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Text Chapter 248 Revenge

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    Cheating is not without cost. The aftereffects of the time potion are still so annoying. The soreness all over the body that reaches the bone marrow makes people laugh and cry.  Just like the legs that have been numbed by sitting for a long time, all kinds of intense sensations come over you at the slightest movement, making you want to scream.  But compared with the side effects on the body, how to appease the emotions of the family is the biggest problem.  I've been scared all afternoon today. It's really unreasonable not to give an explanation. This kid Lu Dahai has also revealed his true identity, so he needs an explanation.  Sure enough, when they came out of the bath, a large group of people still didn't leave, waiting for Zhou Mo to give an explanation.  Lu Dahai had come back just now. He only said that the danger was over and left. The specific explanation had to be done by Zhou Mo himself.  "Uh, it's okay. Let's all go back. The matter has been taken care of. I'm starving, isn't Xiaohong's dinner ready yet?" She also wanted to pretend to be stupid and get through, but it obviously didn't work. Everyone watched in silence.  Written by Zhou Mo.  I had no choice but to sigh and say: "Okay, okay, let me tell you everything. Some time ago, the artificial intelligence in dormitory 335 cooperated with China Aerospace and achieved brilliant results. After showing up internationally, there are some  The country or team wants to kidnap me and steal this technology. "This is all true, because such a thing does happen. The only thing that has been concealed is the kidnapping of a female student.  No one said anything about this except the girl's family. Even the girl herself only said that she passed out in the toilet and was discovered.  After hearing this, Zhou¡¯s father and Zhou¡¯s mother didn¡¯t know whether to be proud or worried.  The company run by his son has actually become an important cog in promoting the country's high-precision technology.  No matter what, it's something to be proud of.  But because of this, he was targeted.  But it makes them worried about their future lives.  Zhou's mother said angrily: "You have contributed so much to the country, why are you still so sparse in protection? At least we should send more people to our home. Who knows what day something like this will happen again? It's just Dahai, and he protects him so much."  Come here?" Father Zhou also said: "Son, you should go to work in a more strictly protected place. It is really unsafe here in the ecological park." If Zhou Mo was willing, he would have been heavily protected.  , and the protection level will never be low.  It's because I don't like this kind of life.  I just moved to the countryside, how could I go back and accept the government's arrangements now?  Besides, the protection of the ecological park is definitely not weak now, otherwise it would not have happened after so long.  "Mom and dad, don't worry. There are many hidden protection personnel in the ecological park. They just don't want the villagers to worry too much, so they appear to be so lax. Look, as soon as this happened, I was protected.  "The bad guys have also been caught." This is a lie. The only person who protects the village is Lu Haihai. After this happened.  Maybe the higher-ups will continue to send people over.  Although Zhou Mo was not targeted this time, the cooperation between dormitory 335 and the military became more and more advanced.  Protecting the senior management of Dormitory 335 has become an important issue.  This kind of rhetoric convinced everyone, and then they dispersed after being asked to keep it secret.  In fact, it doesn't matter even if these words spread. Anyway, as the status of 335 Dormitory Company is getting higher and higher, it is not unbelievable that Zhou Mo, as the general manager, will be targeted.  Three days after the incident, the father of the kidnapped girl came.  He wanted to thank Zhou Mo for his help and rescued his daughter from the hands of the bad guys.  Although he concealed the matter, Lu Dahai did not take the credit on himself. It was Zhou Mo who did this from beginning to end. This is what he told his father.  Zhou Mo was very angry, not because Lu Dahai leaked the truth, but because this father was so unkind and concealed the true situation of his parents from his children when they entered school.  If the student's situation was known earlier, it would not be difficult to guess the opponent's intention, and it would not be possible to ask Lu Dahai to take action and cause chaos.  So an uncle in his 40s was scolded by a kid in his 20s for a long time in the study room, but he didn't dare to talk back. In the end, he wanted to express his sincere gratitude.  The matter has been investigated, and the person who hired the mercenary has been caught. If this thing is done, I really don't know what will happen in the end.  "Mr. Zhou, I will never say thank you for your kindness. If you are of use to Chaoyang Yuanyang in the future, just ask for it." With these words, the uncle left.  With such a teacher, it is safest to stay here. The mother-in-law at home is still crying and shouting that she wants to change schools. This is simply a woman's opinion.  Zhou Mo pouted, not taking such a promise to heart at all.  Friendship between businessmen is too vague. Besides, he doesn't care about the company's operation at all. Does he need to travel far???Company, I really don¡¯t know.  But after giving him a good meal, the anger has almost dissipated, and he can continue his daily life.  But before that, the 2D monitor still needs to be fully adjusted.  This thing can be monitored as long as it uses telecommunications equipment or has two-dimensional patterns, but there will still be a large part of the area that cannot be monitored.  Since the opponent has noticed this, it will be very difficult to know everything about the opponent as quickly as possible.  