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Text Chapter 486: The Realm of Immortals

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    After watching Lao Wu and Ye Xiaoyao leave, Mo Wen turned around and returned to the west courtyard. Seeing Qin Yun and Xing'er clearing away the dishes in the alchemy room, he stepped into the main room.  Not long after, Qin Yun came in with warm water. Mo Wen refused Qin Yun's service as usual, took off his shoes and socks and sat by the bed to wash his feet.  "Master, there is something I want to discuss with you." Qin Yun sat next to Mo Wen.  "But it's about finding a husband for Xing'er." Mo Wen asked casually. He had heard the whispers between Qin Yun and Xing'er in the alchemy room.  "Yes, Xing'er is not young anymore. It's time to marry her to a family." Qin Yun nodded.  "What are your plans?" Mo Wen asked.  "Myolie and I grew up together. I don't want her to marry too far away. I want to find a family for her in this county. It will be easier to move around. What do you think, sir?" Qin Yun discussed softly.  "Okay, I'll go out to the mountains tomorrow and find a matchmaker to take care of this matter." Mo Wen said. After saying that, he took the towel handed by Qin Yun and wiped his feet. Qin Yun is a careful person and knows how cold he is.  He was very dedicated to serving him. As time went by, the two of them had a good tacit understanding. This tacit understanding made him feel calm and warm.  The two lay down on the bed and talked. At the third watch, Qin Yun saw that Mo Wen stopped talking and fell asleep first. Mo Wen raised his hand and waved out the candle, opened his eyes in the darkness and looked at the things in the room, using several  The 20-year-old camphorwood tables and chairs have turned red, with wooden tea trays placed on them. There are copper pots and tea sets in the tea trays. Due to years of wiping, the trachoma on the copper pots has become invisible. The whole body is extremely smooth, and the upside-down teapots are  There is a slight crack on the bottom of one of the teacups. There are several short, flat porcelain bottles placed on the bedside dressing table. Inside are gouache and other women's dressing things. There are two drawers on the left and right of the dressing table, one of which is half open.  , the hairpin chain jewelry that Qin Yun took off at night were scattered among them. There were candlesticks and an incense burner on the table. The incense in the incense burner had been burned out. On the side near the bedside, there was a scripture that Qin Yun was reciting.  A string of bean beads that count every hour. Looking up to the roof, you can see the solid beams and wooden rafters. The beams still have traces left by the duster when cleaning. There is a little bit of bark left on the wooden rafters, which is completely dry.  Then the bark collapsed and drooped slightly downward.  The clothes Qin Yun took off were neatly placed on the inside of the bed. The Taoist robes and other items he took off were placed on a wooden chair beside the bed. On the bed was a faded cotton quilt. This was one of Qin Yun's dowry, with embroidery on it.  There were white geese and flowers. Since Qin Yun was a partial concubine, her family did not use all red thread when sewing the quilt, but used half of the yellow thread.  Mo Wen slowly looked at the furnishings in the room in the night, and finally fixed his gaze on Qin Yun's face. Nowadays, women like Qin Yun who are proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting are not uncommon among wealthy families. Qin Yun  Although her appearance is delicate, she is not to the point of being able to captivate a country, but such a woman has given him companionship for several years. Although her vigorous and vigorous work is unforgettable, her long companionship is equally valuable.  "Master, what are you thinking about?" Qin Yun opened his eyes and found Mo Wen looking at her through the light coming from the window.  "Why did you wake up suddenly?" Mo Wen asked softly.  "If the master is asleep, his breathing will be slower than now." Qin Yun said.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  "The master has something on his mind." Qin Yun turned sideways and faced Mo Wen.  "It makes sense that children are in love while heroes are short of breath. With you by my side, I have no ambition to compete for supremacy." Mo Wen said with a smile.  "Is this my credit or my fault?" Qin Yun asked with a smile.  Mo Wen smiled and said nothing, everything has a yin and yang side. His peace of mind was helpful for his practice, but his unwillingness to go out also indirectly led to a large number of casualties of soldiers and civilians.  "Master Tianji came to visit earlier, but I asked you to come out." Qin Yun asked.  Mo Wen nodded slowly and told everything about what happened before. He didn't need Qin Yun's help in thinking, but communication between people was essential.  "If the master comes out of the mountain, will he be able to defeat Chi You?" Qin Yun was worried. The descendants of Yan and Huang all know the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor, and naturally they also know how powerful Chi You is.  "I'm not sure of victory at the moment, but I can be undefeated in a hundred days." Mo Wen said.  "A hundred days later." Qin Yun tilted his head and asked.  "Go to sleep, we'll talk about the rest of the day." Mo Wen closed his eyes. Qin Yun obviously wanted to ask how he would change after a hundred days, but he didn't want to answer this question, because if Qin Yun knew that he had arrived,  Once you reach the realm of immortals, you will inevitably feel greater pressure in your heart.  The next day, Mo Wen went out of the mountain and went to Dongfang County to find the county magistrate. He asked him to find a matchmaker and her husband's family on Xing'er's behalf. After returning to the mountain, he went to the alchemy room to meditate and repair as usual.?, If you have something to say, it will be long, if you don¡¯t say it, it will be short. In the blink of an eye, it has been more than two months. During this period, Lao Wu never came back. Ye Xiaoyao sent the golden eagle to come once and sent a message to inform the front of the battle. At present, Pu Jun  Already retreating to Hei County, Lao Wu had already lured the poisonous dragon away, and then stayed in the army to escort grain and grass back and forth between Yongzhou and Hei County.  Although it was less than a hundred days, the turbid air in Mo Wen's body was almost burned out. He deliberately left a breath of turbid air. If this breath of turbid air was burned, he would immediately enter the realm of immortals. Before burning this breath of turbid air, he must  Be familiar with the many changes brought about by the absence of turbidity.  The immortal can hide his body at will. In other words, he can also do what Liu Shaoqing can do later, but his invisibility is essentially different from Liu Shaoqing's invisibility. Liu Shaoqing's invisibility only hides his body so that outsiders cannot see it.  The invisibility of immortals is to integrate their own breath with the surrounding breath. Mortals cannot see or feel it. This involves the expansion and release of spiritual energy. The expansion and release of spiritual energy relies on the powerful soul. If the soul is not strong enough,  It is difficult to send and receive information at will, and there may be a weird situation where you become invisible and leave one leg, but appear with only one head.  In addition, the immortal can also change his body at will. Similar to the spell Liu Sheng sought, changing his body is also extremely complicated. The principle is to recombine the spiritual energy that makes up the body. The premise is that the mind must be firm and focused, and there must be no distracting thoughts.  If there are distracting thoughts, the breath will be disordered, and if the breath is disordered, it may become ugly and weird. Immortals cannot change into animals and plants, but can only change into humans.  Since there is no heavy turbid air in the body of the immortal, he can soar into the clouds and ride on the mist. Soaring into the clouds and ride on the mist also requires the control of the soul. If the control is done properly, he can fly straight up into the clouds and carefree. If he does not control it properly, he will jump up and down.  He is not allowed to use immortal magic unless he has been granted the title. Currently, there are only these three kinds of powers. Before entering the realm of immortals, he must be mentally prepared and think of many details one by one. The only way to have no turbid energy in his body is his soul and spirit.  If you control yourself with your will, what you think will become true. Never think wildly.  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  As the hundred days approached, Mo Wen used the true fire of Samadhi in his body to burn away the last breath of turbid air. Sure enough, as soon as the turbid air in his body was removed, he immediately felt light all over his body, his mind flashed, his body became invisible, his clothes fell off and piled up, and his mind moved again.  , reappeared, saw his naked body, and moved his mind again, the aura immediately transformed into a Taoist robe, and the strands of the imaginary Taoist robe were clear and exactly the same as the real clothes.  The bronze mirror changes according to the heart, and many phantoms such as middle-aged businessmen, mature woodcutter, old fisherman, young shepherd boy, etc. appear. To be precise, these are not phantoms, but real existence. The transformation of the immortal is essentially different from the blindness.  