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Volume Six: War?  universe?  fleet?  Chapter 32: Moon?  Planetary weapons!

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    The two people sat down facing each other. Yes, the other person also sat down, but of course it was just a shadow.  The other party looked at the girl and said in amazement: "Your human body technology is really amazing." The girl didn't say much, but the girl was also very curious about the other party's identity, so the girl also spoke: "That base is under your control.  Yes?" The other party nodded.  The sun is setting now, and the figures of the two girls look very beautiful under the sunlight.  Of course, one of the girls is missing (a legendary ghost?).  Hearing the girl's question, the other party nodded, and then said to the girl: "My previous name was Jingwei. You don't need to introduce yourself. I have read your information." The girl did not speak, but she thought of the fairy tale in her mind.  Jingwei reclamation.  But obviously this must be a coincidence.  Of course, is this really a coincidence?  Jingwei continued: "The era we live in, according to the information I have, is about 130 million years ago." After saying this, Jingwei seemed to be lost in memories, and was silent for a while and said:  "The place where I live is the home planet and the capital of the Empire. The Empire has a vast frontier, spanning half of the galaxy. At that time, we used energy stones as energy sources to conduct interstellar travel, but not all places could  To obtain high-quality interstellar energy stones, in most cases, people's spaceships cannot fly very far." As she finished speaking, another set of projections appeared, on a planet, spaceships of various sizes were flying in space.  .  "We have the most powerful fleet and are not afraid of anyone's challenge. However, even such a powerful empire will decline sometimes." Jingwei sighed and continued: "Just when we think we are invincible  At that time, we encountered another civilization. This civilization was cruel and aggressive. We fought with them, but we failed and were compressed to our home planet. In the end, we created the most powerful civilization in the empire.  Powerful weapons, planet-level super weapons, once again fought against them. In this battle, we successfully killed them, but the entire country was also severely damaged. Many technologies disappeared, and the population was less than one thousandth of what it was before the war. That  I fell into a deep sleep at that time. I didn't expect that hundreds of millions of years had passed, and the powerful empire had turned into dust, leaving only its descendants on this small earth. Not even the memory of the empire remained, and I even believed in the so-called theory of evolution.  , In fact, everyone in this place should be a descendant of the empire. " "Empire?" The girl asked thoughtfully: "What is the name of the empire?" Jingwei smiled and said: "Ancient Empire!  The matter of the lunar base has been reported to the central government, which attaches great importance to it. They did not expect that there would be unexpected surprises in developing the moon this time. However, things are not that simple. Everyone must find out, what secrets is hidden in this base?  Are they kind to us or malicious?  If these are not clear, the country will not feel confident in contacting the base.  Although according to reports from people who have returned, this base is very friendly to humans, but I still worry about whether this base is trying to gain trust?  Just when everyone was hesitant, someone asked, if it¡¯s just a brain, can it still conquer human beings?  What needs to be worried about now is whether the base hides its owner. For example, like in science fiction novels, her owner sleeps deep in the base and is brewing a huge conspiracy after being awakened?  Of course, if these guesses are known to the girl, the girl will say that you think too much, but no one thinks back to ask the girl, so everyone can only guess slowly.  But the current situation is, is it necessary to contact the base?  This is the key.  What kind of bottom line should be drawn when making contact?  Moreover, we must understand what the final consequences will be, otherwise we will be caught off guard if something happens.  But when it comes to the final decision, you still need to take a look. Otherwise, how can you cope with future changes?  Now it seems that contact with the base is inevitable, and everyone has to take countermeasures. The rest depends on what the other party considers.  The country here finally decided to send personnel to contact the base, and the two of them had a very good chat with the girl.  It should be a smart computer that had a good chat with the girl. After Jingwei explained who made it, the girl asked very curiously: "Planetary level weapon? What is that?" "The moon" Jingwei  Spit out this sentence.  The girl was stunned and immediately understood that the weapon was the moon. However, the girl still had doubts. A planet-level weapon should be more than this big, right?  Jingwei did not let the girl wonder for long, but continued: "Originally, the moon is not just that big, but half the size of the earth. It is covered with spaceships and interstellar cannons. It has the ability to travel faster than the speed of light. But after a big war,  , it became like this, and I, as the core, received the strictest protection, so that base was able to be preserved. "The moon turned out to be man-made!  This result is shocking.  However, this also makesThe girl figured out why the moon was acting weird.  As for those weird ones?  1. There are no volcanoes.  So far, humans have not discovered volcanic eruptions on the moon.  Based on the age of lunar rocks, scientists infer that the lunar continent is the oldest, about 4.4 billion years old, and the maria is young, about 4 billion years old. They also infer that the lunar basalt is lava, the product of volcanism between 3.15 and 3.85 billion years old.  In other words, there have been no volcanoes since.  Every natural star, like the earth, grew up from the celestial material snow group. They must go through the process of sedimentation of gravity differential and chemical differential substances, and there is a structural phenomenon of internal division.  