But this is not particularly important. Zhou Mo is not the kind of person who must know the root cause. Since it is difficult to track, he gave up.  However, strengthening the surrounding defense system and strengthening the cooperative relationship with the military have become necessary tasks at the moment.  The shadow team that was captured and interrogated has already confessed everything, saying that some team was secretly planning to capture or assassinate Zhou Mo.  This kidnapping operation is most likely just a test to see how far the eco-park's defenses are.  So the military immediately contacted Zhou Mo, hoping to reach a consensus. The best case scenario is that Zhou Mo is willing to work in a safer place.  But this was unlikely, so the second plan they prepared was to place a military camp nearby so that they could arrive as quickly as possible at any time.  Face this military representative.  Zhou Mo didn't hide anything.  Anyway, everything that should be known about myself is pretty much what is known: "If the opponent only carries conventional weapons, I can handle it alone. What I am most afraid of now is that the opponent carries some inhumane weapons. If you  If you really want to protect me, instead of increasing your troops, you should put more effort on this point. "" Chemical, bacterial and other weapons are really a headache. No matter how powerful the 2-dimensional monitor is, it cannot resist such indiscriminate attacks.  If the opponent really succeeds in breaking through, his life will be in jeopardy.  Who gave farmers such a bad reputation?  If you have been cooperating with China and treating other countries as trivial, it is inevitable that you will be labeled as the most dangerous person.  Fortunately, this is the hinterland of the country, and it is still very difficult to transport these things in. Therefore, the military promised that these weapons will never appear in this area.  However, Zhou Mo didn't quite believe in this guarantee, and it was better to protect his own life.  Expand the defense range of the 2D monitor to form 3 lines of defense.  The first line of defense is mainly against the various unconventional weapons mentioned above, because there are no similar weapons even in the city, so the range can be extended very widely.  The second line of defense is against countries and companies that are hostile to us.  He learned from the Shadow Team that he and the farmer already had code names, but after conducting a search, they could not find similar targets.  It seems that the other party was arrested after the Shadow Team.  Just changed the code name again, which is really cunning.  But this doesn¡¯t mean much to Zhou Mo. Since he can¡¯t catch a specific one, let¡¯s attack a large area.  It¡¯s not a good thing anyway, and it¡¯s definitely a good thing if they all go to hell.  So this line of defense becomes the line of attack. As long as they are famous in the underworld, everything they do will be exposed.  The exposure channels include the Internet, newspapers, etc., and even officials from some countries are involved, which can be regarded as a disaster.  In the past, Zhou Mo only purged those who invaded China and did not care about those who were active abroad. However, if these people still do not give up, they can only blame themselves for committing suicide.  The last line of defense is still the ecological park¡¯s defense line. Any unknown person who enters with a deadly weapon will be locked by the 2D monitor.  There are so many surveillance points in the village that it's scary. They are absolutely everywhere and there are no blind spots. Those cameras are actually just a cover-up, and they are not as comprehensive as the two-dimensional monitors. ? 3 lines of defense, if they are effective and defended, I don¡¯t believe that they can still maintain their leisure life.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ Mafia, mercenaries and other dark world organizations in the world have suffered unprecedented blows.  The scope and speed are rare, and what made this cleaning operation happen was the name of the two-dimensional detective that made the world tremble.  He only appeared twice, but each time he was impressive.  This time he returned to the world, and his target became the dark world, but many people cheered and celebrated.  But many people are speculating as to what caused the two-dimensional detective to reappear.  Many countries and organizations know the reason. I don¡¯t know which lunatic went to provoke the farmers again, causing everyone to be unlucky.  Many of them were indeed innocent because they had long since given up pursuing the farmers and did not want to enter the Chinese market. What they did not expect was that the offended farmers ignored their retreat and launched a full-scale attack.  The wizard and the paladin escaped because they abided by the rules and never?Say Zhou Mo¡¯s name.  Moreover, they have just debuted, and their actions are based on confidentiality, so all countries only know their code names, but not their true identities.  Zhou Mo's information came from intelligence agencies from various countries, so he was unable to target these two people.  However, the two of them were still shocked. They thought that the farmer would take revenge, so they didn't take any jobs for a while.  I just didn't expect the farmer's revenge to be so violent, and all the dark sides of the world seemed to be revealed at once.  Companies and organizations that were still half-hidden in the past have now become transparent, with no secrets left at all.  The scary farmer, the scary two-dimensional detective.  ¡°They are all worried that when they wake up, their names will be on the front pages of newspapers, or a large number of policemen are pointing guns at them.  No wonder the bounty is so huge, so many covet it, but so few take it.  For a moment, both of them regretted taking the order.  However, after the incident, they found that they had escaped this round of purges, and their courage gradually recovered.  Those rules are indeed correct.  Just stick to them.  Then he won't be caught by the 2D detective.  I just don't know what the principle is.  