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Text Chapter 565 Goodbye Begging Wing Aguzhen

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    He once asked Black and White Wuchang about everyone's lifespan. Shi Zhen's life span was the shortest among them. However, Ziyang's audience had been dead for many years after the tragedy, and Shi Zhen became the one who lived the longest among them.  But in the long run, it is only relatively short-lived for everyone. In fact, Shi Zhen's life span is also very short, only forty-two years old. Shi Zhen is one year younger than him, and this year he is forty-two.  In addition, three thousand miles to the west is the area where foreigners live. After the fall of Zhao State, Shi Zhen could only leave China and return to the area where her ancestors lived.  Feeling the summons of Shi Zhen's Burning Talisman, Mo Wen immediately recalled the scene in Mo Wen's mind when Shi Zhen sent him and Lao Wu an ultimatum from the hunting ground. This was the deepest memory in his mind. The scene he then remembered was the scene before Ah Jiu.  I went to the military camp to see her and stayed overnight. Shi Zhen played drums and played nonsense outside the house. The drumming incident happened many years after the incident in the hunting ground, but when I think about it carefully, whether it was presenting the ultimatum or playing the drums wildly, many years have passed.  After a brief recollection, Mo Wen separated his Nascent Soul and teleported to the location where the talisman was incinerated. This was a tent, a large cowhide tent. The style was very similar to the military tent during the march, but the layout was different.  It is completely different from the solemnity of the handsome tent, and it is not the style of a boudoir where ordinary women live, but is somewhat similar to the alchemy room of a practitioner. It has wooden tables, scriptures, incense burners, and statues. In addition to these, there are simple daily utensils and heating  There is a brazier, and a long bow and quiver are hung on the east wall.  There was no one in the tent when Mo Wen appeared. The incense in the incense burner had just been lit. There were still ashes left by the burning spells on the ground in front of the offering table. Although Shi Zhen was not in the tent, he was sure that this was Shi Zhen.  Because he is familiar with Shi Zhen's breath, her breath remains in this tent.  Mo Wen casually took the scripture on the wooden table and saw that it was a "Shangqing Jing" that everyone in Shangqing Taoism must recite.  Mo Wen put the scriptures back on the wooden table and walked out of the tent slowly. It was snowing outside the tent. There were many smaller tents around this tent. There must be dozens of them. Many cattle and sheep pens and vertical wooden fences showed that  This is a small tribe with a small number of people.  Just as Mo Wen was looking around, a woman's shout came from the sheep pen on the south side. Since the other person was speaking in dialect, he couldn't understand what the other person was saying, but according to the sight and expression of the woman feeding the sheep,  , undoubtedly shouting at him.  Mo Wen didn't recognize the woman and didn't respond. He just stood outside the tent and looked around. The heavy snow did not obstruct his sight. He could clearly see the surrounding scenery. This was a relatively sheltered valley.  , there are high mountains to the east and west, a frozen pool on the north side, and the only road leading out of the valley is to the south.  When the woman saw the outsiders coming, she shouted urgently to inform the tribesmen. Soon many women and children ran out from the tents, holding daggers, daggers and various living utensils that could be used as weapons.  After these women appeared, they all looked at the tent where Mo Wen was. While looking at him warily, what these women looked at the most was another tent on the west side, which was larger than the tent where Shi Zhen lived.  A lot smaller.  Just when Mo Wen tilted his head and looked to the west, someone opened the curtain of the tent on the west side, and a woman walked out of it. Unlike those women wearing foreign clothes, this person was wearing a black fur coat.  The moment he saw Shi Zhen, Mo Wen was stunned. Shi Zhen had changed a lot over the years. There were a lot of white hair on his head, and the skin on his face was no longer as delicate as a bomb, but dull.  