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My Bodyguard is a Killer Volume 17 Interpretation

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    The city in the sky was shaken!  The earth was arched upwards by the force like earth shattering coming from below, and was instantly torn into countless huge stones ranging from tens to hundreds of square meters and scattered around the mage tower!  Following this, the trunk of a tree with a diameter of more than ten meters rose, and at its top, the mage tower with a bottom area of ??several hundred square meters became a long and pointed crown on the giant tree, and then rose rapidly.  Through the clouds, approaching the sun, showing off the colorful light!  Most of the people on the ground were stunned by this scene. Both sides retreated in the direction of the scattered rocks. In the middle of them, a deep pit the size of a school playground appeared, and below, there was a severely damaged underground.  space.  Everyone, except Xu Xiangyan, didn¡¯t know what happened. Everyone couldn¡¯t help but be attracted by the sudden change and looked down.  In the very distance, the bound Yin Yue Tian suddenly froze, and his heart felt an incredible sadness, as if his soul had been bitten by an invisible giant beast and most of it was lost.  His dejected look was keenly detected by Tersa, and the white girl immediately secretly sighed in her heart at the accuracy of the prophet and Sopuhaya's predictions.  After a long time, Yin Yue Tian spoke with difficulty: "What happened" The white girl may not have cleared up everything that has happened and not happened, but he couldn't help but ask this question.  Tersa smiled bitterly: "The foundation of the Sky City has been destroyed." "Foundation? What is that?" Tersa pointed to the flame ball above the mage tower, telling the story about the Eye of the Evil King and the secret of the true core  Speak up.  Yin Yue Tian was startled: "The power to break the rules? Is there such a power?" Tersa said: "Yes, such power has always existed before the cataclysm A certain family has no supernatural power at all.  Even though power exists in the world, there is still immortality, and it can burst out attacks in the form of energy cannons. But in fact, under the circumstances at that time, one of the rules of the earth is that humans cannot use super powers.  "Escape from natural energy." She looked at Yin Yuetian deeply: "The energy cannon controlled by that family is not restricted by the rules. In other words, the energy cannon itself has broken through and transcended the rules, and the name of that energy cannon is  ¡­¡± ¡°God¡¯s Tribulation Killing Cannon.¡± Yin Yuetian said this word calmly, and at the same time, tears fell quietly from his eyes.  Tersa was infected by his sadness and lowered her head with sadness in her eyes: "Yes, the saber-toothed tiger Grosso was captured by Lester. Naturally, that move could not have been made by him. In the absence of enemies,  You want to use this move unless" "Hypnotize yourself and regard the world in front of you as the enemy in the wolf king battle with you. Also because of the strength of the enemy, the fighting wolf must choose to use his own life to send out his message.  The heaviest blow from this opponent is either your death or my death." Yin Yuetian said with a smile and tears: "Of course it is impossible for the world to collapse with one blow, so the only way to die is to look for it.  Human. The power to break the rules is a violation of the rules, so the power of repair in the blood will naturally disappear." He looked at Tersa and said, "He is dead, isn't he."  Tersa finally couldn't hold back her tears.  Although she not only dislikes wolves, but is still afraid of him, this wolf died for the future of mankind, just like this war just like every war after the cataclysm to compete for the vitality of the human race.  All those who died due to misfortune are generally worthy of respect and worthy of the tears shed by strangers and even enemies.  She cried: "It's not just him! Your friends Urban Wolf Delvin, Hidden Man Liu Cong, Natasha Beckham and all the elites of Interpol will die! They use their lives to delay the Sixteen Death Hell.  When the forces in front of them cause changes in the entire Sky City, the people from the Sixteen Death Hell will rush over at all costs, which means they will definitely die!" "Delvin" Yin!  Yuetian smiled with tears in her eyes: "It turns out that he is here too. I didn't expect that he would leave me too." He raised his chin: "The people from Sixteen Death Hell have already entered."  "Sixteen Death"  The people from hell have already entered." After being surprised before, Lester quickly regained his composure: "Father, what next? What strength do you have to break this situation, hiding like a mouse?  "Yinyuetian?" Sopuhaya said: "Lester, my son, you seem to have overlooked something. Is there a difference between the time when the people of Sixteen Death Hell entered the scene and the time you expected?" "It's late?"  About an hour or so."??te said calmly: "You must have sent people to rob and kill them, but if the people in the Sixteen Death Hell are so easy to be killed, the Emperor of the Sixteen Death Hell will not only send twenty people to fight for this fate.  "Sopuhaya said: "What if they follow the normal schedule?" Lester said: "They will arrive an hour early, but they will enter the venue half an hour later, because according to my calculations, at that time  Both the alien race and the human race are in a fierce battle. In order to prevent the human race from desperately attacking the core in the last stage of the battle, they will quietly approach the mage tower to protect it. After all, you know, the human mind.  It is really difficult to guess, and the same is true for the alien races. The people in the Sixteen Death Hell will approach the Heart Core in advance. Once these two races want to do something to the Heart Core, the people in the Sixteen Death Hell will use the Heart Core in advance to open the Sixteen Death Hell.  "He smiled lightly and said: "Father, speaking of which, you have helped me a lot. If it goes according to my plan, if someone really wants to get close to the core, whether they have the idea of ??destroying it or not.  If you want to open and fuse it with a different space portal, the people in the Sixteen Death Hell will immediately attack the heart core, and then bang." He gently made an explosion gesture with his hands: "Then everything will happen.  It¡¯s all useless.¡± Suo Phaya nodded and said, ¡°This is just one reason why I asked people to delay the entry of the people from Sixteen Death Hell.¡± Leicester said: ¡°Oh?¡±  Puhaya said: "When the Sky Tree appears, everyone will soon know that the thing in the middle of the tree is the real core. At that time, as long as the four powerful men and the people from the Sixteen Death Hells slaughter all the humans and aliens,  Then your plan will be completed, right?" Lester said: "So?" Sopuhaya said: "There are three things you need, 'the core of the sky city' and 'the space in the space.  ', 'The power of absolute rules'. Now it seems that everything has been put together, and it only takes a little time for you to complete everything." The sound of killing came from the distance, and it was obvious that the battle group had started again.  Even at the distance between father and son, one can easily see that the giant tree is gradually becoming transparent. Inside, a huge golden crystal is emitting an extremely brilliant and luxurious light.  And above the mage tower as the crown of the tree, the burning fireball also changed, from a pure fireball to a huge eye the Eye of the Evil King.  With such a change, just as Sopuhaya said, everyone has understood that the real core is the thing in the middle of the giant tree.  Sopuhaya played with a chess piece and said flatly: "In a war, the important thing is to understand what the opponent wants. Son, do you know what I want?" Lester said: "The core of the heart is destroyed.  , the city in the sky and all the different space passages disappeared." Sopuhaya smiled and said: "If it is so simple, what is the point of continuing this game? If I wish, I can keep Xu Xiangyan silent until this moment, and then use it.  She must be willing to attack her core with her own life, even if she dies, right?" Lester frowned.  Sophaya continued: "You only found what you wanted in "The Secrets of Socrates," but you didn't see another thing you didn't want to see." Lester's expression changed drastically.  Sopuhaya smiled and said: "Yes, it is a way for evolutionists to continue to multiply and appear on this planet, and I have also found another method that will not interfere with each other but is more suitable for the future.  It may not be appropriate to use 'method' to describe them, but it is precisely because of these two plans for change that my layout seems to have debuted a little later." Sophaya said: "The so-called.  Once and for all, it has always been something that every generation of wise men has been pursuing since history, hasn¡¯t it? Returning to the topic just now, there is one thing I absolutely don¡¯t need among the three things you need, and that is" "Absolute rules  "The power!" Lester said bitterly: "I saw that record, but the demand was too difficult, so I didn't care. And I also think that no one in the world can do it, even if you saw it, you would never do it.  It affects my plan." Sopuhaya said: "Excessive smooth sailing has made you lose caution. The second reason why I let people delay the entry of Sixteen Death Hell is the power I prepared.  