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Text Chapter 485 Refuse to come out

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    Sensing the aura of the golden eagle appearing in the northeast, Mo Wen got up and went out. When he walked to the east courtyard, Lao Wu was walking around from the backyard to the front yard. He could also sense the aura of the golden eagle.  "Master, the third master is here." Lao Wu turned his head and looked northeast.  Mo Wen nodded and said, "You must have not had dinner when you come here at this time, so go and make some food for him." Lao Wu agreed and turned around to go to the backyard.  Not long after, the golden eagle arrived. Ye Xiaoyao didn't follow any rules. He flew down from the sky and landed in the courtyard.  "Mo Wen, come with me quickly." Ye Xiaoyao stepped forward to pull Mo Wen before he could settle down.  "Why are you so urgent?" Mo Wen looked Ye Xiaoyao up and down. The two had not seen each other for nearly two years. Ye Xiaoyao's face was now dusty, his clothes were stained with gray, he was haggard and tired.  "Dingzhou is in an emergency and reinforcements are blocked. We're afraid we won't be able to defend it this time." Ye Xiaoyao frowned and shook his head.  "There is no need to panic. If you can't defend Dingzhou, you can retreat to Hei County. Let's go inside and talk." Mo Wen turned around and walked towards the west courtyard. He knew the terrain of the three northeastern counties well. He had already thought of a retreat for the two of them. If Dingzhou  If the state city is destroyed, it can still be defended in Hei County.  Ye Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then stepped forward to follow Mo Wen, "Do you know the current battle situation." "How can I know." Mo Wen shook his head and said.  "We have fought very hard in the past two years. We have fought dozens of battles. At this time, we are already suffering from internal and external troubles. We have run out of troops and food." Ye Xiaoyao wiped his unshaven cheeks.  "Internal and external troubles." Mo Wen opened the door and entered the alchemy room, raised his hand and lit the candle.  "Liu Shaoqing was eager to rush to Dingzhou and only captured the prefectures and counties along the way. There were still a large number of prefectures and counties in the north in the hands of princes and military envoys. Now that they saw the tense war in the Northeast, they started to add insult to injury and annexed the prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of the Pu army. Those prefectures  After the county was lost, the military routes were blocked, soldiers could not be replenished, and military supplies were not allowed to be transported to the northeast." Ye Xiaoyao sat on the wooden chair and took a deep breath.  Mo Wen frowned slightly when he heard this. Liu Shaoqing only opened a passage to the north and did not completely pacify the north. In addition, Liu Shaoqing was arrogant and aggressive. He mostly used force to conquer and rarely used kindness to win over. As a result, after the war became tense, other princes and  Jiedushi would inevitably take the opportunity to cause trouble.  "We can transfer grain and grass from Dai country first." Mo Wen said.  "The distant water cannot quench the thirst of the nearer. Daiguo is more than two thousand miles away from Dingzhou. There are many roadless and barren mountains along the way. Even if the enemy does not set up an ambush to intercept, it will take two months to drive a group of livestock across." Ye Xiaoyaowai.  Lean back in the chair.  "How many troops do we still have?" Mo Wen asked again. He was far away from the battlefield and had not received news for a long time. To make a judgment, he must first understand the situation.  "Pu's army still has 30,000 troops, and Dai Guo and I have 50,000 troops and 20,000 more. They are all in Dingzhou now, totaling 50,000." Ye Xiaoyao put his hand on his forehead and ignored Xing'er who came in to deliver tea.  Mo Wen frowned again when he heard this, and silently took the teapot and poured tea for Ye Xiaoyao. When the Pu army was at its strongest, it had more than 200,000 soldiers and horses, but now there are only 30,000 soldiers and horses left. This shows that the Northeast War was fought  How tragic.  Ye Xiaoyao picked up the teacup and said, "There are still 30,000 imperial guards in Dai State, but these 30,000 imperial guards cannot move. If they are sent south to Dai State, they will have no defense. Yongzhou's reinforcements of soldiers, horses and food teams from the north are blocked.  After arriving in Huizhou, Liu Shaoqing stayed in Dingzhou. Previously, there were floods from the meadows in the South China Sea that temporarily blocked Chi You. However, Ao Xun was injured by the enemy yesterday and the floods have receded. Yan's 100,000 cavalry and a large number of aliens commanded by Chi You  It's only three hundred miles away from Dingzhou. Dingzhou really can't be defended this time." "Who was hurt by Ao Xun?" Mo Wen asked with a sideways look.  "Yihuo is a bird. After Chiyou's spiritual consciousness revived, he summoned a large number of ancient demons. They swallowed clouds and smoke, flew sand and rocks. It was so powerful. If our army had not been assisted by copper thunder, the whole army would have been wiped out." Ye Xiaoyao blew tea.  "You can melt and cast copper thunder in large quantities. This thing is indeed miraculous in resisting aliens." Mo Wen said.  Hearing this, Ye Xiaoyao put the tea cup close to his lips back on the table, "It can't be melted. Xue Gengniu was killed by Liu Shaoqing." "Why." Mo Wen asked in shock.  "That Xue Gengniu was arrogant, greedy and lustful. He restrained himself at first, but then became more and more rampant. He even coveted Ao Xun and asked Ao Xun to sleep with him. Otherwise, he refused to start work. Liu Shaoqing couldn't bear it and killed the old guy." Ye Xiaoyao.  At this point, the conversation changed, "Liu Shaoqing has tolerated him in every possible way before. He was right to kill. I agree." Mo Wen nodded when he heard this. The capital of Xue Gengniu's arrogance was that he had mastered the method of casting copper thunder and gunpowder.  Naturally, he will not teach these skills to others. Once Xue Gengniu dies, Tong Lei will not be able to build it.  "Tell me the details about Chi You," Mo Wen said.  "Chiyou occupied ?You must know about the corpse of the violent wind here. Lin Zhixing tried to be clever and tried to use the evil spirit to enter the Tao. But his Xu Shen Consciousness was no match for Chi You's fierce god. He was probably already suppressed and killed by Chi You's Yuan Shen.  "Ye Xiaoyao drank tea and then said, "This person rarely takes action. Most of the time he only watches the warlords. The only time he took action was in Luweigou. He summoned more than ten thousand ancient Yin soldiers to help in the battle and injured countless Pu troops. What this person did was  The summoned Yin soldiers are not the Yin soldiers of the underworld. It is extremely strange. Our method can not kill them.  " "This person is very good at witchcraft. Witchcraft is the ancestor of Taoism. Our magic may not be effective on him. We should carefully observe him in the future to see if he has other weaknesses.  "Mo Wen said seriously. "Liu Shaoqing had previously ventured into Blackwood Mountain" "Blackwood Mountain.  "Mo Wen interrupted Ye Xiaoyao. "Liu Shaoqing ventured into the camp set up by the Yan State for the monsters led by Chi You that day and found that a circular pool had been dug out of the hundred-mile camp. In the middle of the pool was a small  Chi You meditated on the small island on weekdays. There was a red poisonous dragon in the pool. Chi You seemed to be extremely nervous about the poisonous dragon. Not only did he feed it with his own hands, but he also prohibited any aliens from approaching it. From this we guessed that the poisonous dragon was  It should be extremely important to Chi You, but Chi You was guarding him tightly and we couldn't find a suitable opportunity to remove him.  "Liu Shaoqing said. "That poisonous dragon is missing its claws.  "Mo Wen asked. "How do you know.  "Ye Xiaoyao asked in surprise. "That poisonous dragon was originally trapped in the wilderness altar. Chi You's left arm felt the nourishment of its spiritual energy and gradually recovered his spiritual consciousness. This thing can provide Chi You with dragon energy. If Chi You loses it,  This thing's momentum is bound to wane.  " Mo Wen said. While the two were talking, Lao Wu arrived with a food tray, greeted Ye Xiaoyao happily, and then placed the food in the tray on the table. Ye Xiaoyao came all the way from the dusty road,  I was already hungry, so I picked up my chopsticks and took a bowl to eat. ¡°Lao Wu, do you still remember the poisonous dragon in the wild altar.  "Mo Wen pointed to the wooden chair next to him and motioned for Lao Wu to sit down. "Remember, what's up.  "Lao Wu took his seat and asked. "What is your relationship with it?  "Mo Wen asked again. "It's very good, otherwise I wouldn't have let it go. Master, why did you ask about it?  "Lao Wu asked puzzledly. "It is currently in Heimu Mountain in the northeast. Can you tell it to go elsewhere.  "Mo Wen asked again. "Where did it go?"  "Lao Wu was confused. "It was found and kept there by Chi You. Can you take it away from there?  "Mo Wen asked. "Definitely, we have a very good relationship.  "Lao Wu said. Ye Xiaoyao heard the two people talking and looked at Lao Wu in surprise, "You are very familiar with that poisonous dragon.  " "Familiar, we lived together for several years. In the end, I saw that it was pitiful, so I broke the chain and let it go.  "Lao Wu smiled. "The place where the poisonous dragon lives is tightly guarded. It's really hard to find an opportunity to assassinate it. It would be great to take it away from Blackwood Mountain.  "Ye Xiaoyao had something on his mind. He felt very happy and continued to eat with his head down. "Let's go to Huizhou together tonight. Yongzhou's soldiers, horses and food to reinforce Dingzhou were blocked there.  "Ye Xiaoyao never pays attention to eating and sleeping without talking. "Lao Wu will go out with you.  "Mo Wen shook his head and said, although Ye Xiaoyao came to invite him, he had no plans to leave the mountain. "You don't want to hide here for leisure. You have to follow me to Dingzhou to persuade Liu Shaoqing. If you don't go, Liu Shaoqing will retreat to Yongzhou.  Let the Yan people and aliens enter the Central Plains.  "Ye Xiaoyao said. "Why.  "Mo Wen asked with a smile. "Yongzhou soldiers and horses went to Dingzhou to resist foreign enemies and protect the Central Plains. At this critical juncture, other princes not only failed to contribute, but instead created obstacles and added chaos everywhere. Liu Shaoqing felt dissatisfied and wanted to retreat to Yongzhou to let those  Short-sighted princes and generals suffered the consequences.  "Ye Xiaoyao put down his chopsticks and took some tea to rinse his mouth. "This method really relieves qi.  "Mo Wen said with a smile. "If we let aliens enter the customs, it will be difficult to expel them in the future.  "Ye Xiaoyao looked at Mo Wen in confusion. He did not expect Mo Wen to say such words. "Don't worry, Liu Shaoqing will not retreat to Yongzhou, he is just complaining.  "Mo Wen shook his head and said, under the current circumstances, letting aliens enter the Central Plains will cause extremely serious damage. Those princes and military governors who support their own troops and self-respect will suffer as a result. If they feel the pain, they will suspend their internal strife and unite to resist the enemy.  If everyone unites as one, they will be able to expel all the aliens after paying a heavy price. Liu Shaoqing is not stupid and can naturally see this, but he will not allow this to happen. It is not that he is merciful and can forgive those who are under his control.  The fools who took advantage of the chaos to attack him when he sent troops to resist the enemy, but he would not give those fools a chance to unite to resist the foreign enemies after suffering losses. According toWith Shaoqing's temperament, he will rely on his own ability to resist the invasion of foreign enemies. When the foreign invasion subsides, he will turn around and carry out crazy revenge on the princes and military governors who held him back at the critical moment.  Ye Xiaoyao felt a little disappointed when he saw that Mo Wen had no intention of going out, "You are really prepared to stand by and watch." "You can handle it, you don't need me." Mo Wen stood up and walked to the wooden shelf on the east wall, took out a porcelain bottle from the wooden shelf,  Inside were several Qi-tonifying elixirs that had been smelted with South China Sea spiritual objects. Mo Wen kept one and handed the remaining pills and the porcelain bottle to Ye Xiaoyao.  Ye Xiaoyao took the porcelain vase and put it in his arms, "It's so noisy outside, but you can really sit still." "The other side knows my existence. If I don't come out, they won't be able to figure out our strength, and they won't know how to organize their troops."  I am afraid that if I go out of the mountain, all my strength will be exposed to the enemy, which is not a good thing." Mo Wen shook his head.  "How is your Samadhi True Fire practice going?" Ye Xiaoyao nodded and asked.  "Stop the internal fire." Mo Wen said.  "How long will it take to refine the turbid qi in the body?" Ye Xiaoyao asked again.  "It will take another three years." Mo asked and asked.  "The war situation is urgent. I can't stay here for long." Ye Xiaoyao stood up straight and said to Lao Wu, "Lao Wu, clean up and go help your son-in-law." Lao Wu was restless and found a suitable excuse to follow Ye Xiaoyao happily all night long.  Head to Huizhou.  Mo Wen watched the two of them leave. In fact, he had not told the truth before. There was not much turbid qi in his body. It would not take three years to refine the turbid qi. He would be able to achieve full success in another hundred days. The reason why he said more  He didn't want Liu Shaoqing and Ye Xiaoyao to rely on him. Without his help, Liu Shaoqing and Ye Xiaoyao also resisted the invasion of foreigners. This incident made him understand that some people in this world are indeed more important, but no one is so important that they cannot be missing.  , including him
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