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Text Chapter 473 Junjie

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    "What are you packing?" Lao Wu asked. Don't ask about methods or treatment. He didn't have much equipment or household items.  Mo Wen raised his finger and pointed at Lao Wu's dirty hair. He had two wives and concubines. His clothes had been changed, but his hair was not combed and his face was not washed.  Lao Wu understood, and turned around and ran away. Although he was old and had no worries about food and clothing, he still didn't get rid of the habit of running. At this time, walking slowly was the habit of wealthy people and scholars, and servants and handymen mostly used running.  .  Mo Wen left the main hall, went to the west courtyard to greet Qin Yun, and then went to the alchemy room to pick up the fly whisk and Lao Wu and go out.  "Master, bring your sword, just in case he asks you to subdue the demon." Lao Wu said.  "The sword is worn when walking in the rivers and lakes. Taoists always bring a fly whisk when they go out to visit friends." Mo Wen shook his head and said.  Due to a long period of drought and no rain, the vegetation in the mountains has withered and turned yellow. A large number of leaves have begun to fall in early autumn. The mountain roads are covered with dead leaves. When you step on them while walking, the leaves dry and shatter.  "Master, you see, I'm going to be a grandpa soon, so you have to hurry up." Lao Wu grabbed the locusts on the roadside while walking. There will be especially many locusts in the drought season. Fortunately, the temperature has dropped by now, otherwise he would be dead.  There will be a locust plague.  Mo Wen didn't answer when he heard the words. He was thinking about the reason for the county magistrate's previous visit. There were only three possibilities for the other party to come to Shangqing Temple. One was to make friends, the other was to pray for rain, and the third was to subdue demons, but the specifics were  You have to see the county magistrate to know which one it is.  Traveling five or six miles eastward, we leave the mountainous area and enter the farmland area. Shangqingguan is located in the Jin Kingdom, which belongs to the south. Millet in the south can be planted twice a year in good years. Millet planted later is only half a foot high at this time.  , there are farmers harvesting in the fields. Due to the drought, the millet has not set seeds. The farmers harvest the stalks to serve as firewood for the winter.  These farmers are either extremely thin or very fat. The thinness is naturally due to hunger, and the fatness is not really fat, but the swollen face caused by long-term deprivation of grains and only eating wild vegetables to satisfy hunger. Wild vegetables are more or less toxic. Occasionally,  The human body can still tolerate it, but long-term consumption of wild vegetables can cause poisoning.  An old farmer in the field saw Mo Wen walking on the road in the field. He raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He bowed to Mo Wen dozens of steps away and said, "Grandpa Taoist, please do well and ask God for help."  Let it rain." Mo Wen raised his hand to the old farmer and did not answer. In fact, the old farmer was not very old and could not be more than fifty. But at this time, people's lifespan was generally not long. People who were over sixty were happy.  In mourning, longevity is considered to be over seventy, and there are also those who are over ten years old. There are only a few, and they are more common in families with subsistence.  "The heavens are closed, please give me some help." Lao Wu said with a smile.  "Don't be rude." Mo Wen scolded him casually, and Lao Wu responded casually. Over the years, he has become accustomed to speaking without restraint, and he is also used to Mo Wen's painless scoldings. It's up to you, what should I do?  What else to do.  "Master, when the South China Sea comes, let's let some rain fall in this area first. The pools in the back mountains are almost dry." Lao Wu said.  Mo Wen nodded. Since it had not rained in any area, if rain fell in this area, it would cause a huge sensation, which would be conducive to taking the opportunity to spread the word and help the world.  While the two were talking, a young village girl walked up the road ahead. The village girl was not very old. She carried a rattan basket on her elbow. The linen clothes she wore were mostly patched, and she was wearing a pair of old men's shoes on her feet.  The man in her family let her wear it.  