He is old and has deep crow's feet at the corners of his eyes.  Mo Wen expected Shi Zhen to be old, but he didn't expect Shi Zhen to be so old. What really shocked him was that Shi Zhen was unusually thin. Even a person with no medical knowledge could tell that this was due to a terminal illness.  To.  Although Mo Wen was shocked, he didn't show it, but Shi Zhen didn't have the determination like him. The moment he saw him, the first expression on Shi Zhen's face was shock. After a while, the shock turned into shame and anxiety.  After a brief look at each other, Mo Wen smiled. When Shi Zhen saw Mo Wen's smile, the complicated expression on his face disappeared and was replaced by endless joy. At the same time, he walked quickly from the west tent to the east.  Come.  As soon as Shi Zhen took a step forward, Mo Wen noticed the clues. Shi Zhen was very thin, but his abdomen was a little bulging. He had doubts in his heart, so he sent out invisible spiritual energy to peek at Shi Zhen's aura from the air. When the spiritual energy reached him, he immediately understood in his heart, Shi Zhen  Pregnant.  Sensing that Shi Zhen was pregnant, Mo Wen immediately understood the reason for Shi Zhen's previous shame and anxiety. He also understood why Shi Zhen's face showed endless joy after seeing his smile, and also understood why Shi Zhen was so ashamed and anxious.  The real reason why the True Burning Talisman summoned him.  Shi Zhen walked quickly to the outside of the tent, looking straight and asking no questions, "You came so quickly." I don't know whether it was because he hadn't spoken Chinese language for many years, or because he was too nervous, but Shi Zhen's words were a bit stiff.  Mo Wen smiled and nodded, then turned around.Shi Zhen understood the situation and shouted a few dialects to the women. The women felt relieved and returned to their tents.  When Shi Zhen turned around, Mo Wen had already raised his hand to open the heavy curtain. Shi Zhen glanced at Mo Wen gratefully and entered first, while Mo Wen followed up.  "Your appearance hasn't changed at all." Shi Zhen poured water for Mo Wen and turned his back to Mo Wen to hide his nervousness and excitement.  "You have suffered a lot these years. I should have married you back then." Mo Wen said.  Shi Zhen didn¡¯t expect Mo Wen to say this. His heart was shaken, and the water glass fell from his hand and fell to the ground.  The soil under the tent was not hard, and the water cup had not been broken. Shi Zhen squatted down to pick up the tea cup and rinsed it with hot water. "You are pitying me." "No, I told the truth. Unfortunately, I was too young and went too far.  Care about other people's opinions and worldly etiquette." Mo Wen shook his head.  "You shouldn't say these words, I'm already married." Shi Zhen turned his back to Mo Wen and did not dare to look back.  "I know, and I also know that you are pregnant." Mo Wen said.  "What else do you know?" Shi Zhen began to pour water again.  "I also know that you called me here to prolong your life so that you can successfully give birth to the fetus in your belly." Mo Wen said. He knew Shi Zhen's temper. Shi Zhen was very stubborn and stubborn. If it was for himself, Shi Zhen would  Zhen Zhen would never ask him for help. In addition, Shi Zhen was resentful of him. Even if he missed him terribly, he would not call him to meet him before his death.  "You are still so smart." Shi Zhen turned around, put the water cup on the wooden table, and squatted down to fix the brazier. He used the smoke from the brazier to find a reason for the redness of his eye circles. Don't ask the question, "Should I marry you back then?"  "Love you" is the most beautiful and touching words she has ever heard in her life.  "Where is your husband now?" Mo Wen sat down on the seat next to the wooden table and picked up the water glass.  "The people who lead the tribe to resist the attack of the Hulun people should be at the Kanmur River two hundred miles south." Shi Zhen put down the copper hook and sat on the seat opposite the wooden table. "The Hulun people have more soldiers and horses than us. They  This is going to end badly, if you" "I will handle this matter." Mo Wen interrupted Shi Zhen. He had noticed before that there were no strong men in the camp. It turned out that he was away on an expedition.  "He was my bodyguard back then. I met him on the way to escape after the fall of the country. He has been following me all these years. I have been thinking about you and can't tolerate others. I didn't marry him until last winter. I married him.  