Could it be said that the 2-dimensional detective can monitor every word spoken by everyone?  Otherwise, how could you target such a large group of people with just a few names?  However, it is better to be quiet for the next period of time and continue to observe and observe, so as not to cause the farmers to remain angry and cause a larger purge.  After working hard for a week or two, Zhou Mo finally stopped scanning the dark world.  Those who can survive this round of purges either have collusion with the host country.  Or it's just a little shrimp, and you don't like it at all.  I believe this lesson has been enough. If you dare to harass me again, just wait for another all-round blow.  The reward list for Zhou Mo and the farmer has been withdrawn, and no underworld figure dares to mention this name now.  Because even their boss has already spoken, if anyone dares to think about this bounty again, the brothers will personally send him on his way!  There is no way, this farmer really can¡¯t be offended.  After so many years, no one has found any useful clues, although Zhou Mo is the biggest clue.  But you can only look at it but not touch it. Whoever touches it will die.  I don¡¯t know which 250 guy did the work this time.  If they found out, this person would be dead without the farmer taking action.  The wizards and paladins knew this, so they kept their mouths shut and never revealed a word.  Until the mission is successful, death cannot be known.  Although the task list is gone, in fact it still exists, and there are definitely not a few people who want Zhou Mo.  335 Dormitory has now evolved from a game company to a national-level technology company, and the technology it has mastered has made China leap forward.  Although 335 Dormitory has never acknowledged it, its software has developed rapidly in various fields such as home appliances and automobiles, which is an indisputable fact.  Intelligent assistant, this is really a great software.  The company has launched a variety of smart helpers that are used in various fields.  For example, a car can talk, help you find routes, and even help you call the police for help, etc.  Now 335 dormitory is launching a family nanny-style smart software. After installation, it will monitor the entire family.  Once a fire occurs, protection measures will be initiated immediately. If nothing can be done, an alarm will be automatically issued.  Because it is an intelligent system, it can easily distinguish between a fire on the stove and a real fire, and there will be no false alarms.  These smart software have been well-received since they were launched. It feels like something out of a science fiction world, adding a smart nanny to your home.  It can help you take care of your baby, and can also command other intelligent robots to sweep the floor, cook, etc., just like a housekeeper.  But its price determines that it is a high-end product. Artificial intelligence technology is currently only owned by 335 Dormitory. This is a monopolistic technology industry, and it is difficult to even develop it.  The serious person didn't have much interest in games originally, but the current situation is exactly what he wants, and the animation and games have been handed over to the exclusive department.  The newly added product development department is mainly responsible for exploring the application of intelligent software on various electrical appliances, and finally inventing various new electrical appliances.  If 335 Electrical Appliances takes the banner of future home appliances, it will directly impact the high-end market of home appliances and be the leader.  Serious people do not eat alone, but use technical cooperation to expand.  Wherever the technology is placed, those original home appliance brands, as long as they still want to enter the high-end market, they must find cooperation with 335 Dormitory.  Then there are all kinds of blackmails, and serious people never hold back in this regard.  And the flagship product of Dormitory 335 is always the game console.  The domestic market share of Taoyuan and Environment has far exceeded that of other game consoles, and there are even many parallel imports to the country.?Outflow.  Because of the previous incident, serious people have no idea of ??sending their consoles abroad for the time being, so many foreign players can only purchase these game consoles through parallel import channels.  Maybe it¡¯s because game consoles have become successful, but now hackers have become interested in robots and have been conducting research with people from the military.  I don¡¯t know how the products for military use are in the end, but there are quite a few for civilian use anyway.  It can be said that in dormitory 335, apart from Zhou Mo, the hacker Gao Mu is the one who attracts the most attention.  However, this person who is respected as a great scientist is now surrounded by various black suits when he comes in and out, and his level of protection is not comparable to that of Zhou Mo.  Zhou Mo is just a middleman, while Gao Mu is a direct technician. Everyone can tell which one is more important.  When Zhou Mo has something to do, the hacker will naturally not be lonely.  There are far more stories happening around him than Zhou Mo.  All kinds of inducements of profit, sex, and fame are happening almost every day. If he hadn't been obsessed with digesting and absorbing farmers' skills, he might have gone abroad long ago.  Even other technical staff in the company are often headhunted and tapped by other companies.  Fortunately, the core departments still receive great attention, and those related to the military are very tightly protected, so the chance of accidents is very low.  And on this day, the headquarters building of 335 Dormitory Company was finally built.  The building designed by Zhou Mo himself is beautiful in appearance and exudes artistic flavor. It can be said to be a masterpiece of modern architecture.  Its completion represents that 335 Dormitory has become a truly international-level enterprise.  (To be continued)
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