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Text Chapter 201 Star Wars

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    When Shen Ruoyu was attacked by the Green Lantern Corps soldiers, he had just left a magical world that almost made him forget to leave. The technology there may not be developed, but the space technology is used proficiently, although this is also due to this planet  It is a specialty ore with space properties, but the development of its civilization is absolutely amazing. The biggest specialty of this planet is a variety of space equipment, which originally required high technology to build.  Space equipment is very common on this strange planet, and the stability and safety of its space equipment are also very good. Many stores even accept customers' customization of the style of space equipment. The most common ones are rings.  In addition, there are all kinds of books. These books can not only store various items and display the stored items on the books, but even some living creatures and various energy attacks can be stored in the books. The most advanced  The space book can even directly block and seal the enemy's attack. I heard that there is also a book on this planet that can seal or store an entire planet. Although Shen Ruoyu searched here for a long time, he did not find this book.  But he was also wealthy enough to exchange more than a dozen warships for a rare and powerful book with more than 300 pages on the market, and it also came with a dozen powerful slave warriors and ten more  A powerful energy attack that can be used at any time, it even thoughtfully comes with a castle and a dozen well-trained servants, as well as countless food and various supplies. This is simply a must-have artifact for home travel.  !

    While he was sitting in a huge battleship, playing with space books and trying to seal several battleships in, the fleet's communication system suddenly received a communication request.  The chapters are updated the fastest. Shen Ruoyu didn¡¯t care at the time.  So it was very natural to connect to the holographic communication system inside the battleship.  Suddenly a green guy appeared in front of Shen Ruoyu. This guy was very majestic and looked like the Hulk wearing a metal armor. After he saw Shen Ruoyu, he originally wanted to say something.  The other party was suddenly startled, then looked at something and said to Shen Ruoyu: "Are you coming from the direction of the earth? Did you snatch the ring belonging to the Green Lantern Warrior?"

    Only then did Shen Ruoyu remember that the other party was originally a soldier of the Green Lantern Corps. Although he could refuse to admit it, Shen Ruoyu, who did not want to lie, still nodded and said: "Yes. I am the person who came from the earth, and I also came from a  The Earthlings have grabbed a Green Lantern ring, but I have no ill intentions and have no intention of fighting against the Green Lantern Corps. I will personally go to the planet Austria where the Green Lantern Corps headquarters is located to apologize and pay a visit to the elders of the Council of Elders!"

    "Hand over the Green Lantern ring! Then follow me back to the headquarters. You are wanted by the Green Lantern Corps. If you don't want to suffer a devastating blow, you should surrender as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have no other choice when other Green Lantern Corps soldiers who stay behind arrive.  There's no room left!" the green lantern corps soldier said extremely arrogantly.

    Knowing that this war with the Green Lantern Corps is inevitable, Shen Ruoyu didn¡¯t want to talk nonsense anymore.  Thousands of warships were directly separated from the cluster of millions of warships and rushed towards the Green Lantern Corps warrior, and then the other warships flew towards the Green Lantern Corps headquarters again unhurriedly.  Shen Ruoyu doesn't plan to jump in space now. If he doesn't scare these guys who claim to be the guardians of the universe, he won't get a good look even if he gets to the Austrian planet. Only after letting them know how powerful he is, he will probably  Will they really listen to their own ideas "calmly"?

    After all, in this universe, everything still depends on force!

    About twelve Earth hours later, the fleet previously sent to stop the Green Lantern Warrior caught up. The nearly 3,000 warships that were originally sent out have now only returned less than a thousand. It seems that the combat effectiveness of these Green Lantern Warriors is still  pretty good!  Don't underestimate these battleships made by Shen Ruoyu using currently mined materials. Although they are not as good as his fine gold battleships, the battleships of those battleships will definitely not be any worse than the battleships of some advanced interstellar civilizations!  Coupled with the mechas and space fighters carried inside each battleship, that is definitely a number that makes people feel desperate!

    It seems that he still underestimated these Green Lantern Corps warriors. No wonder they can call themselves the guardians of the universe. They are just ordinary Green Lantern warriors, and their strength can reach this level. Shen Ruoyu is indeed a little surprised, but  It was just a little unexpected, not enough to make him feel any pressure. Even if all more than 3,000 Green Lantern Corps soldiers were present, it would probably only cause him some trouble, right?  !  But he didn¡¯t mean to be careless at all, because the universe is so big!  It's hard to imagine that there will be some skills or dangers that he doesn't understand or know about, but if you want to defeat him, you must at least destroy these warships, which number in the millions or nearly ten million.Bar!  Otherwise, you won¡¯t let them see this **** boss easily!  Hey~~~Why do you feel like you have become the villain?  Something is wrong!  !