Lao Wu walked a few steps quickly to meet the village girl, raised his hand and bowed to her, "Girl, please." When the village girl saw Lao Wu greeting her, she stopped and tilted her head, "What do you want to do?" "Nothing to do, that thing,  Here you go, get dressed and buy a pair of shoes." Lao Wu took out a piece of broken silver from his sleeve and threw it into the village girl's basket.  "I, I" Lao Wu threw out five or six taels of silver, and the village girl was frightened.  "Alas, the world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs." Lao Wu walked a few steps quickly to catch up with Mo Wen.  Mo Wen smiled when he heard this. What Lao Wu said was a sentence in the Tao Te Ching. It is often mentioned by people with little knowledge to express the unkindness of heaven and earth. In fact, this sentence is not literal, but refers to heaven and earth.  He will not give advice and guidance to the world, and people's blessings and misfortunes are all caused by themselves.  "How pitiful." Lao Wu looked back at the village girl.  "That one is even more pitiful." Mo Wen raised his hand and pointed at a ragged peasant woman working in the field.  Lao Wu turned his head and glanced at the peasant woman, curled his lips and lowered his head, and walked quickly past.  "It's pitiful, you don't get money for being ugly." Mo Wen smiled and exposed Lao Wu.  "Master, we have to leave quickly to avoid being late. They think we went there while we were eating." When changing the subject to ease his own embarrassment, Lao Wu was the fastest to respond and could always find a reasonable solution.  Things changed the topic.    The area where Shangqing Temple is located is nearly thirty miles away from the county seat. Halfway through, the two of them saw a group of farmers gathering on the road ahead. When they got closer, they found an old cow pulling a cart lying on the road.  The old cow was skinny and bony, lying on the ground panting heavily. Its huge bull eyes were lifeless. A middle-aged man was anxiously shaking his jacket full of holes and fanning the old cow to cool it down.  Mo Wen saw clearly that the reason why the old cow fell to the ground was due to severe lack of water and heavy labor. It was not difficult to save its life. All it took was to feed it water. The farmers around it also discovered this, but they  There was no water, and the pottery urn in his hand was filled only with sediment from the turbid water.  "Master, I'll go back and get some water for it." Lao Wu guessed what Mo Wen was thinking based on his expression.  Mo Wen nodded, and Lao Wu turned around and ran away. A dozen miles was nothing to him. Not long after, Lao Wu came back with a water tank. A lot of water was spilled along the way, and most of the tank was left.  "Get out of the way, get out of the way." Lao Wu pushed aside the crowd with one hand and put down the water vat. Seeing so much clear water, many farmers rushed up to explore the vat.  "This water is for the cows. It's your turn after the cows have finished drinking." Lao Wu pulled the farmers away one by one. The old cow smelled the water vapor, mooed twice and tried to stand up, but was too weak to do so.  After success, Lao Wu stepped forward and used brute force to pick up the old cow and let the old cow drink to quench his thirst.  After saving the old cow, the two continued eastward under the surprised gaze of everyone and the endless gratitude of the owner of the cow.  Due to the delay on the way, it was already noon when we arrived at the county seat. The situation in the city was better than that in the countryside. Due to the low terrain, the well water had not completely dried up. People would do various things when they had no worries about food and clothing, but  People all do the same thing when they are hungry, that is to find food to survive, work and walk to survive, sell their children and daughters to survive, beg to survive, and those shops that insist on running are also to earn some money to buy.  Rice food water.  This is a small town on the border. The county government office is very small. In the front is the lobby, and in the back is where the county magistrate lives. There are two government officials on duty outside the door.  Mo Wen stepped forward, swung his fly whisk and said, "Please send the two official messengers to report to the county magistrate, and the Emperor Tianshu of the Shangqing Dynasty will return for a visit." The two government officials did not recognize Mo Wen, but Mo Wen's demeanor was aloof, and he added the word "return"  This also made them dare not neglect, and one of them quickly walked through the door to report.  