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Text Chapter 566: All kinds of things in the world

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    Things in this world may not necessarily have results, but they will all have an end. The matter between him and Shi Zhen has finally come to an end. He said what he always wanted to say, did what the other party needed him to do, and gave  Shi Zhen gave an explanation and also gave himself an explanation.  Children, teenagers, youth, middle age, old age, everyone will go through these five stages of life. The same person at different ages will think about problems from different angles and depths, no matter how cautious and thoughtful they are.  , what you do may not necessarily be correct when you recall it ten or decades later.  Right and wrong are relative and cannot be used as criteria or standards for human conduct. Whether it is worth doing is the criterion for judgment. If something is worth doing, do it immediately. Do not delay due to external reasons.  Even if you make a mistake, don't miss it. You can correct your mistakes, but you can't correct your mistakes.  The reason why he didn't marry Shi Zhen back then was not that he didn't like Shi Zhen or that Shi Zhen was half Hu people, but that he was too hypocritical at that time and didn't dare to admit that he liked two women at the same time, lest others would say  They made irresponsible remarks, saying that he was in love with Qin Muchu and was not devoted to his feelings. It was this kind of hypocrisy that made him reject and give up on Shi Zhen. In fact, the nature of men determines that they will never like only one woman in their lives. In order to leave a legacy to the world,  A single-minded and affectionate impression suppresses his true inner thoughts. In the end, he can only reap the consequences, and outsiders will not share any of it for him.  Although he missed Shi Zhen, Mo Wen was not overly sad. The incident between Qin Yun and his son made him realize that loss is also a part of life. No one can live without regrets. Life is complete only when there are gains and losses, and life is only when there are joys and sorrows.  reality.  In the evening of the same day, Mo Wen returned to the road to Longjun. Longjun was the place where he fought against Ao Shu, and it was also the checkpoint where he let the Hu people go west. He opened a wide net and let a large number of Hu civilians go.  This made him controversial. The common people believed that he was a traitor to the Han Dynasty. The practitioners believed that he was just trying to gain fame and gain popularity.  The Hu people invaded China and committed heinous crimes against the Han people. They massacred nearly ten million Han people in several decades. The Han people hated the Hu people to the core. Under such circumstances, he did something that made the Han people feel very incomprehensible and hated him. He was punished.  The Han people hate and hate him, but what he did back then still thinks it is correct to this day. It is necessary for both foreigners and Han people to exist. If the Han people are unwilling to make progress and are greedy and depraved, the foreigners will come and take a bite.  If the Han people feel pain, it won¡¯t hurt. If the Han people don¡¯t wake up, if it doesn¡¯t hurt, the Han people will degenerate.  At the second watch, Mo Wen went outside the gate of Delong County. It was a moon today. The soldiers guarding the city discovered him. "Taoist, you have to enter the city." "I will come back tomorrow." Mo Wen turned around.  Take a step, he has been walking on foot these years, and rarely uses Tengyun to teleport.  "Taoist priest, please stay, we will open the door for you." The soldiers on the wall shouted loudly.  Hearing this, Mo Wen stopped and turned around, looking at the soldiers on the wall with confusion. He did not recognize this person, and he was a little too attentive.  Not long after, the city gate opened from the inside. Mo Wen stepped through the door. The soldiers who rushed through the door bowed their heads and thanked them, "Thank you for making this convenient for me."  Pointing to the west, "Go west for two streets, go straight north, and walk five or six miles to Sanqing Taoist Temple. The Taoist Master can go there to stay."  People who visit their own Taoist temple usually go to the Taoist temple of their own sect and rarely mix with Taoist priests from other sects.  "Yes, the governor upholds Confucianism and Taoism, so he has built a Taoist courtyard to accommodate Taoists passing by. If the Taoist master has less money, he can borrow it from there." The young soldier raised his hand to signal his subordinates to close the city gate.  "May I ask who the governor here is?" Mo Wen asked.  "It's General Peng, whose name is taboo." The young soldier replied.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard this. Although the other party did not say the name of the Commander-in-Chief due to his dignity, he thought of who this person was. The Commander-in-Chief here at that time was Yuan Dong. Later, this person was killed by Ao Shu.  After being killed, his general Peng Bingquan temporarily assumed the post of governor.  Mo Wen thanked the soldiers who rushed open the door again and followed the path they pointed to the Sanqing Taoist Temple in the West City.  The predecessor of Sanqing Taoist Temple was a military camp. The commander's camp in the north was converted into the Sanqing Hall. There is a large room in the middle of the courtyard. This room was rebuilt from the previous military building. It has four beams.  Covering an area of ??ten acres.  The door of the Taoist temple is open, and there is no greeting or greeting for guests. Mo Wen goes on his own and pushes the door open when he arrives.  There were twenty or thirty people living in the huge house. What Mo Wen didn't expect was that most of these people were laypeople. There were only two Taoists, an old man and a young man. At this time, these people were sitting cross-legged on the main bunk of the house with their eyes closed.  , listening to the old Taoist preaching.  That?The Taoist priest should be around fifty years old. He was born in a full heaven and a round earth pavilion. However, his Taoist robes are extremely shabby and have many patches.  Mo Wen sat down on the wooden bunk next to the door. It was far away from the light. Although everyone knew that someone had come in, they never saw his true appearance.  