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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 071 Taking over Jinsui 1

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    The destruction of 731 shocked the entire Kwantung Army and the Japanese headquarters. In addition to the anger of the Japanese high-level officials at the loss of 731, they were also more afraid. After all, biological and chemical weapons are a shady thing, especially the experimental process.  So after the incident broke out, Japan has been very worried that its biochemical experiments will be exposed. In the end, there was no news at all, which really made them confused.  According to the report of the Harbin Gendarmerie, it was learned that the attackers of Unit 731 were probably the Northeast Anti-Resistance Federation, because before the incident of Unit 731, the Anti-Union had dispatched large forces to attract the main force of the Harbin Gendarmerie, which resulted in Unit 731 being empty and attacked.  And during the process of rescuing Unit 731, the Harbin Military Police were also blocked by the Anti-League, which made them more certain that the attack on Unit 731 was done by the Anti-Union.  But what puzzles them is that Unit 731 has always been very secretive. How could it be attacked by the Anti-Japanese Alliance? It also mobilized a large number of main forces for this purpose. During the operation, it showed an unprecedented combat effectiveness, directly attacking the defense forces.  The strict 731 troops were completely wiped out.  On the surface, Unit 731 is just an ordinary anti-epidemic and water supply unit. It should not be the main target of the Anti-League. However, it was wiped out by the Anti-League at once. This can explain the reason why the Anti-League spent so much effort against Unit 731.  Only the true situation of Unit 731 has been exposed.  Thinking of this, the Japanese army became even more confused. With the strict organization of Unit 731, where could there be any flaws?  Now that Unit 731 has been completely wiped out and all clues are basically cut off, it will be even more difficult to find the real reason.  "The reason why Unit 731 leaked the secrets cannot be found for the time being. However, the Japanese army is very vindictive for this loss and decided to increase its efforts to suppress the bandits. The anti-alliance forces in the Northeast must pay double the price.  After the Japanese army's retaliatory actions began, the Anti-Japanese Alliance suddenly fell into a more critical state, but fortunately the Party Central Committee had already anticipated this situation.  More aid materials were released for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and many strategies and tactics were formulated for their subsequent guerrilla warfare operations. Although there was no guarantee that there would be no losses at all, it could still allow the Anti-Japanese Alliance to continue to survive, and at the same time provide Japan with assistance in the anti-encirclement and suppression campaign.  The Kwantung Army suffered greater damage.  When the cat-and-mouse game between the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the Kwantung Army was in full swing, Li Keji had returned to the Northwest Soviet Area and invested in the establishment of radar stations and the reorganization of the Northeast Army.  When the Northeastern Army was being reorganized, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was also reorganized internally. Finally, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the Northeastern Army, and the Northwest Army were merged into one to form the new Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army.  A total of nine field armies, twenty-seven field divisions and nine independent cavalry brigades, in addition to the Military Commission columns directly under the central government.  After absorbing the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army, the Northwest Soviet Area expanded again, completely occupying the four provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai, and became an immeasurable force on the land of China.  After the merger of the three armies, the "Declaration to the Compatriots of the Nation to Resist Japan" was immediately issued to the whole country. The statement stated that the country was at a critical moment of survival and called on the forces across the country to "stop the civil war and unite against the outside world."  He also elaborated on the "Anti-Japanese United Front" policy of the Datong Party, hoping that the people of the country would unite to fight against the invaders.  At the back of the statement, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng respectively represented the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army, expressing their willingness to accept the Datong Party's "Anti-Japanese United Front" policy.  And merged with the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to form the Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, and issued a declaration of war to the Japanese invaders.  When the Northwest Soviet Area¡¯s ¡°Declaration to Complaints to All Compatriots about Resisting Japan¡± came out, not only the whole country was shocked, but even the Western world was shocked.  Why was it that last year, it was still being chased away by the government troops like a lost dog, and now it actually occupied the northwest of Far East China, first defeating the Central Army.  Later, it merged with the Northeastern Army and became a force that cannot be underestimated on the battlefield in the Far East.  At this time, the red revolutionary movement around the world was booming due to the rise of Soviet Russia. Many red political parties wanted to know how the Datong Party was reborn from the ashes, and they sent reporters to Far East China one after another.  Want to see this miracle of the Far East.  