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Text Chapter 343 A first glimpse of the avenue

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    The Yuanying is derived from the Yuanshen. It is directed by the Yuanshen of the main body but is not bound by the main body. It can leave the body and travel around the world, and can also exist forever without the main body. The difference between gods and mortals is that gods have powerful Yuanshen and can use the Yuanshen.  Immortal magic, and no matter how advanced a mortal's cultivation is before ascension, the soul cannot exist independently from the body, let alone use the soul to perform domineering fairy magic.

    The Yuan Shen cannot leave the body and will be restricted by the body. By smelting the inner elixir, the Yuan Shen can be strengthened. The Yuan Shen that cannot break away from the body is derived from the Yuan Ying that can break away from the body. If the Yuan Ying is formed, even if it does not ascend to the fairy world, it can  Use magic.

    Enlightenment is to think clearly about existing things, while research and creation is to open up a road that has never been traveled before. Before this, there was no way to practice Yuanying. Heaven will give the Yuanshen the power to perform immortal magic for ascended Taoists.  Reward, this is also the reason why the loose immortals who are stranded in the mortal world are weak. If they ascend to the heaven, they will be bound by the heaven, thus gaining the strength of the soul.  If you stay in the mortal world, you will not be able to receive rewards, and if you are not restrained, you will not be able to perform immortal magic.

    If the way of the Nascent Soul can be passed through, you will have a powerful Yuan Shen while practicing the Inner Alchemy. The higher the Inner Alchemy is, the more powerful the Yuan Shen will be. When it reaches its peak, the Yuan Shen will give birth to the Yuan Ying. Once you have the Yuan Ying,  Ying, even if he is stranded in the mortal world, he can still perform various immortal spells. If the Nascent Soul is strong enough, he can live forever and look directly at the heaven. If the Nascent Soul continues to be strong, he can not only transcend life and death, but even transcend the three realms and become an unprecedented new eternity.

    With this thought in his mind, Mo Wen withdrew his thoughts and did not think about it again. Although he had gone through many ups and downs, he had never had a disobedient heart, nor had he ever thought about betraying the Three Pure Ones and being arrogant. This stemmed from his peaceful mind and upright considerations.  , he saw his losses and the misfortunes he endured, as well as his gains and luck.

    The future is infinitely bright, but the road is difficult and long. Life on the top of the snow-capped mountains is not easy. Needless to say the cold, the biggest suffering is loneliness. Although I can communicate with Ah Jiu, as time goes by, the communication with Ah Jiu becomes a  It was a dream-like hallucination. Since it was untouchable, everything in the prison felt unreal to him, including Ah Jiu in the prison.

    The biggest difference between people who practice Taoism and ordinary people is that people who practice Taoism like to be quiet while ordinary people like to be active. However, the Taoist's love of tranquility does not mean that they like complete silence, but they just like more quietness. But there is complete silence on the snow-capped mountains. This  This kind of silence is not silence without sound, but a kind of loneliness that is isolated from the world. If you are someone else, you can find someone to talk to if you feel lonely, and you can calm down through conversation, but you can't find such a comforting person.  The only person who can feel relieved is Ah Jiu who is in prison. But Ah Jiu is in prison, and mouth movements without any emotion cannot comfort her. Mo Wen wants to hear Ah Jiu's voice, and wants to touch and touch her.  Hug Ah Jiu.

    Once the peace in the heart is out of balance, resentment will immediately arise, and the resentment will become more serious if it is not resolved. However, Mo Wen has always suppressed the resentment in his heart and did not show it, let alone have any resentment towards Ah Jiu.  There are always some things in life that must be endured. On that day, I enjoyed the warmth and warmth with peace of mind, but today I have to bear the cold and loneliness with peace of mind.

    The biggest difference between snow-capped mountains and ordinary mountain peaks is that the scenery of snow-capped mountains does not change much throughout the year. At first, Mo Wen could roughly calculate the time, but later he could no longer remember the date and could only calculate the time based on the approximate changes in temperature.  To judge the season, in addition to the temperature, there is another thing that can help him roughly judge the time, and that is the skink locked in the cave. The skink needs to eat once every six months, and in half a year it will rush into the purple air barrier to beg for food.

    After feeling the skink collide with the purple energy barrier, Mo Wen came to his senses from his meditation and went down the mountain with the money.  As usual, when leaving, he would tell Ah Jiu why he was leaving and why he could return.

    After going down the mountain, Mo Wen checked the Shengsi Temple first and found that there were five wishes in the stone box of the Shengsi Temple. Two of them asked for the strong wind and snow to be weakened. The time limit for the request has now been exceeded.  The other thing I wish for is a safe life, which can be ignored. There are only two things I can ask for in the near future. One is to ask the gods to cure the wolf problem, and the other is to ask the gods to bless a seriously ill woman so that she can be cured of her chronic disease as soon as possible.

    After seeing what he was asking for, Mo Wen left the Shengsi Temple and headed for the border town. When he arrived at the town in the evening, he found that the town had been abandoned and the residents had disappeared.

