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Text Chapter 249 Group College Entrance Examination

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    Although there are turbulent undercurrents, overall life is still very peaceful.  Summer is about to begin, and the ambitious Zhou Dad and Yu Wa have forgotten the shock of that day and devoted themselves to the great plan of organizing a group college entrance examination.  The original plan was to have less than 20 people, but during this half-semester several promising ideas emerged, and the team expanded to 25 people.  The registration is ready, and now we are studying for the final sprint like those college entrance examination students.  Because Mianhe Primary School and Middle School have separated from general examinations, in order to re-adapt to the atmosphere of the examination room, both Zhou Dad and Yuwa resumed paper examinations.  This is because they are afraid that the children will not be accustomed to the examination room and will not be able to display their own abilities.  I just pity these dozens of little kids who can only go to the first grade of junior high school at most, and they will face the hell of the college entrance examination.  This operation was exposed early, and news about Mianhe Primary School and Mianhe Private Middle School organizing a group to participate in the college entrance examination began to circulate on the Internet.  Everyone was surprised by the boldness of these two schools to actually challenge the college entrance examination.  You know, these candidates have just finished their first year of junior high school. What does that mean?  The little brats have finished the entire high school curriculum?  Is this too outrageous?  It took just over a year to practice game teaching, but it took others six years to complete the course work. Is this trying to be innovative and eye-catching, or is it a sure-fire way to win?  There are no formal examinations in the two schools now, and no one knows where the children's academic ability has reached.  Curious reporters came to the Ecological Park, mainly to interview students who signed up for the college entrance examination, and wanted to know where they got their confidence.  It's a pity that these children are very tight-lipped, saying that the school does not allow them to publish their results casually.  If you want to find it, go to the teacher.  But when asked if I have confidence.  The children all held their heads high.  I am not afraid at all of the upcoming college entrance examination battlefield.  They are proud of it. Only those who can beat high school games on normal difficulty are eligible to sign up for the college entrance examination, and these 25 people are carefully selected elite soldiers.  Besides, the teachers also said that as long as you don¡¯t get nervous and perform at your normal level, there is still a lot of hope.  The reporter had no choice but to come to the school and talk to the teachers.  It's a pity that the teachers didn't say enough, they just said that it was just to let the children experience the college entrance examination.  Grades don't matter.  Anyway, they still have a lot of time, and they have plenty of time to sprint.  When I asked about the specific results, the class teachers stopped talking. There are no exams in the school now, and they only track the progress of the game, so it is impossible to accurately tell the results.  Although the written examination has recently started, it is strictly confidential and will not be revealed until the last moment.  It¡¯s even less likely to find the principal. They were the ones who issued the hush-hush order, and it¡¯s even more impossible to get the truth from their mouths.  The helpless reporters could only wander around the school.  Then grab a few students and ask them. Maybe the children have spilled the beans.  "Classmate Zhou Yuan. I heard that you and classmate Wang Xiao are in the same class and are good friends. Can you tell uncle, which grade classmate Wang Xiao is already in?" The reporter took out the shopping bag from the city.  The toy came, and I wanted to use inducement to deal with the little brat.  The uranium elemental warriors in "Elemental War 6" are currently the most popular toys for children.  As expected, Xiao Zhouyuan was so greedy that he immediately forgot the teachers' orders. But when he was about to reach out to grab it, he suddenly thought of something, and then said coquettishly: "This I don't know, Wang."  Wherever Xiao has read, he is now taught by his head teacher. I don¡¯t think he has to go to class anyway. He can just play high school games all day.¡± When Wang Xiao usually attended junior high school, he took classes in a private middle school.  , the teachers all knew that the two schools were from the same school, so they didn¡¯t say anything.  Anyway, we are taking big classes now, so having one person more and one person less is not a problem.  ¡°As for the high school courses, there is no choice but to study by yourself, so Wang Xiao now does not need to take other courses except for physical education, art, labor and ideological and moral courses, which must be completed.  Now I am under the supervision of my class teacher, playing high school games all day long. When I encounter problems, I ask famous teachers for guidance, or I go to the teacher.  The same situation is true for the students of Mianhe Private Middle School. However, when the reporter walked to the middle school, he immediately felt a completely different atmosphere from the elementary school.  I had long heard that Zhou Mo had become the honorary principal, and that this school mainly caters to art candidates, but I didn¡¯t expect that the artistic atmosphere would be so strong.  You can see students playing solos with instruments everywhere in the music building, or they are working together in an orchestra; there are also many people practicing singing and dancing in the dance classroom; and along the way, I actually saw two or three teams who were making movies in a serious way. It was really  Surprisingly.  What kind of activities are you doing?  By the way, I heard that Mianhe Private Middle School held a literary competition, which was held just before the summer vacation. The final rehearsal should be in progress now.  A small school, full of movementIt's quite big. I heard that many film and television stars affiliated with Dormitory 335 will also be invited here. It's really a big deal.  The stage is being set up, and the sound and light effects are all made by the students themselves, while the teachers are only guiding them to avoid any accidents.  