When Mo Wen entered the door, he saw that the Taoist priest was an unscrupulous fake Taoist priest. His scriptures were pieced together incomprehensible words, but the believers were extremely impressed by what he said. This man's speech was very characteristic, and he talked about  When he starts to feel confused, he will make some incomprehensible and seemingly incomprehensible nonsense. Everyone does not understand the meaning and thinks that there is a mystery behind his words. Instead of laughing at him, they admire him even more.  Seeing this, Mo Wen slowly shook his head. People in the world will be in awe of things they don't understand. This is also the mentality of "foreign monks can chant sutras". In fact, this view is wrong. What you don't understand does not necessarily mean  Hidden secrets are likely to be nonsense, and people with good looks may not necessarily be good people. Most scammers are talented and good-looking. If they have sinister eyebrows and rat eyes, they are not good at first glance, and who will be fooled.  "You have not opened your eyes, and all you see are illusions." The fake Taoist priest said loudly.  Mo Wen couldn't help but smile when he heard this. It is very difficult for the world to distinguish between true and false Taoist priests, but it is extremely easy for Taoist priests to see through fake Taoists. This person is talking nonsense. The eye of the sky is a special vocabulary for Buddhism. Taoism has no such term.  lip.  "This eye of heaven cannot be opened by ordinary people. I practiced hard for thirty years before I opened the eye of heaven. I will teach you again tonight. You should understand it carefully." When the fake Taoist said this, he tilted his head and looked at  Xiao Dao, who was standing aside, said, "Yongxin, I will give the Kunlun Mountain Poria cocos points that my master has worked hard to find to these junior brothers of yours."  A wooden tray was taken out from the middle, and then a bunch of oval-shaped things were picked out from the wooden box. Although Mo Wen was dozens of feet away from everyone, he could clearly see that the oval-shaped things were half-dried horse manure.  .  The little liar carried the horse dung and distributed it to everyone. Everyone raised their hands to take it, and everyone looked at it. After they saw clearly what it was, they all showed doubts on their faces.  After the little liar finished distributing horse dung, there was still one left in the wooden plate. When he turned around and walked towards the fake Taoist, the wooden plate was slightly tilted, and then he straightened up. Mo Wen separated his Yuan Ying and stepped forward, only to see the wooden plate.  The remaining dung ball in the plate had been replaced by the little liar with a potato that was very similar to horse dung. The potato was different from ordinary potatoes. It was a purple taro from Guizhou, which is rare in the north.  "Master." The little liar handed the wooden plate to the fake Taoist.  The fake Taoist raised his hand to take the dung ball in the wooden tray. At this moment, he didn't know that Mo Wen had already replaced the potato. He held up the dung ball and said loudly, "This is the thousand-year-old Poria cocos from Kunlun Mountain. It has the ability to remove sewage."  It's magical, take it." After the fake Taoist said that, he took the dung ball and took a bite. After entering, he frowned and turned his head to look at the little liar standing aside. The little liar was closer to the fake Taoist and saw the corner of the fake Taoist's mouth.  The remaining dung residue immediately understood what had happened, but at this time everyone's attention was focused on the fake Taoist, and it was impossible to change it again.  The fake Taoist had a mouthful of horse dung in his mouth. He was so disgusted that he wanted to spit it out immediately and rinse his mouth with water. But everyone was looking at him at this time. If he spit it out, he would be exposed. This person can be considered a bit ruthless. He gritted his teeth and glared.  Swallow that mouthful of horse dung alive.  Although horse dung is not as smelly as dog excrement, it is not something to eat. After taking a bite, the fake Taoist handed the rest to the little liar, "I will reward you." "Thank you, Master." Then  The little liar hurriedly raised his hand to take it, lowered his hand and stuffed the horse dung into his arms, took out the other horse dung and took a bite. At the same time, he turned around to prevent everyone from becoming suspicious.  The horse dung had already been bitten by the false Taoist. In order to show that what he ate was given by the false Taoist, the little liar took more bites. When he realized that what he ate was also horse dung, he had already turned around to face everyone.  .  "What are you waiting for? If it weren't for your strong determination to practice Taoism, my teacher would not reward you with this gift." The fake Taoist said loudly.  As soon as he finished speaking, the little liar was already vomiting on the ground. He had bitten too much and couldn't swallow it.  When everyone saw this, they looked puzzled.  The liar has low morals but is not stupid in mind. Seeing the little liar vomiting wildly, the fake Taoist said loudly, "Only by draining the sewage and removing filth can you get the right results." Because he had said before that this thing has the effect of sewage and filth, so he said this  As soon as it came out, everyone was convinced, mustered up the courage, and lowered their heads to try it.  Mo Wen did not stop them from swallowing horse dung. These people have become obsessed and cannot distinguish between good and bad. Even if the tricks of the liar are exposed, they will not be convinced.  "It is indeed a treasure from the immortal family. It is very delicious." One of the believers shouted loudly.    Mo Wen smiled again at the side. The horse dung the fake Taoist ate was taken from his hand. What this person ate was the potato on the wooden plate.  Hearing this, everyone turned to look at the shouting person. When the person saw this, he was afraid that everyone would come to snatch it, so he wolfed down the potato.  Seeing that he was eating so happily, everyone believed that this thing was Poria cocos. However, this thing did not seem to be refreshing. Not only was it difficult to swallow, but it also shed residue
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