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Text Chapter 211 Fighting Instinct

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    The reason why the Zerg attack was so lightly repelled was not because the Zerg were not strong enough. On the contrary, the Zerg's combat effectiveness was quite strong. If it weren't for Shen Ruoyu who unified the entire galaxy, and at the same time, his own technological development exceeded that of this universe, integrating various civilization technologies.  If Yu Yishen is concerned, then I believe that there will be little left in this galaxy even if the Zerg are defeated in the end. It is not impossible for the whole civilization to be wiped out. From the perspective of the Zerg itself, it is: "It is not the emperor."  The army is not strong, but the Eighth Route Army is too fierce. "But no matter what, the first Zerg attack was repulsed, but it did not shake its foundation. As long as it gets enough resources and supplies, it won't take long for the Zerg to defeat them.  can develop and grow again, so both Shen Ruoyu and other civilizations began to search for traces of the Zerg throughout the galaxy, and finally discovered the Zerg army in a galaxy without any living planets. In this galaxy, except for the main star, other  All the planets have been turned into nourishment for the Zerg, leaving only some ruins. Countless Zerg have built a very ugly base camp here. The entire huge galaxy is basically full of various Zerg, and there are even many Zerg near the stars.  Strange jellyfish-like bugs surrounded it, seemingly absorbing the light and heat of the star. In the buildings composed of many bugs, countless bugs were hatching out of them.  The horror is indeed well-deserved.  When Shen Ruoyu got the news, he did not alert the snake and mobilize a large force to encircle and suppress the enemy. Instead, he went alone on his Golden Dragon flagship to conquer. Anyway, most of his elite fleet was in his world and could be summoned at any time.  .  And he also wants to know where the limit of his current strength is.  There is no more powerful and numerous enemy than the Zerg!  After approaching the galaxy where the Zerg is located.  Shen Ruoyu put away the Golden Dragon flagship from a distance, and then rushed toward the Zerg alone wearing his purple dragon armor and holding a dragon gun. The vacuum of the universe gave him unparalleled speed. When he tried to approach the limit,  It was almost reaching the speed of light, but it was always just a little bit unable to break through. After reaching the cordon of the Zerg, Shen Ruoyu reduced his speed, and then like a fearless warrior, he stepped through the void step by step towards the Zerg's lair.  Shen Ruoyu's heart was burning with unprecedented passion.  Facing the overwhelming Zerg, Shen Ruoyu waved the dragon gun in his hand, and huge energy was poured into it to form a dragon gun shadow hundreds of meters long. There was no skill or dodge. No matter the Zerg or the weapons they fired along the way,  The biological rays and acid were all swept away by Shen Ruoyu with one shot. The hot holy flames emitted a dark golden light in this galaxy. Whether it was a huge Zerg warship, a tank bug or a plasma bug, they all looked unbearable in front of Shen Ruoyu.  One blow, but they still rushed towards Shen Ruoyu one after another, with almost no time to think. Shen Ruoyu did not use his time ability, because that would seem to lose the meaning of fighting.  What's more, facing the overly broad distribution range of the Zerg, the distance covered by his power of time still seems a bit small.  Fighting.  Constantly fighting.  Unconsciously, Shen Ruoyu didn't know how many Zerg he had killed, and he didn't know how much time had passed, but the number of Zerg was still endless. Shen Ruoyu, who had never experienced such a long period of high-intensity fighting, felt a little tired.  It's not the exhaustion caused by physical numbness but mental numbness. Facing the trillions of Zerg, even if he is as strong as Shen Ruoyu, he can't advance very far. Whenever he wants to teleport, he will feel an indescribable force.  The incoming power prevented his teleportation. It seemed that there were units among the Zerg that could block space.  Many times Shen Ruoyu wanted to give up this seemingly meaningless battle and directly release his invincible fleet, but there was a voice in his heart that kept persuading him to persist. He knew that this was actually his stubborn temper.  Play a role, stubbornly believe that you can do it, and as long as you persist, you will always achieve your goal.  So he persisted like this, one day, two days, three days,  I don't know how long it has passed, but this battle is still going on. Although it seems that the number of Zerg around Shen Ruoyu has not decreased, in fact, if you look at the entire galaxy, you will find that the originally dense Zerg figures have become much sparse at this time.  The buildings that produce Zerg combat units have already swallowed some of the worker bees that have lost their collection targets. Most of the more worker bees are risking their lives around Shen Ruoyu to collect some large Zerg fragments to supply those who produce them.  Combat units are built with sufficient material and energy.  Why didn¡¯t Shen Ruoyu stop it?  Because at this time he had fallen into an extremely strange state. After such a long battle, even if Shen Ruoyu had huge mental powerThe character in ? also felt that he couldn't bear it. He was too exhausted a few days ago and consumed a lot of energy, which made him feel sleepy. If it weren't for a trace of persistence in his heart, he would have left here long ago, but just  Because of this persistence, his spirit spontaneously fell into a state of dormancy after he was exhausted to the extreme. However, because he was in the middle of a battle, apart from shielding all unnecessary consumption such as feelings and emotions, he only had the fighting instinct.  The sub-personality of was born, what is the saying?  "Because you are focused, you are professional" is not wrong at all. After the main personality fell into dormancy, this sub-personality with only fighting instinct immediately took over the battle. At the same time, the original fighting style also suddenly changed, and everyone  His movements and energy were consumed just right, without using any more power or extraneous movements. While maintaining the same enemy-killing efficiency or even improving it, Shen Ruoyu's energy consumption and physical consumption dropped by one percent.  