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Text Chapter 474 The Sage of Calligraphy Wang Xizhi

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    After hearing this, Mo Wen stood up straight, bowed deeply to Wang Xizhi, and performed the common etiquette of his descendants, "It turns out that you are the sage Wang Yishao of the Jin Dynasty. Your name is as loud as thunder. I am disrespectful and disrespectful." "The real person is a great virtue."  Highly skilled, transcendent and noble, Wang is just a follower of Taoism, and being able to see the real person is the ultimate creation, the infinite deity." Wang Xizhi stood up, left his seat, bowed down and saluted Mo Wenxing.  "You three will wait a moment, I will go and prepare for the banquet." Guo Buping saw that the two of them cherished each other and hurriedly went down to prepare for the banquet.  "Be simple." Mowen Wang Xizhi straightened up and turned his head and said in unison. After saying this, he looked at each other and laughed.  Lao Wu was nearby and didn't know why. Mo Wen had not performed the etiquette of a scholar for many years, let alone the etiquette of a junior. He was confused and secretly tugged at the corner of Mo Wen's clothes, "Master, is he very powerful?" "Awesome, awesome, Mr. Wang.  He is an eternal genius, the best calligrapher in the world, a model for thousands of students, and a calligrapher who has become a god in calligraphy." Mo Wenzheng said, Wang Xizhi became famous earlier. When he was still in Xiyang County, Wang Xizhi was already famous all over the world.  .  Hearing the words, Lao Wu said nothing and said nothing. He was not a scholar. He didn't know how famous Wang Xizhi was, but he just vaguely felt that the name sounded familiar.  "Wang is ashamed to be praised by such a real person." Wang Xizhi was a little frightened. He knew that he was very famous, but he did not expect that Mo Wen would respect him so much.  "Before I started to practice, I was a scholar. The person I admire most in my life is my husband. To be honest with you, I have copied my husband's copybooks many times. However, my talent was limited. Not only did I not get the essence, I didn't even touch the surface."  Mo Wen said cheerfully that he admired Wang Xizhi for two reasons. One was that his handwriting was good, euphemistic, subtle, elegant, smooth and natural. The other was that he admired his perseverance. He had devoted his whole life to calligraphy.  , as far as calligraphy is concerned, this person has reached the pinnacle.  No matter in which aspect, those who can reach the top are worthy of respect. The biggest mistake made by the world is to follow the trend and imitate, distracted, and follow what others do. There is no certainty and uncertainty. This move not only wastes time  , and also limits your own achievements. As a person, you should find an industry that suits your talents, and concentrate on improving in this industry. With perseverance and hard work, you will eventually reach a height that others cannot reach. As long as you do this, you will not only be able to  A person who settles down and makes a living can still be famous throughout the ages. There is no distinction between high and low in the profession he chooses. In the final analysis, he is just a Taoist priest, Wang Xizhi is just a writer, Ou Yezi is just a blacksmith, and Hua Tuo is just a doctor who treats diseases. But they are here  In ordinary industries, they have reached heights that others cannot reach, so they become real people, holy hands, masters, and miracle doctors.  "To meet the real person today is like a poor man entering the treasure mountain. This time I must ask the real person and solve my doubts day and night." Wang Xizhi was also very happy. His admiration for Mo Wen was no less than Mo Wen's admiration for him.  .  "I am still young, and my understanding is very limited. I should think and discuss with you sir." Mo Wen said seriously. The appearance of Wang Xizhi made him find the most suitable person to talk to. Wang Xizhi is a Taoist believer, and Wang Xizhi's  The discussion will help determine the positioning and division of Taoism and Buddhism with Maurya in the future.  "There is no order of learning, the master is the teacher. This time Wang asked, the real person is the teacher, and Wang is the student." Wang Xizhi said.  The two of them talked happily, but Lao Wu was confused by what he heard. He couldn't get used to this kind of verbose conversation, so he found an excuse and ran out to talk to the servant who was feeding the horses.  ¡°I¡¯m going to see you today, sir, and I will definitely ask you to leave a few calligraphy paintings, so that the Shangqing Temple can be passed down through generations.¡± Mo Wen said with a smile.  "When Wang came here, he had already transcribed four scriptures: the Tao Te Ching, the Shang Qing Jing, the Yin Fu Jing, and the Nei Jing. He thought it was a courtesy to meet him. He couldn't find the real person before. He wanted to leave, but he had given it to Guo Xiancheng and asked him to find an opportunity to hand it over to the real person.  , I never thought that the real person would arrive in a crane, it is really God's will. If the real person came a moment later, Wang would not have the chance to see him." Wang Xizhi said.  "I am a poor Taoist." Mo Wen raised his hand to express his thanks. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy treasures were worth a lot of money but could not find a single word. He actually transcribed four Taoist scriptures, which are priceless. Needless to say, his own influence was a great positive for Taoism.  Propaganda, Wang Xizhi is a sage of calligraphy, a literary giant, a recognized wise man, and a magpie standing on the branch of Taoism. The number of believers does not determine the quality of a religion. It also depends on the people who believe in the sect.  It's easy to incite a bunch of stupid ducks, but it's hard to attract a smart magpie.  "Master, don't be too busy. Wang has an agenda. All of Wang's friends are Confucian and Taoist. Knowing that Wang is coming to seek immortality and Taoism, they handed over a bunch of personal belongings to Wang, hoping to be consecrated by the master himself.  "Wang Xizhi said.  "It's easy to say, get them all." Mo Wen readily agreed. Consecration is a unique ritual of Taoism, and only Taoist priests can do it. Monks and nuns have no ability to consecrate, because there is no such thing as consecration in Buddhism.  Wang Xizhi?Standing up, the servant outside the order gate took the luggage and took out several exquisite utensils, including twelve soapberry beads, eighty-one pearl beads, and three hundred and sixty-five chanting madou beads.  Beads, jade grips, gourd grips, etc. are all leisure objects and decorations used by literati.  Mo Wen took them one by one and looked at them one by one, and eliminated a jade statue of Lao Tzu, a hanging of 108 beads and an exposed-breasted wood carving of a Kabuki. The statue of the Immortal Dharma can only be placed in an auspicious position and burned with incense, and must not be used as decoration.  Wearing it is a disrespectful act, which not only brings no benefit but also brings disaster. One hundred and eight is the number of Buddhist beads, and he is unwilling to consecrate the beads. And because the singer's status is low, he is unwilling to confer spiritual energy on it.  The process of consecration is very cumbersome, similar to the process of drawing talisman. It requires fasting, cleansing the mouth, bathing, offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, and reciting a large number of scriptures. However, Mo Wen did not follow this process, but simplified the complex.  Introduce a little spiritual energy into each artifact and return it to Wang Xizhi. The essence of consecration is to transfer part of the spiritual energy of the consecrating Taoist priest to a certain artifact to achieve the purpose of exorcising evil spirits and welcoming. The so-called welcoming is to receive the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.  , except for the end of the world, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has always existed, but only practitioners who practice Qi can receive it. Consecration is like giving the other party a small vessel to receive spiritual energy, which can passively receive a small amount of spiritual energy of heaven and earth.  After the consecration was completed, Guo Xian Cheng came in and asked the two of them if they wanted to have a dinner. The lunch was very simple, consisting of a chicken and three vegetarian dishes, and the wine was also turbid wine. Don't say that this is just a small border town. It is a year of disaster, and even the life of an official in the DPRK is difficult.  Extremely miserable.  Everyone had a simple lunch, and Mo Wen sent an invitation to Wang Xizhi. The county magistrate respectfully handed over the four scriptures that were to be transferred to Mo Wen. Mo Wen and Lao Wu led Wang Xizhi and his servants to the west and returned to Shangqing Temple.  "My Taoist teachings can reach the heavens. There is no rain for a long time now. Why don't you come up and practice Dharma on the altar to pray for some rain?" Wang Xizhi asked while walking.  Before Mo Wen heard the words, Lao Wu took over from the side and said, "A few days ago, my master went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace just to deal with the rain. The matter is almost done." Wang Xizhi nodded happily after hearing this.  , he is much older than Mo Wen, a relatively calm man in his forties or fifties.  "Although Wang advocates Confucianism and Taoism, he has also meditated and studied, but his talent is limited and he has never been able to understand the essence of Taoism. This time I met the real person, and I have many questions to ask the real person for advice." Wang Xizhi said.  "If I am right, what I want to ask you most is life and death." Mo Wen walked forward slowly.  Wang Xizhi was surprised when he heard this, "How could a real person say this?" "Pindao once read Mr. Wang's new work "Preface to the Lanting Collection". There is a saying in it, 'I know that life and death are false, and the death of Qi Peng is a false work.'  " Mo Wen said casually. The general meaning of this sentence is: It is absurd to regard life and death as the same, and it is wrong to regard long life and short life as the same. This sentence shows that Wang Xizhi attaches great importance to life and death, and it can also be seen that he  Regarding the understanding of the way of heaven, life and death are inherently different. Life is good, death is bad, long life is good, short life is bad. This life is painful, and placing hope in the next life is misleading.  "A real person can know a leopard by looking at its spots, and he can know autumn by seeing leaves. He is truly a man of heaven." Wang Xizhi's words are sincere.  "Sir, you are overly complimentary. If you have any questions, sir, it's okay to ask. I know everything I know, but I have to tell you." Mo Wen said.  Wang Xizhi heard Mo Wen's words and lowered his eyebrows. After walking dozens of steps, he said, "Where did we come from and where will we go." "We come from nothingness and go back to nothingness." Mo Wen said.  Wang Xizhi asked, "What is nothingness?" Mo asked and answered, "It is primitive, it is unchangeable, it is eternal." Wang Xizhi asked again, "Since nothingness comes and goes, why do we live in this world?" Mo Wen smiled and said, "If this statement was made by a monk,  Hui said, "Since you are still hungry after eating, why should you eat?" Wang Xizhi smiled and said, "It seems that the real person has also learned their sophistry." Mo Wen nodded and said, "Yin Yang."  All intersects have birth and restraint, and without birth and restraint, there is nothingness and nothingness. Only by birth and restraint can we have a long life. Yin and Yang intersect, and when Yang is strong, a boy is born, and when Yin is strong, a girl is born. Everything in the world and men and women in the world are all derivatives of Yin and Yang, and nothing is derived from them.  It is difficult for things to manifest the way of heaven, and things without derivatives cannot live long. We are all derived from yin and yang, and we only exist in the world to complete the way of heaven and promote the universe." Wang Xizhi asked again, "What the real person said is what the immortals look down on.  As mortals, what is the meaning of our existence?" Mo Wen replied casually, "The seven emotions and six desires are the foundation of survival. If there are no seven emotions and six desires, what is the difference between the dead and the dead?  Benevolence and righteousness are no different from animals. The heart is not empty. After a hundred years of life, everyone has his own destiny. Most of them return to nothingness, and a few murderers are punished. There are also a few wise men who have understood the way of heaven, cultivated themselves, restrained themselves and returned to ritual, jumped out of the three realms, and got rid of the five elements.  Be able to do justice for heaven and enjoy eternal life.Both of them are intelligent people. Although the conversation was extremely profound, each other could understand it quickly, so the conversation did not stop. After Mo Wen finished speaking, Wang Xizhi asked again, "What is the relationship between heaven, earth and man." Mo Wen said, "  Heaven and earth are yin and yang, and yin and yang are good and evil. Mortals feel the yin and yang of heaven and earth and become souls. They combine the yin and yang of their parents to create people. Human nature has both good and evil. Those who do good will be accepted by good after their death. Those who do evil will be evil after their death.  If you don't distinguish between good and evil, you will end up in nothingness. " "Heaven and earth are unkind and treat all things as stupid dogs." Wang Xizhi nodded peacefully. Life is actually a choice, and what God does is to let you be born into the world and give you a life.  The opportunity to choose, what you choose is what you are.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard this. The conversation between the two had just begun. Wang Xizhi must have more profound problems waiting for him to answer
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