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Text Chapter 212 The Journey of the Empire

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    During the period of Shen Ruoyu's absence, the entire galaxy was still very peaceful. The Soyou race suppressed by his powerful fleet still lived their lives very peacefully, and the subspace network distributed by Shen Ruoyu was also recognized by all races.  , in the subspace, from time to time you can see many very primitive races looking around here curiously, and you can also see many advanced civilizations talking and discussing business here. This network based on space technology has greatly shortened the entire  The distance and communication between all civilizations in the galaxy, and at the same time, all civilizations also know that there is a supreme civilization above them called the Zixiao Empire, and as the leader or emperor of the empire, one person can wipe out the entire Zerg race.  The super strong man or god who conquered the Zerg Mother Queen!  This is the first time that Shen Ruoyu has established faith on such a vast stage in the entire galaxy. Everything still needs to be explored and moved forward. Under Pangu's suggestion, a large-scale virtual game that integrates the legends of many civilizations, including some legends of the earth, was born.  Well, the biggest difference of this game is that all the technology and some enhancements can be converted into reality. Even some characters can be embodied into reality through cloning technology, and through the sub-system that covers the entire galaxy civilization.  Space light transmission technology is delivered to every owner, and what is needed for this is not money or any currency, but a so-called faith point. This technology can be said to be a collection of all Shen Ruoyu's advanced technologies, including  There are many achievements in magic, technology, biochemical genetic technology, etc. At the same time, everyone in the entire game is born on their own planet. If you want to go to other planets, you need to take a teleportation array or be powerful enough to cross physically.  universe.  Although a lot of technology and modern tools are included in it.  But its main body is still based on ancient mythology.  Among them, the main god of all planets or the god of gods is the image of Shen Ruoyu.  The biggest key in the game is the faith professions such as priests and templars in addition to ordinary professions. Only when you really have faith can you take up these professions and gain powerful power far beyond ordinary professions. The most important thing is  What is important is that priests who become followers of Shen Ruoyu will receive a certain amount of faith feedback in reality. Although the number of priests who can take up the job will definitely not be too many, as long as there are huge benefits, I believe that as long as everyone knows it.  After the benefits, there will definitely be more and more followers in the near future, and after Shen Ruoyu solves the Zerg problem.  The agenda of building temples and statues in all civilizations has also been put forward. Of course, this does not require each civilization to do it themselves. All costs and manpower will be paid by Shen Ruoyu¡¯s empire, and the styles of temples and statues are exactly the same as in the game, so  First, it will gain more people¡¯s recognition and familiarity.  In the first hundred years of the empire's calendar, the number of Shen Ruoyu's followers exceeded 100 billion, and these 100 billion were all fanatic believers with very fanatical beliefs. Each of them had mastered one or two magical arts from the feedback of their own beliefs, and even among them  Some of them have reached the level of partial body energyization, also called sanctification, just relying on the feedback of faith, although it is really pitiful for the entire galaxy.  And the vast majority of them are indigenous inhabitants of some wild planets who have very low levels of technology or have no technology at all. While there are also some on other planets with high levels of technology, they are based on what they themselves have accepted.  educate.  I understand that the so-called gods are just relatively powerful creatures, so the number of believers is very rare. However, this is exactly what Shen Ruoyu wants. After all, most of the believers in high-tech civilization actually choose to believe in Shen Ruoyu because it is profitable.  , there is absolutely no piety in the indigenous beliefs of those barbaric civilizations, and it is more difficult to integrate into Shen Ruoyu's own civilization system, unlike those believers in backward civilizations who can easily accept Shen Ruoyu's rule!  After all, he is not relying on these believers to expand his power at this time. What he is actually doing is to accept more believers and leave a little more civilization and diversity when the universe is destroyed in the future. As for those who do not believe in him  Then it has nothing to do with him.  