The entrance time is later." He said profoundly: "The dog jumping over the wall is not only used to describe humans." "So" Very quickly, the counterattacking aliens were all wiped out, and the four powerful ones took action.  There was even only one Heaven and Earth Great Desolate Fist Of course, everyone in the Sixteen Death Hells also took action at the same time  Looking at the human race who were united and on guard, the poisonous succubus who led the Sixteen Death Hell team smiled proudly: "I advise you to give up resistance and don't do stupid thingsespecially you, perfect immortal, believe me, these four  Lian Xun and your strong men are all on guard against your desperate attack. It¡¯s better not to do it if you want to destroy this heart core.¡± ¡°Isn¡¯t it here yet?¡± Xu Xiangyan opened her eyes that had been closed.  His expression was calm, but the fire in his heart was burning crazily.  If the person who is supposed to come has not come yet, then the "Jade Shattering" move may really be used on the core of the Sky City.  But the key point is that she knows in her heart that even if this move is used, with the defensive posture of the enemy in front of her, I am afraid that even if it is used, it will only be able to draw two of the four powerful men and some people from the Sixteen Death Hell as backers.  Destroying the core is not easy.  What¡¯s more, even if you succeed, what about what you did before?  The sacrificed soldiers, the energy spent, and the layout made will all be meaningless, and the future of the earth will become difficult to predict.  Seeing that she didn't reply, the poisonous succubus smiled, winked at the two evil killer demons behind him, and decided to immediately open the communication between the core of the Sky City and the Sixteen Death Hell, and open the door to the Sixteen Death Hell She  The main reason for not killing all the humans was because they were afraid of Xu Xiangyan's desperate counterattack. I'm afraid not many people could withstand such a thunderous strike.  "Are you so impatient to wait for death?" Suddenly a high voice sounded from the air, and this voice caused everyone to raise their heads.  Suddenly, everyone in the human race showed expressions of surprise, while the people in the Sixteen Death Hell were shocked!  At the same time, the body of Yin Yuetian in the distance suddenly vibrated. White mist continued to expand and contract around him. His eyes began to become blurry, and the fragments of land and rocks around him also became blurred.  It started to vibrate.  Even in the sky above his head, a few wisps of light clouds that could not cover even the sunlight suddenly condensed into gloomy, thick clouds that could drip water, and black thunder snakes roared among them!  "Thunder disaster" Tersa stood up, crying, laughing, and retreated.  "Sure enough, only after all the great joys and sorrows have passed, can the final seal be opened; only the villains with blood-stained hands bound by the immortal rope will cause thunder disaster when they advance to the sixth pair" Tersa  He quickly retreated while marveling at Sopuhaya's layout and the prophet's predictions.  The thunderbolt was caused, and the heaven and earth were shocked. However, in fact, most people did not know what it was, so the attention always placed on a group of people who appeared in the sky.  On the contrary, people floating in the air turned back to look in the direction of the thunder.  "Time is running out." The girl's charming laughter rang out, followed by more than twenty strong men falling from the sky.  There was a frenzy of hope in the eyes of the human race, while the people in the Sixteen Death Hell showed expressions of despair.  Everyone present knows their names and titles, just like they know the strength of each of them!  Fallen Iron Star!  Flame blood arc!  Evil!  The undefeated king!  Prehistoric beast!  Silver streamer!  Punish the God Emperor!  Ghost King!  Don¡¯t break the evil crocodile!  The undefeated evil crocodile!  Bomb maniac!  The jade rabbit flies under the moon!  Seven Deadly Sins? Gluttony and twenty others!  Andthe evil ghosts of six pairs of strong chromosomes!  The person with six pairs of strong chromosomes is the destined girl!  Such a strong man!  Such a lineup!  If it had appeared as early as the beginning of the war, the human race would have definitely defeated the alien race!  Song Tian'er laughed and kneaded her fists: "Those two who are doing bad things behind, what are you busy with?" "It's you! Aren't you already dead I should be banned from the Red Lotus Hell forever!" The leader  The poisonous succubus just said half a sentence before kneeling on the ground in a penitential posture.  Tian'er waved her fingers like green onions: "I didn't allow you to talk~~!" "Big boss, are you okay?" Zhou Xiangyu turned around and half-knelt beside Xu Xiangyan, who was lying on his back, and pressed his back with two fingers.  