money.  Lobby.  "Brother, is it possible that you guessed wrong?" Ma Qingyun came over with a plate of cakes.  "Probably not. Maybe the other party should start, but they haven't noticed us yet." Peter said: "If the opponent is Rothschild or the Freemasons, they can use their banks to silently launch a currency war  . According to our monitoring, several banks owned by Rothschild are buying yen. "Paul, I think your guess is correct." He just finished speaking.  , the cell phone in his pocket rang.  Ma Qingyun, Yang Ye and others all looked at him with expressions of "It can't be so accurate", but Peter's next words confirmed everyone's premonition.  "Paul, North America has monitored that the Japanese yen suddenly jumped 800 basis points just now. The main buyers are the Rothschild banks, uh it's 1,000 points, and the Masonic banks are also starting to make moves!" "  It is indeed them! Peter, please list the banks that are the main holders In addition, we have also begun to increase our holdings of RMB."  Yang Ye said to the leaders of the four major business alliances energetically: "Brothers, I will say hello to Zhongnanhai later. Now it's up to you!" "No problem." The leaders of the four major business alliances nodded.  Soon the hall was filled with chaos.  According to the plan discussed by Yang Ye and the five major business alliances, once the yen begins to rise sharply, they will pull the renminbi, and then use various methods to reduce prices and promote products on the market to stimulate Chinese people to buy*.  News media will also vigorously publicize the exchange rate between RMB and US dollars to induce citizens to exchange RMB.  Disrupt the opponent's layout.  After that, it¡¯s up to Pete to see how he operates.  ¡­ ¡­ At 2 p.m., the RMB appreciated to 1,000 basis points.  The national financial community is shocked!  "If Yang Ye guessed that, he who originally planned to increase his holdings of Japanese yen suddenly turned to RMB, and the Japanese yen began to continue to depreciate.  Rothschild¡¯s crowbar is broken!  1900: "Sir, we found the person who made the virus. He said he sold it to a New Yorker. I believe there will be results soon." Yang Ye smiled and said: "Very good. In addition, you sent someone to help me keep an eye on Rothchild.  The news about the German family and the Masonic Solomon family" ", it is really related to them, just help me solve it." "Yes, sir." 1900 said.  After hanging up the phone, Yang Ye was in a particularly good mood. He was most afraid of not being able to find the person behind it. Now that he has determined the general idea, the easiest way is to end the other person's life.  Yang Ye doesn¡¯t want to play any grand games with them in finance. Competing with them is just a bad idea.     U.K.  Rothschild family.  It was just 4 o'clock in the morning when the home editor was woken up by a sudden phone call. He suddenly had a bad feeling.  "What's the matter?" "Sir, we just lost 5 billion. After we started, someone was raising RMB The other party was Peter Bank." The other end of the phone told him in detail what happened an hour ago.  "Damn it!" Hearing this, Xiu Zaiwen had no pajamas. He looked at the alarm clock and stood up and said, "Let me investigate the other party's background. As soon as possible!" "How could this happen Could it be that someone leaked the news?" The call ended.  Finally, Xiu held a cup of coffee and fell into thought: He just started.  The other side started making trouble, and it was most likely aimed at him.  But maybe it's just a coincidence.  Thinking of this.  He picked up the phone and decided to test whether the other party was targeting them.  "Put another amount of money in." Ten minutes later "Sir, our money has been swallowed again." "It's them again?" Xiu asked quickly.  "No, at the same time we were buying, someone was selling the yen." "Damn it!" At this moment Xiu felt his anger starting to burn: "Are they deliberately causing trouble? Who leaked the news! Since he wants the RMB to appreciate, then we  Help them.¡±¡­ On October 3, the RMB continued to appreciate, rising by 3,000 yuan overnight.??basis point.  In the afternoon of the same day, it continued to surge by 2,000 basis points.  On October 4, the RMB rose again by 4,000 basis points, and the exchange rate between the RMB and the US dollar exceeded 4:1.  With prices rising in the United States, major Chinese merchants and companies organized nationwide sales under the leadership of Yang Ye, officially igniting the National Day consumption frenzy.  In the joint promotion between merchants and the media, the number of transaction orders exceeded 700 million on that day, and the transaction volume reached 300 billion yuan, which is equivalent to the total of Alibaba¡¯s six Double Eleven e-commerce activities.  October 5th.  The Obama administration urgently negotiated with China. In response to the plummeting dollar, the United States began to reduce its foreign exchange holdings and sell off gold reserves. Wall Street in the United States fell into financial turmoil, and stock market trading was suspended But the Chinese people seem to be unable to stop their crazy shopping, and the purchasing power of the RMB seems to have disappeared overnight.  In 2016, it returned to the level of 2006.  On the morning of October 6, the state announced its intervention in the financial battlefield, and the three-day storm of RMB appreciation ended in the afternoon.  It dropped 8,000 points in an instant and fell below 12,000 points in the evening!  Lao Zhang converted the 3 million US dollars in his account into 17 million yuan.  On October 7, the Chinese National Day holiday ended, and the state ordered Pitt Bank to cancel its ¡®foreign exchange trading business¡¯: 1. The exchange rate fluctuated steadily for the next 8 hours.  The US dollar depreciation crisis that lasted for five days has ended.  Rothschild, Freemasonry and other banks will face public prosecution for the crime of undermining financial management order. According to statistics from American financial experts, China has taken away 2 trillion US dollars from the currency war against the United States this time, which is equivalent to Americans.  Working for China for a year in vain.  The Ministry of Commerce of China told CNN: It can be seen from this that the RMB exchange rate is not undervalued, and an increase in the RMB exchange rate is not conducive to world peace.  ¡­(To be continued)
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