Like the earth, it has a core, a mantle, and a crust.  The material located deep under the star shell must be under high temperature and high pressure and in a molten state, that is, a lava flow.  Stars that are always rotating must undergo tectonic movements that destroy the star shell.  The dynamic image is reflected in the "earthquake".  A cracked star crust will give the lava flow a way to squeeze out of the cracks and erupt, becoming eruptive volcanoes and eruptive volcanoes.  Therefore, volcanoes and earthquakes are cosmic phenomena that apply to all planets and satellites.  For natural stars, if there are no volcanoes and they do not self-destruct for more than 3 billion years, it completely violates the laws of celestial bodies.  2. Hollow.  After the American "Apollo" spacecraft frequently landed on the moon in 1969, it established a four-month seismic station on the lunar surface and used the rockets on the spacecraft to create moonquakes many times.  The intensity of the moonquake created is the intensity that seismic experts believe can pass through the center of the moon based on the characteristics of the moon's diameter and high material density.  However, the measurement result is that while the transverse wave reaches more than 1,000 kilometers and lasts for more than 3 hours, the longitudinal wave only reaches a depth of 35 to 40 kilometers and disappears.  On May 13, 1972, a large meteorite hit the lunar surface. Its energy was equivalent to the power of a 200-ton bomb explosion.  Seismic experts believe that the huge longitudinal wave caused by the moonshock should be transmitted to the core of the moon; if the moon is a solid sphere, this longitudinal wave should be repeated several times.  But the result was that the longitudinal wave became a "mud cow entering the sea", and there was no news at all.  It proves that the moon is hollow, and it is the hollow that eats up the longitudinal waves of the moon shock.  3. Several generations live under the same roof.  All textbooks clearly affirm that the earth is about 4.6 billion years old. The moon snowballed and grew after the main body of the earth was formed, so it is younger, about 4.5 billion years old.  The age of the sun is generally considered to be about 6 billion years old, and the age of the universe is generally considered to be about 20 billion years old.  However, the lunar rocks collected by the lunar landing spacecraft from various places on the lunar surface were identified using the same identification techniques used to identify the age of strata. Each rock sample reported its age to humans: the youngest ones were 3.6 billion years old, 4.3 billion years old, and 46 billion years old.  Billions of years old, the oldest ones are more than 7 billion years old; the oldest ones are the two rocks in the moon rocks brought back by the "Apollo 12" spacecraft, which are up to 20 billion years old, the same age as the universe.  It can be believed that the lunar surface has no water, vacuum, and no weathering conditions like the earth's surface, and the lunar surface rocks are all fresh rocks.  The identified ages of lunar rock samples are all close to their actual ages.  These actual ages prove that they are not the moon's original rocks.  Some are collected from meteors within the solar system, and some are collected from meteors outside the solar system.  Speaking of this, the girl felt the weirdest. You must know that the moon was not built for such a long time. Of course, Jingwei said that during the battle, the earth thought of destroying the moon's surface defense system and dragging meteorites and asteroids to hit the moon.  , leaving behind many rock layers from different times.  4. There is no magnetic field.  Detections by the lunar landing spacecraft of the United States and the Soviet Union showed that the moon does not have north and south magnetic poles, and there is only a weak magnetic field on the lunar surface. The magnetic field strength is 2 gamma in the lunar land area, 4 gamma in the lunar sea area, and 43 gamma and 43 gamma in the abnormal area.  103 gamma.  Compared with the average magnetic field strength on the earth's surface, which is 50,000 gamma, it is not even an outlier.  Therefore, the magnetic field on the lunar surface can only be the abnormal magnetic field on the lunar surface, not the magnetic field of the moon. The moon itself has no magnetic field.  Why does the moon have no magnetic field or magnetic poles?  Unless it is not a natural celestial body.  (This also supports the idea that the moon is artificial) 5. The moon moves strangely.  The planet¡¯s controlling force on the rotating satellite is gravity. The relationship between the planet and the satellite is like the front and rear sprockets on a bicycle. The planet¡¯s gravitational field is like the transmission chain covering the front and rear wheels.  Therefore, the rotation axes of satellites orbiting the planet are parallel to the planet's rotation axis.  All of the planet's own satellites and captured prokinetic satellites rotate in the same direction as the planet, except for the captive reactionary satellites, which may rotate in the opposite direction to the planet's rotation.  However, the moon does not rotate: 1. There is no rotation parallel to the earth's axis of rotation, because it always faces the earth head-on, regardless of the full moon or the waning moon, from new moon to waning moon.  2. It does not roll in orbit around the earth like a wheel. No matter when you look at it, the moon does not roll.  Therefore, its motion around the Earth is like a kite or a surf sampan tied to the Earth's equator, moving with the Earth's rotation: as the Earth rotates once, the Moon moves 1/29.5 times in its orbit around the Earth.  All the above evidence can show that the moon is an artificial satellite. To be precise, it is an artificial planetary weapon. After the war, I don¡¯t know who fixed it here as a satellite of the earth. Obviously, the installer of the moon must be ancient.  ?The humans in the Wild Empire must do this to protect humanity.
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