Not long after, there were urgent footsteps in the courtyard. After a while, two middle-aged men came out of the backyard. One of them was short and wearing an official uniform. The other was of medium build, with a wide forehead and big eyes, a straight face and a straight nose.  appearance.  "Guo Buping, the Prime Minister of Xiaguanli County, pays homage to Master Tianshu." The short man walked out quickly and bowed to the ground in front of the audience.  "Blessed be the Immortal Lord, Mr. Guo has donated a lot to the Shangqing Temple, and I am here to express my gratitude." Mo Wen returned the courtesy and turned to the man in civilian clothes who was smiling at him and nodded.  "Master Guo, I went to the East China Sea with my husband a few days ago. When I came back, I heard that you went to our Taoist temple. When I came back today, I came over to ask you why you went to our Taoist temple." Lao Wu asked carelessly. He was used to it.  Although he was a high-ranking official or general, he didn't even pay attention to the seventh-grade county magistrate.  "You two distinguished guests, please come in and serve tea." Guo Buping bent sideways and raised his hand to invite them in.  When Mo Wen entered the door, he looked again at the smiling middle-aged man standing aside. This man had a strange face. He had the appearance of a minister and an extraordinary figure. His breathing was slower than that of ordinary people, indicating that he had a certain amount of spiritual energy cultivation.  Not profound.  Although this middle-aged man had a strange appearance, Mo Wen did not pay too much attention to it. When this man held his hands, his left hand was outside and his right hand was inside. When he cupped his fist, his right hand held his left thumb behind his back. This is the Taoist posture of bowing his head. In other words, even if this man is not a Taoist,  He should be a layman, but he has received high merits and has a respected status in Taoism. The status of ordinary Taoist priests and laymen is lower than him.  "Master Wang, please." County magistrate Guo Buping walked to the door and raised his hand to the middle-aged man.  Walking through the courtyard to the back house, I saw two tall horses tied in the backyard, and a servant-looking man was unsaddled the horses. The two horses looked leisurely, not like they were returning from an outing. They looked like someone was about to leave, but instead  The trip was temporarily postponed.  Entering the main room, everyone took their seats. When they arrived, Mo Wen already had a suspicion in his mind. The reason why the county magistrate went up the mountain must be because of this person.  "Wang has heard about the immortal name of the real person for a long time. When he came here because of his fame, he never thought that he would meet the real person. This sight is so comforting for the rest of his life." The middle-aged man spoke first.  "My true appearance, Lord Wang is the right general of the court. I went to Baoshan before to serve as a guide for Lord Wang." Guo Buping interjected from the side.  "It's fate that we meet each other. I don't know why Mr. Wang is seeking poverty." Mo Wen asked casually. The right general is a third-rank official. He is not small, but he is not considered big in his eyes.  ? ??The middle-aged man said, "Returning to the real person, the Wang family has always worshiped Huang Lao and Taoism since Wang's ancestors, and the same goes for Wang. Wang has visited high Taoist hermits before, but he has never had a glimpse of the essence of Taoism.  "True, I can't understand the confusion in my heart. I came here to ask for advice from the real person, and I also want to express my humble opinion to the real person." "Don't ask whether I heard the words, even though this person speaks calmly and has an extraordinary bearing.  But he had no idea of ??having a deep conversation with him, because this person was not young, and the doubts in his heart must have been buried in his heart for many years. It was difficult to explain his doubts with just a few words, and why everyone had different understandings of Taoism. He  Nor is he willing to impose his ideas on others.  "Your Majesty Wang and General Zhang Dongzhi have been close friends for generations, and they are equal in both civil and military affairs." Seeing that Mo Wen was not interested, Guo Buping hurriedly spoke in the hope of making things happen.  "I dare to ask Mr. Wang about his name." Mo Wen frowned and looked sideways. Zhang Dongzhi was the most powerful general in the Jin Dynasty, and there was also a leader among the civil servants. He was an eternal genius and a literary master.  "Xizhi"
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