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Volume Six: War?  universe?  fleet?  Chapter 31: Qingyu was invaded?

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    In the future of technology, the girl is slowly reading the works of ancient sages, and they are the most original works. You must know that many works have gone through the vicissitudes of history, and have been modified by later generations in ways that suit the conditions at that time.  For example, in the "Tao Te Ching", the content was changed to avoid tabooing the name of the emperor at that time. There are countless books that were changed because of this. It is very likely that after the changes, future generations will get different things when reading them.  The same meaning is very possible. Of course, as Academician Jiang, whom the country attaches great importance to, he has certain rights to get some copies of the original copies, and these things were handed over to him.  He bought Nannan, and Nannan brought it to the girl. Plus some collected by the girl, the girl now has nearly a thousand books of different types. Don¡¯t think there are few. After all, in ancient times, the storage capacity of such books has been  It can be called a person who has learned a lot. Of course, learning a lot refers to talent, and the girl here refers to the amount of books she has.  The reason why the girl is willing to read these books is because she finds that when reading these books, she will occasionally feel something, and her mental strength and other abilities will increase accordingly. For a girl, enhancement has always been in the girl's heart.  Desire, as for what you said about practitioners being open-minded, this is a science and technology text. Even if it is practice, it is carried out with the support of technology. It is not an orthodox practice text. Therefore, there is nothing about a girl who is open-minded or not. For  For her, her goals are above all else, and no one can shake her determination to become stronger.  Just when the girl was reading a book, an alarm suddenly sounded. The girl squinted her eyes. She was really brave enough to venture into future technology without fear of death. The girl raised her head and asked, "What's going on?" The sapphire projection came out and said, "There is an unknown electronic signal.  The invasion is very powerful." After saying that, she left in a hurry. She looked down at the status of the supercomputer and saw that the supercomputer had cut off her practice with all the laboratories, and even the data had begun to countdown to destruction.  , and the backup system has begun to operate to support the operation of the entire future technology.  The girl¡¯s face immediately darkened, who is this?  It is so powerful that it can invade future technology. You must know that the girl is very confident in her company's supercomputer. What makes her unbelievable is that someone actually forced Qingyu to self-destruct to protect the company's information.  You know, once the data is destroyed, it also means that Qingyu will disappear.  The girl smiled coldly, and her super power changed instantly, imitating the wireless network and quickly connected to the network.  Strictly speaking, the girl's super energy wave is a kind of biological wave, which is essentially the same as ordinary radio waves, so as long as the girl wants, she can intervene in the network. Of course, the brain wave receptor also has this ability, but the brain  The radio wave receiver needs to be transformed before the computer can recognize the meaning of the brain waves. The girl imitated the radio waves and naturally and calmly entered the world of the Internet.  The girl quickly came to the battlefield, where Qingyu was struggling to resist the unknown enemy. The girl felt that the electronic waves used by the unknown enemy were very strange, somewhat similar to quantum computing methods. After the girl saw it,  I was a little surprised, and then I understood why Qingyu resisted so hard. If it was really a quantum computer, this would make sense, but is a quantum computer really possible?  At least, it is impossible to exist on earth. You must know that the girl has secretly confused many people to serve her. The girl has backups of all kinds of cutting-edge technologies. Even the girl has the information that the island country gave her, but  In order not to arouse the suspicion of the country, I chose a few very high-end technologies to show off.  The girl was certain that there could not be such an advanced quantum computer in this world. Of course, there was no absolute. The girl's super energy wave quickly headed towards the origin of this electronic wave.  The girl's actions startled the opponent, who began to withdraw his offensive steps and defend himself, but the girl's super wave quickly moved towards the place of origin, ignoring the opponent's reaction. After all, the girl's super wave  It was different from the computer's data. The other party's defense was of no use to her. The other party was also startled by the girl's speed and quickly withdrew its data stream, but was followed by the girl.  What made the girl strange was that the other party kept letting her chase him. He had no intention of giving up the car to save his handsomeness, and actually insisted on taking back these data streams. While following, the girl felt a wave of energy that made her feel very familiar.  breath.  The speed of the two people is very fast. You must know that in this world of radio waves, light is the speed of propagation.  In 1.3 seconds, the girl followed the opponent to his territory, and the flashing scene surprised the girl. She was actually in space. The girl suddenly realized that except for alien technology, who could defeat Qingyu so easily.  