    After searching around the city, Mo Wen found that there were no traces of war, but many living utensils in the residences had been left in place, which showed that the residents here were in a hurry that day. Judging from the degree of spoilage of the food,  It seems that the people here have not been away for a long time, and many houses here have signs of fire.

    After pondering for a moment, Mo Wen did not continue heading south, but turned around and returned to the grassland. He did not care about the things outside. He came here just to replenish dry food, and the herdsmen also had wheat that could be used to make bread in their homes.

    This is the time of late autumn and early winter.There were no scattered herdsmen on the plain. It was only at noon the next day that we saw a large number of tents in a mountain col. A rough count of them was a hundred or so. There was a large amount of pasture accumulated in the mountain col. There were erected tents at the north and south exits of the mountain col.  Very high fence.

    Seeing this, Mo Wen was very puzzled. The Qiang people in the grasslands rarely lived in groups. For some reason, they gathered together to spend the winter this year.  After a brief thought, the doubts were cleared. The Qiang people may have gathered in one place to prevent wolves from attacking.

    Mo Wen approached the mountain col on foot from the south. When he was two miles away from the mountain col, a Qiang man discovered him. Very few outsiders came here. Mo Wen's appearance aroused the crowds of the Qiang people in the village. Mo Wen looked up into the distance.  , trying to find the familiar woman, but what he never expected to find was the old man who sold him the sheep. The old man still recognized him, walked out of the fence, and greeted him loudly.

    Mo Wen Jishou returned the gift and walked into the Qiang gathering place with the old man.

    ¡°Little brother, you don¡¯t want cattle or sheep, so why are you here with us?¡± The old man spoke in blunt Chinese.

    "There is a temple not far to the east of Muli Snow Mountain. I was sent by the gods to cure the wolf problem for you." Mo Wen said angrily. Temples have existed in China since ancient times. They are places for worshiping gods.  This is where the monks live.

    As soon as Mo Wen said this, a small number of Qiang people cheered. As the Qiang people who knew Chinese translated Mo Wen's words into Qiang and told others, the cheers became louder and louder. Although there were only more than a hundred tents here, the tents were very large.  It was so big that the number of people must be more than a thousand. More than a thousand people cheered in unison, and the sound resounded throughout the valley.

    After cheering, the Qiang people gradually calmed down. There were whispers and pointing fingers at him from the crowd. It was obvious that they doubted his ability to restrain the wolves.

    At this moment, a Qiang man spoke loudly to everyone. He spoke in Qiang language. Mo Wen couldn't understand it, but he could understand the Qiang man's gestures. The Qiang man's gestures were that he was carrying something up and down,  It goes without saying that what they saw was him carrying the skink in the sky and flying westward. As a result, all the Qiang people looked at him with admiration and no longer dared to underestimate the thin Taoist in front of them.

    "Don't ask, strike while the iron is hot," "The gods said that someone once made a wish to him, asking the gods to bless his wife to recover. Who made the wish from that temple before?"

    As soon as these words came out, the Qiang people looked at each other. After a while, a strong man in his thirties walked out of the crowd and said in a loud voice, "It's me. If Goddess Ah Jiu can cure my family's disease, I am willing to give all my  All the cattle and sheep were dedicated to her.¡±

    After this person walked out of the crowd, everyone looked at him with respect. He must be a relatively prestigious person among the Qiang people.

    "The poor man received an oracle and came here on orders, and he will definitely cure Gemu's disease." Mo Wen said seriously. In order for the Qiang people to worship Ah Jiu, he could only act in the name of God.

    As soon as Mo Wen finished speaking, someone in the crowd was snickering. Mo Wen didn't know why, thinking that everyone looked down on him, so he raised his hand to the strong man, "Please take Pindao to see Gemu."

    "Gem is my wife." The strong man said with a glare.

    Mo Wen was very puzzled when he saw this. He didn't know why the strong man looked like this. The old man looked at it clearly and stepped forward and whispered, "Gem is not a person's name, but his wife."

    After hearing the explanation, it was Mo Wen's turn to be embarrassed. Seeing Mo Wen's expression, the strong man knew that it was his previous speaking in Qiang that had caused the misunderstanding. He grinned, walked over and patted Mo Wen on the shoulder, then put his arms around him and hugged him.  After a hug, he pointed to a tent not far away and said, "Let's go."

    Although Mo Wen likes the simplicity of the Qiang people, he doesn't like the smell of the Qiang people. They eat more meat and milk and have heavy breath.  But he didn't show it, smiled, and followed the strong man to the tent.

    The other Qiang people did not disperse, but followed behind to watch.

    After entering the tent, Mo Wen immediately smelled a rotten stench. Looking around the tent, he found that the stench came from a floor in the northwest of the tent. There was a woman lying on the quilt, covered with a thick fur blanket. She could not see it from the door of the tent.  The appearance of a woman can only be identified by the long hair on her head.

