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Volume 2, Box Garden Chapter 324: Return Chapter Ending with Zheng Shuanglong¡¯s report.

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    "Where has the time gone? The old trees in front of the door are growing new buds, and the dead trees in the yard are blooming again. I have half-lived a lot of words, hidden in my head of white hair. ~" "The little feet in the memory, the plump little mouth,  Give your love to him all your life, just for the sake of being a parent. " "Where has the time gone? I am old before I can fully feel my youth I have been thinking about children crying and laughing all my life!  Where are you going? Your eyes are blurry before I even take a good look at it. You have spent half a lifetime on food, rice, oil and salt, and in the blink of an eye, all you have left is wrinkles on your face." "The little feet in my memory, the plump little mouth, I gave my love to him throughout my life,  Just for those parents.¡± ¡°Where has the time gone? I¡¯m old before I can fully feel my youth. All my life is spent raising children and crying and laughing.¡± ¡°Where has the time gone? I haven¡¯t fully realized how young I am.  Just look at your eyes. You have spent half your life making money, and all you have left is wrinkles on your face. " "Where has the time gone? You will grow old before you have a good experience of being young. You will have children and raise a daughter all your life, and all you can think about is the crying of children.  "Where has the time gone? Your eyes have been exhausted before you take a good look. In a blink of an eye, all that is left is wrinkles on your face."  Name]: Zheng Shuanglong [Age]: 17 years old (eternally seventeen years old) [Title]: Lord of Space [Personality]: 1. [True God] - Even if the law is burned, even if the spiritual imprint is almost broken.  But the true God is the true God.  A broken spiritual imprint is still a spiritual imprint.  2. [Creator] - The fantasy world is constructed from the understanding of three-dimensional people, coming from the three-dimensional world.  Zheng Shuanglong, who has a three-dimensional soul, can also be said to be one of the creators of the fantasy world.  Therefore, in River of Fantasy, Zheng Shuanglong has the status of a creator.  3. [Reality] - Successfully uphold the Kingdom of God. Even if you are exiled at the last moment, you have still experienced the baptism of the laws of the main world and regained a real person compared to illusion.  [Attribute]: Space [Principle]: Space (remnant) [Lovers]: Athena, Tachibana Kanade, Liliana, Luo Cuilian, Takitsubo Rikou, Kiyoakiin Ena, Leticia, Haraka Shion, Pester,  Sandora.  Fit Testarossa, Euclid Halse, Tomoyo Sakagami, Ikaros, Yukina Himiragi, Yuki Nagato, Astarut, Reimi Tenjoin, Misaki Shokuhou,  Go to Baize Huiyin.  ¡¾Disciple¡¿: Minghu Alyssa, Satora Sekhwentsia.  ¡¾Friends¡¿: Pandora, Shiina, Asami Iwasawa.  ¡¾Pet¡¿: Hakuli Liuli.  ¡¾Possessions¡¿: Rei, Kasukabe Y¨­, Kuon Asuka, Laura Stewart, Shirayuki Hime.  ¡¾Pseudo God Kingdom¡¿: Pandora, Athena, Leticia, Euclidean Halsetz, Murasaki Yakumo, Reimu Hakurei, Yuka Kazami, Keine Kamishirasawa, Sakuya Izayoi, Remy  Leia Scarlet, Flandre Scarlet, Yashi Eirin, Saikyoji Yuyuko, Yakumo Aoi, Shomeimaru Fumi, Hina Nai Tenko, Shiki Ehime, Kanzaki, Yasaka Kanna  Zi, Gakuya Suwako, Horaiyama Kaguya, Cirno, Benimei Rei, and Fujiwara Meihong.  [Believers]: Stella, Sting Auguri, Molda Azrael, Fremea Severen, Lux, Mugino Shinri, Kinuhata Favorite, Flanda,  Katsuragi Keima, Ellie, Shira, Ayukawa Tenri, Takahara Ayumi, Nakagawa Kanon, Shiomiya Shiori, Kujo Tsukiyo, Gobitou Yui, Heikati, Agurola, Akisa Nagisa, Aiha Asan, Akatsuki Furujo  , Natsume Haise, La Fulia Rivain, Takamachi Nanoha, Yagami Hayate, Kira Yamato, Shana (1,607,360) [Item]  : Spiritual Mark of the Lord of Taixu (Broken) [Ability]: 1. Non-combat: Cooking (Grandmaster Level), Music (Grandmaster Level), Politics (Master Level), Strategy (Grandmaster Level), Administration (Master Level)  ), Sociology (Master Level), Economics (Advanced Level) 2. Combat Category: Alchemy (Elementary), Alchemy (Apprentice).  The Kingdom of God [Land of the Void]: The Temple of the Sky - the most important facility in the Kingdom of God is a display of God's majesty.  It is also the true god's last guarantee. The accompanying defensive array can resist the attack of the true god. It is the true god's greatest means of resisting the invasion of other true gods.  It is also the most important guarantee when the true God is sleeping.  