More than half.  At the same time, Pangu also sent down an oracle to ask all believers belonging to Shen Ruoyu to start praying devoutly to increase the speed of obtaining the power of faith. At the same time, all other types of energy that were consumed too much were blocked, leaving only the power of faith to obtain.  The inexhaustible energy is used by this sub-personality. Fortunately, after the modification of the sub-personality.  His own energy consumption has been reduced a lot.  Otherwise, Shen Ruoyu, who really lacks personality, would use it!  ??Just keep fighting.  This is the third time that Shen Ruoyu's main personality has woken up from a deep sleep. When he wakes up, the temporarily established sub-personality will be directly transformed into something like experience points and reintegrated into his main personality, and  After a short period of fusion, the various combat experiences and instincts of the sub-personality will become the experience of the main personality. In this way, although it is very tiring and painful to fight until falling asleep, the combat experience gained every time after waking up is called Shen Ruoyu  It is of great use, it can be said to be painful and happy at the same time.  It's hard to talk about the sourness in it.  After an unknown amount of time of fighting, the number of Zerg that originally occupied the entire galaxy has become less and less. Several times, the mother queen of the Zerg tried to abandon most of the Zerg to make another space jump, but she was betrayed by Xin Xue Xin.  Shen Ruoyu, who learned the ability of space confinement from the Zerg, was destroyed by interference. Therefore, the Mother Queen had to repeatedly scold other units to produce enough combat units to organize Shen Ruoyu's advance. This resulted in the number of other units of the Zerg being reduced.  There are fewer and fewer. If it were not for the continuous supply of energy from the stars, the Queen Mother would have been in a dilemma at this time, but even so, the number of combat units she could produce was much less. However, as the battle progressed  continued.  The combat effectiveness of the Zerg combat units has improved a lot, which more or less made up for the embarrassment of insufficient numbers.  But for now, the defeat of the Zerg seems inevitable.  But after such a long battle, even after Shen Ruoyu obtained the combat instinct provided by his sub-personality, his energy consumption reached a limit, but he persisted because he was unwilling to give up.  Fortunately, although his body has insufficient energy, its strength, defense and physical strength that have been trained inside the neutron star are still very strong. Even without any additional energy, it is enough to destroy many insect units, although it is impossible to do so.  At the beginning, the gods killed the gods and the Buddhas killed the Buddhas, but they also killed the Zerg very efficiently.  The situation at this time is a bit embarrassing, similar to the old saying "a weak man is afraid of both sides". Both sides have almost reached a limit, but no one has given up. It can only depend on who persists longer.  Finally, when only a few necessary Zerg units were left in the entire galaxy, a wave of mental power came over, and Shen Ruoyu's originally very fast reaction seemed a little numb at this time. After only a trace of reaction,  After that, he accepted the spiritual message. Sure enough, it was a message from the Zerg Queen. The main idea was that the respected and powerful Zerg Queen recognized his power and was willing to negotiate and never invade this galaxy again. I hope he can  Shen Ruoyu wanted to let him go, but Shen Ruoyu was strong-willed at this time, and directly expressed the idea of ??surrender or death, and burst out other energy that had entered the cultivation stage. At the same time, the Golden Dragon flagship and a large number of immortal battleships also  After being released, he seemed to have infinite fighting power for a while, and the result was natural. No life wanted to die, especially a creature like the Queen Mother who stood at the top of almost the entire universe did not want to die easily. As a result,  Shen Ruoyu decisively knelt down to Shen Ruoyu, and after reluctantly signing the soul contract, Shen Ruoyu fell asleep directly in the universe, making the Zerg mother queen who had just signed the contract regret and almost commit suicide. Your sister is almost dying and you still scare people.  I was so scared that I sold myself and became your subordinate in vain, but it turns out that you can¡¯t do it either!  "It's a pity that after signing the soul contract, no matter how much she regretted it, it was of no use. She could only hold her nose and admit it, and things would be simple after that."?Without Shen Ruoyu's order, all the warships and the Golden Dragon flagship began to deploy around Shen Ruoyu, and Shen Ruoyu himself was also taken into the lounge during the period for energy replenishment and training, and after the Zerg Queen signed the contract  He also collects all remaining materials in the galaxy and strives to restore his strength.  After this battle, although Shen Ruoyu's body was very exhausted and his spirit fell into a deep sleep, the benefits he gained are self-evident. First of all, his fighting ability has been greatly enhanced. He is no longer the same as before.  He has an overwhelming and rough fighting style, and his fighting ability has almost been improved by half. Moreover, after this battle, some of the imperfections in his body have been restored after this high-intensity battle.  He has evolved to be more suitable for combat and defense. The originally very compact cells in his body have become even closer together again, and the energy contained in them has also increased by about 30%. In addition, he has conquered another type of Zerg mother.  The emperor's combat power in the universe has been improved again, not to mention the space confinement ability he learned from the mother emperor. After waking up, I believe he can get more information about space from the mother emperor.  The use of power!  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: Please vote for me~~~~
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