There are also differences in the changes of aliens. The blinding method only causes others to have hallucinations. The changes of aliens are only changes in appearance and cannot get rid of the beast itself. The changes of immortals are the reorganization of their own bodies. If they are willing, they can always exist with a new appearance.  In this world, there is no time limit.  Seeing that noon was approaching, Mo Wen went out as usual and went to the main room to wait for lunch. There were some embroideries on the table in the main room, which were prepared for Xing'er's wedding. Mo Wen looked through them casually. After a while, lunch was brought to Mo Wen.  Wen and Qin Yun had dinner together. After the meal, they drank tea and talked. Their words and deeds were the same as usual. Immortals can also eat. Whether they eat or not depends on their mood. Since the body is a condensed aura, there is no need to contain aura or turbidity.  There is also a lot of meat-based food, with fruits, vegetables and grains accounting for the majority.  After the meal, Qin Yun stayed with Mo Wen and discussed some details of Xing'er's marriage. Xing'er was betrothed to a scholar who came to visit the two of them. Mo Wen was quite satisfied with the young man. Scholars are all pedantic.  Not a problem.  At the end of the afternoon, Mo Wen left the Taoist temple and walked in the mountains. After becoming an immortal, his perception ability was greatly enhanced, and he could sense three hundred miles. His body skills could no longer be estimated at mortal speed, and he could appear at will from within a hundred feet in an instant.  When you are in a deserted place, don't ask for help. Rise up from the clouds and ride on the clouds to the west. The speed of the clouds depends on whether you are eager to activate the spiritual energy. If you are in a hurry, the speed will be like the wind. How fast the wind is, the speed is the same.  , if you have nothing to do, flying on the clouds is like taking a leisurely stroll in a garden. There is no time limit for staying in the air. You can stay as long as you want.  Whether it is invisibility or soaring into the clouds, spiritual energy will be consumed, and the consumption is very large. Although Mo Wen has a large amount of spiritual energy stored in his body, it is for Taoist Ziqi. Using the previously stored spiritual energy to perform deeds for gods is like using food stored in households to provide food for the masses.  Military expenses will be exhausted quickly if left unchecked, so after a simple practice, Mo Wen returned to the Taoist temple to discuss with Qin Yun such trivial matters as Xing'er's dowry. Entering the realm of immortals is a great joy for ordinary Taoists, and for ordinary Taoists,  For him, it is just the third step among five steps. There are still two steps to go, and there is a long way to go.  After the update, don¡¯t ask to return to Dan.??, just as he closed the door, Hei Bai Wuchang appeared in the room and bent down to Mo Wen, handing over his hands, "Congratulations to the real person for attaining the path of immortality. From now on, he will be ranked in the immortal class and enjoy eternal life and happiness."  There is news about the two of them, and I even missed them. I wanted to burn the talisman to invite them, but I was afraid that I would miss them." Mo Wen returned the courtesy and pointed to the seats to invite them to sit down.  "We two brothers have been here several times before, and we never showed up to disturb the real person when he saw him practicing in an important place." Hei Wuchang Fan Wujiu said with his hands in hand. The only constant in the three realms is respect and inferiority. Although the three of them are old acquaintances,  But now that Mo Wen has been promoted to the rank of immortal, seeing him again will inevitably be a little awkward and uncomfortable.  "Both of you, please take a seat. Let's have a drink and reminisce about old times first, and then we'll get down to business." Mo Wen said with a smile, he had never forgotten what Black and White Wuchang had asked for before.  "Master, I have misunderstood. We are not here for this matter." Bai Wuchang took out the book of life and death from his arms while speaking, quickly turned to one of the pages and handed it to Mo Wen, "Master, please take a look, your servant has this Yangshou  There was no such thing before the deadline." Mo Wen looked sideways at the book of life and death, and saw that the name of Lao Wu was written on it, and a line appeared in the column of his life span, "Thirty has four, the twelfth lunar month, for relatives.  Murder." Mo Wen frowned after reading this. The handwriting was clearly Ah Jiu's. Lao Wu is thirty-four this year, and it is the twelfth lunar month I took one day off this month. Although I no longer have full attendance, I will still be at the end of the month.  Try to have a small explosion,
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