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Text Chapter 200: Interstellar travel experiences

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    When Shen Ruoyu is wanted, what is he doing now?

    On an unknown alien race planet, Shen Ruoyu was drinking wine that tasted very strange but felt very good in a bar with a very weird decoration with a strong man who looked like a Draenei in World of Warcraft.  The bar was very lively, with countless weird-looking alien races gathered together, some gambling, some fighting, and some talking loudly, while Shen Ruoyu was sitting on the bar counter with the first friend he met on this planet.  He was chatting excitedly, and the strong man about two meters tall sitting opposite him was a wandering interstellar mercenary. He often shuttled back and forth between some planets, undertaking various guard or escort jobs, and occasionally took on  Some missions are to eliminate interstellar pirates or powerful monsters on some planets.

    This is already the ninety-ninth year since he left the earth and sailed the Golden Dragon in the universe. During these ninety-nine years, he relied on the alien race information in the green light ring to go to many places, even many places marked as extremely dangerous.  I also went a lot and saw many beautiful and spectacular cosmic beauties and various extremely dangerous interstellar situations. Once, out of confidence in myself, Shen Ruoyu even specifically searched for a neutron star that was only about ten kilometers away.  The densest star outside a black hole, the precursor of a neutron star is usually a star more massive than the sun.  The huge pressure generated during its explosive collapse caused huge changes in its material structure.  In this case, not only the outer shell of the atom is crushed, but also the nucleus.  The protons and neutrons in the nucleus are squeezed out, and the protons and electrons are squeezed together and combined into neutrons.  at last.  All the neutrons are packed together.  Neutron stars are formed.  The outer layer of a neutron star is a solid shell.  It is about one kilometer thick and has a density of more than 100 billion grams per cubic centimeter. The surface gravity of the neutron star chosen by Shen Ruoyu is 67 billion times that of the Earth!

    The purpose itself is to survive the biggest crisis in the universe: the destruction of the universe!  This dangerous goal is the goal, so Shen Ruoyu, who has this goal, must at least conquer the various dangers and cosmic wonders that already exist in this universe first!  In order to conquer this neutron star, Shen Ruoyu spent almost three years gradually approaching and slowly adapting. During this period, due to its strong gravity, the cells in Shen Ruoyu's body automatically adjusted and changed again and again, and  Its density, energy reserve capabilities and self-defense are gradually improved.  If it weren't for the fact that he could multiply his own cells indefinitely, then by the time he actually reached the surface of the neutron star, he would probably only be a few centimeters taller. During this period, he would have almost missed it several times due to various dangers and his own energy riots.  It killed Shen Ruoyu. Even when he actually set foot on the surface of the neutron star, the dense energy and super strong gravity on the neutron star continued to compress the external energy into his body, and finally had to dissipate a large part of the energy into his spirit.  Only the world can solve this crisis of excess energy.

    In the next two years, Shen Ruoyu practiced on the neutron star naked, there was nothing he could do!  Not to mention the tens of millions of surface temperatures on the neutron star, even the tens of billions of times the gravity, no material can withstand it.  As a planet, a neutron star has nearly one kilometer of solid material on its surface.  But most of them are composed of lattice structures composed of various atomic nuclei and simple free electron gases. These atoms and electrons are only solids formed under the huge gravity of the neutron star. But once they are separated from the huge gravity  , then it is estimated that the explosion is light, and it is not impossible to form a small black hole instantly. Therefore, after two years of hard digging and refining, Shen Ruoyu finally obtained a gorgeous armor composed of real neutron star material. This piece  Although the armor does not have any other functions, there are very few weapons in the universe that can cause damage to it based solely on the neutron star material. It can even be said that as long as he is on board this armor on a living planet,  Then without him taking action, the super powerful gravity and magnetic field on its armor can easily destroy or crush a planet!