The girl followed the other party to a room, and saw a girl in an ice coffin. The frozen breath was circulating in the room, and data lines extended out from the underground of the ice coffin. The girl originally followed the data to the ice cap.  Yes, but?It was blocked by the powerful shield and turned into a separated spiritual body.  The girl was very surprised. This was the first time that the girl appeared in the outside world not in a fugue state but in a awake state. The girl now had two pictures in her mind, one was the girl in the office, and the other was the girl in this place.  According to the situation of the room, according to the scene mapped by the tail, this should be the moon.  It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered. There is actually a base on the moon?  Although the girl arrived in this room in just a moment, the entire base was reflected in her consciousness.  Just when this situation flashed through the girl's mind, a projection appeared in front of the girl. This projection was very real. As for projection, the projection of future technology is very good. No one on the earth can compare with it. But compared with  Compared with this projection, it is simply weak. I have to say that the technological gap is relatively large.  But the girl discovered an even stranger thing. The projection was exactly the same as the girl in the ice coffin. The girl felt a little strange, but didn't think much about it.  The projection on the opposite side seemed to be able to sense the girl's existence. She said to the girl: "Are you also the core of the brain?" The core of the brain?  What is that?  The girl didn't know clearly and just shook her head.  The surprised look on the other party's face made the girl very strange. She was not an intellectual core in the first place. What's so strange about this?  "How could you track me if it wasn't the core of the brain?" the projection on the other side asked again.  The girl didn't understand why the other party asked this. She frowned and said, "Is this important? All you need to do is simulate the brainwave data flow. Where is the need for an intelligent brain core?" The other party seemed to be shocked by the news and said in surprise.  : "How is this possible? Without the conversion of the intelligent brain conversion version, how could your brain waves become the existence of this kind of intelligent brain wave?" Is this important?  The girl felt speechless. It seemed that she understood what the girl meant, and the other person also ignored the topic.  Then he asked: "Why are you chasing me here? It seems that someone who wants to be powerful like you doesn't know the existence of the brain shield?" The girl suddenly felt that she was ignorant. What about the brain shield?  What is that?  As for why they were pursued here, the girl decided to answer her first question. As for the second question, the girl decided to ignore it.  "You hacked into my company's supercomputer, why do you think I have to chase you here?" The girl answered her question calmly.  The other person seemed to be stunned and stunned.  However, in fact, the girl felt a stream of data emerging again, but the other party did not go to Future Technology, but wandered around in other places.  The other party was also very fast. She said in surprise: "Are you really a human?" Apparently the other party had just gone out to find information about the girl, and the girl felt strange about the other party's question. What was wrong with being a human being?  ?  This should be normal, right?  Why did the other person ask that?  "Unexpectedly, I thought my technology was already very advanced, but I have to say that in terms of human body research, you have indeed gone a step further!" The projection shook his head very humanely, then looked up at the girl and said, "What can you do?"  The person I talked to hasn't come yet, can you talk to me?" The girl was also very curious about the other person, so she nodded and agreed. However, the girl was very uncomfortable with the current situation, so she asked the other person to contact her through the Internet.  Come to Qingyu and chat with yourself through the projection equipment there.  The other party also agreed, so the girl's heart moved and she returned to her body instantly. The girl felt a discomfort for a moment. However, after the red-purple lotus on the girl's forehead flashed slightly, the girl felt no discomfort at all, as if  What just happened was all an illusion.  The girl naturally felt the abnormal movement on her forehead, but she had no intention of exploring it. After all, the abnormal movement on her forehead was not just once or twice. According to the girl's understanding, once there was any abnormal movement on her forehead, she would feel a little uncomfortable.  was cleared. Although the girl wanted to find out and tried, she failed. In the end, she just told Lao Jiang, but there was no follow-up to this matter. After all, the girl's cultivation is the highest on earth, and she has no  There is no way to figure things out that others can't.  The girl had just tidied up when the other party came to her. After telling Qingyu not to resist, the two of them had a formal meeting. However, when the other party came, they thought the projection equipment was too distorted, so they modified the girl's words.  As expected, the driver of the projection equipment became more realistic. The other party was reluctantly satisfied. The girl wanted to complain about her indifferent character. Are you trying to show your superiority?  But anyway, this time the two people had a real face-to-face conversation.
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