    Mo Wen didn¡¯t stay in the tent for long, he paused for a moment and then turned around and left.  The strong man followed him out with a worried look on his face and stared at Mo Wen nervously.

    Mo Wen was not in a hurry to speak, but frowned and thought. He was very familiar with this putrid smell. It was the rotting flesh caused by the zombie poison.  If you are bitten by a zombie, you will become a walking zombie, and your flesh will not rot.  Only the skin and flesh of people bitten by walking corpses will gradually decay. This disease would not be considered a disease in China, but anyone who understands medicine knows that the poison can be removed by using glutinous rice.

    "What was she bitten by?" Mo Wen asked.

    As soon as this sentence came out, everyone who knew Chinese would exclaim, don¡¯t ask what the meaning of the sentence was.

    "A month ago, Yang Jin and I went to a Han town to deliver sheep. She was raped by a drunkard there.Bite on arm.  "The strong man pointed to his right wrist and pointed at the location.

    Mo Wen nodded silently when he heard this. There are many Taoists in the world who can control zombies, but the only one who can control a large number of zombies at the same time is Liu Sheng. The terrain of that border town is very remote. He has been there many times before, and the terrain there is impossible.  The only way to breed zombies is that the bitten people ran there. The presence of zombies bitten by zombies in such a border town shows that Liu Sheng has begun to control zombies to cause harm in Liang Kingdom, regardless of this move.  Is it because Liu Sheng resorted to pulling out the fire under the tight war situation, or is it that the Liang Kingdom has been greatly defeated and captured by the Zhao army? At least one thing is certain, that is, the outside is completely in chaos.

    "Zhuo Bu, can my woman's disease be cured?" the strong man asked cautiously.

    Mo Wen was interrupted from deep thought and couldn't react for a moment. The old man stepped forward and said, "Zhuo is just a friend, Tashi, speak the language of the Han people."

    "Yes, I was sent by the gods, so I can naturally heal her." Mo Wen nodded and returned to the tent. He reached the woman and grabbed her left hand hanging outside the bed.

    The woman woke up from her sleep and said something weakly. The Qiang man named Tashi hurriedly stepped forward to explain.

    After confirming that the person was indeed infected with corpse poison, Mo Wen ordered people to bring water and immerse his rotten and bone-shattering right arm in the water. If it had been caused by other diseases, such an action would have caused the patient to feel severe pain, but this  The woman was poisoned by corpse poison and her limbs were numb, so she didn't feel any pain.

    Since he didn't have any herbs around him, Mo Wen could only use his spiritual energy to force out the poison. This was the easiest and most energy-consuming method. He needed to use his spiritual energy to protect his consciousness, and then distribute a ray of spiritual energy to force out the poison.  To get into your heart, pick them out one by one.

    This person had been poisoned for a long time, and it took a lot of effort to force out the poison. Within half an hour, three basins of water stained black by corpse poison were poured out. The woman named Yang Jin just started begging for water and food.

    "Friend, you healed my woman with your magic. I keep my word. I have more than 400 sheep, six cows and a dozen horses, all of which are given to you." Tashi said seriously, patting his chest.

    "I don't want your livestock. If you want to thank the gods, you can expand the temple and burn incense and worship regularly." Mo Wen waved his hand and said.

    ¡°To build a temple, we must also provide livestock. We Qiang people always mean what we say.¡± Tashi said with a glare.

    Seeing this, the old man came forward and said to Tashi in Chinese, "He is an expert. An expert will not want your cattle and sheep. Last year, he frightened all my sheep away with a whip."  , he didn¡¯t want the last one.¡±

    Whether it is preaching or evangelizing, one must have supernatural powers to convince the world. Mo Wen cured the woman's strange disease with just a few gestures. The Qiang people completely worshiped him and pulled Mo Wen into their tent as a guest. The wolf is more meaty.  Young people, Mo Wen, can't go anywhere on their own. Although the Qiang people are simple, they are very aggressive. If they don't agree with each other, they want to roll up their sleeves and fight with the tribesmen.

    Just when Mo Wen was being surrounded and pulled by people, shouts came from the south. Everyone heard the sound and looked south, only to see a dozen strong horses running in the distance. Immediately there was the family of the woman he knew well, among them  Behind them were several war horses, and in the distance was a pack of thousands of huge wolves. The distance between the war horses and the wolves was only a dozen feet. The horses all had foam at the corners of their mouths. It was obvious that they had been on a long run.

    What Ling Mo Wen didn't expect was that the knights on the horse were actually wearing Jin armor. Those knights were covered in blood at this time, and their quivers had been empty. They could only use long curled swords to block the attacks from time to time.  Bad wolf.

    Why did the soldiers of Jin come to Liang?  The situation was critical. Don't think too much and immediately rushed out to rescue. After rushing forward, you discovered that one of the bloody cavalry was using a spear eight feet long and carrying four long knives behind him.

    Why is Zhang Dongzhi here
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