    Two years after arriving at the neutron star, the Golden Dragon, which was also moving slowly towards the neutron star in outer space, also arrived at the outskirts of the neutron star. There was no way, whether it was physical strength or overall size, Shen Ruoyu was much stronger than the Golden Dragon, so by the time he had arrived  Two years after the neutron star, the Golden Dragon slowly gradually adapted to and approached the neutron star. When the Golden Dragon can really move freely on the neutron star, its own evolution will reach a peak. This change will  It will greatly shorten the growth time of the Golden Dragon. As the armor of the Golden Dragon, the Golden Dragon battleship made of fine gold has also been continuously improving the strength of its own shield in the past two years. At the same time, scientists are also studying non-stop.  Among the various practical uses of neutron stars, the one that excites Shen Ruoyu the most is to transform the neutron star into a war fortress, relying on its strong gravity and extremely hard body.??, without any other weapons, Neutron Star can become an unrivaled invincible battleship!

    But in the end Shen Ruoyu vetoed the proposal, not for anything else but because if the Neutron Star Battle Fort was really completed, he would not be able to take it with him when he left this world. Shen Ruoyu vetoed it.  With this proposal, he didn't want to destroy his spiritual world just for a neutron star!

    In the end, Shen Ruoyu waited on the neutron star for almost ten years. The Golden Dragon finally adapted to the environment of the neutron star. Its combat capabilities were dozens of times stronger than when it was first created in all aspects. It even relied on its evolved dragon breath.  Flame, the Golden Dragon also extracted a so-called "Dragon Pearl" on the neutron star!  In this way, not only can this dragon ball be relied on to quickly absorb the free energy in the universe, but it can also be used as an extremely powerful star-killing weapon when it is sprayed out and smashed at the opponent in an emergency.

    At a speed of 150,000 kilometers per second, Shen Ruoyu finally left the neutron star after ten years, and his own energy reserves and body density reached the level of neutron star material. In order to isolate this phenomenon, Shen Ruoyu entered the universe again  I practiced for about half a year.  Only then can we truly grasp the power of this rapid advancement.  without any exaggeration.  Shen Ruoyu has completely reached the ranks of fierce men who can punch planets to pieces, not to mention his spiritual power that is more powerful than the human body. Crushing a planet in the air with a snap of his fingers is no longer a joke!  With this power, mom no longer has to worry about his safety!

    After that, Shen Ruoyu did not challenge any wonders of the universe or dangerous Jedi, but began to live a wandering life in the universe. Every time he went to a galaxy or planet, Shen Ruoyu would carefully look for all kinds of things that were useful to him.  supplies.  At the same time, his strong curiosity also drove him to take non-dangerous adventures on every planet he discovered. Whether it was a planet with life or a deserted planet, he was very curious to explore. Even Shen Ruoyu found a planet full of plants.  On the planet, a plant life was also discovered that was not marked on the Green Lantern records. This plant life is somewhat timid and very kind. Although it is not very intelligent, it is undoubtedly an intelligent life!  Through research, it seems that in addition to photosynthesis, they can also engage in symbiosis with carbon-based life. This symbiosis is extremely beneficial!

    These plant life forms can absorb impurities and excretions from carbon-based life forms as their nutrients.  And protected by carbon-based life!  In return, they regulate the physical state of carbon-based life to a limited extent, keeping it in a very healthy state.  It increases the reaction speed and strength of carbon-based life and the recovery speed of the body, and can also communicate and interact at the spiritual level, helping carbon-based life to do some less complicated things.

    After symbiosis, this kind of plant life will turn into an existence such as a piece of clothing or a blanket and cloak, and can change its shape according to needs. It can be said to be a very perfect symbiotic plant life. For this reason, Shen Ruoyu stays here.  After half a year, he reached an agreement with these plant life and moved to his spiritual world, becoming a new race in his spiritual world, and this life also received the enthusiasm of the children of the World Tree: the elves.  Love it and become a permanent resident of the Elf Kingdom!  At the same time, all kinds of green clothes transformed from these plant life became popular in the entire spiritual world!