Long before reporters from other countries arrived, Edgar Snow from the United States had already traveled to the Northwest Soviet Area through special channels in early 1936, and met Li Shengshi, the chairman of the Datong Party. He immediately became a lifelong confidant and praised the "Long March of Ten Thousand Miles".  "While doing this unprecedented military miracle, he wrote "The Journey to the West", which became the first reading book for the Western world to learn about Red China.  When the Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army was established, all forces responded differently. After receiving the news, the Central Army and the Guangxi Clique, which were still in a hot war in the south, temporarily chose to stop fighting.  The Guangxi clique had reached the point where it could no longer continue fighting. However, the Central Army saw that the Datong Party had defeated the Central Army and incorporated the Northwest Three Horsemen and then incorporated the Northeastern Army. It felt that the Datong Party was getting stronger and stronger and had to temporarily stop.  The battle with the Guangxi clique turned to the Datong Party.  ¡°It¡¯s just that after the disastrous defeat of the previous Northwest Encirclement and Suppression Campaign, the Central Army?The pain is still there. It was said that the target was to be turned against the Datong Party, but when it was actually implemented, no one was willing to be the scapegoat.  Especially after the Soviet area in western Jiangxi was re-established, the Central Army's contacts in several encirclement and suppression campaigns were crushed. Now no one dares to stroke the beards of the Datong Party. Chang Kaishen himself also dares not to act rashly. You must know that his trusted general  Hu Zongnan is still in the hands of the Datong Party, and there has been little progress in redemption negotiations.  The only thing that makes Chang Kaishen more gratified is that there are almost no First Army soldiers from Hu Zongnan down to the Datong Party. They are still engaged in a "death struggle" with the Datong Party. Unlike Mao Bingwen and Wang Jun, the encirclement and suppression campaign ended not long after  They chose to surrender to the Datong Party and accepted the "Anti-Japanese United Front" of Datong.  It is said that Mao Bingwen was not caught in the final battle, but chose a small road to escape. Although he temporarily escaped with his life, he was finally caught by the Datong Party's search team and surrendered to the Datong Party not long after.  Facing the increasingly powerful Datong Party, Chang Kaishen was filled with hatred. Why did he let them run away from Ganxi in the first place? In the thousands of miles of pursuit and interception, if he could completely eliminate the Datong Party, now  How can the Datong Party develop?  When the time comes to unify China, the only choice for overseas organizations will be yourself. At that time, the Japanese, Americans, and British will all step aside, and the world will belong to the Republic of China.  ¡°It¡¯s a pity that what if will never happen, Chang Kaishen can only write his thoughts in his private diary, and then sigh helplessly when facing the reality.  It is different from Chang Kaishen.  After the establishment of the Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, facing such a huge force, Yan Xishan, who lived next to the Northwest Soviet Area, was really in trouble.  Not to mention that there is such a tiger squatting in front of the house, which is enough to frighten people, and they are afraid that one day when they are hungry, they will suddenly break in and eat themselves.  As early as the Northwest Encirclement and Suppression Campaign, although Yan Xishan also knew that the Datong Party was a dangerous tiger, he only regarded him as a sick tiger, so he agreed to Chang Kaishen's request and worked with Chang Kaishen to besiege the Datong Party.  .  But in actual actions.  Yan Xishan still played a little trick. After all, a sick tiger is still a tiger, and a counterattack on the verge of death can kill people. He, Yan Xishan, does not want to make a loss-making deal.  So during the siege battle, he told his men to besiege but not attack, and to see the situation first.  Unexpectedly, at first glance, I was almost scared to death. The Datong Party actually used its own power to eat alive the three main forces of the Northwest Three Horses and the Central Army.  Among them, even Hu Zongnan, who is known as the best in the world, is not immune.  Seeing such a situation, Yan Xishan couldn't help but feel relieved that he had foresight, otherwise he would not know how he died.  After discovering that the current strength of the Datong Party was far beyond his imagination, Yan Xishan took back his troops.  He also expressed his goodwill to the Datong Party. The reason for mobilizing troops before was only due to Chang Kaishen's central order. In fact, Yan Xishan respected the Datong Party very much.  And I am very supportive of the Anti-Japanese War.  To this end, he also gave an example of the 412 Party purge, but he did not wantonly kill the Datong Party like Chang Kaishen did.  Just send Datong party gifts out of the country.  The Datong Party has become accustomed to Yan Xishan's shameless behavior. This kind of situation is very common among domestic warlords who turn around faster than turning over a book.  Now that the Datong Party is under the banner of anti-Japanese, it is naturally difficult to settle old scores with them, but it still takes the opportunity to propose cooperation to Yan Xishan to resist Japan and establish an anti-Japanese united front.  Although Yan Xishan was a little afraid of the combat effectiveness shown by the Datong Party in the Northwest Encirclement and Suppression Campaign, and showed a respectful attitude on the surface, it did not mean that he would do whatever the Datong Party asked him to do. He immediately politely rejected the Datong Party's proposal.  The euphemistic claim is that it is still under the leadership of Chang Kaishen and cannot openly cooperate with the Datong Party without authorization. However, privately it will still take care of the Datong Party and will never send troops to the Datong Party. We Chinese do not fight against Chinese people.  