It's not because of me" "I know." Mo Wen nodded and said, there are many couples in the world, but few are truly married because of love. Repayment, coercion, and pity account for the vast majority. Shi Zhenzhi  So marrying your current husband is not because you like him, but because there is a strong element of repayment and compassion.  "I'm very disappointed in myself." Shi Zhen looked ashamed.  "You did the right thing." Mo Wen waved his hand. Shi Zhen felt ashamed because she married someone else. What she did was not vulgar or low. It is very difficult not to marry for the sake of someone or not to marry for the rest of your life.  Yes, because when there is no response from the other party, the motivation to persist will gradually weaken as time goes by, and no one can bear the loneliness of no response.  Hearing this, Shi Zhen turned to look at Mo Wen, and saw that Mo Wen had a calm expression and was raising a glass to drink water, so he was convinced that he was telling the truth.  "How have you been these past few years?" Shi Zhen asked after Mo Wen put down the water glass.  "Not good." Mo Wen said with a smile.  "I never knew what you were thinking. I didn't know then, and I still don't know now." Shi Zhen shook his head and said. Mo Wen was not a person who liked to joke. He said that if you don't do well, you must have a bad life, but he  The smile on his face was not filled with sadness and depression.  "As you know, Ah Jiu, I worked in the Yin Division, and there was no time to get together. Later, I took another concubine" "I know, and I also know that her name is Qin Yun." Shi Zhen interjected.  Mo Wen nodded, "Qin Yun was killed when he was about to give birth. I was beaten to heaven but could not save their mother and son. Wu Yun's family also passed away five years ago. Now I am alone and have no fixed place to live."  , do you think I'm doing well?" "There are things you can't do." Shi Zhen asked in surprise. She always thought that Mo Wenguo was so proud and happy, but now she realized that he was doing very poorly.  , it can even be said to be very miserable.  "Everyone has things they cannot do. The situation of Qin Yun and her son is different from yours. I can extend your life. Not only will you be able to give birth to a daughter, but you will also be able to watch her grow up." Mo.  asked.  Shi Zhen stared in shock when she heard this. She knew that she was terminally ill. She originally only hoped to delay giving birth to a child for a while, but she never thought that Mo Wen could delay her pregnancy for her.??Years of life.  At this moment, a female voice came from outside the tent, "The little god has prepared everything the real person needs. Please check it with the real person." Hearing this, Shi Zhen looked at Mo Wen in confusion, and Mo Wen raised his hand.  , then stood up straight and walked out of the tent. After a while, he lifted the curtain and came back in. There was already an extra baggage in his hand.  Mo Wen placed the baggage on the wooden table, unwrapped it and examined the various magical herbs and medicines one by one.  "What are these?" Shi Zhen asked doubtfully.  "The medicine for your recovery." Mo Wen said casually.  "Who is the woman who delivered the medicine?" Shi Zhen asked again.  "The land you have here, give me a tent and I want to stay here for one night." Mo Wen said casually. He could now ask the gods at will, and it was even easier to mobilize the land.  Hearing this, Shi Zhen nodded in agreement and went out to make arrangements.  Not long after, the arrangements were made. Mo Wen lived in a small tent next to the big tent and made soup for Shi Zhen. In the evening of the same day, he invited Black and White Wuchang to come. He made it clear that he would extend Shi Zhen's life for another eighteen years. Black and White Wuchang was happy.  Agree, they don't care, and others don't dare to care. After the incident of breaking into the heaven, no one dares to touch his bad luck. With his cultivation at this time, he can do whatever he wants. The reason why he doesn't do whatever he wants is just because he doesn't want to do whatever he wants.  The next morning, the two of them sat down and chatted about the past. After the main body drove away the Hulun people, they bid farewell to Shi Zhen, merged with the main body and left in Teng Yun.  This time he did not leave any locating charms
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