    Shen Ruoyu didn't hesitate for long. Some of the Green Lantern warriors who received the notification received the notification from the injured green lantern and quickly rushed to the front of Shen Ruoyu's fleet to intercept. The two sides started to fight without any nonsense.  The exchange of fire, and Shen Ruoyu, who was sitting at the center of the entire fleet, was watching with great interest the various mimic changes and different attack methods of these Green Lanterns one after another, and even obtained some skills after they were used.  Shen Ruoyu's praise is extremely high, if you can like it, there will be at least thirty-two likes!

    At the forefront of the battle, countless space battleships, mechas and small space fighter planes were shuttled back and forth to attack the Green Lanterns. The Green Lanterns were also unable to show their weakness, not the various green ones that appeared in the universe.  Meteorites, huge shields, green energy cannons, walls that suddenly appeared, neutron star white dwarfs with huge gravity The scene was extremely exciting. Although Shen Ruoyu's fleet had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers,  But there was nothing they could do against these Green Lantern Corps soldiers in a short period of time.  These guys took the opportunity to blow up many battleships and mechas.  But Shen Ruoyu didn't care at all.  This is just his temporary boredom. If he wants to, he can build a super fleet even larger than this fleet at any time in the shortest possible time. After all, there is no shortage of anything in this universe.  Minerals and Resources.

    As time went by, the battleships and mechas, all controlled by robots, had no intention of retreating at all, but the green light warriors clearly began to show a hint of fatigue. The attack and defense that had been so well coordinated also experienced a slight delay.  A Green Lantern warrior who looked like a leprechaun from mythology and legend was hit by an energy cannon.  These Green Lantern Warriors began to retreat consciously, and Shen Ruoyu had no intention of staying, so he ordered the attack to stop and directly let these Green Lantern Warriors go.

    After cleaning up the battlefield waste and recycling it, Shen Ruoyu took inventory of his battle losses and found that nearly 10,000 battleships were destroyed in this battle. Although after recycling, Shen Ruoyu got another 3,000 battleships, but he still directly  Seven thousand battleships were lost, and the skills or imagination used by those Green Lantern warriors just now were eye-opening to Shen Ruoyu.  This made him a little impatient to see the battle between the Green Lantern Warriors and his battleships again. It was simply better than any movie special effects, and it was so many times more realistic that he felt extremely excited!

    ?As robot warriors who can work all the time without any rest.  Shen Ruoyu's forward speed was not delayed at all. Even when the Green Lantern Corps soldiers came to harass before, the fleet's overall forward speed showed no sign of slowing down at all. Except for leaving a part to face the enemy, the other warships seemed not to see it.  Like any enemy, they are still moving forward persistently, and Shen Ruoyu has no intention of expanding the size of the fleet again. He is advancing towards the Austrian planet without stopping at all. The entire fleet is like a huge planet surrounding Shen Ruoyu's flagship.  It formed a complete circle and rolled towards the front. Along the way, both interstellar pirates and passing spaceships of other civilizations were frightened and stayed away. However, it also attracted many alien spaceships that liked to watch the excitement and followed it.  Afterwards, Shen Ruoyu did not expel him. Anyway, he had no intention of sneaking to Planet Ao, so he could follow if he wanted to.

    After a period of time, the Green Lantern Corps continued to send people to attack Shen Ruoyu, and the largest number even reached nearly three hundred people. However, in addition to a dozen Green Lantern soldiers who were captured by Shen Ruoyu, they could not even face Shen Ruoyu.  They were repulsed without even seeing it. After realizing Shen Ruoyu's power, the elders of the Presbyterian Council were also a little nervous. They quickly ordered the high-level interstellar civilization under their rule to dispatch a fleet to cooperate with the Green Lantern warriors who went to conquer Shen Ruoyu's huge fleet.  During this period, Shen Ruoyu had a good quiet period. Near an interstellar buffer zone that was not too far away from Planet Ao, the multi-race huge alien fleet and five hundred Green Lantern warriors that had finally assembled finally stopped them.  With Shen Ruoyu's fleet, a battle is about to begin!