Yan Xishan's choice was also under the consideration of the Datong Party. He knew that he would not easily establish an alliance with the Datong Party, so it was not surprising at all. However, he still found a way to extend the Datong Party's tentacles to Yan Xishan's territory. After all,  This will be the only way for the Datong Party to fight against Japan in the future.  Historically, the Datong Party chose the method of fighting in base areas behind enemy lines, basically not considering any logistical issues, as long as they brought the troops to the hinterland of the Japanese army.  Now that the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army has switched to the 56 series, its reliance on logistics is no longer comparable to the previous situation. The Party Central Committee must take into account the logistics support after the Anti-Japanese War.  In order to ensure smooth logistics, there must be no break between the rear and the front line, and the relationship with the Jinsui Army has been put on the agenda, because the current territory of the Jinsui Army will be the only way for the Datong Party's logistics system to pass in the future.  The establishment of the logistics system covers all aspects. In order to achieve the greatest effect, the Shanxi-Sui Army or the Shanxi areaIf it is completely in the hands of the Datong Party, the most convenient thing is to directly eliminate the Jinsui Army and then occupy the entire Shanxi.  However, the Datong Party is now holding high the anti-Japanese banner and starting a civil war without permission would be a slap in the face. This path no longer works. Finally, under Li Keji's reminder, the Party Central Committee decided to launch a financial war against the Shanxi-Sui Army and remove Yan Xishan.  After having his money bag, there is no need to worry about whether he will join the Datong Party.  For this war without gunpowder, the central government sent several economic experts, including Cheng Yun and Xi Zhongxun. Cheng Yun was the central economic expert, while Xi Zhongxun was a local and knew the inside of the Shanxi-Sui Army very well.  , able to unblock many joints, and has strong personal abilities. He is one of the main founders and leaders of the Northwest Base Area.  When Yan Xishan received the message from his subordinates that the Datong Party had come to contact him again, he was very nervous. He didn't know what the Datong Party was doing to come to him again this time. However, after reading the telegram, he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. The Datong Party was actually looking for him.  Business.  Yan Xishan naturally likes doing business very much. He has set up many factories in Shanxi and has a fairly good industrial foundation. He can barely maintain his own supply of weapons.  He has been very famous as a merchant in Kuching. Yan Xishan can also be regarded as a local rich man. Although he is a warlord, he has a strong sense of businessman. He likes to care about gains and losses in everything he does. Although he has no big results, he is still in trouble.  The warlords who survived in the melee relied on his business sense.  At this time, the Datong Party was obviously stronger than him. If the entire army came to attack, let alone his Shanxi-Sui Army, even the main force of the Central Army would not be able to stop it. Therefore, after the northwest encirclement and suppression campaign, he has been looking for a way out for himself.  way out.  The best way out is to switch to the Datong Party, but that is tantamount to making wedding clothes for others, and Yan Xishan, an old man, will definitely not do it.  But if they want to resist forcefully, they cannot stop the Datong Party with the force they have, so they can only ask for help from the outside. One is the Central Army and the other is the Northeast Army.  The Northeast Army was internally unstable and had too much time to take care of itself. Naturally, Yan Xishan could not rely on it and could only place his plans on the Central Army.  "It's a pity that after the Central Army's disastrous defeat in the Northwest Encirclement and Suppression Campaign, there were many internal contradictions within the Central Army, and the Guangxi and Guangdong cliques in Guangdong and Guangxi were dragging back. Chang Kaishen had no time to care about him, so he could only seek blessings for himself.  Unable to obtain foreign aid, Yan Xishan was even more afraid that the Datong Party would turn against him after stabilizing the northwest. However, what reassured him was that the Datong Party shouted "Stop the civil war and unite with the outside world" every day, so they should not initiate a civil war without authorization.  .  Just comparing his feelings with others, Yan Xishan is still not at ease with the Datong Party. After all, it is normal in China to shout one thing and do another. Who can guarantee that the Datong Party is not just shouting slogans for fun? After all, in the northwest encirclement and suppression campaign that just ended, Datong  The party was not lenient at all to the Northwest Three Horsemen and the Central Army, and directly wiped out the entire army of Hu Zongnan, who was known as the best in the world.  So when he received the telegram from the Datong Party that he wanted to do business with him, Yan Xishan was very puzzled. He couldn't understand why the Datong Party thought of doing business with him at this time, and he was ready to start the Northwest Encirclement and Suppression Campaign as soon as he opened his mouth.  The equipment seized were given to him at a low price, which made him reluctant to refuse.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: Thank you to the book friends "Legendary Little Figure" and "The Man Who Lives in the Sky" for the reward, and thank the book friend "Sacred Totem" for your monthly vote.
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