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Text Chapter 436 Lao Zhang speculates in foreign exchange

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    Peace, Pete Banks.  "Lao Zhang, are you sure it's safe or not? You won't cheat us of our money, right?" "I'm talking about you, 'Lao Dan' Liu. Pitt Bank is a regular international company. Now we, Pingshang and Infinite Dreams, all use Pitt Bank."  "Card, can I defraud you of those tens of thousands?" "Hey, that's right" Outside the bank, two old Ping An men walked into the lobby one after another.  ??Old Liu¡¯s name is Liu Changkun. Since his wife¡¯s death, he has been called ¡®Liu Laodan¡¯, which means being single forever.  I have just retired from the agency and used to work as a material clerk in my unit.  Lao Zhang¡¯s name is Zhang Housheng, also known as Zhang Monkey. He retired two years earlier than Lao Liu and had been playing stocks before.  The Japanese stock market is now in turmoil, and Chinese stock market trading has also entered the off-season.  So Lao Zhang is preparing to enter the foreign exchange industry.  ¡­ It is said that after seeing the news on TV last night that ¡®the yen continues to rise and the renminbi is rising faintly¡¯, he had the idea of ??speculating in foreign exchange.  "Hey, it's Zhang Houhou, what? You're here to open an account and play foreign exchange too?" "Hey, there are a few brothers here, it's quite lively." Chinese people have a "get together" mentality, and more people mean that they won't  cheated.  Looking at the crowded crowd in the hall, Lao Zhang knew that he had come to the right place.  While queuing, a middle-aged man who had just applied for a bank card seemed to be interested in foreign exchange speculation.  He walked up to Lao Zhang and asked: "Big brother, I heard you talk about foreign exchange speculation. Is this different from stock speculation?" "Foreign exchange speculation" is still relatively unfamiliar to many Chinese.  This is mainly because the domestic foreign exchange market has not yet been opened, and the country is more cautious about this.  There are many fake agency companies in China that use the guise of foreign agents to commit fraud.  The amount of money being defrauded every year reaches tens of millions.  "It's similar to stock trading." Lao Zhang said with half-baked foreign exchange knowledge: "You know stock trading, right? Stocks rise and fall, and the same goes for foreign exchange" "Do you know about the recent financial crisis in Japan?" "Yes, now Xiao  Japan¡¯s money is not spent properly, so many people jumped off the building. ¡°Isn¡¯t that right?¡± As soon as the middle-aged man said this, the hall started to get busy.  "I have a relative in Japan He was fine today, but his boss jumped off the building the next day. He borrowed the money for his air ticket back to China from my family." "Really?" "So: It's better to be outside now.  In China, look at our current situation, is it any worse than abroad? " "That's ithey, big brother, what is the way to speculate in foreign exchange? " " A northern aunt came to open an account?  Pulled Lao Zhang and asked.  Instead, Lao Zhang asked curiously: "Aren't you here to open an account to speculate in foreign exchange?" "No!" The aunt smiled and said: "I saw that there were many people coming to the bank to open accounts in the morning. Come and have a look. I heard that young people use this.  Bank cards are very convenient for buying things online, and the interest rates are high" "You just said that this bank can also speculate in foreign exchange?" "Yes, ma'am." After hearing their discussion, the bank manager Li Wei stepped forward and said: "Since yesterday.  From the beginning, our bank has added foreign exchange trading services. We have one-on-one services in many foreign countries. Buying foreign exchange in our bank is equivalent to buying it in the United States.  If you travel to the United States, you can withdraw U.S. dollars with just our bank card. This is something that no other domestic bank can do.  At this point, everyone around me felt like my status had been elevated.  Auntie from the North asked: "Can I get fired now? How? How much is the minimum?" As soon as she asked, everyone opened their eyes and listened.  Manager Li Wei smiled and said: "There are two modes. One is autonomous trading, which means you can buy whatever you want, including all kinds of foreign exchange. You can download software on your mobile phone or computer to check the increase in the currency you buy in real time." "The other is  One is to entrust it to our agent. Here are some of our packages. You can take a look. " "Okay." The northern aunt took the brochure and asked: "Can you tell me which country to buy?  Can you make money in foreign exchange? " "I can't say that" Manager Li Wei shook his head and said with a smile: "My judgment is just a personal opinion. I can't guarantee whether I will make a profit or lose money." "But weThe bank recommends buying RMB.  But this is just a suggestion and we are not responsible for any losses.  " "RMB?  Isn¡¯t the national policy to stabilize the RMB?  " "I think the yen is good. Now all countries are preparing to save the yen.  " "Hmm, now the news network said that the yen has begun to recover, and now is the best time to buy.  " "There is information!  This guy must have inside information.  "While everyone was talking, Lao Zhang noticed the change in Li Wei's expression, and suddenly he made a decision in his mind! He pulled Lao Liu aside and said, "Brother, have you thought about it?  " "Forget it, monkey, we don't understand foreign exchange, don't be fooled again.  "Lao Liu said worriedly. "Before, he followed Lao Zhang to speculate in stocks, and he still had a pension of tens of thousands. Today, the monkey brought him to speculate in foreign exchange, and he was really worried. "I'm afraid of a ball!"  