    At this time, Shen Ruoyu was also very excited. Is there such a thing as Star Wars?  Is there any live broadcast?  The two sides stopped less than a light-year apart. At this time, Shen Ruoyu truly revealed his true purpose, threatening to ask the elders of Planet Ao to hand over the method of collecting various emotions and wills in the universe, otherwise  If so, he doesn't guarantee that he will do anything dangerous.

    After talking nonsense for a while, Shuangfa decided to call it quits decisively!

    The fleet that originally surrounded Shen Ruoyu's flagship poured out in an orderly manner toward the battlefield, led by the Green Lantern Corps.Not to be outdone, the warships rushed forward. The combined number of warships on both sides reached more than 10 million, and soon entered each other's range. Suddenly, millions of various energy rays, missiles and various  The electromagnetic weapon was fired at the opponent, and the dark universe illuminated by the strong light lit up. It was consumed in the middle of several galaxies. There were no stars, otherwise it would not have been known to explode at this moment.  How many planets are there!

    Although both sides had energy shields, the too intensive attacks still turned the front troops of both sides into brilliant fireworks. However, this did not block the attack trend of each other's warships. Soon, the warship clusters of both sides were  There was a complete melee, and countless space fighters and mechas were also released. The whole scene was extremely shocking and exciting. Otherwise, some warships would have suffered too many attacks and their protective shields would rupture. In the end,  Turn into a wisp of dust in the universe.

    At this time, Shen Ruoyu, who was sitting in the palace-style flagship, was also dazzled by the sight of the fighters that passed by quickly from time to time, as well as the desperate fight between the mechas holding light energy shields, laser guns and plasma battle axes.  Fighting, even some battleships that were almost unable to hold on but still rushed towards the enemy and exploded, his blood and passion belonging to men were completely aroused, but he also knew that his ability was too strong, and if he joined, he would  It was impossible to feel any passion, so he had no choice but to continue watching quietly from the throne in the palace. No wonder people on the Internet always say that "a man's journey is the sea of ??stars." The mystery and vastness of the universe are really addictive.

    However, Shen Ruoyu's regret of not being able to participate in this battle was quickly broken. Hundreds of people who had made themselves invisible through magical means quietly came near the palace, which he wrote in ancient Chinese characters as "Pantheon".  Little bug, there are no battleships guarding the Pantheon at this time. All the battleships have been thrown into the battlefield, and a large part of the Green Lanterns have also participated, but there are still about a hundred or so Green Lanterns taking advantage of it.  When no one was paying attention, he quietly came to the vicinity of the Pantheon standing alone at the back of the battlefield. His purpose was naturally self-evident, and his idea was to eliminate Shen Ruoyu first and then deal with the fleet.

    After these guys who thought they were secretive slowly entered the Pantheon at a speed that would never cause the protective shield to react, they unexpectedly did not find any guards or defense systems. Little did they know that their every move had already been shown in front of Shen Ruoyu.  , and the reason why he entered the palace so easily was also the result of Shen Ruoyu closing the defense shield and all defense systems. In order to allow these guys to enter smoothly, he even took away all the guards guarding the Pantheon.  When he came back, he himself was waiting for the guest with a hint of excitement and smile. A sense of immediacy emerged that he was the Great Demon King waiting for the brave man. In order to more truly experience the feeling of the Great Demon King, Shen Ruoyu  Still, he sent waves of stronger men to die, from the yellow scarf warriors at the beginning, to the heavenly soldiers, to the enhanced biochemical beasts, to the last one hundred original Golden Legion warriors who had been eliminated, then  The exciting battle scenes made Shen Ruoyu extremely happy to watch, and in the process, he also successfully captured about twenty Green Lantern Warriors of the opponent. On the surface, it seemed that they were killed by Shen Ruoyu, but in fact, they were all killed by Shen Ruoyu as they walked.  Later, they were all resurrected using time powers. Then, when the Green Lantern Warriors pulled these guys out and threatened them in their astonished eyes, the feeling of being full of evil demons would be complete, right?  (To be continued)

    PS: Please vote for the monthly ticket~~~I have a bad cold~~I have a headache~~I am not very satisfied with this chapter, but I have a severe headache, so let¡¯s just read it!
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