It is indeed an art school, but in such an atmosphere, learning should not be so good, right?  Everyone ran away to have fun, how could they be in the mood to study seriously?  Yuwa is very calm about this, because he has tested it with last year's college entrance examination papers, and basically they can reach the undergraduate level.  Such results are enough, and although only a small number of them complete high school courses, it is enough to prove that game teaching is effective.  The previous concerns on the Internet about students with high scores and low abilities were completely eliminated by Zhou Mo's literary competition.  ??Looking at these energetic students, you can tell that they are not immersed in the game.  But Yuwa also has a headache, that is, more and more students have completed junior high school courses, and according to the rules, they have fewer formal courses.  There are less than ten classes in a week. The more time is spent playing, the more troubles are caused.  Zhou Mo¡¯s nonsense still seems to make sense now. It can at least give the children more extracurricular activities.  And now Mianhe Private Middle School.  There is an event almost every month.  Some tennis competition, table tennis competition, football competition, etc.  Every month is fully booked, and some months even have several events held at the same time.  These boys are almost going crazy.  In today's schools, there are fewer and fewer people studying, but more and more people are shouting and dancing in interest groups or on the playground.  There is no way, they have all completed their junior high school courses.  Whether or not to play high school games is just a matter of personal preference and cannot be forced.  If it weren't for the fact that they had to take the college entrance examination as a group, those young talents might have joined various interest groups and had fun.  The reporter took a look at the private middle schools, and everyone thought they were in college, but the students were a little younger.  Whether it is making movies or other singing and dancing arts, they all perform very well, especially the art troupe founded by Zhou Mo, who is also an idol star in the school, giving him a feeling of shining stars.  There are crosstalk performers, skit performers, and other types of theatrical performances.  You can all see it on the stage of the art troupe, and it feels like a large theater troupe.  Occasionally there will be large-scale stage performances.  Looking at the seriousness of the actors, you can tell that the level is definitely not that of elementary school students.  The most outstanding part is the singing and dancing performance. I heard that Zhou Mo composed the music himself and selected the people to sing it.  It is indeed extraordinary upon first listen, and most of the lyrics are close to student life, making people feel like they are back in their school days.  It seems that the real big news should be the upcoming literary competition.  And this group college entrance examination should be just a prelude. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The serious people personally arranged for the students to go to the city to take the college entrance examination. Special cars, hotels, and personal pick-ups were all arranged properly.  He was looking forward to the students' results the most, so he had been asking questions since the beginning of May. After knowing that Yuwa had tested them with the college entrance examination papers, his mind finally settled down.  As soon as the exam results are released, the games for primary and secondary schools can be officially released.  By that time, all students in China will need to configure fantasy and small, medium and high-level games. This alone will be enough to make Dormitory 335 last for a hundred years.  Serious people can now feel that the weight of their words is getting heavier and heavier, and they are the center of attention wherever they go.  It¡¯s such a great feeling to be on top of the world in your early twenties.  Now, Dormitory 335 has become a national business card. When domestic leaders visit other countries, they always bring people from Dormitory 335 with them. As a result, serious people have become famous internationally.  The atmosphere at this test site is very strange. There are many more reporters than in previous years.  The parents waiting outside are still curious, is there any big shot coming to inspect?  When a group of luxury cars came over and two children got out of each car, they became even more confused.  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????  Isn't it nonsense that this kid from a powerful family comes to take an exam at such a young age?  At this time, a knowledgeable person shouted: "Holy shit, he's from Mianhe Primary School." Immediately, the crowd buzzed with discussion.  It is nothing new for primary school students to take the college entrance examination, but if so many people come to one school at once, the effect will be extraordinary.  If you dare to allow primary school students to take the college entrance examination, you must be fully confident, otherwise you would not be on the pole to suffer this bitter pill.  ??Look at these primary school students, they are all young and have quite a temper.  There was no fear on his face, and it felt like taking an ordinary exam. This mentality was absolutely excellent.  ? ?Under the attention of everyone, the children entered the examination room and were guided to their respective examination rooms by dedicated personnel.  A group of children were among them, and they felt like they stood out from the crowd. Other candidates also looked at them with suspicion.  But the most important exam in life is about to take place, so this kind of attention soon disappears, and everyone is immersed in their own world.  The two-day exam passed quickly, and all that was left was to wait for the scores to come out.  But for the little brats, they started cheering after the exam was over.  Because they finally don¡¯t have to study all day long, the teachers have promised that they can play casually in the future, join any group, and of course they can go make movies or something.  Children are playful, and the more people there are, the more they want to join in the fun.  If they weren't forced by adults, they would have gone crazy with the other friends.  The literary competition is about to begin. As the biggest competition in a semester, it naturally has a festive feel early on.  On this day's party, children from all families must dress up to attend, and parents will also be present to celebrate.  All in all, it¡¯s a feast before summer vacation.