At this time, the entire galaxy was very prosperous under the rule of the Empire. Although some wars were inevitable, it was generally very harmonious, and even wars under the supervision of the Empire would not affect civilians too much. At the same time, all wars occurred  Among civilizations that are uniformly registered, there will not be such a one-sided situation. All civilizations need to think carefully when launching a war. What's more, although there are many civilizations in the entire galaxy, in fact, no one has more planets and resources.  There are too many to count, so fighting for resources will basically never happen. Some wars will only occur when some are fighting for their own civilized territory.  And through which virtual game, many outstanding talents have emerged throughout the galaxy. No matter what aspect, there are extremely talented people. These people are progressingAfter the inspection, they were all recruited by Shen Ruoyu and assigned to suitable positions. Among them, several politicians and businessmen on the earth have also initially emerged. Their eloquent eloquence and ability to be honest and businesslike are fully displayed. They  One became the diplomatic ambassador and the other was assigned to the empire's business group and made a lot of contributions to the development and construction of the empire. However, due to the old problems of mankind, corruption and personal enrichment are also not less.  , but for the sake of being earthlings, even though they don't know that the person who rules the entire galaxy is an authentic earthling, they don't intend to be too harsh as long as Shen Ruoyu is not too harsh.  Among the many civilizations in the galaxy, there are many strange civilizations. One of the civilizations called Green Forest Planet lacks genes for war and fighting in its genes, so the entire civilization is very harmonious.  Because of this, this race is also very united and friendly, with few disputes among each other. In addition, the development time is not short, so its civilization process is relatively advanced, but there is very little research on weapons.  , but what does the earth say?  "When God closes a door, he will definitely leave a window for you." Although this race is very backward in weapons research and even dismisses it.  But for defense and self-protection technology, it can be said to be unparalleled in the entire galaxy.  Therefore, although the intelligent life on Green Forest Planet is very peace-loving.  However, it has never been conquered by other civilizations. Before Shen Ruoyu unified the entire galaxy, two advanced civilizations once united to attack Green Forest Star. Their huge combined fleet attacked Green Forest Star for two months.  Even though they spent countless amounts of energy and various strategic weapons, they didn't even kill a single Green Forest star, and they didn't even break through the planet's peripheral defense system. In the end, they had to announce their withdrawal due to excessive consumption.  Therefore, the Green Forest Stars are nicknamed the Undead Stars in the Milky Way. So far, no Green Forest Star has died in the war. When Shen Ruoyu led a huge fleet to unify the galaxy, the Green Forest Stars' defense system was called  Shen Ruoyu's fleet suffered a lot. Although not a single battleship was lost, the level of frustration was enough to make people vomit three liters of blood. In the end, Shen Ruoyu personally took action and used his strong personal combat power to break through the Green Forest Star.  Led to the surrender of Green Forest Star.  ??In the year 218 of the Imperial Calendar, the Ordos planet (too lazy to think about the name) is a planet with very backward technology.  A civilized planet that was still in the feudal dynasty, this planet was originally not famous.  And the location is very remote, but after Shen Ruoyu unified the galaxy, this planet gradually became known to other civilizations in the galaxy because it is rich in a creature called the Golden Fleece. The fur of this creature called the Golden Fleece is very  It is similar to the sheep on Earth, but its size is more than ten times larger and it is very aggressive. The most important thing is that this creature is an omnivore and is at the high end of the food chain on the native planet. This kind of golden fleece was originally only available locally.  It can only be used by emperors and nobles, and is protected and worshiped by the local people as a sacred animal. Only after the natural death of this creature will the fur be peeled off and made into clothing using a special method. The golden fur is indeed called  People find it very pleasing to the eye, and the fur itself has its own cleaning function, making it look extremely radiant at any time. The most important thing is that the clothes woven from this kind of wool are not only warm in winter and cool in summer, but also have its own cleaning function, and its defensive capabilities are also  It is comparable to clothing made of nanomaterials from many high-tech civilizations.  Therefore, after Shen Ruoyu unified the galaxy, the subspace network system was also connected to this planet. The first nobleman who landed on the subspace network saw many dazzling products and knew that the world was actually round, and he was not  In the center of the universe, outside their world, there are countless racial civilizations that are a thousand and ten thousand times more powerful than theirs. This nobleman is simply stupid. He wants to get a few pieces that he considers to be "peerless treasures".  "" items and "magic weapons", (there is no way to follow the civilization level, they can only see and buy things that are not much higher than their civilization) because there is no currency, they can only take out a golden fleece.  The clothes went to be exchanged, and after being evaluated by the network's own trading system, the huge value of the clothes woven by the golden wool suddenly alarmed many representatives of civilization, and the golden wool of Ordos also became famous.  Buyers gathered.  The nobles and royal families on that planet were very happy. If they were not afraid of public opposition and aroused public anger, they would even have the idea of ????hunting this creature directly. But even so, these nobles and royal families are also hunting secretly.  Many of these rare creatures have been discovered. If it weren't for their very powerful combat power, coupled with thousands of years of protection and reproduction, this kind of creatures would have been on the verge of extinction. I have to say that Shen Ruoyu's subspace network has really changed.  The life trajectories of species and civilizations are indispensable. ?? 260 years of the Imperial Calendar, and after more than two hundred years, the space outside the entire galaxy hasThe defense system and outpost stations have all been established. From now on, there is no need to worry about extragalactic civilizations easily entering the galaxy. This year is called the beginning of the Empire's resurgence.  In the 383rd year of the Imperial Calendar, the entire galaxy has basically entered a state of integration. All civilizations have basically acquiesced to Shen Ruoyu's rule. The empire has entered a period of great development. After being connected through the subspace network, the development process of civilization in the entire galaxy has been accelerated by ten years.  More than times.  In the 500th year of the Empire's calendar, the first huge joint expedition fleet with a number of 300 million ships, after the 500th anniversary ceremony hosted by Shen Ruoyu, established teleportation points and subspace networks along the way while heading towards the galaxy closest to the Milky Way.  Go, the fleet that carried out this order was the First Guards Corps of the Empire. As the first large fleet to go on an expedition to foreign lands, in addition to the warships responsible for the expedition, there were also various test and research ships and transport ships that transported various construction materials.  Twice as many as battleships, they not only shoulder the responsibility of the vanguard, but also need to establish outpost supply stations and subspace network systems along the way. At the same time, they also need to open up a safe route for the subsequent fleet. Therefore, whether this fleet is in  They are very powerful and elite in every aspect. Apart from Shen Ruoyu's immortal adamantine fleet, it can be said to be the most powerful fleet in the entire galaxy.  In the year 512 of the Imperial Calendar, the expedition fleet successfully found a safe route to enter the first extragalactic system, and the supply points and subspace network systems along the way were also completed.  In the year 515 of the Imperial Calendar, the expedition fleet obtained some information about this galaxy through various methods. It was learned that this extragalactic galaxy has not yet been unified. At the same time, due to the differences between galaxies, the expedition fleet encountered extremely strong resistance, and the conquest progress was far away.  Far behind the expected progress, at the same time, the second and third expedition fleets that had been prepared also completed their supplies and embarked on the journey in batches according to the legion organization.  In the 870th year of the Imperial Calendar, under the personal conquest of the Guards Fleet led by Shen Ruoyu, the Galaxy Expeditionary Fleet finally completed the extraterritorial conquest plan of the new galaxy. A large number of star immigrants were resettled in their new homes, and the Empire entered a new chapter.  , at the same time, the spread of faith also entered a period of revolution.  In the following time, Shen Ruoyu's Zixiao Imperial Fleet began a development period of conquest, and several Zerg Queens under his command were also sent out, relying on their powerful violent force capabilities to cooperate with the Imperial Fleet to quickly occupy  many galaxies.  In the 1000th year of the imperial calendar, Shen Ruoyu announced at the Millennium Ceremony that he had stopped his expansion plan and began to consolidate his rule and develop beliefs in the three newly conquered extragalactic systems, and to establish a more massive imperial defense system.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: Please give me a monthly ticket, the ** period is coming soon!! Please support!
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