The Pillar of Laws - the most important component in the Temple of the Sky, is engraved with the laws owned by the True God. It is also a symbol of the True God's ownership of this kingdom of God, and it is also the most important weapon used by the True God to conquer other existences.  Under the resonance of the law of the pillar of law and the spiritual imprint of the true god.  The true god can exert ten times the powerable.  The Dream Pool is an important part of the Sky Palace.  The magical saving device that can collect the power of fantasy is the energy pool of the entire Kingdom of God.  It can be said that all the energy in the Kingdom of God is in the Dream Pool.  The Gate of Time and Space - an important component of the Temple of the Sky, the space transfer device, is the most important device for the True God to invade other kingdoms of gods.  The Throne of Faith, an important part of the Temple of the Sky, is not only a symbol of the majesty of the true God, but also the center for controlling the entire Kingdom of God.  Dominate the Kingdom of God.  The Temple of the Clouds, an affiliated temple of the Temple of the Sky, consists of ninety-nine exquisite temples, with a powerful array that can defend against the attacks of those from the false kingdom of God.  It is a building that Zheng Shuanglong gave to a being who has an unusual bond with him to live in.  They have the right to stand by God's side.  The Tower of True Knowledge - a high tower connecting heaven and earth, knowledge is power.  The Tower of True Knowledge stores all the knowledge collected by Zheng Shuanglong and is a huge library.  Dragon God's [Miracle Magic Array], Zheng Shuanglong's [Miracle Array of Heaven], [The Real Array of the World], [Analysis of the Power of Fantasy], [Analysis of Laws] and other important information are all stored in  In the tower.  The Tower of True Knowledge is a symbol of hope and expectation.  It is the representative of truth and knowledge.  It is an important guarantee for Zheng Shuanglong to uphold the Kingdom of God.  It can be said that it is the most important building in the Kingdom of God after the Temple of the Sky that controls the Kingdom of God.  [Organization]: Sky Temple: Responsible to Zheng Shuanglong, the highest authority in the Void Land.  Things that govern the entire Kingdom of God.  Located in the Temple of the Clouds.  Nine people, including Pandora, Pest, Luo Cuilian, Kiyoakiin Ena, Athena, Leticia, Yakumo Murasaki, Yachi Eirin, and Kamishirasawa Keine, formed a parliament to organize the work of the Sky Temple.  Organization: Tower of True Knowledge Management Committee: The full management organization responsible for the Tower of True Knowledge, headed by Tachibana Sou, Hara Hana Shion, and Takitsubo Riko.  It's actually a big library.  At the same time, he is also responsible for the educational arrangements for the voters in the Void Land.  It is barely a complex of educational institutions.  An institution that integrates libraries, colleges, education bureaus, etc.  Anyway, when it comes to knowledge, you can go to the Tower of True Knowledge Management Committee.  Voter Management Office: Responsible for the review of voter qualifications and military merit.  The allocation of living materials, the allocation of fantasy power distributed to voters, the review of resources in various research institutes, and a series of daily life things in the void.  It is the administrative organ of the Void Land. ?? Black Prison: The agency that arrests voters who have made mistakes, responsible for the Sky Temple.  Military Management Committee: Commanding all combat troops in the Void Land, they are only responsible to Zheng Shuanglong.  The mobilization of a single unit requires dual orders from the unit chief and the Sky Palace. The mobilization of multiple units requires Zheng Shuanglong's order.  [True God Level Moves]: [World Forced Summoning Array] - Using the wisdom of two worlds.  Guided by Takitsubo Rigo's ability [Ability Tracking], combined with the God of Disobedience Summoning Ritual and the Cross-World Summoning Ritual, this ultimate move can forcibly summon beings from other worlds into this world.  (Forbidden) [Soul Summoning] - Use the fetters in your own soul as a pulling force.  Reverse operation of the [World Forced Summoning Array], spanning countless worlds, summoning existences that are soul-bound to you here.  (Forbidden) [Soul Mark] - Zheng Shuanglong, who has the personality of the Creator.  You can put an eternal mark on the other person's soul.  Lock the opponent's traces.  Even reincarnation cannot erase the mark in the soul.  One item has been used - Otonashi Yuzuru.  (The Law of Space and the Personality of the Creator. Each can imprint a soul mark.) [Return to the City Technique] - A technique developed by Zheng Shuanglong, who possesses the Law of Space, to break through space and return to the Kingdom of God instantly.  (Forbidden, the Kingdom of God is not in the river of fantasy) [Miracle Magic Array] - The crystallization of tens of millions of years of knowledge of the Dragon God, which can increase the success rate of raising the Kingdom of God by 10%.  (Forbidden) ¡¾Miracle Circle of Heaven¡¿¡ª¡ªA combination of nine magic circles and the intersection of sixteen laws, a magic circle that can increase the chance of becoming a true god by 20%.  (Forbidden, cannot be used if seriously injured.) [Trick]: "In the beginning, man created the heaven and the earth." "The earth was in chaos and had not yet taken shape. The abyss was dark; the human spirit walked on the water." "Man commanded: 'Let there be light.  "The light appears." "He calls the light 'day' and the darkness 'night' when he sees that light is good."  "The man also commanded: 'Let there be a firmament between the waters to separate the lower and lower waters.' Everything was done according to his command. So man created the firmament and separated the lower and lower waters." "People call the firmament 'sky'.  The evening passes and the morning comes; this is the next day.¡±  "People also commanded: 'The water under the sky should be gathered together in one place, so that the earth can appear.' Everything was done according to his command." "People call the earth 'land', and the water gathered together is 'sea'  ¡¯ The man saw that the land and the sea were good.¡± ¡°Then the man commanded, ¡®Let the land grow all kinds of plants, those that yield grain, and those that bear fruit.¡¯ And everything was done according to his command.¡±  "So all kinds of plants grew on the land, some that produced grain and some that bore fruit. People considered these plants to be good." "Evening passed and morning came; this is the third day." "Then he commanded:  "There were lights in the sky to separate the day from the night, to mark the years, the days, and the seasons. They were to shine in the sky to illuminate the earth. " And everything was done according to his command. "So man created two great lights.  : The sun governs the day; the moon governs the night. He also made the stars. He placed the lights in the sky to illuminate the earth and separate the light from the darkness. " "It is good for people to see the light when it is over.  Come; this is the fourth day." "Man commanded: 'Let the waters be multiplied with many kinds of animals;  All kinds of birds in the sky. People think these animals are good." "He has blessed them and caused the fish to multiply in the sea and the birds to multiply on the earth." "The evening is over and the morning is coming; this is the fifth day.  "He also commanded: 'The earth should breed all kinds of animals: livestock, wild beasts, and reptiles. ' And everything was done according to his command. "So man created all kinds of animals on the earth.  "These animals are good." "Then they said, 'Let us make gods in our own image, in our own likeness, and let them have dominion over fish and birds, and over all cattle, wild beasts, and reptiles.  '" "So man created the gods in his own image. He created them, male and female. " "And he blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply, so that your descendants will fill the world and rule the earth.  I will give you grain and all kinds of fruits for your food. But for all the animals and birds, I will give them grass and vegetables to eat.  "The commandment was completed." "Man saw that everything he had created was good. Evening came and morning came. This was the sixth day." "On the seventh day, man completed the creation of the heavens and the earth.  "People blessed the seventh day and made it holy because they rested on it and gave up all their work in creating all things." "People are tired.  When people fall asleep, the fatigue of creation makes people fall into a long sleep. The long sleep makes people forget the original power of man, forget that God originally served man, and forget that God was created by man.  The world is created by humans, forgetting that everything in the world is served by pseudo-human beings, and forgetting the original language.  Forgot his identity.  " "God was originally a servant of man. God is not worthy of belief.  The world is created by people, and talents are the masters of the world.  " "Genesis, the reality of the world.  "¡ª¡ª[Genesis - The Reality of the World] (To be continued) PS: Thanks to "King of Technology" and "Eternal 0000 Moments" for their monthly votes.
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