This is a great opportunity!  Come out and I'll tell you.  " With that said, Zhang Hou led Lao Liu out of the bank lobby.  Outside the bank. Lao Zhang said: "Now that the United Nations has announced a rescue of the Japanese yen, and all countries are speculating in foreign exchange, why are you leaving your money and not earning it?  " "Then you say we buy yen?  "When Lao Liu was asked, he started to have no opinion. "Bullshit, the Japanese yen can't help it!"  "Zhang Houhou looked around and whispered: "I mean sell us RMB!  " "Do you know what the national policy is?  To stabilize the RMB, the United States has tried to raise the RMB several times, but our country just doesn't allow it. This has to do with the export of goods.  " "But are you thinking about what the news said yesterday?  The state said: It will be possible to eliminate export subsidies and increase export taxes!  " "Do you know what this means?  " "What do you mean?  "Old Liu said with a confused look on his face. "Stupid.  It's a pity that you have been working in the government for so many years and you can't even understand the party's basic line.  "Zhang Houhou smiled and said: "In the past, when we exported products, we received government subsidies to make the products more competitive in foreign markets.  Now canceling subsidies and raising taxes is a hint to those companies: the RMB is going to rise!  " "What does this have to do with the rise of the RMB?  "Old Liu became confused again. "You don't even understand this?  "Zhang Houhou rolled up his sleeves, took out two cigarettes from his shirt pocket and said: "A high RMB exchange rate means strong purchasing power, which is good for product imports, but not good for product exports.  " "The same is one dollar, right?  If the value of the RMB doubles.  You can spend this one dollar as two dollars!  Do you understand or not?  "    "Understood.  " Old Liu lit his cigarette and smiled: "You mean it.  The state uses the signal of "removing subsidies" to hint those export companies to reduce exports, just to prepare for the rise of the RMB?  Yes or no?  " "By the way, my old brother, you understand.  Come on" Seeing someone eavesdropping, Lao Zhang took him to a tree and said, "I dare to say it.  The people at Pitt's Bank must know.  That¡¯s why they dare to recommend buying RMB.  Now the RMB has begun to rise a bit" "I still have 50,000 to 60,000 yuan in hand.  I'm ready to take a gamble this time!  " "What should I do if I lose money?  "Old Liu is still a little worried. "Look at your courage!  Lao Zhang simply said: "You want to play or not? If not, lend me your money and I will give you 5% interest."  "    "Play!  "Lao Liu said vigorously: "I still have 40,000.  How about we put them together to make up an integer?  " "Isn't that enough!  Zhang Houhou clapped his hands, put out his cigarette and said, "Give me your ICBC card. I'll withdraw the money. This is my ID card. Please help me line up to open an account."  "  At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, as soon as they got home, the two old men started tinkering in front of the computer according to the instruction manual issued by the bank. In the past, the two old men had experience in online stock trading, and downloading and installation were not difficult for them. " Now log in.  Already?  "In front of the computer, Lao Liu looked at the computer screen with a pair of spectacles. The different layout interface made it difficult for him to touch the east, west, north and south. "Where can I see our stocks?  " "It's stocks, it's foreign exchange.  " Lao Zhang adjusted his eyes, took the manual and compared the screen carefully, and then clicked [My Account] - [Foreign Exchange I Purchased] - [None] "Oops, Lao Zhang, we are out of money!  "Old man Liu said in shock. When he shouted, Lao Zhang also jumped, and then clicked on the account in the upper left corner.The account balance information was then relaxed.  ¡°You¡¯re so panicked, you¡¯re yelling at me before the sale is made, the money is still in your account!¡± ¡°Hey, I thought the bank had already sold it for us.¡± Old Liu smiled as if he was embarrassed.  "By the way, Brother Monkey, here are RMB and US dollars, and RMB and Japanese yen. Which one should we sell?" "Don't worry, let me think about it." Lao Zhang lit a cigarette. This was his first time touching foreign exchange.  I am not very familiar with the above operation.  ??Specializing in foreign exchange is actually using your own currency to exchange for the currencies of other countries. ? The purchase value is equal at the beginning, and what is earned is the ¡®profit and loss¡¯ caused by the operation (which means making money or losing money).     for example:    ,.  It is equivalent to earning 197 basis points from above, which is approximately equivalent to 1 minute, 9 cents and 7 cents.  Calculated based on the maximum leverage of 400 times provided by the bank, this is still the effect of 1 US dollar.  If you invest 1,000 US dollars to buy RMB, you can exchange it for 7,880 RMB, a gain of 1,739 RMB.  But at this time, if you convert it into US dollars according to the current exchange rate, it will still be the same 1,000 yuan. Only in the next exchange rate change can you get the opportunity to create profits.  In short, regardless of the "profit or loss" of foreign exchange speculation, you will make a profit or a loss, because an increase in the RMB means you will exchange fewer U.S. dollars, and a decrease (appreciation) in the RMB means you will exchange more U.S. dollars.  "Brother Monkey! Look,!" "Shit, this is an increase for the United States, but it is a decrease for us, you know?" As he said that, Lao Zhang began to pay attention to the exchange rate changes with interest.  ¡­(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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