She looked at her left breast and said with a smile: "I'm here to help you." Her eyes flashed, the air around her was windless and her aura suddenly emerged!  She maintained this posture for a few seconds, frowned and asked: "Why does that needle have a strange destructive power inside it?" Xu Xiangyan smiled with pale lips: "The power to break the rules If it can't be pulled out, forget it." "It doesn't matter.  "Zhou Xiangyu smiled softly, but her eyes were extremely fervent: "I can pull it out! I can definitely do it!" As she said, her fingers slowly stretched outward, and there was a slight stain.On Xu Xiangyan's coat, a needle clearly showed its tail and then quickly extended to the tip of the needle.  After the Wanhui Divine Tribulation Needle was pulled out, Xu Xiangyan's complexion immediately became much better. She gently stroked Zhou Xiangyu's cheek with her jade hand: "Good boy, you have mastered the power very skillfully These days have been hard for you.  ." "How can it become more powerful" Zhou Xiangyu was as shy as ever, and secretly glanced at Song Tian'er: "My sister's power has become truly incomprehensible, and even I can't defend myself." Xu Xiangyan smiled.  He stood up and rubbed her hair affectionately: "It doesn't matter, you will become as strong as her." Tianer said coquettishly: "Big boss! You are too biased!" Xu Xiangyan smiled,  Looking back at the distant thunder disaster, the expression on his face turned bitter again, to the point of loneliness: "Our time is running out." "Yes," Tiepi moved his body.  , said fiercely: "Big boss, give the order!" "Form up a defensive formation! You two immediately start summoning the Gate of Hell of Sixteen Deaths!" Seeing this scene, Leicester's general Heaton's eyes immediately turned blood red, while he  He roared while waving his hands to signal the four powerful men to stand in front of the people in Sixteen Death Hell.  In response to his words, the eighteen people from the Sixteen Death Hell also stood beside the four powerful men, and the two evil killer demons quickly arranged themselves next to the giant tree.  The power of thunder in the distance has reached its peak and is beginning to decline.  Xu Xiangyan took a few steps forward, tears already flowing from her eyes.  She looked deeply at each of her family members, as if she wanted to remember their appearance in her heart.  That smile, that tear, once appeared on the face of everyone in this war. The meaning they represent may be hesitation or confusion, but more often they come from the same emotionthe pride generated by the great sacrifice of our compatriots.  And sad.  And such an expression displayed on Xu Xiangyan's face did not have any other meaning at this moment.  It¡¯s just that this expression is shown to someone who is not dead yet, but it is full of weirdness. ???????? Does that mean that the people she¡¯s looking at will die?  But it¡¯s obvious that they already have a chance to win, right?  Xu Xiangyan smiled sadly, suppressing the complicated emotions in her heart, and said loudly: "My family, my children! The war situation is in our hands, and the fate of mankind will be rewritten by us! Many of you have never appeared here.  Death is doomed from the beginning, but this death is by no means meaningless, but leaves the greatest glory in your life in this city in this city that is destined to disappear from the earth and never appear again!  Then, my family, go!" She suddenly pointed at the opposite camp: "Use your lives to interpret the greatness and unyieldingness of mankind!" Tiepi smiled wildly and stood up first: "Big boss!  Let's go!" Xu Xiangyan stood on tiptoes and kissed Tiepi gently on the forehead: "Go, my child!" "Kill!" Tiepi roared, and the energy in his body suddenly condensed, and it condensed into a point.  Condensed into a human form, condensed into a pure luminous body like the sun that has never been seen in the past!  Then this small human-shaped sun suddenly burst out and hit an unprepared violently injured monster in front of it. Together with the violently injured monster, it slammed into the core of the ancient tree.  ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? !  !  The core suddenly burst into brighter light, and the golden light expanded severely.  "What's going on!?" Heaton turned around and shouted: "Has the heart core been damaged!?" The evil killer who was arranging the formation had a strange look on his face: "There is no damage but the power of the heart core has become stronger.  The door to Sixteen Death Hell we can open is even bigger. "How could this happen?" Heaton was stunned.  "How could this happen?" Lester was stunned.  ?Obviously, their questions are not the same question.  PS: I will finish the book tomorrow, okay, I was wrong!
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