    For another example, the racial civilization he discovered on a planet full of magma and various toxic gases looked exactly like the legendary Balrog. This racial civilization was not very advanced in science and technology, but it was extremely good at metallurgy.  And refining, and the personal combat power of this race is extremely powerful. The unique blood refining method of their race can create metal with flame properties. The destructive power of weapons made of this metal is extremely terrifying, basically the same as that of high-level civilizations.  The high-energy laser swords are almost the same, and there is a fruit on this planet. If this fruit is refined and debugged, it can improve the resistance and affinity to fire according to its race. Therefore, although this race is not yet  Star civilization, but there are not a few alien adventurers who come here. As long as you don't trade too high-tech items to the local indigenous people, basically no one will care about you.

    Shen Ruoyu has even been to a planet called Peace Star. Not only is the scenery on this planet extremely beautiful, but there are no carnivores on the entire planet, but the various species miraculously maintain a stable balance. The most famous  The only thing is that as long as you arrive on this planet, you will not be able to give birth to any desire to fight and kill. There will only be deep peace and ease. Even war robots cannot resist this characteristic. It seems that the magnetic field of the entire planet is soothing it.  The restless hearts of all kinds of creatures and machines, so this can be said to be the safest resort and prison. Well~~ of course it is also the freest prison. As long as you come here, you will not have any thoughts of committing a crime, even if  No matter how vicious and evil the most annoying person is, he is still like a small child when he reaches this place.Sheep are generally docile and quiet!

    Shen Ruoyu even encountered a civilization on a planet similar to the Zerg in StarCraft. All civilizations of this race are based on various organisms with different functions. The only difference is that this civilization still has  It is a lawful civilization, not the predatory civilization of the Zerg. Its most important commodity is various Zerg warriors who are basically not very intelligent, but are absolutely loyal, and a process unique to this race.  The Zerg absorb the energy metal excreted after digestion!

    The various alien civilizations and customs made Shen Ruoyu unable to leave, and he was completely immersed in the wonderful journey. Of course, it was not that he had never encountered hostile forces such as interstellar pirates, but the results naturally need not be said.  In addition to adding some fun to travel, the interstellar pirates' rich collections, their secret routes, and various deep-hidden lairs only add to Shen Ruoyu's joy of exploring treasures.

    After a period of time, Shen Ruoyu's genetic and biochemical technology, or genetic samples, as well as various materials science and unique technology unique to each interstellar race, reached another peak of improvement, with countless novel genes.  and materials fell into Shen Ruoyu's hands one after another. At the same time, various cultivation civilizations and some strange civilization development methods that Shen Ruoyu had never thought about impacted his knowledge. At the same time, Shen Ruoyu also met many powerful people and friends from various planets.  , although some unfriendly civilizations also appeared, Shen Ruoyu did not do anything drastic. He only left after secretly obtaining new genetic samples and technology as well as the unique features of his civilization. The beginning of this chapter  It is the epitome of Shen Ruoyu in a star civilization.

    This experience of nearly a hundred years not only improved Shen Ruoyu's knowledge and experience, but also gave him a new understanding of the relationship between life and civilization. At the same time, Shen Ruoyu quietly understood many people who have not left their own planet or are still living in relatively backward civilization planets.  Earth has sent many modulated native clones or robots to spread faith inside the planet. Most of the time, Shen Ruoyu is like an adventurer of top technological civilization, happily wandering back and forth among many planets, and  Develop various mineral deposits and energy sources on the ownerless planet, working hard like a little bee sucking the honey of the universe. At the same time, various universes are built according to local conditions and based on the resources and energy mined from different planets.  Battleships and robot legions have also begun to become larger and larger. Although these battleships of varying quality are just Shen Ruoyu's game creations, their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. If nothing else, they have basically destroyed all advanced civilizations in the entire galaxy.  That¡¯s no problem at all!

    Such a pleasant trip did not take a new turn until he met the first Green Lantern Corps soldier who recognized him and was attacked by him. Otherwise, there is no telling how long Shen Ruoyu will continue to wander in the universe.  Think of your own business.  (To be continued)

    ps: I have a cold and a splitting headache. I can¡¯t continue to think about new chapters and movies for the time being. People who don¡¯t save manuscripts can¡¯t afford to be hurt!  Asking for a monthly ticket~~
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