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ The college entrance examination scores will be out soon.  Mianhe Primary and Secondary Schools announced the results of these 25 students on the official website.  None are below the undergraduate level.  The highest one is close to one book, which is enough to go to the highest university in the province.  If we continue like this and study for another two years, it will be easy to get into Tsinghua University, Peking University and so on.  There was an uproar on the official website all of a sudden. Everyone knew that game teaching was very good, but they never expected that it could reach such an incredible point.  Such a crazy jump performance shocked the previous opponents to the point where they could not even utter a word.  In the face of the ironclad facts, any rhetoric is no longer valid.  Able to keep children in two or three years.  It takes at most five years to complete basic education. This speed is enough to dispel all doubts.  As long as your grades are good, what else do you have to worry about?  Even if there are any problems, you can use other time to make up for them.  Besides, the students in Mianhe Primary and Secondary School are each smarter than the other. How can they look like a test machine?  The video of the literary competition is also posted on the official website. Although the various performances of the children in it are not elegant enough, they are already very serious and dignified.  This shows that game teaching is by no means harming children.  On the contrary, it is an artifact that promotes the all-round development of children.  The most important part of the literary competition is the film and television awards.  All the works taken by the students were put on display.  It was edited into a short film, and the main film was posted on the website of dormitory 335 for others to enjoy.  Even though it is a student work, there is something remarkable in each one, especially the sitcom "Student Dormitory", which made many adults laugh.  Not surprisingly, it won the Best TV Series Award, and the Best Movie went to the movie invested by Fatty Jin.  There's no way around it, this fat guy spends money readily, the scenes are hot, and the script shows a child's unique worldview, conquering all the judges.  Fatty Jin also applauded desperately. This was probably the most fulfilling investment in his life.  Although there was no return at all and the nightclub business was still lukewarm as always, he still felt satisfied and decided on the spot to continue investing in the next film. ?????????????? But the director is not happy, and he is not happy with always making movies with the same tone, so he always wants to change to other tastes.  The helpless Fatty Jin could only watch the little director slip away from his eyes, and then cursed in his heart: This little villain is really crossing the river and burning the bridge!  There are arts and sports. This time, Mianhe Primary School even showed students participating in extracurricular labor, and taught general agricultural knowledge and other courses. It is definitely not the cramming education mentioned on the Internet.  Under the call of results and reality, the calls for Dormitory 335 to let go of primary and secondary school games are getting louder and louder.  Anyone who dares to say a word at this time is going against all the parents of students, and it would be strange if they don't get bloody blows from Brother Peng. ??????????? Actually, someone was being mean and jumped out to find fault at this juncture, only to be drowned in a burst of saliva.  All in all, if Dormitory 335 doesn't call out the game this time, there will probably be a big riot.  Fortunately, serious people have been well prepared, and after discussing with people from the Ministry of Education, they immediately launched the game for primary and secondary schools.  Bundled with it is the famous teacher guidance system, but the price has dropped slightly. This is the result of discussions with the Ministry of Education.  To win with large quantities, you always have to give a little discount.  In the future, the recommended auxiliary teaching materials for primary and secondary schools will be this primary and secondary school game. There is no problem in lowering the price for this.  As soon as the game was put on the shelves, it was snapped up like crazy.  This time the rush is different from the fantasy, because last time it was gamers, but this time it is crazy parents.  For the sake of their children, parents are willing to sacrifice anything, let alone little ones.?I'm queuing up to buy a game.  Those who had a chance to make reservations early, while those who had no chance stayed at the 335 dormitory store, not believing that they still couldn't buy it.  News of out-of-stocks has been ringing in the headquarters, and people everywhere are asking to increase production.  But no matter how much we ask, it is not enough for these parents to digest. How many students are there in the country?  What's more, there are many scalpers who purchase large quantities and then sell them on other websites.  The Famous Teacher Guidance System has also sold many copies, which is a bit different from previous estimates. Instead, levels 4 to 5 are the most popular, and levels below level 3 decrease in descending order.  It seems that investment in education is not too expensive at all.  This time it was really successful. Whether it was profit income or brand income, 335 Dormitory made a lot of money.  It is designated as an educational and scientific research institution by the state and controls the country's educational resources. How big a sign is this?  Serious people can really wake up with a smile after falling asleep. For several days, they have a harmonious smile in front of the media. No matter what mistakes their subordinates make, they can just laugh it off. In the past, it would definitely be a meal.  Sharply cut.  But there is a little trouble, that is, other countries have begun to require the introduction of teaching games.  And this seems to have been used as a political bargaining chip, in exchange for many benefits under the control of the state.  This had to be done, and the other party was very cooperative, sending domestic educational materials and education experts over, just to cooperate with Dormitory 335 in producing teaching games suitable for their country.  There is no other way but to bite the bullet and do it.  The boy Zhou Mo couldn't be counted on, and the farmer didn't seem to want to bother, so he could only do it with his own team.  (To be continued)
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